Chapter 1011

Lightning said faintly: "God will despise you for playing this kind of trick with a little girl! Well, let's gossip up to this point, for Diya's sake, you do your job and let Devinke go. Even if it's us The sky thorn owes you a favor." Hong Tao sighed a long time over there, and said helplessly: "You have said that, what else can I say? Hey, it seems that tonight is another sleepless night. It's night." Hearing what Hong Tao said, Lightning understood that Devinke's crisis was resolved.After changing the subject, Lightning asked, "A Tao, is there any result to the thing I asked you to do?"

"Shen Qihong?" Hong Tao asked, and said in a solemn tone: "It's really strange. My people have searched all the confidential files of the relevant departments but have not found this person. Maybe his relevant information has been placed in the confidential building. We I'm sending someone to investigate, and I'll let you know as soon as there's any news!" Lightning nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Then I'll leave it to you." Hong Tao smiled calmly, "What kind of talk is this, we don't need it! Well, I'm still busy with Devinke's business, time is running out, so let's end this call." After speaking, the two said goodbye to each other, and ended the call.

Now all the problems in the Middle East have basically been resolved, only the matter of Shen Qihong is left to make lightning stick in his throat.Every time he saw Shen Zhenxin's eager eyes, Lightning's heart would become very heavy.He understood that if he didn't find Shen Qihong for a day, he might not be able to face Shen Zhenxin calmly for a day.

Sighing, looking back to see Diya looking at him eagerly, Lightning smiled and said: "You heard it too, our people have already started to act, your parents should be fine." After hearing what Lightning said , Diya involuntarily let out a long breath, her heart snapped back into her stomach, she looked at Lightning gratefully, and said, "Thank you!" Lightning smiled and said, "You're welcome, it's all It's your parents' fate! Having such a beautiful and sensible daughter as you, and being liked by a fool here, hahaha..." Lightning's laughter made Di Ya's face a little shy , but Gao Feng's face was full of complacency.

While Lightning and his party were having dinner in a lively atmosphere, Devinke and Yass sat facing each other with sad faces in an aristocratic mansion in Washington, DC.The servant had already prepared a sumptuous dinner for the two of them, but it was a pity that the two of them had no interest in eating and could only watch helplessly as the food went cold.Just now, a general in the special forces of country M called Devinke and told him that Deya had sneaked into Saudi Arabia with a team of special forces. Hearing this news, Devinke and Yas almost The terrified soul flew away.Devinke was better, but Yass was on the verge of collapse.What happened to Alpha has already dealt a great blow to her, and now her only daughter Diya is in danger again, how can she bear it as a mother, her eyes are red and swollen from crying, and her expression is full of despair.

Devinke embraced Yass in his arms with great distress, and murmured comfortingly: "It's okay, it's okay, everything will pass..." In Devinke's arms, Yass felt better, Looking at Devinke with tears in his eyes, he asked worriedly: "Dia, she...she will be fine, right?" He is very clear about his feelings, and at the same time he also understands Diya's willfulness.He knew in his heart that if Di Ya went to Saudi Arabia, he would not give up easily if he did not cause his world to be turned upside down.After a pause, Devinke said resolutely: "Don't worry, no matter how much trouble our daughter caused, I will settle it for her. I already feel very guilty for not being able to save my father. I will never allow our daughter to Get hurt again!"

"Honey, will you blame me?" Yass looked up at Devink and asked affectionately.Devinke was stunned for a moment, "Blame you? Why should I blame you?" Yass said quietly, "It's all because of me that you have come to where you are today step by step. Sometimes I feel that I am too selfish, For my father, I would even sacrifice your future. I..." Devinke shook his head and said with a smile: "Silly girl, what are you talking about? Since the day you married me, Alpha is no longer just It's your father, and it's mine at the same time. Anything I do for him is voluntary, so don't blame yourself for it." The deep love from Devinke held Yas tightly Wrapped up, she felt unprecedented warmth and sweetness.I just feel that I am the happiest woman in the world.

Just when Yass was immersed in this deep love and couldn't extricate herself, the big clock in the living room rang twelve o'clock, which woke her up.Glancing at the clock, Yass said, "Tomorrow's meeting is extremely dangerous, so you should go to bed early. Recharge your batteries for tomorrow's fierce battle." Hearing what Yass said, Devinke gave a wry smile, Said: "Where will there be any fierce battles? The enemy is fierce and has already put me to death, so there will be no chance for me to fight back. Yass, I, the speaker, will be replaced by someone else tomorrow. At that time, I I'm no longer a political figure in country M, but an ordinary person from country M, will you still love me like you do now?"

Devinke's words shocked Yass, and he murmured and asked, "Is it really that serious? Aren't many of the members of the parliament are your good friends? Don't they not only don't give you a hand, but will Adding insult to injury?" Devinke shook his head with a wry smile and said: "It is said that politicians are a group of cold-blooded animals who only care about interests but not affection. I didn't believe it at first. I thought that as long as I give my heart, I will definitely be able to give my heart. Friends. But now, I have to admit that I was wrong. Those old friends of mine, they are avoiding me like the plague god. I have tried my best, but I... Really failed!"

Seeing the deep loneliness and disappointment in Devinke's eyes, Yass hugged him tightly, and said in a painful voice: "Don't be so dear, you still have me! No matter what you become, I won't Leave you." In this silent night, Yass and Devinke hugged each other tightly, until the dawn dawned in the east.Yass personally put on the suit for Devink, gently smoothed out a wrinkle on the suit, planted an affectionate kiss on his forehead, and said faintly: "No matter what happens, I will be with you Facing it, just like the oath I made at the wedding, regardless of poverty or wealth, health or disease, I will never leave you..." With Yass' sincere and affectionate words echoing in his ears, Devinke It was as if the sun had risen in my heart, bright and full of warmth.

Devinke had prepared for the worst and left his job.So his heart was calm at this time, just like usual, and there was no trace of tension on his face.He even hoped that the storm would come sooner, and he would go back to accompany Yass.But from the moment he stepped into the parliament hall, Devinke felt a strange atmosphere. "Hey, Devinke, you look good!" "Mr. Speaker, I think we need to talk about the issue of increasing Russia's military budget!" You don’t want to run away this time!”…Smiling faces came towards him one after another, it seemed that everyone had forgotten that the theme of today’s meeting was to terminate his authority as speaker.

Those old friends who had shunned him earlier all came back all of a sudden, greeting and laughing around him, making Devink's head feel a little confused.With Devonker in place, the council's agenda begins in earnest.Devinke took a look at the agenda, yes, the first item is to vote on whether to terminate his position as speaker.Devinke didn't say much, and immediately announced the start of voting.After a tense and serious voting and counting, the results came out quickly.There are a total of 786 members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and more than 700 votes agreed that Devinke will continue to serve as speaker.This was so different from Devinke's earlier expectations that he couldn't believe his eyes. He stared dumbfounded at the voting results on the big screen, trembling all over his body.

The applause sounded slowly, and then became more and more intense, and the entire parliament hall turned into a sea of ​​applause.Amidst the thunderous applause, Devinke slowly came back to his senses and swept around, only to see the congressmen standing up one after another, nodding to him, or applauding him, everyone's There is a smile on the face, although I don't know how much of the smile is true.Seeing all this, Devinke suddenly wanted to cry, and tears gradually filled his eyes. "Dwenk, Devink, Devink..." Rhythmic cheers sounded in the parliament hall, which was probably the first time in history since the building of this parliament hall.

Devinke was able to sit in the chair of the speaker, relying entirely on his own strength, which he paid for with sweat and hard work, so he cherishes all of this more than anyone else.When all this was about to be lost, it would be a lie to say that he was not sad.In order not to let Yas feel sad along with him, he could only pretend that everything didn't matter, but in fact, who knew how much pain his heart felt in the dead of night.Just when he was feeling desperate, everything suddenly turned around. This kind of excitement might not be understood by those who were not in it.

This day can be said to be the happiest day for Devinke, even happier than when he successfully ran for speaker.Amidst his repeated urgings to the driver, Devinke returned home.Hearing the roar of the car, Yass had already waited outside the house, ready to comfort Devinke's wounded heart as soon as possible.But when she saw Devinke jumped out of the car and rushed towards her with ecstasy, she was completely stunned, as if in a dream.Devinke just hugged her, couldn't help but said with tears in his eyes: "Honey, I said earlier that everything will be fine, God is always merciful..."

(End of this chapter)

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