Chapter 1016

Seeing that Devinke's eyes were filled with deep doubts, Deya smiled slightly and said, "By the way, when I introduced Gao Feng just now, I looked at and told you one thing..." "Deya! You..." Listen When Di Ya wanted to reveal her identity, Gao Feng was a little nervous and wanted to stop her.Diya waved her hands and said with a smile: "It's a family anyway, so there's nothing else to hide." After speaking, she said to Devinke and Yass: "Dad, Mom, let me tell you, in fact, Gao Feng Is a member of the Sky Spike!" "Sky Spike?" Yass felt a little confused, but Devinke was startled by the name, his face changed suddenly, he looked at Di Ya with some dumbfounded, and murmured He murmured and asked, "You... what you just said is true?"

Deya had expected Devinke to have such an expression, couldn't help but giggled, and said: "You have seen his skills, do you still have any doubts? So the method he told you just now, You can definitely consider it!" Devinke turned his head to look at Gao Feng in a daze, and said in shock: "I really can't believe that my daughter will have anything to do with the famous Sky Spike." Activities in the Middle East, but it can solve the complicated contradictions and solve the Middle East, which is known as a hotbed of terrorists. Although the world is big, how can it be impossible to go?

What's more, you must know that country M has spent a lot of manpower and financial resources in the Middle East, but the result is that the Middle East is turning into a mess, which is getting worse and worse. Speed ​​handles everything, and it cannot but be convincing. To a certain extent, the Sky Spike possesses more powerful energy than the government of country M.As a core member of country M's political group, one of Devinke's jobs is to master and understand all the organizations and forces in the world that could threaten the dominance of country M, and this day's assassin is one of them.However, the sky thorn's whereabouts are too secretive, and the dragon never sees the end. The M country government sent more than n intelligence personnel, but they failed to bring back even a trace of valuable information about the sky thorn.Devinke never dreamed that the mysterious sky thorn would appear in his living room one day and would soon become his son-in-law.One can imagine the complicated mood.

Gao Feng was somewhat embarrassed by Devinke's gaze, he laughed a few times, and said, "Look, I'm not an alien with two heads. Hehe..." Devinke said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm really curious. You know, you Skythorns are always known for being mysterious, so I..." Gao Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "It seems that you have studied our Skythorns before." German Ke looked up and said: "It's not just research, I have spent a lot of energy on your sky thorns. I have studied all the actions of your sky thorns in the Middle East, of course they are actions we know, I have to say , every action of yours is crazy, but at the same time extremely creative, so you will always get jaw-dropping results. I even bet that if the government of country M can do like you, maybe as early as ten years Before, the Middle East had returned to tranquility."

Hearing that Devinke gave Sky Spike such a high evaluation, he didn't seem to reject it, and Gao Feng couldn't help but feel relieved.You must know that country M has always regarded the Middle East as its own back garden, and has deployed its power wantonly.Many of Sky Spike's actions in the Middle East actually indirectly hit country M.The reason why Gao Feng was nervous about Diya revealing his identity was because he was afraid that the actions of Tianci would arouse Devinke's dissatisfaction, which would affect his relationship with Diya.But now it seems that his worries are unnecessary.

"Dad, I told you Gao Feng's identity in the hope that you would believe that what he said is feasible, can you stop talking endlessly? The problem we are studying now is how to deal with the threat from Rocky!" Deya saw Devinke seemed to have a lot of questions to ask Gao Feng, and said with a little dissatisfaction.With some reluctance, Devinke swallowed the question that was on his lips.Said: "Actually, I know what Gao Feng said is indeed a method, but this method first requires a strong and trustworthy person. Such a person is hard to find!"

"What are you looking for? Isn't Gao Feng the most suitable candidate? Competent and experienced!" Di Ya pointed at Gao Feng and said crisply. "Me?" Diya's words surprised Gao Feng.Devinke also admitted in his heart that Gao Feng is indeed the most suitable candidate for this task, but he still has doubts in his heart. The so-called people who are not from our tribe must have a different heart!If Gao Feng, a Chinese man, is allowed to rule the underworld forces in the United States, will he really cooperate with the government of country M in the future?Now the Huaxia Federation has already caused the government of country M a headache. If the underworld forces led by Gao Feng are added, one white and one black, then the country M may really be decided by the Chinese people.

"Dia, don't be joking. Even if my uncle agrees with me to do this, I'm afraid the president of country M won't be willing. Besides, I'm a Chinese who wants to rule the gangsters in the United States. Even the bosses of the gang will not obey me!" Gao Feng said calmly.Devinke interjected: "Gao Feng is right, Deya, don't be too imaginative!" Diya said with a pretty face, "I didn't say let Gao Feng become the ultimate godfather of the United States, what I mean is With his assistance, we don’t have to bother to find someone who is both strong and trustworthy. Anyone who is similar can be competent. If he is not strong enough, Gao Feng can help him to the top. If one day this person turns bad , is no longer worthy of trust, Gao Feng can also get rid of him.” Then, he turned his head to look at Gao Feng and said, “Haven’t your Sky Spikes always done this in the Middle East?”

Hearing Diya's words, Devinke's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "This is a good way, but I don't know if Gao Feng is willing to help us with this? Besides, I'm afraid it won't work in a day or two. If it is done, maybe Gao Feng will stay in country M for a long time and cannot go back to the Middle East." Before Gao Feng could speak, Di Ya rushed to answer for him: "Of course he is willing. Besides, I am in country M , why does he want to go back to the Middle East? Isn’t it, my dear!” As she said, Di Ya pressed a kiss on Gao Feng’s face tenderly.Gao Feng smiled wryly and said, "I have to ask Boss Lightning for instructions on this matter."

Deya nodded and said: "It should be. Why don't you ask for instructions now, and we can start the layout earlier. Rocky has already come to the door. If we don't act quickly, it will be too late !” After thinking about it, Gao Feng got up and went to call Lightning.Hearing Gao Feng's report for the first time, Lightning couldn't help but startled, and said dumbfoundingly: "Stinky boy, I want you to go to M Guoshi to meet your mother-in-law, but I didn't make you trouble. Good guy, the gangsters in the United States, this project But it's not at all easier than our pacification of the Middle East, you have to think about it!"

Gao Feng said slowly: "I have already thought about it. If I really succeed, it will be a great thing for our country. First, country M is a hard-hit area for international crimes. If country M is stable, yes The stability of the whole world is beneficial. Second, in the process of integrating the gangsters in country M, I will cultivate my own strength and increase the influence of our Chinese people on country M. This is also a good thing for Chinese in the United States!" Lightning pondered for a while, and finally made a decision, saying, "Just do what you want, but you must pay attention to your own safety. If you need it, ask Hong Tao for help. In addition, I will send a small team of sky thorns to M The country supports you. In a word, do your best if you want to do it, and you must not fall into the prestige of my sky thorn!" Gao Feng straightened his body and responded loudly: "Yes! Boss, I will not let you down!"

When Gao Feng was talking to Lightning, Yasi asked Diya, "Diya, tell mom the truth, are you the one who made the terrorist attack at the public trial?" Diya put her finger between her lips and hissed , said in a low voice: "This is a secret, please don't tell it." "It's really you?" Although Diya was sitting beside him, Yas couldn't help but screamed in fear.Di Ya hurried forward and covered her mouth, and said anxiously: "Didn't you say that you would keep it a secret! You want everyone in the world to know, right?"

Yasi pulled Diya's hand away, and asked anxiously and confusedly, "If you really did it, why are you sitting here? Tell me what happened!" Seeing that it was impossible to hide it any longer, Ya narrated the situation in detail, especially when she was in a desperate situation, feeling hopeless, Gao Feng suddenly turned against Du Ziji, and rescued her. Bingmao danced with her hands and feet, making the hearts of Yass and Devinke follow her gestures up and down, ups and downs, and let out a few whispers from time to time.

"So, Gao Feng actually saved you?" Devinke looked at Diya and asked.Diya nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, if it wasn't for Gao Feng, I would have been executed with those mercenaries now!" Devinke suddenly sighed, shook his head and said, "It seems that the sky thorn is in the Middle East. The influence has reached its peak, and even powerful figures like Du Ziji have been suppressed. It seems that our M country really won't do anything in the Middle East." Deya nodded and said: "Of course! Now The Middle East is completely in the hands of Tianci. It is fine for the people of M country to do business in the Middle East honestly. If they want to be as domineering and unscrupulous as before, then they are really not far from death. .”

"Diya..." Yasi had no intention of talking about the topic they were talking about, and suddenly called softly, looking at Diya with deep sadness in his eyes.Deya knew Yas better. Seeing her expression at this moment, she immediately understood what she was thinking. She gently held Yas's hand and said, "Mom, grandpa has indeed done a lot in his life. If something goes wrong, it is expected that there will be today. But you can rest assured, thanks to the gods, although grandpa has lost his freedom, his life is very comfortable now. He has special people to take care of him, and he will not suffer a little bit .And Du Ziji has promised, as long as we want, we can visit grandpa anytime!"

(End of this chapter)

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