The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1045 Golden Dragon Banner

Chapter 1045 Golden Dragon Banner

Gao Feng's self-confidence was extremely contagious, and Harder's heart couldn't help but cheer up, and his obese body trembled slightly because of the excitement.

"But having said that, after you join us, you are not allowed to cheat on others, it will embarrass us!"

Gao Feng changed the subject and said it half seriously and half jokingly, but everyone burst into laughter.Accompanied by the burst of laughter, Pike no longer hated Harder, and stretched out his hand and said, "Hader, we don't know each other. If we work together to fight the world, we will be good brothers!" Harder nodded repeatedly. He nodded and said, "That's right! Definitely!" Seeing the two shaking hands and making peace, Gao Feng smiled happily.

Country M is a country where guns are rampant. On average, one and a half out of every two people owns a gun.Arms dealers are everywhere, and there are so many of them. Basically, the bigger gangs have their own arms business, but the difference is in size.With the acceleration of the expansion of the Three-t Party, while annexing other gangsters, they will naturally accept the arms business of other gangsters at the same time, and will not let go of this sweet cake.If it is in China, Gao Feng may categorically put an end to the sale of arms, drugs, etc., because this will affect the foundation of the country.But it's different in country M, Gao Feng has less worries, as long as he can make money, he doesn't care about anything.In addition, if Gao Feng destroys the underground arms trading network in country M, it will undoubtedly cause the arms tycoons in country M and the world to lose the largest market in country M and cut off their financial resources. Bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.Therefore, the underground arms trade must continue to exist. Since it cannot be eradicated, it is necessary to find a way to control it, so the importance of Harder has become obvious.

When Gao Feng heard about Hader's name and his deeds, Gao Feng had a faint feeling that this man could not be killed.First of all, Harder is smart and capable, otherwise Medellin would not have chosen him to control Washington's underground arms trade.In addition, Harder has experience and connections. With him, Parker, a layman, will benefit endlessly in terms of arms.No matter from which aspect, it is most appropriate for Harder to be in charge of the arms business for the future Klan.

Of course, Harder also has his own problems, that is, he is too greedy, otherwise he would not want to eat black people.Greed is human nature, to be precise, it is a bad root, if it is not controlled well, it will not only bring endless harm to others, but also bring harm to oneself one day sooner or later.So now in Gao Feng's eyes, Harder is not only a double-edged sword, he is not only an indispensable figure of the Tri-T Party, but also the biggest hidden danger of the Tri-T Party.

"Brother Feng, where are we going?" Pike stretched his waist. He didn't sleep well and didn't eat well all day in the police station. He was a little tired. ~ Gao Feng took a look at him and said: "I have gathered all the brothers together by Xia En, and they are waiting for us in the bar now!"

Pike frowned and said, "Brother Feng, you have gathered all the brothers together. What are you going to do?" Gao Feng smiled and said, "Don't ask, you will know when you get there!" There was nothing to say all the way, and the group quickly I came to the bar of the Three T Party.After the bar was bombed, it looked like a mess, and a construction team was doing reconstruction work.In the bar, a large clean area was found, and Shane and the members of the Klan were waiting there anxiously.

"Hahaha, brothers, I'm back!" Pike rushed in impatiently, raised his hands to the sky, and shouted with a loud laugh. "Pike!" Seeing that it was Pike, Xia En felt a surge of excitement, and rushed into Pike's arms like a gust of wind, hugging his waist tightly and never letting go.Knowing that Xia En had been worrying about him all night, Pike felt both distressed and relieved. He stroked Xia En's back and comforted him softly: "Honey, haven't I come back now? Well, don't worry about me anymore .”

That night, everyone in the Tri-T Party read the report and said they were not worried, which was bullshit.Few of them even thought that Parker would still have a chance to walk out of the police station, which is why the atmosphere just now was so dull and depressing.Suddenly seeing Parker appearing at this time, the excitement and excitement are beyond words, and the small bar is filled with cheers like a wave.Serrad and other brothers who were taken into the police station with Pike were thrown into the sky at the same time.

Looking at the commotion of the crowd, Gao Feng was full of hope for the Trinity.This is an excellent group that is not lacking in passion, but at the same time has a strong emotional bond with each other.Although it is small, but because everyone is tightly hugged together, it can arouse extremely powerful fighting power.Although the road to the future has just taken the first step, Gao Feng is fully foreseeable. In the future, this will undoubtedly be a group that is good at creating miracles.Gao Feng was faintly excited, feeling a little impatient. After cheering, Pike looked at Gao Feng with a smile and said, "Brother Feng, can you tell me what's going on now?" Harder, who was a little lonely and dazed, stretched out his hand to recruit him to his side, leaned on his shoulder, and said to Pike: "Why don't you introduce our new members first?"

Gao Feng showed Harder in front of everyone with such a high profile, not only because he valued Harder, but more importantly, he wanted to let everyone, including Parker, understand through Harder that tolerance is great!If the Three T Party wants to truly grow into a super organization that spans the entire M, it must be able and good at accepting new blood.

Unity does not mean exclusion. It is also an indispensable quality for a team to allow a new member to quickly integrate into his united team.Seeing Gao Feng's wink, Pike felt sorry, walked over and brought Hadra in front of everyone, and said loudly: "Brothers, this is Hader. Our arms expert, he will also be our brother in the future. Everyone knows Let's go!" As soon as Pike's voice fell, Serad looked at him with a smile first, and said in a rough voice: "I'm Serrad!" "I'm Mike!" "I'm..." Serrad took the lead , the members of the Three T Party began to introduce themselves to Harder one by one.

The voices came and went in an endless stream.Although it was impossible for Harder to memorize these names one by one, let alone match the name with the person, Harder was more excited than ever.In the Hells Angels, it was an organization with strict hierarchical boundaries.Among them, authority is far greater than emotion.Although Harder is in charge of all the arms transactions of the Hells Angels, his status in the Hells Angels is not as high as imagined.Medellin, who advocates force, believes in generals like Marcus, and in his eyes, Harder is just a good money-making tool.Therefore, among Hell's Angels, Harder, who is superficially beautiful, secretly suffers humiliation and helplessness.

However, in the Three T Party, Harder felt a completely different emotional atmosphere, which made him have to admit that he liked it here, like a freed soul, unrestrained.He faintly felt that what Gao Feng said was right, that choosing to join the Tri-T Party was the wisest decision in his life.A simple introduction, although Harder could not fully integrate into the group, but at least it started a good start, which is already satisfied with Gao Feng.Nodded, looked at Xia En, and asked: "Xia En, have my things been delivered?" Xia En snorted, and hurried to carry a sealed povi box, and said: "This cardboard box has already been delivered." It was delivered, I almost forgot."

"Brother Feng, what is this?" Pike looked at the cardboard box curiously and asked.The corners of Gao Feng's mouth slightly pulled up, and he murmured two words, "Totem!"

Gao Feng ignored him, took the cardboard box from Xia En, and slowly cut the tape that sealed the box.For some reason, Pike's heart tightened suddenly, as if he had a premonition of something, his face became serious.The expressions of Serad and the others were not much different.Pairs of curious and dignified eyes stared closely at the slowly opened cardboard box.

The moment the cardboard box was opened, Pike's heart skipped a beat, and he seemed to see a bloody light mixed with golden light rising into the sky.Rubbing his eyes hastily, he looked intently, only to find a blood-red flag neatly stacked in the cardboard box.Gao Feng took a step back, and said to Pike: "Go, take it out, and unfold it!" Perhaps because Gao Feng's voice seemed suspicious, Pike was involuntarily infected, as if he was about to do a very sacred thing Generally, his face is full of solemnity and solemnity.

Holding the blood-red flag out of the cardboard box with both hands, Pike felt as if he was holding a mountain, which was heavy.This is probably the power of the totem, the power of the spirit. "Serrad!" Gao Feng shouted at Serrad, who came back to his senses and hurried forward a few steps to Pike's side.Take the other corner of the flag and pull it slowly.This big flag with the same bright color as blood began to slowly unfold in front of everyone.When the flag was fully unfolded, a bright golden color appeared in front of everyone.It was a kind of golden color that was like Buddha's light, full of sacred aura, like blazing sunlight, which could penetrate into people's hearts directly through people's eyes.

However, the golden color is only second, and what makes people feel more excited is the golden-clawed dragon entrenched in the center of the blood-red banner, with its head soaring to the sky.Western dragons are different from eastern dragons. Western dragons symbolize evil, so they are ferocious and terrifying. However, Chinese dragons symbolize nobility and status, so they are majestic and sacred.It was the first time for Pike to see a Huaxia dragon, and his heart couldn't help shaking. He couldn't help being overwhelmed by the demeanor and majesty of that golden dragon, and his face showed a look of reverence.Not only him, but Serrad and the others also had the same expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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