The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1063 The Evil Star Li Xiaogang

Chapter 1063 The Evil Star Li Xiaogang

The coercion ten times stronger than the peak was released, and what weighed on their hearts was no longer a huge rock, but a towering mountain.It seemed that they could be crushed to pieces in an instant, and they could never stand up again.

The same question lingered in Nancy's mind, lingering like a ghost. "I knew that the Golden Dragon Gang would not be so simple..." Nancy watched Li Xiaogang coming out of the darkness, and murmured repeatedly.Her mood at this time could no longer be described as excitement. It was such a complicated and exciting mood that her heart could hardly bear it.The male police officer asked blankly: "Nancy, how do you know that he is a member of the Golden Dragon Gang? What if he is a member of the Hell's Angels?"

Nancy shook her head vigorously, and said with shortness of breath, "No, no! You can tell by looking at Marcus's face. Would his face be so ugly if he was a Hell's Angel? Look Come on, evil comes with evil, and Marcus's retribution is coming!" The more Nancy said, the more excited she became, her little face was flushed, which was really cute.

Almost instinctively, the Hells Angels thugs who could still stand gave up Gao Feng one after another and turned their attention to Li Xiaogang.Reason told them that Li Xiaogang was more terrifying than death.In front of the Hell Angels thugs, Li Xiaogang stood still.The slender body turned out to be so stalwart, like an unclimbable peak, even more like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, cold and radiant, with a menacing edge.

Facing Li Xiaogang, Marcus not only trembled physically, but also trembled in heart and soul.Staring blankly at Li Xiaogang, Marcus murmured and asked, "You... who are you? Think about what you want to do?" Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and shot out a few sharp blade-like rays from them. It made Marcus' heart tremble as if cutting through his heart.

"Who are you?" Li Xiaogang spoke, his voice seemed to come from the Nine Serenity Hell, and people shivered from the cold.Marcus swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva vigorously, and bravely said, "I... am Marcus of the Hell's Angels. I advise you... it's better not to cause trouble for yourself!" Marcus also said Before finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang waved his hand fiercely, and the two were separated by several feet, but Marcus, like a baseball being knocked into the air, followed Li Xiaogang's gesture, screamed and fell down.The cheeks were bulging high, five finger prints were clearly visible, and the teeth in his mouth were loose a lot.

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said faintly: "No one has dared to talk to me like this before, you are looking for death!" Li Xiaogang raised his hand, and Marcus, known as the number one general of the Hell's Angels, flew out.What kind of power is this?Everyone was stunned, looking at Li Xiaogang more and more full of fear.Marcus almost passed out from the pain, spat out a mouthful of blood, struggled to stand up from the ground, stared at Li Xiaogang, and said in a deep voice: "Whether you are a human or a devil, today you want to leave alive." "Hahaha ..." Hearing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a long laugh, full of majestic laughter, splitting clouds and cracking stones, shaking everyone's hearts with a chill.Suddenly, Li Xiaogang stopped laughing, stared at Marcus with sharp eyes, and said gloomyly: "Do you think you can leave alive? Anyone who hurts my brother must die!"

Li Xiaogang's words made Marcus's heart shudder, but it made Pike and others feel relieved, and they couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief. They were glad that such a terrible person like Li Xiaogang was not an enemy, but a friend.Marcus never dreamed that this evening would end like this.Bringing a thousand thugs, it was supposed to wipe out the Golden Dragon Gang easily, but in Gao Feng's hands alone, five hundred brothers were lost.Finally, with all the effort, Gao Feng was about to be dealt with, and a mysterious man who looked ten times more vicious than Gao Feng appeared out of thin air. It seemed that tonight was going to be a difficult day up.

Marcus toughened his scalp and shouted in a low voice: "If you can smooth one, you can smooth two. Just use your skills! Go!" Marcus's voice fell, and the remaining [-] hell Angel's thugs, each with a bit of fear, approached Li Xiaogang cautiously.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and was about to make a move, when he suddenly heard Gao Feng calling from behind the Hell Angels thugs: "Brother Gang!"

However, at this moment, like a spirit fox, Marcus moved towards Gao Feng's back with agility and vigor, and the dagger in his hand was shining coldly, stabbing straight at Gao Feng.

Seeing such a dangerous scene, Pike let out a shocking roar. Because of his anger, his hair stood up one by one, but he was too far away from the peak, and it was impossible to rescue him. He couldn't help but let out a tearful roar, "Marcus, I'll go to your mother!" At this moment, Marcus's mind was full of killing Gao Feng and making up for it.Otherwise, even if he could leave alive today, he would be killed by Medellin even if he lost so many brothers all at once without any results!
However, although his wishful thinking was sound, it was useless after all. Facing Li Xiaogang, everything he did was in vain.Just when the dagger in his hand had touched Gao Feng's skin, and he could pierce it in with a little more force, his body suddenly became stiff, as if he had been immobilized, unable to move.

This sudden change made Marcus frantically startled, and large drops of sweat fell down from his forehead like a fountain.Marcus held his breath and tried his best to control his body with all his strength, but the result was that the cow fell into the sea and there was no response.People who have not experienced this feeling of not being able to control their own body will not be able to understand the terrifying Li Xiaogang walking towards Marcus step by step with a cold murderous aura on his body.Marcus was aware of a strong sense of crisis, and suddenly felt it, as if he saw the scythe of death waving down at him.Fear arose spontaneously, and Marcus yelled hoarsely, "Damn, what did you do to me!? You devil, let me go!" Marcus's roar was shrill and full of despair, making everyone who heard it cry He couldn't help but wonder what Marcus was going through at this time.Li Xiaogang didn't speak, but his face became colder and his eyes became colder.

"Stop him! Block him!" Seeing Li Xiaogang approaching him non-stop, Marcus was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out, and he couldn't wait to roar loudly.Five hundred Hell's Angels thugs attacked Li Xiaogang at the same time.

There are roaring sword lights everywhere, and there are crazy roars all over the sky...

The Hell's Angel's offensive was like a frenzy, but Li Xiaogang stood still like a mountain.Seeing that the army of hell angels was about to overwhelm it, suddenly a strange gust of wind swept past, and the five hundred hell angels seemed to be frozen, each of them fixed on the spot in different postures, like ice sculptures and wax statues, Except for breathing, every muscle in their body lost control.The pain that Marcus was experiencing fell on each of them, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, watching helplessly as the butcher approached them step by step.

Fear made them want to open their mouths and shout, but no matter what, they couldn't make the slightest sound.Drops of cold sweat oozed from their foreheads, and then gathered into a stream, flowing down their cheeks slowly.This moment is destined to become a nightmare that they will never wake up from in their lives.Li Xiaogang's face was as cold as ice, and although his footsteps were slow, he seemed to have some kind of supernatural power. He caught everyone's eyes so hard that people couldn't look away from him, "You scum, go to hell!"

Li Xiaogang suddenly let out a low shout, and suddenly opened his hands and ten fingers, and powerful and turbulent palm winds flew out.Under everyone's gaze, those Hell Angel's thugs seemed to be made of feathers and paper, without any weight. They were just swept up into the sky by Li Xiaogang's palm, and then fell from the sky like dumplings. When they got down, they smashed the roof, the window, and made a mess around them.

Faced with all this, Pike, Serrad and the rest of the Golden Dragon Gang brothers were all stunned.After a long while, Serrad poked Pike lightly with a face full of horror, and asked nah, "You... did you see it? Just now... this can't be a hallucination, right?" Pike looked down. With a glance, a Hell's Angel thug who had been exhaling more and less inhaling happened to land at his feet, and said in a trembling voice with the same anxiety: "I always thought that Brother Feng was the most powerful in the world, but I didn't expect that he ...He is actually more powerful than Brother Feng. Just raised his hand, and 500 people were thrown into the sky like this. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would believe it..."

"Is this still human? Is this a movie?" At the same time, Nancy was completely stunned, staring at Li Xiaogang's back with a pair of beautiful eyes, holding back this sentence for a long time.The male police officer beside her was even more stunned, as if in a dream.Her ears were buzzing, but she couldn't hear what Nancy was saying.Compared to the astonishment of Nancy, Pike and others, Marcus should describe it as fear, and the element of fear is far greater than surprise.Marcus didn't know how ugly his face was at this moment. If he looked in the mirror at this moment, he might not even recognize himself.

The [-] subordinates he brought were settled by the two Huaxia people in this way. In his heart, the Huaxia people had become synonymous with the devil, a devil he could not afford to provoke.Li Xiaogang didn't even look at those Hell Angels thugs who were scattered all over the ground. He stared closely at Marcus with a pair of cold eyes, as if he was hungry and met delicious food. His eyes were like knives. Seeing the sword, Marcus raised his heart high, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Under his horrified gaze, Li Xiaogang came to him, stretched out his hand, and gently took the knife in his hand.Playing with the sharp dagger in his hand a few times, Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and suddenly pressed the sharp and cold tip of the knife against Marcus' throat.A chill came, and Marcus's heart trembled wildly, and cold sweat burst out from every pore all over his body.The corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth slightly tugged, revealing a icy smile, and said faintly: "You like killing people very much, don't you? Do you know what it feels like when a person is facing death?"

(End of this chapter)

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