The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1065 Either God or Satan

Chapter 1065 Either God or Satan

Facing this spectacle that seemed to only appear in a dream, Pike couldn't help pinching his cheek hard. The intense pain made him grit his teeth. This is true, undoubtedly true.

"Boss, I... what did I see?" Serad asked in a whisper as his breathing became short and his voice became erratic.Pike said nah, "Don't ask me, because I don't know either."

"I knew, Brother Feng is definitely not an ordinary person!" Xia En's eyes were full of reverence, and his face was full of pride and pride.

About half an hour later, the purple light began to fade slowly, gradually getting lighter, and finally disappeared without a trace like snow in the sun.When the last ray of purple light faded away, Pike and the others felt relaxed, but at the same time, another feeling of incomparable excitement and anticipation burst forth spontaneously, and everyone's eyes turned to the small cubicle , breathing became short of breath a little bit, everyone was looking forward to the moment when a miracle happened!
"Hahaha!" Suddenly, a hearty laughter that they were extremely familiar with soared into the sky, and everyone's hearts seemed to be carried into the sky by this laughter.The door of the compartment was slowly pushed open, and Gao Feng's slender and well-proportioned figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.If the exposed chest was intact, all the hideous and fatal wounds just now disappeared, as if he had never been injured at all.Although faintly, Pike had already expected this to happen, but when all this really happened, he still couldn't help being shocked in his heart, and his eyes fell on Gao Feng, full of unbelievable surprise.

"Brother Feng! Xia En let out an exclamation, rushed towards Gaofeng, stroked Gaofeng's smooth and tight skin like marble, and kept muttering in his mouth: "Oh my god, it's all healed, even a little scar is gone." It's incredible that it didn't stay. "Xia En's childlike curious expression made Gao Feng a little dumbfounded, and he said lightly: "Let go, Xia En, in front of your boyfriend, how dare you eat another man's tofu so blatantly? "

"'s okay, Brother Feng, you're not a man!" Xia En said with a crisp smile, Gao Feng frowned, and said in a deep voice, "What? You say I'm not a man?" Xia En smiled brighter and said: " Of course you are not a man, you are God of War! Overwhelming the Hell Angels, Megatron Washington’s God of War! Your bravery will be written into the legend, brother Feng, the word man is no longer enough to describe you.”

Xia En's words made Gao Feng laugh endlessly, and couldn't help pinching her little nose lightly, and said with a smile: "When did our Xia En learn to flatter? But, you flattered me It's really comfortable. Well, I'll teach you a few tricks and let you clean up Pike!" "Yeah! Brother Feng, you are so kind!" Xia En cheered and pecked Gao Feng's face fiercely. Take a sip.

Pike came over with a bitter face and complained: "It's not fair! Brother Feng, it's not fair at all. Why do you reward her but punish me? I'm innocent!" Gao Feng snorted He squinted at Pike, and said leisurely: "Stinky boy, how dare you say you are innocent? I am about to be hacked to death, but you are still standing aside watching the show. Just for this, I just want to smash your brains out!"

Pike's expression became even more bitter, and he said full of grievances: "Brother Feng, but you gave us a strict order, we are not allowed to go forward without your request! How can you blame me now, Gao Feng didn't wait for him to say After finishing, he interrupted him angrily: "Are you so obedient to me?Then I let you eunuch yourself, why don't you go? "

Pike was stunned by Gao Feng's question, speechless in a daze.Seeing Pike's embarrassed expression, Gao Feng suddenly turned his anger into a smile, patted Pike on the shoulder and said "Thank you!"

"Ah?" Gao Feng's thank you, stunned Parker, his face was full of confusion and puzzlement, wondering whether his ears had auditory hallucinations.Gao Feng smiled and said: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, and let me have a good time. I dreamed that I could fight a group of thieves with one enemy and one thousand in the battlefield! It's a pity that I have nothing at all. Opportunity. In the past, when the enemy just appeared, they would be divided up by those violent lunatics. You can’t enjoy it every time. You don’t know how depressed I am!” Gao Feng remembered that when he was in the sky, the enemy often Most of it has been dropped, and I feel a little depressed in my heart.

Pike couldn't feel Gao Feng's feeling now, so his eyes became more confused.

"Hey, Gao Feng, aren't you going to introduce your children to me?" Li Xiaogang said while leaning against the door frame and looking at everyone with a smile.At this time, Li Xiaogang looked mediocre, with a smile on his face, how could it be the same Li Xiaogang who was like ice and ghosts and ghosts just now.Two different temperaments can change instantly in one person, which is probably only possible for Li Xiaogang who possesses the supernatural power of a female snail.At this time, Li Xiaogang exudes a unique charm and demeanor with a strong attraction all over his body, making people want to get close to him unconsciously.

Gao Feng smiled slightly, pointed at Pike and said, "This is Pike! He is the leader of the Golden Dragon Gang, and also the ultimate godfather of the M country in the future, the king of the underground. Brother Gang, this kid, although he is not yet a weapon, has unlimited potential, as long as he works hard Development, one day he will burst out with a stunning light!"

Gao Feng made no secret of his admiration for Pike in his heart, although in front of Pike, he felt a little smug.Li Xiaogang squinted his eyes and looked up and down Pike. Pike subconsciously puffed up his chest, as if he was a soldier being inspected by a general.

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said quietly: "It's very good! Gao Feng, your eyesight is very good." Gao Feng looked at Pike with a smile, and said slowly: "Actually, it wasn't me who first fell in love with him, I I found him after hearing his recommendation." Hearing Gao Feng's words, Pike looked a little curious, and couldn't help asking, "Who is that guy, Brother Feng?"

Gao Feng smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this for the time being, but you will know one day!" After finishing speaking, Gao Gao pointed to Li Xiaogang and said, "Now I would like to introduce to you, this is my boss , Brother Gang!"

"Boss?" Gao Feng's address to Li Xiaogang made Parker and others feel a little awkward, but at the same time, it made them realize that Gao Feng seemed to belong to a huge organization, and there seemed to be many more people in this organization than Gao. Bees are more powerful beings.This filled Parker with curiosity and tension.

Curiosity is because he is eager to know what kind of organization Gao Feng belongs to, and nervousness is because he is afraid that this organization is too large, far beyond what he can bear.No one wants to be a puppet, and Pike is no exception.He wants to be a godfather, but he is a godfather who doesn't need others to point fingers.What he yearns for is cooperation, even with Gao Feng.However, cooperation must be based on equality. If Gao Feng is too powerful, such cooperation will become meaningless.

Gao Feng didn't know what Parker was thinking right now. Li Xiaogang's sudden appearance made him too excited. Once people's emotions are excited, they will naturally become careless and ignore many things.However, Gao Feng didn't care, but it doesn't mean that Li Xiaogang didn't notice Pike's strangeness.He took a deep look at Pike, but didn't point it out.After all, he still doesn't understand all this, and he needs Gao Feng to clarify his doubts.

Outside the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Gang, the support force of the Washington Police finally arrived, this time led by Hansen himself.When he came to the scene, Hansen couldn't help being surprised by what he saw. He saw that the scene was a mess, and there were Hell Angels thugs lying everywhere.The injuries vary in severity, but they are all extremely miserable.However, among them, there was not a single member of the Golden Dragon Gang, which made Hansen full of doubts and puzzles.You must know that the strength of the Golden Dragon Gang is vastly different from that of the Hell's Angels. Even if the Golden Dragon Gang can win with all their strength, the result must be very tragic.Even if the entire army is not wiped out, I am afraid that the elite will be wiped out.But none of the members of the Golden Dragon Gang were injured, so all of this seemed weird.

Hansen turned his head and searched for Nancy and the male police officer who asked for help, but found that there was only the male police officer, and Nancy was gone. Hansen's heart suddenly became tense...

Hansen turned his head and searched for Nancy and the male police officer who had asked for leather aid, but found that there was only the male police officer, and Nancy was gone. Hansen suddenly became nervous.Senhao is an old man with a bad temper. It would be strange if he knew that something happened to Nancy under his hands and he flattened his police station without leading the army!After finding the male police officer in a hurry, Hansen opened his mouth and asked, "Where is Nancy? Isn't she with you?"

With a bit of helplessness and bitterness, the male police officer explained how Nancy left him and left alone.After hearing this, Hansen was very annoyed. He gave him a hard look and shouted, "You idiot, why don't you follow her? She is getting angry now, what if something happens?"

The bitterness on the male police officer's face was even stronger, and he said full of grievances: "Chief, she is Nancy, a tigress! When she is angry, you are the only one who dares to provoke her!" The male police officer looked Usually, I didn't suffer less from Nancy, turned around and glanced around, and found that Nancy hadn't come back, so I dared to whisper that she was a tigress.Hansen obviously knew that the male police officer was telling the truth, so he frowned and didn't blame him anymore.Glancing at the scene, he asked, "What's going on here? More than 1000 people have been knocked down by the Hell's Angels. What about the Golden Dragon Gang? How many casualties did they have? Why didn't you see any of them here?"

The male police officer said in a low voice: "Chief, you will not believe it. No one from the Golden Dragon Gang was killed, oh, only one was injured!" Hansen shouted in disbelief: "Do you think I am a fool? Unless God Shake your fist yourself, otherwise two people can even out 1000 people, do you think you're writing a novel?" Hansen's roar became louder and louder.

The male police officer had an expression that I had expected a long time ago, and he didn't intervene, pleading, and just stood there quietly, listening to Hansen's roar.When Hansen was tired and calmed down, the male police officer murmured, "If God didn't shake his fist, then it would be Satan. In short, what I said is true."

(End of this chapter)

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