The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1068 1 Silk Hope

Chapter 1068

After a while of knocking on the door, the major pushed Shen Qihong in, saluted Dale, and said loudly: "General, I have invited you over, Mr. Shen." Dale said hoarsely: "Thank you, Mr. Major You can go out." After dismissing the major, Dale turned his seat, turned to face Shen Qihong, looked at him and said quietly: "Mr. Shen, it seems that your complexion is not very good." Shen Qihong sneered With a loud voice, he said, "Your complexion is even worse!" Dale frowned, with a trace of anger flashing in his eyes, his voice became cold, and he said gloomyly, "Isn't this all thanks to your fault?"

Dale's words caused confusion to flash across Shen Qihong's face, and he asked coldly: "You arrested our family at such a late hour, what's the matter? If you let me listen to your inexplicable nonsense, then I'm not interested in anything! You'd better let us go back to sleep." Dale snorted coldly, turned to the topic, and said, "I invite you to come tonight because I want you to do us a little favor."

Shen Qihong said sarcastically: "Let me help? really know how to joke. You have thousands of troops, and you still need my help?"

Dale said lightly: "Even if I have thousands of troops, I'm afraid I can't compare to your golden mouth!" He said, picked up a photo of Hong Tao from the table in front of him, and sent it to Shen Qihong , asked: "Do you know this person?" Shen Qihong glanced at the photo, and quickly replied: "I don't know!" Dale frowned and said: "Mr. Shen, even if you don't look at God's For the sake of your wife and children, it is also for the sake of your wife and children. Seriously, do you know this person?" Shen Qihong frowned, with anger in his eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "If you dare If you hurt Serena and the others, I will make you pay the worst price!"

Dale said coldly, "If you don't want them to have something to do, you have to cooperate with us and tell the truth! Do you know him?" Shen Qihong looked at the photo seriously, shook his head and said, "No I know!" "Are you sure?" Dale's eyes were full of doubts.Shen Qihong frowned, and said: "I have been imprisoned by you for ten years. I'm afraid you know better than me who I have met in these ten years! This young man looks like he is in his twenties. I was just a child a year ago, how could I know him?"

Dell was taken aback for a moment, realized that what Shen Qihong said was reasonable, threw the photo aside, and said, "It doesn't matter whether you know him or not, it doesn't matter now, anyway, he is in our hands now, It's hard to protect myself, let alone save you!" "Save me?" Dale's words surprised Shen Qihong, and he looked at Dale in surprise.Dell leaned comfortably on the soft sofa cushions, and said slowly: "To tell you the truth, this person, and these two" Dell pointed to the other photos on the table, and said with interest: "It's all night. The uninvited guest who broke into the small town!" Thinking of the fighting sounds heard that night, Shen Qihong's heart moved, and he asked subconsciously: "Could it be that the fighting sounds at night are..."

"That's right, we did spend a lot of effort to catch these people. I'm afraid you heard some movement." Dale confirmed Shen Qihong's guess.Shen Qihong asked full of confusion: "How do you know they are here to save me?" Dale said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, you are a famous scientist, you should be smarter than most people, why are you so slow now? ?Didn't you see that all these people are Chinese people like you? In our small town, you are probably the only Chinese people? They are not coming for you, but who are they coming for? "

Just now, Shen Qihong was only interested in being angry, but he didn't care about it. After Dale's reminder, he suddenly came back to his senses, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement in his heart, and secretly murmured: "So they didn't They haven't forgotten me, so they have been trying to rescue me all the time..." The longing for my hometown, which was already strong, became even stronger at this time, and tears burst out uncontrollably.Seeing Shen Qihong's excited appearance, Dale said quietly: "Yes! Ten years have passed, and your hometown still hasn't given up on you. You searched hard and rescued you at all costs. If I were you, I would I will be moved to tears. But I have to tell you the cruelty of reality. This is country M, where there are thousands of troops under my Dell and my eagle. Unless your country launches a war against country M, no one will think about it. Save you from here! No matter how many people you send from your hometown, the result will be the same, whoever will become my trophy!"

After hearing this, Shen Qihong glared at Dale fiercely, and said in a deep and proud tone: "Dale, you don't understand my country at all. The reason why you are a victorious general is because you have never met My country! Don’t forget that the only two defeats in the history of country M were given to you by us Chinese. Just wait and I will go out from here soon, and you will become a complete failure Those!" Shen Qihong's words caused Dale's heart to surge with great indignation, and Shen shouted: "Major!"

Hearing the call, the major hurriedly opened the door and walked in.Dale stared at Shen Qihong closely with anger and said coldly: "Send Mr. Shen and his beautiful wife and lovely child to our guest room. Send someone to take care of them, don't let them freeze I'm hungry." Shen Qihong frowned, and said with a sneer: "Dale, it's useless, everything you do will be in vain. Once my country decides to rescue me, no one can stop it! Hahaha..." Laughing wildly, Shen Qihong walked out with his head held high like a hero who died generously.Dale was extremely annoyed and violently swept the things on the table to the ground, and roared angrily: "Send more people to watch him day and night. If you want to save people from my hands, unless he is a god!"

In the room that Dale prepared for Shen Qihong's family, Serena paced back and forth full of anxiety.Sizhong and Sihua still didn't understand what happened, but the tense atmosphere made them a little breathless. They hugged each other and quietly looked at Serena who was pacing back and forth.The door opened, and Shen Qihong was pushed in staggeringly. Serena hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and asked anxiously: "Qihong, are you okay?" Shen Qihong shook his head, not at all because He was annoyed at being treated rudely, but his face was full of excitement.

Seeing Serena, he hugged her hurriedly, and said repeatedly: "Honey, what you said is right. Hope is everywhere, even if it is nothing. You are right..." Saying that, he let go of Serena Na, picked up another pair of children and laughed haha: "Sizhong, Sihua, you are about to go back to your hometown to instigate, see grandpa, are you happy?" nodded.Serena's mind was shocked, and she couldn't hide the excitement in her heart and asked repeatedly: "Qihong, what happened? You mean we... we are leaving here?"

Who doesn't yearn for the vast world outside, and who wants to live in this place that is bigger than a palm all his life.Serena was born in this small town since she was a child, and she is full of longing for the wonderful world outside the small town.But that layer after layer of defense, group after group of soldiers, completely separated her from the outside world.If it wasn't for the glimmer of hope she always kept for herself, I believe she would have already collapsed.Shen Qihong pressed a kiss on Serena's face, and said: "Serena, you are right! My country has not forgotten me, and they are sending people to rescue me. Although it is difficult, I Believe me, my hometown will definitely save me!" "Really? Is what you said true? I...I'm not dreaming!" Serena looked at Shen Qihong in disbelief, her face revealing Shen Qihong nodded heavily and said, "Do you know why Dale arrested us today? It turns out that the sound of fighting you heard at night was from the people sent by our country to rescue me and Dale." Emitted after a person collides.

You don't see Dale's expression, don't know how ugly it is.Although the first two rescues failed, I think this must have caused great trouble to Dale, otherwise he would not be so nervous.There are only three things. I believe that with the experience of the first two failures, this third rescue will definitely be successful.So, Serena, we're getting out of here soon. "

Shen Qihong's words made Serena really excited, but she didn't get excited for long, and soon her face darkened, and she murmured: "Honey, although I really hope to leave here with you, but I... I But I can’t leave my parents behind. They are getting old, I can’t just leave them like this...” Serena’s parents were once famous scientists who were arrested in the mysterious town of Lufang Xichu , and has been around for decades.After hearing Serena's words, Shen Qihong's crying disappeared, and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Serena raised her neck, and said to Shen Qihong pleadingly: "Qihong, can you tell the people sent by your country to let them rescue my parents as well." Shen Qihong smiled wryly and said : "Selina, you know, I wish I could take everyone here out. But just to save us, my government has already paid a heavy price. I'm afraid..." After hearing Shen Qihong's words, Serene A wave of despair surged up in Na's heart, and she murmured: "Then what should I do? I really can't leave my parents behind." Seeing Serena crying, Shen Qihong hugged her into her heart full of distress. She fell into her arms and murmured: "Honey, don't worry. I will find a way, trust me!" Under the comfort of Shen Qihong's soft words, Serena stopped crying slowly.

"Hong Tao, what's wrong with you, don't scare me, Hong Tao!" In a cold cell, Hong Tao twitched all over, moaning in pain.Shu Wenyu on the side asked anxiously. "I...I'm cold, so cold..." Hong Tao said with great difficulty, his teeth chattering.Upon hearing this, Shu Wenyu opened her arms without hesitation and hugged Hong Tao tightly in her arms, warming him with her own body temperature.Slowly, Hong Tao began to calm down, and the expression on his face no longer looked so painful.Just when Shu Wenyu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Hong Tao suddenly yelled, "It's so hot!" Then he pushed Shu Wenyu away fiercely.The painful look on his face appeared again, like a wild beast, he tore the clothes on his body to pieces, and kept shouting: "It's hot, it's killing me, it's killing me..."

(End of this chapter)

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