The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1077 Mysterious Qiankun Ring!

Chapter 1077 Mysterious Qiankun Ring!
Seeing the prostrate M country soldiers everywhere in the corridor outside the door, Shen Qihong was quite surprised, and gently pressed the head of Huailisi on his chest to prevent him from seeing such a cruel scene.Under the leadership of Li Xiaogang, several people rushed out of the command room unimpeded.Even if a few fish that escaped the net jumped out to obstruct them on the way, they were slapped to the ground by Li Xiaogang amidst the exclamations of Shen Qihong and Serena like a fly.

As soon as they rushed outside the command room, Shen Qihong was stunned by the scene in front of him.I saw the hustle and bustle, the old neighbors who were familiar in the past, all of them raised their faces excitedly at this time, carrying their luggage and walking to the buses. The whole scene was very noisy and lively.This voice, this face, and this smile made Shen Qihong's heart full of gratitude. He looked at Li Xiaogang and said sincerely: "Thank you! Thank you for giving them back their freedom." Li Xiaogang smiled and did not speak. "Qihong!" At this moment, Pope roared and walked over quickly.

"It's great that you're all right!" Seeing that Shen Qihong's family was safe and sound, Pope's heart finally fell to the ground.Li Xiaogang pointed to the residents of the small town who were boarding the car and left, and said to Pope with a smile: "Mr. !"

Pope shook his head hastily, and said repeatedly: "No, no, no, you are the ones who should be thanked. If it weren't for you, maybe we would never be able to leave this place for the rest of our lives." "Serina, Serena..." Accompanied by There was a burst of urgent calls, and a lady about 60 years old, supported by a white-haired gentleman, walked towards them quickly regardless of her staggering feet.

"Grandma, grandpa!" Seeing the two, Sihua yelled at the same time, broke free from the arms of her parents, and threw herself into the arms of the two of them.Shen Qihong and Serena glanced at Li Xiaogang, and then went up to meet him.A family of six embraced each other, and the family affection flowing in it was touching.Not long after, Shen Qihong and Serena came to Li Xiaogang together, supporting an old man.Serena's parents are a pair of authoritative physicists with outstanding achievements in physics. They were once hailed as the modern Curie couple, which shows their great achievements.

The ruthless years have left mottled marks on the faces of the two old people, but they have not taken away the wisdom shining in their eyes.When they learned that it was Li Xiaogang who rescued Shen Qihong and gave the whole town residents freedom, the two old people seemed a little excited.They have spent decades in this closed small town, and even raised Serena here since they were young. They yearn for the vast world outside the small town all the time.As the temples are getting grayer and grayer, this hope is being shattered little by little.Just when the two were about to be completely desperate, this moment came suddenly, how could the two not feel excited?Looking at the two bright heads trembling with excitement, Li Xiaogang finally realized how important freedom is to these people.

The deep gratitude is hidden in the silent gaze. From their eyes, Li Xiaogang felt the gratitude in their hearts.Gently nodding his head, Li Xiaogang said to Shen Qihong: "Mr. Shen, carefully help the two old people into the car." "No..." Serena's mother suddenly shook her head lightly.Li Xiaogang was taken aback, and asked, "Old man, do you have any questions?" Serena's mother's eyes flashed a trace of hesitation and deep reluctance, and she glanced at the house where they lived in the distance, wanting to speak And stop, it seems very difficult.

Li Xiaogang looked at Shen Qigong in confusion, Shen Qihong smiled wryly, and said: "The two old men have dealt with experimental equipment all their lives. They are leaving now, and he is reluctant to part with those." Li Xiaogang was stunned, and said: " Didn’t I tell you that you can take the test equipment away together, my car is ready.” After speaking, he looked at Pope in confusion and asked, “Mr. Pope, didn’t you mention it to everyone? ?"

Pope smiled wryly, and said, "I've said it before. But some test equipment weighs several tons at every turn, and we don't have enough manpower, so..." Li Xiaogang patted his forehead full of annoyance after hearing this, and said : "It's my fault. I just wanted to bring a car to pull it, but I forgot to bring someone to move it. Well, since it was my mistake, I will bear it alone. What do you want? You command, I'll move it!" Li Xiaogang rolled up his sleeves solemnly as he spoke.Seeing Li Xiaogang's actions, Pope said a little dumbfounded: "Mr. Li, this is not a child's play. Each piece of equipment weighs hundreds of kilograms, how can you do it alone?" Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously and said: " Don't worry, I have my solution!" After speaking, she turned to Serena's parents and said, "Respecting the old and caring for the young is our glorious tradition in China, I think we should start with your equipment."

Everyone is still waiting to question, but Li Xiaogang has already taken strides towards the residence of Serena's parents. In order to extract more results from these national treasure scientists, Country M has been obedient to their demands, which of course are limited to scientific research.A dedicated independent laboratory has been built for each of them, equipped with the world's top and first-class test equipment.Powerful and great performance.No wonder these scientists are so reluctant to give up on them as if they were abandoning their own children.

When I came to the office of Serena's parents, good guy, there are all kinds of equipment used in physics, such as plasma separators. It's just a rough calculation, and the total cost of this laboratory is more than ten million US dollars. , no wonder Serena's mother would be reluctant.Seeing several huge experimental machines, everyone couldn't help frowning.Li Xiaogang came to the plasma separator, which weighed a ton and was made entirely of steel and other heavy metals, looked up and down a few times, touched a few times, and stretched out his hand to hold a protruding part on the fuselage.

"It would be great if there was a crane!" Shen Qihong couldn't help expressing the common hope in everyone's hearts.However, before his words fell to the ground, Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, let out a yell, his body was short at first, and then he jerked up, moved the large plasma separator, and immediately rose from the ground, and he lifted it up.With such supernatural power, the people who watched directly were stunned and terrified. They opened their mouths wide open one by one, as if seeing an alien, and even forgot to exclaim.Li Xiaogang flicked his wrist lightly, and a faint purple light flashed, and the huge plasma separator disappeared from Li Xiaogang's hand immediately, and was placed in the Qiankun ring.

This scene is even more astonishing than Li Xiaogang lifting a thousand catties, especially the audience are experts who have dedicated their lives to science and believe in science.The astonishment on the faces of all the outsiders was even greater, only Sizhong and Sihua two brothers and sisters innocently clapped their hands and let out bursts of crisp laughter, applauding Li Xiaogang's amazing performance. "What... what's going on here?"

Shen Qitiao couldn't help but stepped forward, looked at Li Xiaogang's hand, there was nothing unusual about Li Xiaogang's hand except for a simple ring.After all, Shen Qihong was smart, so he immediately locked his attention on Li Xiaogang's Qiankun ring.After touching it carefully, he frowned, and said in surprise: "Strange, what material is this ring made of? Why - I have never encountered it before?"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "The world is so big, you Mr. Shen don't understand a lot of things, there is nothing to be surprised about. Just take this as a wonderful magic trick." 'Oh, God, Where did you get my plasma separator? Serena's father couldn't help asking anxiously. Li Xiaogang gestured to the Qiankun ring on his hand and said, "Here." A trace of disbelief clearly flashed across Serena's father's eyes. Li Xiaogang didn't make any rebuttals, and pushed Shen Qihong away, and moved his fingers lightly. Everyone clearly saw a purple light shoot out from the Qiankun ring. Li Xiaogang's palm lingered for a while, and suddenly it turned into a huge plasma separator.

Serena's parents immediately lied, what happened in front of them was enough to overthrow the entire physical system they had devoted their entire lives to research. "This... How is this possible? This is completely against the common sense of physics. Impossible!" Serena's father frowned and tried to find a reasonable and scientific explanation for what happened before him, but it was in vain.Seeing the confusion on Serena's parents' faces, Li Xiaogang knew what it meant to them.It's like a devout believer who has the most steadfast belief, but in the end, he finds out that what he believes in is the devil, which is wrong. The shock of that kind is unimaginable to those who have not experienced it.

Li Xiaogang didn't want them to be sad, and said slowly: "The ring on my hand is also a product of technology, which is made by using technology that we don't understand. I believe that one day, it will be like a storage bag. It can be widely used by humans. But it all depends on you scientists.” Li Xiaogang’s words made Serena’s parents feel better, and their complexions were no longer so ugly.Only then did Li Xiaogang let out a long breath, and he felt relieved. If he destroyed the belief in science of two of the best scientists because of his little trick, then he would be guilty of a serious crime.

After clapping his hands, Li Xiaogang said: "Okay, everyone, don't be dazed anymore, we have limited time! Make it quick!" Before Serena's parents could tell him which was useful and which was not, the purple light in his hand flickered, and the As far as he could see, everything in the laboratory was stuffed into the Qiankun ring.Li Xiaogang even had an urge to simply put the entire mysterious town into the ring and take it away, so as to save trouble.But after thinking about it later, doing this would make too much noise, and I'm afraid it will cause a series of troubles, which will be difficult to end.This is the cell where these scientists were imprisoned in Gabriel, and they will inevitably feel emotional when they see it.

"Mr. Li, I also have a few pieces of equipment, can you help me take them away?" Seeing that Li Xiaogang easily stored all the experimental equipment of Serena's parents, Pope felt excited, and hurriedly grabbed Li Xiaogang's arm. Said loudly.Li Xiaogang waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go, let's go!" Among the residents of the small town who were sad because they had to throw away some things, when they heard that Li Xiaogang had such a skill, one People lined up to find Li Xiaogang and asked for help.Although there are not many residents in the town, there are quite a lot of test equipment in each family.Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked Shen Qihong, Gao Feng and the others to send everyone to the car, while he rose from the ground and rushed into the sky.Spread your hands like God embracing the earth.The purple light all over the sky was like a burning cloud, spreading colorfully to the earth, covering the whole town.

(End of this chapter)

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