The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1086 The Leader's Helplessness!

Chapter 1086 The Leader's Helplessness!
Dale was taken aback for a moment, and asked faintly: "Your Excellency, then you mean to let this matter go, and not bring those people back?" He squinted at Dell, and said coldly: "Catch him back? Just because you want to snatch him back from the hands of the Huaxia people, you think too much of yourself. Listen to me, Dell, From now on, I will deprive you of all military ranks and discharge all your military posts. From now on, you are an ordinary citizen of country M, get out!"

Dell had already prepared himself psychologically for all this. He was lucky not to be sent to a court-martial or jailed.With a long sigh, Dell turned around and walked out of the president's office with a feeling of loneliness.

Outside the door, I ran into General Senhao who was in a hurry to see the president.Seeing Dale's distraught look, Senhao couldn't help asking: "General Dale, what's wrong with you?" Dale shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I'm no longer a general, just a commoner That's all..." After speaking, the figure gradually drifted away, making Senhao look confused.But thinking of his own troubles, he couldn't care about Dell anymore, and hurried into the president's office.

Seeing that President Senhao suppressed the anger in his heart, he forced a smile and said, "Dear General Senhao, what kind of news did you bring me?" Senhao frowned and said bitterly. : "Sorry General, I'm afraid I have bad news for you.For example, the expression of the president of country M changed, and the smile on his face froze immediately. He looked at Senhao and asked blankly: "The mission failed?" Senhao nodded with regret and said: "In In the last joint, the mission has lost a lot of credit. Not only failed to bring Zhou Zongnan back to country M, but even my team members were also trapped. I have already sent people to find a way to rescue them."

"God, what day is it today? Why do unlucky things happen one after another?" the president murmured to himself, covering his head in pain.Seeing the president's expression full of despair, Senhao said in a strong voice: "General, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to bring Zhou Zongnan back to country M." The president waved his hand and said weakly: "Okay, now We have to prepare with both hands. You continue to carry out your unfinished tasks, and I am afraid I will continue to negotiate with the Huaxia people. During the last negotiation, the Huaxia people gave us a deadline of ten days. After ten days, if we still If you don’t agree to all their conditions, then they will completely close the door of negotiation. Unless we develop the technology to control the desert, our desert will always exist until it completely engulfs us. Senhao, you only have ten It’s only a few days. If you can’t achieve something within these ten days, the government will have to fully accept the conditions of the Chinese people and pay a high price for the introduction of desert control technology.”

Senhao saluted the president, and said firmly and solemnly: "President, don't worry! If I can't complete the task, I will never come back to see you!" The president nodded feebly, waved his hand, Signal Senhao to go out.With a heart full of exhaustion, I sat on the sofa.

In the base camp, the leader and Zhou Zongnan seem to have endless topics to talk about, from science to society, from society to politics, the topics are constantly changing, but the more they talk, the more speculative they become.Time passed by, just as the two were chatting happily, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded from the corridor outside the door.The leader frowned slightly, and turned his gaze to the door.Two figures appeared in front of the leader almost at the same time, one was the prime minister, and the other was Guo Qihua, the dean of the Academy of Sciences.

The prime minister's face looked slightly agitated, but it didn't arouse the leader's reluctance. However, Guo Qihua's expression made the leader startled. Guo Qihua's face was flushed red, his breathing was heavy, and his eyes were flickering. Flash, flash made the leader frightened. The leader frowned, and before Guo Qihua could speak, he opened his mouth and said, "Master Guo, are you here for money or goods?" The leader said dumbfoundedly: "My Dean, please let me go. I am almost suffering from Guophobia now, as long as I hear your surname is Guo, I will tremble all over."

Seeing the leader's really painful expression, Zhou Zongnan couldn't help but chuckled.I think back when he was working in the Academy of Sciences, he didn't worry much about money.These scientists went to Guo Qihua when they were worried, and Guo Qihua naturally had to go to the leader when he was worried.Therefore, Zhou Zongnan can completely understand the troubles of the leader.

Thinking of these, Zhou Zongnan was full of pride.Proud of his wise decision back then, he jumped from the Academy of Sciences to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences chaired by Li Xiang.Now the scale of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences continues to expand, and there are more top scientists than the Academy of Sciences, and it has become one of the most influential scientific research institutes in the world.What's more, the Institute of Agricultural Sciences has ample funding, which has reached the point where it makes people crazy.Now Zhou Zongnan and the others don't need to worry about money at all.Every month, a huge amount of money will be transferred to the account of the Agricultural Science Institute through various channels.No matter how expensive the project is, as long as it has a future, it will not be a problem.With such favorable research conditions, even scientists from country M are tempted.

Guo Qihua took a deep breath, and said: "Boss, I don't want money or goods this time, I want people!" "People?" Who?" Guo Qihua was so excited that he was speechless, and looked at the Prime Minister with trembling lips.The Prime Minister smiled wryly, took out a nude photo from his pocket, and handed it to the leader, saying, "These photos were washed from your phone's memory card. They are what President Guo wants!" "They?" The leader answered. After flipping through a few photos, I asked, "Is their identity clear?"

The Prime Minister nodded heavily, and said: "I figured it out, I'm afraid you would never have imagined that these people were all famous in the world, and they were all authoritative experts from various fields with several shocking research results. ! Some of them are even Nobel Prize winners.”

Hearing what the Prime Minister said, although the leader had expected it long ago, he still couldn't help being shocked. He stared blankly at the Prime Minister and asked, "You...have you investigated everything?" The Prime Minister said, "The semicolon is not bad. After getting the result, I was also very surprised, and I even ordered someone to check it again.,, "It really is!I knew it was not easy for Xiaogang to be the guest of honor!Grandma, you bastard, I finally know why Xiaogang refuses to reveal the identities of these people to me. I dare say that kid is afraid that I will confuse him!Hahaha…"

The leader couldn't help the excitement and excitement in his heart, and laughed aloud.When the leader's laughter stopped, the Prime Minister continued: "It's just a little strange. These scientists were all declared dead or missing by their respective government. I really don't understand how they can live well and appear again it's here."

The leader frowned and said: "There must be something hidden in it that we don't know. It seems that we will not know all this until we meet with Batik tonight." After speaking, the leader glanced at Zhou Zongnan, Zhou Zongnan understood nodded.Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Guo Qihua became a little anxious, and said to the leader repeatedly: "Leader, I don't know where you found these people, I only know that these are national treasures. If you enrich them Going to our country's Academy of Sciences will greatly improve our country's scientific research capabilities, and perhaps from now on, our country will usher in a new technological revolution! Leader, I think you must understand how important this is. So I won't talk nonsense, I implore you to give these people to me! Let me arrange for them to enter the Academy of Sciences."

Seeing the anxious Guo Qihua, who looked like he was on fire, the leader smiled wryly and said, "Qihua, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. These people already have their own masters." "Ah, didn't they come to join us?" Did the government come?" Guo Qihua was taken aback, and asked with deep confusion on his face.The leader shook his head and sighed, "Of course not! If so, I would have led them to report to you a long time ago. Unfortunately, they were all invited back by Li Xiaogang, who was their boss just now." "What? It's Li Xiaogang again!?" Guo Qihua's eyes were about to pop out.

Guo Qihua really didn't like Li Xiaogang very much.Since Li Xiaogang established the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, the Academy of Sciences, which was dug out of the wall, is about to close. Although this is not Li Xiaogang's subjective wish, Guo Qihua still puts all of this on Li Xiaogang's head.Guo Qihua's face turned bitter, his lips howled cowardly, and he looked at the leader full of grievances, as if a child saw a toy that he liked very much, but he knew he couldn't get it, and he acted coquettishly to his parents, saying: "Boss, I don't care. I know that you and Li Xiaogang have always had a good relationship. Go and convince him. I don't want all of them. I just choose a few of them."

The leader said helplessly: "Do you think that Li Xiaogang has traveled so far and tried his best to gather them here, so that you and I will take advantage of the fire? You should give up your heart! Don't talk about giving you a few experts, even if you are He won't even give you a root hair."

After hearing the leader's words, Guo Qihua walked out full of disappointment and sighed.Seeing Guo Qihua's lonely back, the Prime Minister frowned, and said to the leader: "Boss, Guo Qihua is right, there are just a few of these experts whose research fields are what we urgently need now. With them, many of our There may be major breakthroughs in research. Is it true that there is no hope at all, Xiaogang is a relatively easy-to-talk kid."

The leader smiled bitterly and said: "Of course there is hope, but I don't have complete confidence in my heart, so I dare not promise anything to Guo Qihua rashly. If I fail at that time, how can I explain to Guo Qihua? I also leave it to myself. A way out." Hearing what the leader said, Zhou Zongnan couldn't help laughing and said, "Boss, do you and Guo Qihua also fight like this?"

The leader looked back at Zhou Zongnan, and said bitterly: "Old Zhou, you don't know something. In my eyes, Guo Qihua is my evil star. It is no exaggeration to say that I will feel nervous when I see him now." I was shivering, for fear that he would ask me again if I want this or that.” Then, the leader sighed, changed his words, and said, “However, I also know that it is not easy for Guo Qihua to be the dean. There are too many places where the country needs money. Too much, but too little funding can be squeezed out for him. The scientists under him are worried about research funding, so they go to him for it, make trouble with him, he is in trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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