The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1091 Conquer!

Chapter 1091 Conquer!

Although Li Xiaogang is only one person, and there are tens of thousands of people on their side, the powerful aura that Li Xiaogang bloomed has already conquered their hearts.From their point of view, maybe Li Xiaogang is not strong enough to wipe out them all with one enemy ten thousand.But with the powerful means that Li Xiaogang just displayed, they have no doubts about one thing, that is, if they want to defeat Li Xiaogang, they must pay a heavy price and sacrifice countless lives.No one is willing to be this victim, even if they know they can defeat Li Xiaogang, no one is willing to go to war.Especially now that Medellin was knocked to the ground by Li Xiaogang, and he has completely lost control.They no longer have to worry about being intimidated and punished by Medellin.

In such a situation, as long as anyone with a little brain can analyze it, the Hell's Angels may be Shahu who will perish and disappear.So, disappear with the Hells Angels? People in country M don't value loyalty more than life like Chinese people do.In their minds, life is the most supreme, and they will naturally not choose the first path.

As for the second road, not many people are willing to choose it.Most of these members of the Hells Angels are good at nothing except fighting.Let them go home and live a peaceful life. They can't even support themselves, let alone support their wives and children.What's more, they are used to idleness and idleness. If they are asked to go to work every day and rush for their livelihood like ordinary people, they will not get used to it.

With no options for the first two paths, everyone could only focus on the third path.After careful analysis, the members of these Hell's Angels couldn't help being moved. Although Parker did not have enough prestige in their eyes, there was no doubt that Li Xiaogang was definitely a more powerful ruler than Medellin.Medellin can lead them to defeat the Hell's Angels. With such a large foundation, there is no reason why Li Xiaogang, who is more powerful than Medellin, will do nothing.

Maybe it's really like what Li Xiao said just now, I can follow him to create a wider sky.After much deliberation, almost everyone felt that the third path seemed to be full of temptations, and everyone was tempted.

"If you come to be the leader of this gang, then we will follow you!" Just as everyone was discussing lively, a high-pitched and rough voice came from the crowd. Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows and asked: "Which one is it?" , might as well stand up and speak. As soon as Li Xiaogang finished speaking, the crowd parted. A strong black man who looked like an iron tower and was a size bigger than Serrad came out with a firm and stern expression. Look at his naked upper body, his muscles and black hair. Liang was full of explosive power, Li Xiaogang looked him up and down, admired this strong man in his heart, and asked with a smile, "What's your name? ""bomb! "The strong man raised his neck and replied in a loud voice.

"Bomb?" Li Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, then he couldn't help laughing, and said, "You really live up to your name. If you are willing to join the Golden Dragon Gang, you will definitely be reused." Bomb frowned and said: " I have just said that as long as you come to be the leader of the Golden Dragon Gang, I will join the Golden Dragon Gang." Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said faintly, "It seems that you think highly of me, I have to thank you. But you seem to belittle Parker, It's probably going to upset him."

Pike was really upset. The bomb only looked at Li Xiaogang from the beginning to the end, and didn't even glance at him as the gang leader. What could be more contemptuous than this?Pike: With a cold snort, he walked slowly in front of the bomb and said, "Big man, you heard me clearly, I am the leader of the Golden Dragon Gang. If you want to follow Brother Gang, you are not qualified, unless you can defeat me. "Looking at Pike, who was two or three sizes smaller than himself, the bomb's face was full of contempt, and he waved his hand and said: "You'd better go away, lest you be blown to pieces by my punch.

"Hmph! You're really as strong as them, I don't think so!" Pike said with a sneer as his fighting spirit was aroused by the bomb's contempt. "You really want to challenge me?" Bomb frowned and asked.The contempt in his eyes disappeared. Pike dared to challenge him. This courage alone was enough to make Bomb look at him differently. What's more, the light in Pike's eyes full of fighting spirit and enthusiasm made Bomb's eyes twitch. Bright.He reassessed Pike and said: "Okay, I accept your challenge, but don't worry, I will let you, just come!"

Parker was also polite, as soon as the bomb fell to the ground, Parker's figure jumped up, punching the bomb's steel-hard chest with a volley.Although Pike has been training with Gao Feng for a short time, under Gao Feng's careful training, he has made rapid progress, both in boxing speed and strength.After the bomb took the punch, his body took a step back uncontrollably, feeling a sharp pain.But the body of the bomb is too strong, it is not a problem to take such a punch.Staring at Pike with a pair of bull's eyes, he slowly clenched his fists.

One punch succeeded, and Pike didn't hesitate at all. He waved his fists again, and punched the bomb a second and a third time.Bomb's waist was slightly curved, his right hand was across his chest, his left hand was covering his cheek, his eyes were as fierce as a wolf, and he watched Pike's every move as sharply as a knife.Seeing the action of the bomb, Li Xiaogang admired him even more, this big man seemed to have great wisdom.It is not easy to fight so calmly and rationally without relying on his physical condition to be stronger than Pike.

Facing Pike's turbulent fist, Bomb's hands nimbly blocked, making Pike's series of stormy attacks come back in vain.When Pike's attack peak passed, the bomb decisively chose to attack when there was a pause in the middle, and Dou Da fist bombarded Pike head-on with an incomparably sharp wind. It was fast and ruthless, and the explosive power was even more terrifying. He lived up to him. The prestige of the bomb.Faced with such a top-down suppressive attack, although Pike was frightened, he did not panic. Relying on his relatively thin body and relatively flexible advantages, he started guerrilla warfare with the bomb.

Two figures, one big and one small, wrestled together, creating a strong visual effect, and the people watching directly cheered continuously.Seeing that Pike was reborn as if he was a different person, and the bombs like iron towers were evenly matched, Nancy was really surprised. If Pike had such skills, the Tri-T Party would not have been defeated by the golden hand. The party bullied so badly.Nancy subconsciously cast her eyes on Li Xiaogang, and said in her heart: "It must be them! I really don't know what trouble they have used to make Pike so strong in just a few days. Such a mysterious Chinese..." Feeling Seeing that Nancy was looking at him, Li Xiaogang looked at her with a smile on his lips.The smiling Nancy panicked for a while and turned her head away hastily.

"Go on, boss!" At this moment, Serrad and the others suddenly burst into earth-shattering shouts, and Nancy hurriedly looked closely, only to see that Pike caught the opening that the bomb inadvertently revealed, and his figure Crazy, fists fell on the bomb like a storm.Even if the bomb was made of steel, it would have melted under Pike's impenetrable attack. The huge body retreated back and forth uncontrollably, and finally sat down on the ground.Pike knocked down the bomb, and instead of pursuing the victory, he decisively stopped the attack and stretched out his hand towards the bomb.

The bomb was blasted violently by Pike's fist, and the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart. There were bursts of severe pain, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.Just at this moment, Pike stretched out his hand to him, making Bomb stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Pike.Pike's eyes were full of kind and sincere smiles, Bomb was conquered by this smile, reached out to hold Pike's hand, stood up from the ground, and shouted to Pike sincerely: "Master! "The boss of the bomb shouted almost with all his strength, and the sound was like a thunderbolt, blowing the originally noisy scene into silence.After a short period of silence, the noise erupted again, and tens of thousands of Hell's Angels flocked to Pike like a tide, scrambling to join the Golden Dragon Gang.Seeing such a situation, Pike had an unprecedentedly bright smile on his face...

When Medellin led the army to approach the Golden Dragon Gang, Nancy imagined countless possible endings in her mind. , except that there is no such thing as what is happening in front of me. Medellin was flogged and dying.Tens of thousands of Hell's Angels surrendered without a fight.All of this is so abrupt, so incredible. "It's all because of him, and he created a miracle again!" Nancy cast her eyes on Li Xiaogang, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Along with the tens of thousands of Hell's Angels, they merged into the Golden Dragon Gang, as well as the Hell's Angels' territory in the entire Washington DC and all the explicit or hidden laws. Since ancient times, small fish eat big fish, but this time Golden Dragon Help the little fish gobble up the big one, the Hell's Angel.Although it will be difficult to digest at first, but after the Golden Dragon Gang completely digests the big fish of Hells Angels, a huge gang that will shock the entire M country will emerge as the times require.

Since then, the Golden Dragon Gang has truly embarked on its path to contend for hegemony.

"Do you know why I didn't kill Medellin?" Li Xiaogang suddenly said softly to Nancy just when Nancy was feeling incredible about what happened in front of her.Nancy couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at him in confusion.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Because of you." "Because of me?" Nancy's face became more confused.

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Of course! To thank you, you came to report to us in person. I know that Medellin is cruel and would not care about killing one more policeman, so you are risking your life. We Chinese people pay attention to dripping water." Your kindness should be repaid by the fountain. So since you have come, I cannot let you go away empty-handed. I believe that Medellin must have done many evil things over the years. I am afraid that your police station has always wanted to arrest him. Right? Now there he is, he's yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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