The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1107 Save People!

Chapter 1107 Save People!

Ge Jun glanced at Sikong Ming and asked Gaofeng, "He..." Gaofeng said, "It doesn't matter, I just sealed his acupuncture points temporarily, and it will be released in an hour." After hearing Gaofeng's words, Ge Jun wrote Only then was he relieved, and said to Si Kongming: "I'm sorry, Director, I don't want to do this either." The anger in Sikongming's heart was about to swallow him whole, and he said through gritted teeth: "Ge Jun, I treated you badly in the past. Bo, how can you do this to me?" Ge Jun frowned, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to do this either. You are the one who refuses to cooperate. What Gao Feng said makes sense, but you are biased against the Special Forces."

Sikong Ming said: "Even if I have a prejudice against the Special Forces, they have done something that is not good for our country this time. If you are still a Chinese, you can't do this!" Ge Jun said: "Forgive others Be forgiving. I believe they have suffered enough this time, so why do they have to go too far? Director, you can rest here for a while." After speaking, Ge Jun and Gao Feng looked at each other, turned and walked out go.Sikong Ming was furious and roared with all his internal energy: "Come here! Catch these two spies!" Sikong Ming's roar filled with deep internal energy exploded over the entire Longzu base like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. ring.

The dragon warriors who were training outside heard the roar, and rushed towards Sikong Ming's office almost at the same time.Hearing the constant sound of breaking wind outside, Ge Jun turned his head and glared at Sikong Ming, and said in a deep voice, "Sikongming, are you really not thinking about old love at all?" Sikongming said solemnly, "Even if I die, I can't just watch Let you do things that are sorry for the country!" Ge Jun shouted angrily: "If you continue to be so paranoid, you are the one who is really sorry for the country!" "Brother Ge, they are here!" Gao Feng said softly.Ge Jun looked up, and there were all familiar faces outside the door.

"Ge Jun, you know best how the dragon group's combat effectiveness is. You should know that you can't escape today. Surrender! As long as you return to the team, I will pretend that nothing happened today! "

Seeing that a large number of elite fighters from the dragon group had already surrounded this place, Sikong Ming said calmly with his mind set.Ge Jun glanced at him sideways, and said slowly, "Do you think this is still possible?" After finishing speaking, he winked at Gao Feng, and the two of them exploded, one on the left and the other on the right, clamping Sikong bright. "Director, it seems that we need your help to get us out of here!" After finishing speaking, he ignored Si Kongming's curses and dragged him out of the office.

Seeing Ge Jun coming out with Si Kongming under his threat, everyone couldn't help being startled, and looked at them in confusion, not knowing what happened. "Team leader, is this... is this a drill?" A soldier from the dragon team asked boldly.Ge Jun smiled bitterly and said, "I also hope this is just a drill, but unfortunately this is actual combat!"

Ge Jun's words were like a heavy bomb that exploded in the crowd, making them dazed and a little dazed. "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you take down these two spies!?" Si Kongming roared angrily.Gao Feng hit his dumb acupoint with a wave of his finger, and said in a deep voice, "You'd better rest for a while:"

"Gao Feng, go save Diya and the others first." Ge Jun whispered to Gao Feng.Gao Feng nodded his head, his body vibrated, and his whole body swept up like a big roc.Seeing this, several dragon warriors got up subconsciously to stop him. Ge Jun pushed Sikong Ming forward fiercely, strangled him by the throat, and said coldly: "You all better keep quiet, otherwise If you don’t, don’t blame me for hurting the director.” Seeing Si Kongming in Ge Jun’s hands, his lips kept opening and closing, but he couldn’t say a word, looking very painful, the dragon soldiers didn’t dare to act rashly, so they had to stop. He got down and watched Gao Feng leave helplessly.

Gao Feng flew all the way, and arrived at the cell where Di Ya was held in an instant.The two dragon warriors standing guard at the gate recognized Gao Feng and knew that he was Ge Jun's friend, so they didn't stop him and let him pass without hesitation.After Gao Feng left, Di Ya began to wait anxiously.Hearing the sound of footsteps, he hurriedly turned his head to look, and seeing that it was indeed Gao Feng, he couldn't help feeling ecstatic.He asked anxiously: "Feng, are you here to save us?" Thinking of Ge Jun's willingness to turn against Sikong Ming in order to save Diya, Gao Feng was moved and at the same time very uncomfortable, and his face was extremely ugly at this time .He didn't speak, just nodded heavily.Then he slashed out with a palm, knocking down the iron gate and releasing Diya.

As soon as Di Ya escaped from the cage, she couldn't wait to give Gao Feng a hug, but Gao Gao quietly avoided it, which made Di Ya's heart sink.Gao Feng didn't look at Diya, he waved his hands again and again, and with several palms, he shook the iron gates that held the special forces members one by one, and released dozens of special forces members.

Di Ya began to feel that something was wrong. If Gao Feng had obtained the consent of the Dragon Group to release them, why would he use brute force to break the iron gate to let them out? There should be a key.Reminiscent of Gao Feng's unfriendly expression, Diya knew that things must not be that simple, "Follow me!"

Gao Feng said coldly, and took the lead in walking ahead.Diya waved her hand and led all the special forces to follow closely.The two dragon soldiers who were in charge of standing guard were a little surprised to see Gao Feng come out so quickly, but they were more than surprised when they saw the special forces team members following him.The two roared angrily, stopped in front of Gao Feng, and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. The order he personally signed..." As he spoke, Gao Feng put his hand into his pocket as a gesture.

The two dragon fighters were unconsciously attracted by Gao Feng's movements, and all their attention was directed to Gao Feng's pocket.Although the two dragon fighters are alert, Bo is, but against a master of Gao Feng's level, alertness alone is not enough.The two of them just felt a blur in front of their eyes, and before their bodies had time to react, they were both hit and knocked out.Seeing Gao Feng's series of actions, Di Ya's suspicion was finally confirmed.But at the same time, her heart also became heavy.

Di Ya knew very well that the dragon group was the top combat force in China, and of course it also had the corresponding greatest privileges.Offending the Dragon Group is equivalent to offending the Huaxia government. Offending the Huaxia government, can Gao Feng continue to hang around in China?Thinking that Gao Feng's behavior was completely caused by herself, Di Ya's heart was full of deep guilt, so how could she not be heavy.

"Fack!" James was detained here for the past few days, and he was upset. He poured his anger on the two dragon fighters, and kicked the two unconscious dragon fighters several times.This action greatly angered Gao Feng. Gao Feng's complexion suddenly changed, his body exploded, and he slapped James' face left and right without any explanation.Gao Feng was already in a depressed mood at this moment, and was enraged by James' shameless behavior. He slapped him very harshly. After these slaps, James' cheeks were not only swollen immediately, but even his teeth were knocked out a few times. The corner of the mouth was cracked, and the mouth was full of blood.

James was in pain and couldn't help but let out a series of painful cries.Gao Feng's face was covered with frost, and he stared at James with murderous intent, and shouted in a gloomy and terrifying tone: "You bastard! Believe it or not, I hacked you alive!?" Gao Feng's expression was so severe that Di Ya had never seen Having seen it, she couldn't help but feel a surge of fear in her heart.If she is like this, let alone James, Gao Feng's angry face at this time has already been deeply engraved in his mind, making him unforgettable. "Feng..." Gao Feng's anger made Di Ya's heart flutter, and she couldn't help but stepped forward to hold his hand, and called out softly.

Gao Feng unceremoniously shook off her hand, pointed at the special forces behind him, and said coldly: "You'd better keep an eye on your subordinates. If they do anything to harm the Chinese people or the country I will make their life worse than death!" Gao Feng's expression was so severe that Di Ya couldn't help but gasp.

"Ge Jun, it's done!" Walking out of the cell, Gao Feng shouted at Ge Jun from a distance.Ge Jun immediately led Sikong Ming towards them.The Dragon Warriors naturally followed suit.Seeing the frightening dragon warriors everywhere, Diya and her special forces members were all palpitated, and they were so nervous that they even had difficulty breathing.If there is no peak at this time, their legs may already be weak and they will be slaughtered by them.Ge Jun raised his eyebrows, looked coldly at the soldiers of the dragon group and shouted: "Whoever steps forward, I will kill him!

Look at Ge Jun's stern face, it doesn't look like he's joking.Terrified by Sikong Ming's safety, the dragon warriors had no choice but to stay still.Seeing Gao Feng and Ge Jun disappearing at the Longzu base with the M country special forces team members.Arriving at a relatively safe place, Gao Feng unlocked Sikong Ming's dumb acupoint.Sikong Ming took a long breath, and shouted at the two of them angrily: "Gao Feng, Ge Jun! One day you two will pay the price for what you did today. And, don't think that you have left the Dragon Group , you will be able to return to country M safely, and I will definitely bring you back!" "Sikong Ming, it seems that you and I have lost our love. Then I will not say anything, and we will walk Look!" Ge Jun said helplessly to Si Kongming.

Throwing Sikong Ming down Gao Feng and Ge Jun took Di Ya and other dozens of special forces members and disappeared into the dense forest.About half an hour later, Sikong Ming was automatically unlocked by the acupoints in the peak point, and the soldiers of the dragon group finally came over.Staring at the direction where Gao Feng and the others disappeared, Si Kongming frowned tightly, and his heart was filled with infinite anger. He had been defeated in the Military Guard Bureau for so many years, but never once did he feel as useless as this time. To the extreme.Shen snorted and shouted: "Order Lin Tian, ​​Sun Xiang, and Jiang Hu to end their vacation and return to the team immediately! Immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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