The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1131 You Are a Dog

Chapter 1131 You are a dog
Long Ling'er shook his head helplessly, and said slowly: "Silly Ali, you know people, face and heart, but do you really think that you have completely understood Li Haoran?" Long Ling'er's words made Li Li frowned. Can't help but wrinkled, looked at her faintly, and asked: "Ling'er, what do you mean?" Seeing that Li Li was dissatisfied, Long Ling'er sighed, and said faintly: "I just don't want my The best sister was fooled and hurt!" "Hurt? Linger, are you implying that Haoran is a bad guy?" The dissatisfaction on Li Li's face grew even stronger.

Seeing that Li Li was about to lose her face if she continued talking, Long Ling'er hurriedly said with a smile: "Why? If I really thought he was a bad person, I wouldn't have told him the biggest secret of the Longquan Group." Hearing Long Linger's words made sense, Li Li's anger extinguished quite a bit, and she asked puzzledly: "Then why do you ask me such a question?"

Long Ling'er smiled wryly and said: "Aren't we just hypothesizing? Assume you don't understand, brat!" Although Long Ling'er resolved the matter with a joke, Li Li's attitude just now was clear. This clearly shows her attitude towards Li Haoran.If one day, Li Haoran's disguise is torn off in front of her, revealing his true nature.Will she stand it?Long Ling'er couldn't help feeling a heavy worry rising in her heart.Turning back to Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong looked, and the eyes of the two were full of the same worries as Long Ling'er.

However, the whole plan was made by Li Xiaogang himself, it has already been started, and it cannot be changed. All we have to do is let nature take its course and resign ourselves to fate.After a meal, the five beauties returned home after a full meal. Except for Long Ling'er, who was drinking well and remained somewhat sober, the other four women were a little confused and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. Long Linger didn't The best way is to call Li Haoran and ask him to pick up Li Li.Hearing that Li Li was drunk, Li Haoran arrived quickly, first helped Long Ling'er get Hu Rong and the others into the car, then gently carried Li Li into his own car, and closed the car door ...

Seeing that Li Haoran started the car and wanted to leave, Long Linger said: "Wait a minute." Li Haoran rolled down the window and asked with doubts on his face: "Dr. Long, is there anything else?" Long Linger said thoughtfully: " Li Haoran, you should know, Ali...she loves you very much!" After hearing Long Linger's words, Li Haoran showed a bright smile on his face, looked at Li Li affectionately in his eyes, and nodded heavily She nodded and said with a smile: "I know, I love her too, very much!"

At this moment, Long Ling'er couldn't tell whether the smile on Li Haoran's face or the gaze was real or fake, but she would rather believe it was real.After hesitating for a moment, Long Ling'er said slowly: "She loves you deeply, you must not let her down. In fact, happiness is only a matter of thought, and it depends on your own choice."

Long Ling'er's words were full of deep meaning, which made Li Haoran stunned for a moment, looking at Long Ling'er, Long Ling'er's expression changed, and he said in a low voice: "Li Haoran, Li Li is one of my best sisters, If you can bring her happiness, then I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. But if you dare to let her down, I swear that even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will never let you go!"

Long Ling'er uttered these few words almost through gritted teeth, Li Haoran couldn't help but feel a piercing chill, and shivered involuntarily.She laughed a few times, and said: "Of course, Ali loves me so much, how can I bear to see her cry for me." Long Ling'er said, "It's better to be like this!", and then drove Hu Rong They went home. After watching Long Linger's car disappear into the depths of the night, Li Haoran started the car and drove towards his home.

Back at his and Li Li's residence, Li Haoran carried Li Li to the bed, tucked in the quilt for her, and sat down on a chair in front of the bed.Seeing Li Li falling into a deep sleep with a satisfied face, her delicate nostrils opening and closing nimbly, her small but plump lips pursing gently, the bright red color makes people's heart flutter.

"Do I love her?" Such a thought suddenly flashed through Li Haoran's mind.He couldn't help being surprised, you know, he had never thought about this question before.In his heart, Li Li is just a tool for him to take revenge and regain everything he lost.He never thought that he would fall in love with Li Li, but now, when the words Long Linger said to him surfaced in his heart, he began to suspect that he really only regarded Li Li as a tool to take advantage of?
Li Haoran stared at Li Li who was sleeping soundly, and his mind flashed through the moments when they were together like a movie, a kind of heartfelt happiness, joy, and satisfaction overwhelmed him at this moment. With hatred in his heart, he leaned down gently, pressed a kiss on Li Li's forehead, and whispered: "Baby, how could I be willing to hurt you. I, Li Haoran, will never forget your kindness to me... ..." However, just as Li Haoran was immersed in Li Li's love, a dark memory jumped out inexplicably.

That memory is a dark memory that Li Haoran is unwilling to touch in his life. This memory records all the humiliation Li Haoran endured in the cold prison.He can't forget that he sleeps next to the toilet all night, he can't forget that half of his meals are always taken away, he does heavy labor with an empty stomach, and he can't forget that he is pressed to the ground and kicked like a dog. Rolling around.Li Haoran is a man with strong self-esteem. After he became famous, he became a master. He never dreamed that he would be humiliated like this. For him, it was more painful than killing him.So he poured all his hatred on the Longquan Group and Li Yong who put him in jail.

The awakening of the black memory catalyzed the hatred in Li Haoran's heart. The love in his eyes receded like a tide without hesitation. He took out the key that Long Ling'er gave her only in the daytime from Li Li's pocket, and pressed it hard. Into the plasticine, leaving a key mold.Then put the key back into Li Li's pocket.When all this was done, the hatred in Li Haoran's heart seemed to have been vented, and it weakened a lot.Touching Li Li's cheek, Li Haoran said quietly: "Don't worry, Ali. When I become the master of Longquan Group, you will understand me and continue to love me, and I will love you the same, double I will make up for the harm I caused you today. Li, the days of Long Linger stepping on our heads to show off his might are numbered, please wait patiently."

The next day, Li Haoran watched Long Ling'er board the plane that flew directly to the basin. As the plane disappeared into the sky, Li Haoran's heart seemed to have grown wings, and he almost flew up. He felt relaxed all over his body. Looking at the direction where the plane disappeared, he thought to himself: "Let's go, Long Ling'er, when you come back, Longquan Group will no longer have your place, hahaha..."

"Haoran, let's go, let's go back to the company! If Ling'er is not here, Longquan Group depends on you and me. There must be no mistakes, otherwise we won't be able to explain to Linger." Li Haoran nodded and said: " A Li, you go back to the company first, I still have some things to deal with, after finishing, I will go back to the company!" Li Li nodded without doubt, and went back to the company alone.

After Li Li left, Li Haoran immediately drove to another road, went straight to the most luxurious hotel in the provincial capital, and knocked on the door of a presidential suite.The door of the room opened in response, and in front of Li Haoran appeared a big white man wearing a neat suit, wearing sunglasses, and full of murderous looks.Seeing his bulging waist, it should be Aios's bodyguard, Li Haoran just looked at him coldly, and said lightly: "I'm looking for Mr. Aios!"

The white bodyguard said in a cold voice: "Raise your hands, I want to search you!" "What!?" Hearing what the bodyguard said, Li Haoran couldn't help but feel a bit of anger burning in his heart, feeling humiliated, and said coldly: "I'm sorry! , I'm not in the habit of being searched!" "Oh, it's Li Haoran, let him in!" Aios in the back room heard the noise outside and said loudly.Although the bodyguard's eyes were blocked by the sunglasses, Li Haoran could still guess that his eyes would not be very friendly now.But Li Haoran didn't take it seriously. In his eyes, this bodyguard was just a dog kept by Aios' side, while he was Aios's partner. The status of the two was very different. There is no need to know him in general.It's just that Li Haoran probably never imagined it in his dreams, he is just wishful thinking.In Aios' mind, he is a dog.

Walking into the presidential suite, Li Haoran immediately saw the tall figure of Aios standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the noisy city outside the window, as if in a trance, not knowing what he was thinking.Li Haoran coughed lightly, and asked: "Mr. Aios, I wonder what attracted you?" Aios still stared out the window, and murmured: "Huaxia people!" "What?" Li Haoran didn't understand what Aios meant, and asked in confusion.

Aios said faintly: "I remember that the last time I came to China was 20 years ago. At that time, China gave me the feeling that China was poor, backward, and a waste of time. But it's only been 20 years, and everything has changed. Earth-shaking changes have taken place. Look at this glamorous city, the bustling crowds, and the happy smiles on their faces. Over the past 20 years, Chinese people have created many miracles, which no one else has accomplished in 100 years. It can be seen that it can be accomplished. No wonder everyone says that Chinese people are made of special materials, which is not an exaggeration at all."

Li Haoran was also full of pride when he heard Aios' sigh towards the Chinese people, after all, he is also a descendant of Chinese people.However, what Aios said next made Li Haoran's pride disappear as if someone had poured cold water on his head.I only heard Aios said lightly: "But you are definitely a disgrace to the Chinese people. Just like what the Chinese people used to say before, you are a lackey!" Unconsciously, a piece of anger flashed across.

(End of this chapter)

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