The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1133 A big fire

Chapter 1133 A Big Fire

Li Li jumped off the bed in a hurry, and said: "Get up, Chairman Long's office is on fire!" "What!?" Li Haoran's face was full of shock, and he hurriedly put on his clothes, She looked even more anxious than Li Li.The two of them got dressed and rushed to Long Ling'er's office. At this time, the fire in Long Ling'er's office had been extinguished, and there was a mess everywhere.What made Li Li even more terrified was that the huge steel door of the secret room had been exposed at this time, it was completely blackened by the fire, and it was still open.Li Li's heart beat wildly, and she hurried into the secret room.The flame had just been extinguished, and the temperature in the secret room was still very high, but Li Li couldn't care about it at this time, because all the bonnets had been burned, and the shelf on the other side where Jin Menglan was placed was empty. Before the fire broke out, Jin Menglan was stolen.

Such a blow was like a bolt from the blue to Li Li, she couldn't help but froze, her mind went blank.Li Haoran walked a few steps, supported Li Li, who was a little tottering, and comforted him urgently: "My dear, you have to cheer up!" Li Li shook her head vigorously, forced herself to calm down, walked out of the secret room quickly, and will The firefighting security personnel gathered together, and asked in a deep voice, "Who first discovered the fire here?" "It was me!" A security guard stood up in response.Li Li asked in a low voice, "How did you find out that there was a fire here?"

The security guard replied: "I came here on patrol at night, and when I heard noises in Long Dong's office, I opened the door. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, flames rushed out of the room!" Li Li Seeing that a few strands of hair on the security guard's forehead were scorched, he believed his words.Asked: "Then when you put out the fire, did you find that the door of the secret room was open?" The security nodded and said with certainty: "Yes, and the fire started in the secret room, and then spread to the entire office. Yes." Hearing the security guard's answer, Li Li's heart sank, and she subconsciously touched her pocket, the key to the secret room was still there.

After hearing the security guard's answer, Li Li immediately realized that the other party had obviously aimed at Liquor Heart Grass and Jin Menglan in the secret room from the very beginning, and involuntarily turned their attention to Li Haoran.Li Li couldn't help but suspect that the entire Longquan Group knew about this secret room, and that the only people who knew that Jiuxincao and Jin Menglan were hiding in this secret room were the three of them.

Long Ling'er is far away in the basin now, so naturally it cannot be her, and it is even more impossible for him, unless he has sleepwalking problems at some point.After much deliberation, only Li Haoran had the possibility and opportunity to steal the key while she was asleep and set the fire on fire.But Li Li really didn't want to believe that this would be true.So Shen Sheng asked: "When you found the fire, did you notice any other abnormalities?"

The security guard thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes! After you left, I clearly remembered that I closed all the doors and windows tightly, but when I put out the fire, I found that one window was open. On fire, I rushed to the window and looked out, and saw at least three figures, who climbed over the wall and ran out." "Three people?" Li Li pondered for a moment, and then warned the security guards involved in the fire fighting: "There is a fire here. You are not allowed to tell anyone about this matter, and there is a secret room in Long Dong's office, let alone leak it. Anyone who dares to say a word, I will fire him at any time. Now you go out!" Security They obediently left Long Ling'er's office.

As soon as the security guards left, Li Haoran hastily and gently embraced Li Li, and said comfortingly: "Ali, don't get angry, you are not to blame for this matter..." Before Li Haoran could finish speaking, Li Li snapped violently. Breaking free from his embrace, he looked at him sternly and shouted: "Li Haoran, why did you do this?" Li, doubt me?"

Li Li said in a gloomy voice: "The fire tonight is obviously aimed at Liquor Heart Grass and Jin Menglan. The only ones who know that these two things are here are you, me and Linger. Now that Linger is not here, If I don't doubt you, who can I doubt? Li Haoran, if you don't speak clearly today, I will never let you go!"

Seeing Li Li's brows filled with firmness and sternness, Li Haoran's face revealed a touch of deep sadness, and he said slowly: "Yes, of course I am the most suspicious person. After all, in your heart, I am just a Outsiders are never as important as Long Ling'er to you..." Li Haoran's words were full of loneliness and disappointment, which made Li Li's heart tremble and feel distressed.Frowning: "Don't say that, Ling'er is my good sister, and you are my favorite person, you are equally important to me. I'm just talking about things, Long Ling'er has no reason to do this, Longquan Group is Her home!"

"She has no reason, so do I have a reason to do this? She regards Longquan Group as her home, don't I? I have been in Longquan Group for so long, you ask yourself, am I doing my best? Why do I work so hard, but I still can't get your trust. Long Ling'er is on guard against me, but I didn't expect you to do the same! Who did I provoke? Why do I always get jealous in exchange for my sincerity? Do you think so? Is it fair to me?" Li Haoran shouted with great emotion.Li Li was yelled at by him, and he was a little speechless.Thinking about it carefully, I also feel that what Li Haoran said makes sense, and seems to have realized the grievance in his heart, and I can't help but feel soft-hearted.

Seeing the pain on Li Haoran's face, Li Li frowned, supported his cheek lightly, and sighed: "Hao Ran, don't do this. It's my fault, I shouldn't doubt you randomly. I am number one It’s the first time I’ve encountered such a thing, so I don’t know what’s wrong. Please forgive me.” Li Haoran glanced at Li Li helplessly, and said quietly: “I’m not right either, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like this. You doubt me It's not unreasonable, after all, only the three of us know about it." Listening to Li Haoran's understanding words, Li Li's heart was filled with warmth, she buried herself in Li Haoran's arms, and murmured : "What should we do now? All the liquorice grasses have been burned up. After this batch of Longquan fine wine is ready, we have to stop production. When the order is delayed, the company will be in big trouble. God Then, who is so hateful!"

Hearing Li Liman's melancholy murmur, Li Haoran patted her on the back and said slowly: "I can assure you that I have absolutely nothing to do with this matter, you must believe me!" Li Li said with a smile He glared at him and said, "Looking at you just now, you almost ate me up, and I dare not doubt you anymore. But if it's not the three of us, then who would it be?" Li Haoran narrowed his eyes, sinking He said in a loud voice: "Since it's not the three of us, it can only mean that there are spies planted inside the Longquan Group. It must be that when the three of us talked that day, someone listened to them, and then there was such a thing tonight." There was a big fire." Li Li frowned, and said: "There are many people in the Longquan Group, and it is indeed impossible to rule out that someone has placed eyeliner. But who is this person?"

Li Haoran snorted coldly, and said gloomyly: "Ali, don't worry, no matter who it is, there will always be a day when it will show its feet! It's just that now is not the time for us to think about these things. The most urgent thing is to find a way to get enough wine heart grass , to maintain the normal operation of the production line, otherwise the order will be delayed, and our group will really fall into crisis." Li Li frowned tightly, and said helplessly: "I know this, but what can we do? What? I heard from Linger before that this wine heart grass has always been directly provided by Brother Gang, and we have no way of finding it!"

"Brother Gang? Who is he?" Hearing Li Li mention Li Xiaogang again, Li Haoran's heart moved and he asked subconsciously.Li Li smiled and said: "Brother Gang is Li Xiaogang. I remember that I brought you to meet him last time. Although it was just a quick glimpse, you should have a little impression, right?" Li Haoran searched hard in his mind for a long while Finally, an extraordinary face appeared in my mind. With a move in my mind, I swallowed and said: "Could it be him?" Li Li said: "Have you remembered? Brother Gang is the kind of person who can't help but look at him The one who forgets again."

"It turns out that Longquan Group is the boss behind the scenes! When we met that day, I only thought he was Long Linger's boyfriend. No wonder he would provide Longquan Group with nectar. If my guess is right, Jin Menglan is also him. Did you do it?" Li Haoran asked in a daze.Li Li said: "You are really smart! In the whole world, he is the only person who can find such a miraculous thing. Now I'm afraid I have to find him and get us some wine heart grass, but he always keeps track of his whereabouts." Erratic, even Ling'er and the others couldn't figure out his whereabouts, let alone me..."

Li Li pondered for a moment, then said faintly: "It seems that now I have to call Linger first, and then let him contact Brother Gang. But, I... I really dare not call Linger, if she Knowing that her well-arranged office has turned into what it is now, she is so mad, she might even kill me!"

Li Haoran said dumbfoundedly: "Miss, what time is this, you are still worrying about this. What is a small office, the big deal is to redecorate it in the future. Compared with the safety of Longquan Group, where are we? If you have time to worry about these things, hurry up and fight!"

Li Li thought so, and dialed Long Linger's number.However, what came out of the microphone was the prompt sound of "the other party has shut down".Li Li was a little surprised and said: "Why is it turned off? Linger never turns off her phone." Li Haoran pondered for a while and said: "A Li, don't worry, if you can't get through now, just wait until dawn. There is always a time to get through. You have tossed all night, let's go back and rest first. Li Li said with a bitter face: "That's the only way. "Li Li muttered as she walked out: "Linger, how could she turn off the phone, how could..."

(End of this chapter)

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