The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1135 Li Haoran's Trick

Chapter 1135 Li Haoran's Trick
When the three of them were taken away by Mu Ping, Li Haoran thought they were on the way to fly away.With a smug smile on his face, he murmured: "Long Ling'er, you don't turn off your phone sooner or later, but you just turn it off now! Hahaha... It seems that God is helping me! Li Haoran, your comeback will not come soon! Far away!"

With a comprehensive plan in place, Aios had a great time in Huaxia these days and traveled to many places.When he returned to the provincial capital of province S, the laboratory of the Otama Group in country M finally got news that they had successfully brewed red wine with the same taste as Supreme Confidante.Because 'Xuerulan' was limited and they were just experimenting, only two bottles were brewed.Aios was very excited when he heard that, and hurriedly had the two bottles of red wine airlifted to the provincial capital of S province.Looking at the ruby-like wine in the two gorgeous-looking bottles, Aios's heart was full of joy. Now he finally has a bargaining chip with Longquan Group, so he couldn't wait to find Li Haoran.

As soon as he saw Li Haoran, Aios came up to give him a bear hug, and said with a big smile: "Dear Li, I have heard that a fire burned down Long Linger's office, you did a good job, I Very satisfied, hahaha..." Li Haoran was not used to Aios being so enthusiastic about him, so he took a step back calmly, and said lightly: "It's too simple, it's not worth mentioning. Seeing that Mr. Aios is so happy , it should be the message from country M, right?"

Aios laughed and said: "You are really smart! That's right, look, what is this." Aios pointed to the two bottles of red wine on the table.Li Haoran's eyesight is astonishing. When he saw the color and luster of the wine, he realized its extraordinaryness. He couldn't help looking at Aios with excitement, and asked in a low voice, "Success...success?" Aios He nodded heavily, and said: "Thanks to you, we have finally brewed 'Supreme Beauty'. Come on, how about we have a taste of it?" After speaking, he asked his subordinates to bring two cups, and quickly opened them He took a bottle and poured some into two wine glasses.

Accompanied by the sound of clattering, a rich fragrance permeated the entire room.Those bodyguards with cold faces like robots couldn't help but be attracted by the aroma, and subconsciously twitched their noses.Aios closed his eyes and sniffed carefully, and after a while he said quietly: "That's right, that's the smell." Li Haoran also kept in mind the smell of the supreme confidante all the time, and closed his eyes emotionally. Eyes, together with Aios, greedily breathed in the air full of wine fragrance around them.

It smells so intoxicating, let alone the feeling of drinking it in your mouth.Aios took a sip, and the timeless taste lingered in his mouth, twisting and turning, and lasting for a long time.Although it was the second time he had tasted this kind of taste, his mood was completely different before and after the two times.For the first time he was shocked with great apprehension.For a long time, Longquan Group has dominated the world's food and wine market with Longquan fine wine. Because it does not produce red wine, it will not touch the interests of Aios, so although he is jealous of Longquan Group's huge annual profit, he does not feel it. worry.

However, when he discovered that Longquan Group actually produced top-quality wines that far surpassed the current level of top red wine, he seemed to have seen Longquan Group destroy him and his Otama Group from the red wine market. Armor, defeated.His shock and extreme worry at the time still impresses him now.This time, however, it was quite different.The sharp weapon that originally belonged to the Longquan Group is in his own hands, and he is more proud and excited.This time, not only will he and his Otama Group not be kicked out of the red wine market, but the names of him and Supreme Confidante will forever be engraved in the annals of human wine culture and be admired by future generations.

Suppressing the tumbling excitement in his heart, Aios turned his head and said to Li Haoran: "Dear Li, the experiment was successful. I want you to hand over all the Jin Menglan you stole from Longquan Group to me immediately, and I will send someone to send it to Li Haoran. Country M headquarters, and then produce the first batch of products as quickly as possible. First, let those big red wine distributors taste and discuss and get orders from them as soon as possible. Second, get certification from relevant departments, in the shortest possible time Obtaining the patent certificate within a short period of time will not give Longquan Group a chance to breathe. I will solve this battle quickly!"

Li Haoran saw the eagerness in Aios's eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Of course!" He took out a contract from his pocket and handed it to Aios. "What is this?" Aios took the contract with some surprise.Li Haoran said indifferently: "It's just a simple agreement. It's agreed that after Otama Group successfully acquires Longquan Group, I will be the CEO of Longquan Group, and I will own 40.00% of the shares of Longquan Group."

Aios glanced at the head briefly, his face was instantly overwhelmed by anger, he turned his head and glared at Li Haoran and asked coldly: "What do you mean?" Li Haoran shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: " It’s not interesting, I just want to add insurance for myself. Oh, Mr. Aios, don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t believe you, I’m just afraid that you are too forgetful, so I have this to remind you .Besides, this is what we agreed on, and I didn't add a single unreasonable request. I don't think Mr. Aios will feel embarrassed, right?"

Aios snorted coldly, and said angrily: "You obviously don't believe me! I won't sign this thing!" Aios ruthlessly threw the contract to Li Haoran.Li Haoran picked up the contract indifferently and said slowly: "Aios, since you have such an attitude, then I will not talk nonsense with you. In this world, who believes in money? What you said It’s not bad, but I just don’t believe you. Look at your past in Aios, have you done a lot of things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges? If you sign this contract today, it’s fine, if you don’t , then our cooperation ends here, you can find someone else to ask for Jin Menglan!"

Li Haoran's words made Aios frowned. To be honest, he just regarded Li Haoran as a tool in his hand to achieve his goal. He never thought of letting him manage Longquan Group, let alone give him He has 40.00% of Nine's shares.At this moment, he had to admit that he had underestimated Li Haoran before, and he never thought that Li Haoran would give him such a trick at the moment when the matter was about to succeed.

There are not many choices in front of Aios now, and it can even be said that he cannot help but not sign this contract.He has already made a guarantee with Devinke. If he can't get the Supreme Confidante and the Longquan Group, what awaits him will be an endless prison life.He is used to enjoying the glory and wealth, even if he thinks about life in prison, he will shudder.However, if signed, the contract will take effect immediately.According to the current market value of Longquan Group, Longquan Group's 40.00% shares are tens of billions of dollars, not counting future dividends. How can he be willing to do this?Seeing that Aios was caught in the battle between heaven and man, Li Haoran was not in a hurry, and sat quietly on the sofa, sipping delicious red wine, waiting for his final reply.After a long time, Aios frowned and looked at Li Haoran.Li Haoran smiled, and asked, "Have you figured it out?" Aios's eyes were so sharp that he could kill someone, and he stretched out his hand, and shouted: "Give me the contract, and I'll sign it!" Li Haoran laughed and said: "This That's right! Cooperation is meant for mutual benefit, so how can you keep thinking about calculating others?"

Without saying a word, Aios signed his name on the contract with a sullen face, and said to Li Haoran coldly: "Give Jin Menglan to me immediately!" Li Haoran glanced at the contract, and after finding that it was correct, he smiled He said: "No problem, we have a common goal, and I naturally hope you succeed! Within 24 hours, I will have Jin Menglan sent to you. I will take my leave first, and you must stay behind, hehe..."

After Li Haoran left, Aios's full of anger finally broke out, roaring and jumping, and messed up the well-built presidential suite.Fortunately, he has not completely lost his mind, and the two bottles of 'Supreme Beauty' are still safe and sound.Aios had had enough of making a fuss, and most of his anger dissipated. He sat down, took the glass, and drank the bottle of red wine that he and Li Haoran hadn't finished alone.

Li Haoran did not break his promise. Not long after he left, someone delivered a large bag of 'Golden Menglan' to Aios' room.Aios immediately sent people back to Kuang's winery and ordered them to work overtime for production.And he began to plan for a showdown with Longquan Group.Everything is going according to Li Haoran's plan, thinking of Aios's face that was almost purple with anger, Li Haoran sneered, and said faintly: "Damn bastard! If you want to fuck me, you should be more tender." Son!" Back at Longquan Group, Li Haoran saw that a large number of decoration workers had entered Long Linger's office to redecorate it.While directing the workers to work, Li Li made a phone call from time to time, with anxiety written all over her face.Li Haoran came up to hug her and asked, "Honey, who are you calling?"

Li Li struggled a few times, but couldn't break free from Li Haoran's embrace, and finally she just lay in his embrace and said with a sad face: "Who else can I give it to, embarrass Linger! I don't know what this girl did. I'm so anxious that I haven't turned it on until now!" Li Haoran caressed her cheek with some distress and said, "Long Linger won't turn it on, so what can you do no matter how anxious you are? Come on, dear, don't worry, let me Give me a kiss!" "Oh, don't make a fuss with so many people watching!" Li Li said softly while struggling to dodge.Li Haoran chuckled, and said, "That's right, we can't let them take advantage of it, we'll have a kiss when we get home at night!"

Li Li gave him a shy look and said: "You scoundrel, people are going to die in a hurry now, but you seem to be fine. You also said that you also regard Longquan Group as your home. I think you are probably in Lie to me!" Li Haoran laughed secretly in his heart: "Of course I will regard Longquan Group as my home, but that will be a few days later, when I become the CEO of Longquan Group!" "Hey..." Li Haoran chuckled After a few times, he said, "Who said I'm not in a hurry? Didn't I see you in such a hurry and wanted to coax you and make you happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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