Chapter 1161 Focus
Scar's words startled Hao Youbing, his face couldn't help but froze, looking at Scar's ashen face, he smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Laughing, there seemed to be an evil fire burning in Scar's heart, and he wanted to rush up, slap him to the ground, and then step on [-] feet so that he could never turn over.He said coldly: "Yeah, I am 'humorous' and you are 'sick', we are really a natural couple, wait for another day to find a chance, let's have a good time, huh? "

Hao Youbing was very puzzled in his heart. Thinking about it carefully, he and Dao Scar had no grievances in the past, and they have no feud in recent days. He couldn't figure out why Dao Scar ran against him like this, as if he raped his wife.While muttering, Wu Youbing subconsciously glanced at the three extremely handsome women with Scar, and couldn't help but feel an itch in his heart, thinking that if he could have a carnival with them all night, even if he was beaten to death by Scar, he would not be wronged. .I really can't think of the reason, so Hao Youbing blamed all this on Li Xiaogang. Who made him stand with Dao Scar all the time, and even seemed to be having a good time talking, guessing in his heart, probably It was Li Xiaogang who spoke ill of himself in front of Scar.

So he coughed heavily, and said to Scar: "Mr. Scar, you are our distinguished guest, how can you stand with someone like him, please come with me, we have arranged a special room for you." "Hey, Hao Youbing, tell me clearly what kind of person he is!" Gao Yuanyuan heard that Hao Youbing was so rude to Li Xiaogang in such a large audience, she was really annoyed, and couldn't help but stare Looking at him, he roared loudly.

Hao Youbing sneered a few times disapprovingly, and said: "What kind of person is he? I don't need to say more? On such a solemn occasion, he is dressed so casually. How is he different from the little gangsters on the street? Gao Yuanyuan, I'm not talking about you, you had quite good taste in high school, how come you fell in love with such a person now, I really feel sorry for you!"

Hearing Hao Youbing's kneeling speech, Dao Scar subconsciously wanted to punch him, but was blocked by Li Xiaogang skillfully, leaned into his ear and whispered: "This kid wants to die, there are many chances to deal with him!" Yes! However, this is Miss Zhu's birthday party, we can't refute the master's face. Let him go first!" Li Xiaogang still had a good impression of Zhu Shan.Instead of looking at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, Li Xiaogang decided to let Hao Youbing dance for a while longer.

Scar looked at Hao Youbing a few times with a deadly look, snorted coldly, and drank a large glass of red wine before suppressing the anger in his heart.

"You don't need to worry about my taste! In my eyes, you are ten thousand times worse than my boyfriend. If my boyfriend is a gold brick, you are at best a stinky piece of shit!" Gao Yuanyuan's tutor is very good. He has been with Li Xiaogang for so many years. Li Xiaogang has never heard her swear. Hearing this, Scar couldn't help but sprayed the red wine out of his mouth, and he just sprayed Hao Youbing all over his face.

Hao Youbing is now the prospective son-in-law of the Zhu family, and it won't be long before Zhu's family fortune will fall into his hands.The dung beetle stood on the gold brick, and he is also a person of status now.Wherever he went, he heard compliments from people, and over time he developed his arrogance.I have never lost such a big face in front of people, and my heart was filled with anger, and I couldn't help shouting at Scar: "What are you doing!?" Scar's eyebrows raised, a gleam shot out of his eyes, and he said darkly: " Eh? Why, do you have an opinion?"

Scar's voice was like the cold wind in the harsh winter, blowing through Wu Youbing's heart, causing him to shiver a few times, and then he woke up, realizing that the person he was facing was a frightening person. Sha Xing Dao Scar was frightened in his heart, hurriedly took out his handkerchief and wiped his face indiscriminately, and said with a dry smile: "No... I have no objection. I... I just asked casually! There are still guests over there. I'll take care of it, I'll take a step first, please enjoy yourself!" After speaking, like a defeated dog, with its tail between its legs, with a face full of panic, it was so embarrassed that it fled away.Looking at his back, Dao Scar said with disdain: "What the hell! If it was a different place, I would have bled him a long time ago!"

"Xiao Gang, why didn't you teach him a lesson when he said that to you just now? You can still laugh, I'm about to die of anger!" Gao Yuanyuan looked at Li Xiaogang with some complaints and said.Li Xiaogang stretched out his arms, put Gao Yuanyuan in his arms and said with a smile: "You were bitten by a dog, do you have to bite back to be reconciled? I want him to die, he will die at any time! But don't forget, he is now After all, it's your good sister's boyfriend, and here is Xiaoshan's birthday party, no matter how angry we are, we have to save Xiaoshan some face, right?" After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Gao Yuanyuan knew that she was a little impulsive just now , kissed Li Xiaogang affectionately on the face, and said softly, Xingzi, I really feel sorry for letting you endure such a big grievance for me..."

Li Xiaogang hugged Gao Yuanyuan's arm tightly, and said: "Silly girl, what are you talking about? You are the woman I love the most, and I am willing to do anything for you! But..." "But what?" Listened Li Xiaogang's words made Gao Yuanyuan's heart full of emotion, she leaned in Li Xiaogang's arms, raised her neck, and asked in a whisper.A narrow smile appeared on Li Xiaogang's face, and he said with a chuckle: "But the way you swear is so cute! Hahaha... Stinky shit? Gao Yuanyuan, you are so talented! Hahaha... Gao Yuanyuan was embarrassed by what Li Xiaogang said, and writhed in Li Xiaogang's arms in disbelief, and said in a voice: "You are not allowed to mention this matter again! You know he was very angry just now, that's why he said that. People are already embarrassed enough, you are not allowed to laugh at them anymore!"

It took a lot of effort for Li Xiaogang to stop laughing, and said repeatedly: "Okay! Don't mention it, I won't mention it again hahaha... stinky shit, hahaha...Gao Yuanyuan, did you see that just now?" , that Hao Youbing's nose was about to crooked from anger, it was so relieved, hahaha..."

It took a lot of effort for Li Xiaogang to stop laughing, and said repeatedly: "Okay! I won't mention it, I won't mention it again! Hahaha... stinky shit, hahaha...Gao Yuanyuan, did you see that just now?" , Wu Youbing's nose was about to be crooked by anger, it was so relieved, hahaha..." Li Xiaogang's laughter stopped abruptly in a burst of pain, and Li Xiaogang watched Gao Yuanyuan practice hard on his waist while crying "Two-Finger Zen" begged pitifully: "Honey, I was wrong, please let me go!" Gao Yuanyuan pursed her small mouth tightly, and said quietly: "Don't you like to laugh?"Laugh, why don't you laugh? "

Gao Yuanyuan is gentle most of the time, but if the gentle Gao Yuanyuan is ruthless, it is the worst.At this time, Li Xiaogang still dared to talk nonsense, but kept nodding, admitting his mistake.Gao Yuanyuan's uniform was worn by Li Xiaogang, and his brows were full of pride, he smiled and said: "If you don't let you see how powerful I am, you won't know that I'm not easy to mess with! Listen to me, you It's best to forget about my swearing at once, let alone tell Linger and the others! If they find out that I know about it, hehe, you know what the consequences will be!"

Li Xiaogang felt chills in his heart, his hairs stood on end, he was so ashamed that under Gao Yuanyuan's angelic appearance, there was an incomparably cruel heart hidden. "I won't say it, I won't say it, I won't say it even if I'm beaten to death!" Li Xiaogang said in a hurry. "Hmph! You're smart!" Hearing that Li Xiaogang was completely subdued, Gao Yuanyuan triumphantly let him go.

As soon as he escaped from Gao Yuanyuan's clutches, Li Xiaogang immediately took a few steps back, getting away from Gao Yuanyuan.The face full of fear, afraid of falling into Gao Yuanyuan's claws again, let the scar on the side see it in his eyes, and he was happy in his heart.She moved to Gao Yuanyuan's side and asked with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you really have a way to make Brother Gang tidy up. Please give me this ability, and I can..." "What can you do? I owe Bian Isn't it?" Li Xiaogang stood far away.But with good ears, he heard what Dao Scar said word for word, and said coldly.Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Dao Scar felt a chill in his heart, and blamed himself for being infatuated just now, and begged Gao Yuanyuan to teach him how to deal with him in front of Li Xiaogang.What is the difference between this and courting death?The scar is too clear. Gao Yuanyuan's "two-finger Zen" can be domineering on Li Xiaogang's body. His "two-finger Zen" is not as good as two sausages for Li Xiaogang. Li Xiaogang chopped it off and fed it to the dogs.

Scar laughed dryly a few times, and said, "Brother Gang, don't get me wrong, I was just joking with my sister-in-law, there is no other meaning, really, hehe..." Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "I don't care. Do you have any other intentions, get the hell out of here!" Dao Scar was about to cry, and said anxiously: "Brother Gang, I was really just joking, please don't take it seriously..." "If you don't Go away, I'll take it seriously!" Li Xiaogang shouted impatiently as he pushed the knife scar. "Ah?" Dao Scar was stunned, and looked at Li Xiaogang full of confusion.

Li Xiaogang said dumbfoundedly: "Didn't you see that everyone is looking at us? I am dressed like this, and I am already the focus. If you get so close to me again, it is impossible to really want to burn me. Hurry up!" I'll get away, just pretend you don't know me!" Dao Scar looked back subconsciously, and sure enough, everyone around him cast curious glances at them, especially Li Xiaogang, who was dressed strangely, attracted people's attention frequently.As for the radiant Gao Yuanyuan, needless to say, 80.00% of the men in the audience gave her their eyes without hesitation, regardless of whether Gao Yuanyuan liked it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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