The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1163 The mysterious young man at the banquet!

Chapter 1163 The mysterious young man at the banquet!
After listening to Gao Yuanyuan's narration, Li Xiaogang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, then Zhu Sanqing is indeed a stubborn bastard!" Hearing that Li Xiaogang also agreed with his point of view, Gao Yuanyuan nodded hurriedly and said: "That's right! It's just in life. In the mall, he's getting worse. Otherwise, Rong'er has so many competitors, why is he the only one who has such a fight with him. Every time I hear Hu Rong mention this Zhu Sanqing, I shake my head!
Why! "Just as Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan were discussing Zhu Sanqing's character, Zhu Shan walked over in a hurry and complained from a long distance: "Gao Yuanyuan, why did you hide here with your boyfriend? It made me look for it for a long time. ! "

Gao Yuanyuan giggled and said, "I can't help it, someone is too stealthy, so I have to hide here." Saying that, Gao Yuanyuan glanced narrowly at Li Xiaogang, and Li Xiaogang looked down at the clown-like flower on his body. Shirt, with a wry smile on his face.Seeing Li Xiaogang's whole meal, Xiaoshan couldn't help but also laughed, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Hey, Li Xiaogang, you don't mind borrowing your girlfriend?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Whatever Use it! Just don’t forget to return it to me! Hehe..." Gao Yuanyuan was a little annoyed when Li Xiaogang said that she was like a thing, and gave Li Xiaogang a hard look.Turning to Zhu Shan, she asked, "Xiao Shan, if you don't greet the guests, what can I do for you?"

"That's right! What use can she be, other than to look better..." Li Xiaogang approached her with a smile and said.

Gao Yuanyuan felt annoyed in her heart, her big charming eyes seemed to burst into flames, she gritted her teeth and said, "Damn Li Xiaogang, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will yell loudly so that everyone can see that you are here. Show all your ugliness!" Li Xiaogang coughed, raised his hands in surrender, and said, "OK, it's my fault! I'll just shut up!"

After speaking, he shrank back into the corner.Now, Li Xiaoshui, Li Yong, Shanshan, and Dao Scar are all here. Li Xiaogang doesn't want to lose face in front of them. Seeing Li Xiaogang's expression of admitting defeat, Zhu Shan giggled and said, "Gao Yuanyuan, you still have a way." , giggling..." Gao Yuanyuan raised her head proudly, and asked, "What's the matter?" Zhu Shan said bitterly, "My girlfriend can't come because of something, I want you to replace her." She. Besides, you are my best sister, and you should have been my companion."

Gao Yuanyuan frowned, and said with some doubts: "It's just a birthday party, what kind of girlfriend do you want?" Zhu Shan's face suddenly blushed, and she whispered to Gao Yuanyuan: "You don't know, My father will announce the engagement between Hao Youbing and me at this birthday party. According to the engagement, the bride-to-be must also be accompanied by a bridesmaid-to-be."

"Ah? You... You really want to be engaged to Wu Youbing? Have you considered it clearly? This kind of thing is related to the happiness of a lifetime, so don't be hasty!" Hearing that Zhu Shan wants to be with a bastard like Hao Youbing Getting engaged, Gao Yuanyuan's anxious eyes almost popped out.Zhu Shan said quietly: "Actually, I want to think about it more, but this is my father's idea. You know my father is a very stubborn person. Once he makes a decision, he will not change it!"

"But marriage is your business, it should not be decided by your father, you have to learn to make up your own mind! Let me ask you, are you really sure that you love Wu Youbing?" Gao Yuanyuan saw her good sister was about to jump Entering the fire pit, anxious, with unprecedented solemnity, even Li Xiaogang, who was watching from the side, couldn't help being surprised by Gao Yuanyuan's expression at this time.

Zhu Shan's eyes dodged a little, and she said in a nasty way: "At least I feel that Hao Youbing is not as bad as you imagined, he is still very considerate..." Gao Yuanyuan interrupted Zhu Shan impatiently, and said: "These are all superficial, not necessarily true. Tell me from the bottom of your heart, how much do you really know about Hao Youbing?"

Zhu Shan seemed to be driven by Gao Yuanyuan, her eyes suddenly filled with tears, she looked at Gao Yuanyuan and said loudly: "Since I know everything about him, even if I know Hao Youbing is a big bastard, what's the use of it?" What? My father likes him, and my father asked him to be his son-in-law, so I have no choice but to accept it, no matter how bitter my heart is, I don’t want to! I was born by my father, and I can’t go against his wishes! Besides, women always want to marry Damn, it doesn't matter who you marry? Gao Yuanyuan, my heart was already dead when I was in high school! I'm like a walking dead now, I just want to end my life like this, nothing else I have nothing left to ask for."

Hearing Zhu Shan's cry, Gao Yuanyuan's heart was shocked, and she murmured, "It's been so many years. still can't forget him, do you still remember him?" As soon as Gao Yuanyuan finished speaking, Li Xiaogang Not far from him, there was a sudden sound of a wine glass falling to the ground and shattering. Neither Gao Yuanyuan nor Zhu Shan noticed it. The man with a somewhat disorganized manner was bending over to pick up the debris all over the floor, without realizing at all that his finger was cut and bleeding.

Li Xiaogang frowned, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, walked up to the young man, handed it to him, and said, "Wrap it, or you will get infected!" The young man raised his hand in astonishment, At this moment Li Xiaogang could see his face clearly, it was a young man of his age, handsome, elegant and personable.However, it seems that he has experienced too many vicissitudes. The young man's eyes are very complicated, which makes Li Xiaogang a little confused for a while.

The young man took the handkerchief from Li Xiaogang's hand, wrapped it around his injured finger, showed a different smile to Li Xiaogang, said "Thank you!" and left in a hurry.Looking at his back, Li Xiaogang couldn't help chuckling a few times, and murmured, "What a strange guy..."

Gao Yuanyuan's sudden question made Zhu Shan look confused and said, "" Gao Yuanyuan sighed, grabbed her slightly trembling hands, and said slowly: " Xiaoshan, sometimes, you are really too weak. You have to learn to fight, even if the object is your biological father, if you marry Haoyoubing against your will, you will never be happy in your life. Seeing that you are not Happiness, your father will definitely regret it for the rest of his life. A wrong decision will throw you and your father into the bottomless abyss. Xiaoshan, promise me to think carefully, there is still time!"

"It's too late, it's too late..." Xiaoshan's eyes were full of tears, and she said to Gao Yuanyuan quietly, "My father is a very face-saving person. In order to announce the news of our engagement, he invited everyone Binpeng. As you can see, all the people present today are famous and important people. If I go back on my word now, I will undoubtedly slap my father in front of them. My father will go crazy..." "You wake up Wake up, Xiaoshan! Do you want to sacrifice your life's happiness just for your father's face? If you make up your mind, I will go talk to your father! Hair is ready!"

Zhu Shan knew Gao Yuanyuan well, knew that she could do what she said, and hurriedly grabbed her, crying, "Gao Yuanyuan, I beg you! Just be my bridesmaid, anyway, I will only marry once in my life , you don’t want to make any more troubles, okay?” Seeing Zhu Shan’s weak and distressed eyes, Gao Yuanyuan sighed helplessly, and said through gritted teeth: “Okay! If that bastard Hao Youbing dares to fight against you in the future You're not good, I'll castrate him!" Hearing Gao Yuanyuan swearing again, and being so hot, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but look at her amusedly.Gao Yuanyuan glared back at him fiercely, and roared angrily: "What are you looking at! Then I will inevitably ask you to help hold him down!" Li Xiaogang has never seen Gao Yuanyuan's "cute" side. He opened his eyes, smiled like a flower, and said, "Obey!"

"Thank you, Gao Yuanyuan! You are really my best sister!" Zhu Shan looked at Gao Yuanyuan gratefully, and said slightly sadly.Gao Yuanyuan smiled helplessly, reached out and wiped away the remaining tears in Zhu Shan's eyes, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! Look, your face is crying, I'll accompany you to touch up your makeup!" , Gao Yuanyuan took Zhu Shan away and left Li Xiaogang alone in this corner.Looking at the distance, Li Xiaoshui and the others were surrounded by a group of people, chatting loudly, talking and laughing, and looking around themselves, there was no one there, Li Xiaogang began to feel a little jealous of Li Xiaoshui and the others.

Just when Li Xiaogang was about to be ignited by jealousy in his heart, Li Xiaogang's eyes caught the figure of the young man just now again.After what happened just now, Li Xiaogang became interested in this young man.Seeing him quietly pushing open a door and stepping in, Li Xiaogang got up subconsciously and followed.Walking through this door, Li Xiaogang found a corridor leading to the kitchen.At the end of the corridor is a large kitchen, which is full of people and busy.

On both sides of the corridor, there are a row of rooms, which seem to be places for storing sundries.Standing in the middle of the corridor, Li Xiaogang's spiritual consciousness flowed out like running water, and he quietly passed through the door and entered these rooms. After some easy searching, Li Xiaogang finally found it in one of the rooms. The figure of the young man.And there are not only young people in this room, Li Xiaogang counted, there are more than a dozen of them, and they are all wearing waiter's clothes at this time.What surprised Li Xiaogang was that these people were holding a gun in their hands!
(End of this chapter)

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