The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1168 Aggrieved Li Xiaogang!

Chapter 1168 Aggrieved Li Xiaogang!

Feeling that Hao Youbing was looking at him, Li Xiaogang raised his glass and smiled at him, then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.Li Xiaogang's elegance and smile seemed to pour another pot of oil on Hao Youbing's heart fire, almost igniting Hao Youbing's whole being.Seeing Hao Youbing's furious appearance, Li Xiaogang was very proud. However, when he looked at Wu Youbing proudly, a soft and warm little hand suddenly appeared on his waist. Before Li Xiaogang could react, a burst of Severe pain suddenly hit his heart.Li Xiaogang couldn't help but screamed, and looked at Gao Yuanyuan dumbfounded. On this occasion, only Gao Yuanyuan had the guts to do something like this to her.

Li Xiaogang held Gao Yuanyuan's mischievous hand, and said in a low voice, dumbfounded: "Honey, I saved face for you, so it's fine if you don't thank me. I'm too wronged for you to treat me like this!" Gao Yuanyuan Just about to open his mouth to speak, he suddenly saw so many people around him, tugged at the corner of Li Xiaogang's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Follow me!" After speaking, everyone was still immersed in the horror brought by the amethyst, and did not wake up At that time, he dragged Li Xiaogang to a remote corner.Out of everyone's sight, Gao Yuanyuan no longer had any scruples, her pair of small hands immediately turned into demons, showing off her prestige on Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang endured Gao Yuanyuan's "ravages" and asked dumbfoundedly: "Wife, where did I go wrong?Even if you let me die, you have to let me die to understand, right? "Gao Yuanyuan glanced jealously at the amethyst and silver fir in his hand, murmured, as if he had been greatly wronged, and said faintly: "I have been with you for so long and I have never seen you see you off. What gift do I have?You are very generous to give it to others. Am I your wife or is she your wife? "

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's jealous words, Li Xiaogang finally knew where he was wrong, and the wry smile on his face became even bigger.He only thought about how to earn face for Gao Yuanyuan in front of Hao Youbing, but he never expected that Gao Yuanyuan would be jealous of this.Or how do you say that women and villains are difficult to raise?This girl's mind is really too elusive.

This amethyst is indeed very precious in the eyes of these ordinary people, but in Li Xiaogang's view, it is just like ordinary stones, worthless.Why?Everything in the world is rare!Li Xiaogang has a lot of Qiankun rings, so naturally he won't find it rare.He would rather give Gao Yuanyuan and the others roses, at least that would be more romantic.As for this amethyst, if you grab a handful, how can it represent his heart?Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "Honey, I thought you wouldn't like these ordinary things at all..."

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but angrily said: "Nonsense, we don't like this, what else do we like? This is more beautiful than diamonds! No, I want it too!" Li Xiaogang rubbed Gao Yuanyuan's painful pinch, full of grievances He said: "Just because of these broken stones, you are so heartless to pinch me, I am really depressed! If you want, just say it, I have enough here, as much as you want!"

Gao Yuanyuan looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement and asked, "Is it true? Are you kidding me? I haven't seen a purple gemstone before. It seems that it should be more precious than diamonds, right?" Li Xiaogang Some proudly said: "In the eyes of others, it is indeed more precious than diamonds, but to me, it is not much different from ordinary stones. After I go back, I will give you a bunch, so that you can rarity enough." Gao Yuanyuan Staring blankly at Li Xiaogang for a few moments, he didn't think he was talking big, with surprise on his face, he said repeatedly: "That's what you said. Not only that, but I also want a silver fir like Xiaoshan. It's just so beautiful. I've never seen anything as beautiful as this in my life!"

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's surprise and uncontrollable appearance, Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling ashamed.All this time, he ignored Gao Yuanyuan and the others.Forgot that they are also ordinary women, and hope to receive gifts from time to time.Li Xiaogang shook his head lightly, and said slowly: "How can I do that? There is only one silver fir tree, and it has already been given to Zhu Shan. Do you want me to get it back?"

"Ah..." Li Xiaogang's words caused a trace of disappointment to appear in Gao Yuanyuan's eyes, and she frowned slightly.Li Xiaogang sighed softly, wrapped his arms around her in his arms, put his lips close to her ear and whispered softly: "Honey, you are my treasure! What you have must be something that no one else has." I will personally design an amethyst handicraft for you! I assure you, it must be ten times more beautiful than this silver fir!"

Following Li Xiaogang's affectionate words, Gao Yuanyuan's eyes once again burst into an astonishing look. The happiness and pride in it made Li Xiaogang feel unprecedented satisfaction, and at the same time...he also had an unshirkable responsibility.

"Yuanyuan! Yuanyuan!" Just as the two hugged tightly and fell in love together, Zhu Shan's eager voice suddenly sounded.Gao Yuanyuan turned her head to look, and saw that Zhu Shan had woken up from the stunning beauty of Yinshan.At this time, he was eagerly looking for her.Gao Yuanyuan pressed a deep kiss on Li Xiaogang's face, and then flew towards Zhu Shan like a happy bird.As soon as Gao Yuanyuan came in front of Zhu Shan, Zhu Shan couldn't wait to hold her tightly in her arms, and murmured "Yuanyuan, thank you! I really like it! This is the best gift I have received in my life." It's just that it's so expensive, can I bear it?"

Holding her best sister in her arms, listening to her grateful words, Gao Yuanyuan was very satisfied, and winked playfully at Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang watched them with a smile on the corner of his mouth, feeling really proud in his heart.What can men be more proud of if they can make their women earn enough face in front of their good sisters?Gao Yuanyuan giggled and said, "Xiaoshan, don't say that! Compared to the sisterhood between us, what is this little gift? Let this silver fir be the witness of our friendship!" Zhu Shan nodded excitedly, and assured Gao Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan! Don't worry! No matter what happens to me in the future, I will keep this gift intact!"

After receiving Scar's golden business card and Li Yong's ultimate cosmetics, Zhu Sanqing was already very moved. Seeing the amethyst and silver fir that Gao Yuanyuan gave to Zhu Shan, Zhu Sanqing finally couldn't help standing up and said to Gao Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan! Uncle has seen a lot of jewelry and has a good appreciation for jewelry. This silver fir carved from amethyst, let alone its material, is a rare purple gem in the world. , as one piece, as if made in nature. Its value must be immeasurable. Xiaoshan has accepted this peerless gift from you, and she will not be able to give it back in the future..."

Before Zhu Sanqing finished speaking, Gao Yuanyuan rushed to say: "Uncle, you are wrong! The so-called courtesy is light and affection is heavy, even if Xiaoshan gives me a goose feather in the future, in my opinion, its value is absolutely worthless." Lower than this amethyst silver fir. Uncle, gifts are secondary, what is important is the sisterhood between me and Xiaoshan. Is it Xiaoshan?" Xiaoshan hugged Gao Yuanyuan and nodded heavily .Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's remarks, Zhu Sanqing had nothing to say, so he said with a bright smile: "Okay! Then uncle, I wish the relationship between the two girls, just like this amethyst and silver fir, will shine forever!" Gao Yuanyuan He and Xiaoshan looked at each other, and said in unison: "Of course! I will!"

Tonight, Gao Yuanyuan undoubtedly became the focus of people's pursuit. Everyone turned their attention to Gao Yuanyuan, guessing which family she was the daughter of. When someone recognized Gao Yuanyuan as the daughter of Gao Liguo, there was a big disturbance But it was brewing in the dark.I'm afraid Li Xiaogang himself didn't expect that such a gift would cause a series of troubles. Seeing Gao Yuanyuan surrounded by everyone, with a bright smile on his face, the fire of jealousy in Wu Youbing's heart almost burned him out.You must know that he is the other protagonist of the banquet today, but now all the limelight has been robbed by Xiao Sun, how can he not hate it?

When Gao Yuanyuan was being chased by someone, Li Xiaogang was thrown aside instead, and stood there bored by himself.Seeing that Li Xiaogang was "alone" and no one was paying attention to him, Li Xiaoshui couldn't help chuckling a few times.He secretly sighed that the people here really had no eyesight, and they actually put Li Xiaogang, a real dragon, into limbo.In fact, Liu Changhe and Deng Xia wanted to get close to Li Xiaogang, but they were also surrounded by a bunch of people at this time, and they couldn't get away. In addition, Li Xiaogang always liked to play with mystery, and what he hated most was when others exposed his identity, so he had to Watching this good opportunity miss.

Li Xiaoshui stabbed Li Yong.The two came to Li Xiaogang's side together. Seeing Li Xiaoshui approaching with malicious intentions, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't dare to run away, so he had no choice but to go up to Li Xiaoshui with a dry smile and said to Li Xiaoshui: "Sister, long time no see!" , you are becoming more and more beautiful, it seems that brother-in-law has nourished you for a while!" Li Xiaoshui's pretty face was serious, and he said sinisterly: "Xiao Gang, you can do it, I haven't settled with you yet , you are the first to tease me boldly. Why, your wings have grown hard, my sister can't control you anymore, can I?"

Li Xiaogang's face turned bitter when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "Don't dare, how could it be? You are my most beloved sister. Don't say that my wings have grown hard. Even if I have grown eight pairs of wings, you are still me. sister, and I'm still your younger brother, hehe..." Li Xiaoshui snorted coldly, and said in a low voice, "Forget you said something human! Let me ask you where the thing you gave Xiaoshan came from. of?"

Li Xiaogang said grimly: "Is that amethyst and silver fir tree? Wasn't that a gift from Gao Yuanyuan? It's nothing to do with me..." Li Xiaoshui's expression was serious, and he said in a somewhat gloomy tone: "Okay! You Still pretending to lie to me? I used my toes to guess, and I could guess that the amethyst and silver fir was given to Gao Yuanyuan by you, and then Gao Yuanyuan gave it to Zhu Shan!"

(End of this chapter)

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