The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1173 The situation is reversed!

Chapter 1173 The situation is reversed!

"You!..." He Fei was annoyed by Gao Yuanyuan's words, and raised his hand, but he still didn't fight, and said, "Don't think that you and I are old classmates, I will tolerate your rudeness! Gao Yuanyuan didn't know where the courage came from, and said coldly: "Huh? So you still remember that I was your old classmate? It's so rare. I thought you were overwhelmed by hatred, and your relatives didn't recognize you!" "

"What exactly do you want to say? He Fei was confused by Gao Yuanyuan's words, and asked coldly. Gao Yuanyuan snorted and said, "What do I want to say?What I want to say is that you shouldn't accuse and hate Xiaoshan like this.You may have been wronged these years, but Xiaoshan may not have a better life than you!You are a man, you should be stronger than a woman, the same pain will hurt Xiaoshan even more!I finally met you, but you ignored her feelings, not only killed her biological father in front of her, but also said such hurtful words.You keep saying that you love Xiaoshan, I think it's all fart! ""You..." He Fei was about to open his mouth to refute, but was blocked by Gao Yuanyuan's next words, "What are you?Let me remind you that in this world, there is not only love, but also family affection!Xiaoshan is an orphan, Zhu Sanqing has been her relative since she was a child, but this only relative will be taken away by you, her beloved person, what do you ask Xiaoshan to do?You have tasted the pain of losing your parents, and you should understand that this pain is heart-wrenching. Do you have the heart to let Xiao Shan, with her already scarred heart, endure this pain again? "

"Gao Yuanyuan, don't say it, it's all my fault, just let me bear it!" Zhu Shan couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into tears. The crying was full of sadness, which made He Fei feel like he was being tortured. Pain like a knife.Gao Yuanyuan shook her head stubbornly and said: "No! I want to say, I want to wake him up, I can't let you be wronged like this again." After finishing speaking, he ignored Zhu Shan's obstruction, and then said to He Fei who was already stunned: "You came here today with hatred in your heart, because Zhu Sanqing killed your parents. Of course you have a reason to kill Zhu Sanqing, because what you said is absolutely right, Zhu Sanqing is indeed a rotten old man who is completely confused !" Gao Yuanyuan pointed at Zhu Sanqing suddenly, causing Zhu Sanqing to be taken aback, and stared blankly at Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan glared at him fiercely, vented all her dissatisfaction with him, and shouted angrily, "Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I've made a mistake and wronged you? I'll tell you You, what I said is still being polite, just because you broke up Zhu Shan and He Fei abruptly and let them live in sorrow for more than ten years, you are definitely not a qualified father! What makes me angry is that you hurt Zhu Shan, and you thought you cared about her and loved her, but you didn't notice the sadness hidden in Xiao Shan's eyes. It's really bad luck for Xiao Shan to have a father like you for eight lifetimes."

"You're talking nonsense!" Zhu Sanqing couldn't accept Gao Yuanyuan's remarks anyway, his old face turned pale with anger, and he roared hoarsely.Facing Zhu Sanqing's anger, Gao Yuanyuan did not show any fear at all, but bravely looked at Zhu Sanqing, and said word by word: "Am I talking nonsense, you can just ask Xiaoshan!" Zhu Sanqing couldn't wait Turning her head to Zhu Shan, she shouted loudly: "Xiao Shan, tell her quickly, what she said is all nonsense!" Zhu Shan's face showed great sadness, she turned her head to the side, and wept silently .

Seeing Zhu Shan's actions and tears, Zhu Sanqing was stunned for a moment, as if he suddenly discovered that his belief had been wrong all along, and he fell into a state of astonishment.Gao Yuanyuan snorted coldly, and said again: "Now you have nothing to say, right? You have never treated Xiaoshan as your daughter, but as your subordinate. You can manipulate her as you like, Force your own preferences on Xiaoshan brutally. Just like this time, you actually betrothed Xiaoshan to a bastard like Hao Youbing, which clearly pushed Xiaoshan into the fire pit. Thanks to Xiaoshan still protecting you like this , if it were me, I would have let He Fei beat you to death long ago!"

"Gao Yuanyuan, don't talk anymore, please, don't talk anymore!" Xiaoshan cried while grabbing Gao Yuanyuan's arm with tears streaming down her face.Gao Yuanyuan hugged Xiaoshan in his arms with distress. From the beginning to the end of this incident, Xiaoshan was the biggest victim.It is a very sad thing that one's own destiny cannot be controlled by oneself, and besides that, she has to bear the harm of two men, let alone a weak Xiaoshan, even a strong one Man, I can't bear it now.Zhu Sanqing was dumbfounded, his face was pale, and He Fei unknowingly put down the gun that was on Zhu Sanqing's chest.

Just when the whole scene fell into silence, a hearty voice rang out: "Ha! I just left for a while, and suddenly so many strange guests came. Hehe...It's really interesting. That!" Dao Scar was ordered by Li Xiaogang to ask Li Yong to go to the bathroom to chat." When the two were chatting, they heard a burst of gunfire. Dao Scar wanted to rush out to see what happened, but when he thought of Li Xiaogang Also, there is no need for him to come forward for big things, so he continued to focus on chatting with Li Yong" until the chat was about to end, then let him go, and returned to the birthday party. At the scene, it happened that Gao Yuanyuan scolded Zhu Sanqing heartily.On weekdays, Gao Yuanyuan is gentle and virtuous, and he speaks like a spring breeze and drizzle. This is the first time he has seen such a side, so he can't help but look at it for a while.Only then did he stand up with a sneer all over his face.

Scar is the leading figure in Province S, and there are probably not many people who don't know him.Since He Fei had the guts to take his brother to make trouble in Scar's territory, he naturally knew about Scar.Seeing Scar suddenly appearing, frightened by Scar's previous prestige, He Fei still couldn't help feeling a little nervous.Looking at Scar, he said faintly: "Mr. Scar, we have always respected you, this time we came here, absolutely did not mean to offend you and the Lightning Gang, we will leave here immediately after finishing our business, Please stand by and watch!"

"Hahaha... boy, what you said is beautiful! But if you want me to let me go with just a few words, then my knife scar is too easy to talk, right? Let alone, Mr. Zhu is my knife Scar’s friend, I won’t let anyone hurt him, just because you broke into my Lightning Gang’s territory with guns, I can’t let you go easily!” Scar’s complexion became serious, and he roared in an astonishing manner .After all, the scar is a scar, and after getting used to the life of licking blood from the edge of the knife, there is a kind of arrogance in the whole body, which will not be bullied.Although there was only one person, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he vaguely grasped all the movements on the scene in his palm.

Before taking action, He Fei had considered that he might be under strong pressure from Scar. Before that, he thought he could bear it, but when he was face to face with Scar, he was shocked to find that Scar's power is simply not something he can bear, even though there is only Scar now, even though they have guns in their hands, and Scar is unarmed, He Fei still faintly feels that the situation seems to be overwhelming. over the scar.Not only He Fei felt so, but also the guests present felt the same way.Seeing Scar appear on the stage, as if all the dangers were solved, Liu Changhe and Deng Xia looked at each other, and at the same time let out a breath of foul air.

Enduring the pain that was tearing all over his body, Hao Youbing got up from the ground trembling for money, and came to Da Scar's side step by step, and said repeatedly: "Mr. Give them a shot!" Dao Scar looked at Hao Youbing contemptuously and snorted coldly. "Damn it!What about the Lightning Gang?I don't believe that it can beat the gun in my hand! "Seeing that Scar reversed the whole situation as soon as he appeared on the stage, one of He Fei's partners roared angrily, and aimed the gun at Scar with a click. "No! Seeing this, He Fei knew that it was going to be bad, and quickly let out a roar, but it was too late, and the figure of the scar followed his roar, and suddenly moved, like a crossbow arrow shot, with an astonishing speed. He Fei's Before the partner had time to aim at Scar, let alone pull the trigger, Scar was already in front of him, and then a gust of palm swept across him, and the reckless guy only had time to snort before falling down with a plop. on the ground.

Scar quickly took the submachine gun from his hand, and pointed the gun at He Fei before anyone else pointed the gun at him, with a calm smile on his face, he said faintly: "Come on! Let's see whose gun is faster!" All of this is slow to say, but it happened very quickly, only in a split second, when Scar put the muzzle of the gun against He Fei, He Fei reacted and gave a wry smile , put down the pistol in his hand.He murmured: "Mr. Scar really lives up to his reputation. Such a quick movement is probably rare in the world." Being pointed at by Scar with a gun, He Fei still remained calm and calm, even with such a smile on his face. With a smile on his face, the scar of the gas meter couldn't help being taken aback. He admired He Fei a little bit more in his heart, and a love for talent couldn't help but surge in his heart.

"Mr. Scar, kill him, kill this bastard!" Seeing that Scar had subdued He Fei, Hao Youbing yelled frantically.Dao Scar was annoyed when he heard it, and he shot back suddenly, a series of bullets hit Hao Youbing's feet, Hao Youbing's face turned pale immediately, his body was like mud, he fell to the ground with a plop in fright, his pupils were dilated, Wu Youbing couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. Compared with the cleverness he showed in front of Zhu Sanqing, Wu Youbing's bear bag at this time was completely different. It is not a wise choice to marry Zhu Shan to him, but it is likely to push Zhu Shan into the fire pit as Gao Yuanyuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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