Chapter 1189

"By the way, two sister-in-laws, what is the purpose of your coming to Country M this time?" Hong Tao couldn't help asking after the food was over.Long Ling'er laughed and said: "It's for business matters! By the way, Xiao Gang said, you can help me. I'm afraid I will inevitably trouble you!" Hong Tao quickly waved his hand and laughed: "Sister-in-law, you say so It's just an affair. Brother Gang's business is my business, and I have a duty to do so, so please don't say that. "

Long Ling'er smiled and said, "That's right! You should have heard of the Otama Group, right?" Hong Tao frowned, and said slowly, "Why haven't you heard of it! This Otama Group However, the well-known large group in country M, especially recently, has caused a lot of trouble because of the 'Supreme Confidante'. I am afraid that this time the aircraft carrier of the Otama Group will be overturned!" "Supreme Confidante? What is this? Why haven't I heard of it?" Pike asked curiously.

Hong Tao couldn't help but glanced at him and said with a smile: "What you're thinking about all day is to expand your territory, why would you listen to this? I heard that 'Supreme Confidante' is the latest brewed by the Otama Group Red wine, I heard that the taste of this red wine is extremely mellow, after drinking, it is soft and long, which makes people have an endless aftertaste and will never forget it!" "Is it so exaggerated?" Pike asked in disbelief.Gao Feng said: "Brother Hong Tao is not exaggerating at all. I was lucky enough to taste the taste of this 'supreme beauty'. It is indeed unforgettable.It's a pity that good things are often short-lived. It is said that the mellow taste of this "Supreme Beauty" can only last for three days, and after three days it becomes as hard to swallow as vinegar. It is for this reason that those dealers They will gather at the Otama Group and strongly demand the return of the goods. Sister-in-law, you suddenly mentioned the Otama Group, could it be that your visit to Country M this time is related to the Otama Group?"

Long Ling nodded and said: "Actually, you don't know that this 'Supreme Beauty' is not brewed by the Otama Group, but they stole it from our Longquan Group." "What!? The Otama Group They actually stole the products of Longquan Group? I never thought that such a big group would do such a bad thing, and thanks to so many people in country M, they are still proud of them! If everyone knows, Otama The group is a big thief, I don't know how they will feel?" Hong Tao was a little surprised, and said with disdain.

"No wonder Aios, the president of Otama Group, once boasted in front of Devinke that he was going to acquire Longquan Group. At that time, I was still wondering why Otama Group competed with Longquan Group for no reason. Great. One is the leader in the field of food and wine, and the other is the overlord in the red wine industry. The two do not match at all. At that time, I should have thought that a name with Chinese characteristics like 'Supreme Confidante' is not from their country M. able to figure it out."

Gao Feng frowned, and said bitterly: "Sister-in-law, the Otama Group is certainly despicable, but didn't you take any precautions in advance?" Long Ling'er giggled and said, "If I didn't take precautions, guess what? Can I still laugh now?" Hearing what Long Ling'er said, Gao Feng couldn't help laughing at himself, and said, "I'm really worrying about others. My sister-in-law is so shrewd and capable, how could she be taken by Otama?" The group is holding it? Hehe..." Long Ling'er said with some embarrassment: "You really don't praise me! If Xiaogang hadn't reminded me from the side, I might really want to cry now." Long Ling The son's words aroused the interest of Gao Feng, Hong Tao and others. Hong Tao couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law, I believe there must be an unusual story in this. If you are troubled, please tell us!"

Long Ling'er was also in high spirits, and giggled and said, "Okay, I'll tell you..." Afterwards, Long Ling'er said that the Otama Group wanted to seize the Longquan Group, but ended up throwing a rock at herself. I told the story of my feet.

Of course, Li Haoran is now a partner, a comrade-in-arms, Long Ling'er did not mention his name, but only vaguely said that there is an inner ghost in the Longquan Group.Hearing Long Linger's narration, Gao Feng felt very happy, patted the table and said: "At that time, Aios patted his chest in front of Devinke and said that he wanted to acquire Longquan Group. Devinke asked me what I thought of this matter. , I told him, Aios is so whimsical! At that time, Devinke thought I was deliberately exaggerating the capabilities of Longquan Group, but now he probably knows that what I said is true. Hahaha... Otama Group He desperately wanted to annex the Longquan Group, but he never dreamed that it would be reversed and fell into the mouth of the Longquan Group. Then Aios probably has even dead people now, so happy, so fucking happy ,Hahaha……"

Longquan Group is now the pride of all Chinese people. He is naturally happy to hear that Longquan Group has defeated the Otama Group's plan to seek Hong Tao, but he is still a little worried at the same time, asking: "Sister-in-law, Longquan Group wants to acquire Otama Group. Is the purpose of the group to get back the patent right of 'Supreme Beauty'?" Long Ling'er nodded, and replied: "This is one of the reasons. There is another reason, because the Otama Group occupies a large part of Europe. A large part of the market has controlled the Otama Group, which will lay a solid foundation for the development of 'Supreme Confidante' in Europe."

Hong Tao frowned, and said slowly: "You're right. But the problem is, the brand of 'Supreme Confidante' has become worthless now, and even if you buy it back, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make a difference. What's more, there is a fatal flaw in Supreme Confidante, which can only be stored for three days. With such a short shelf life, it is doomed that "Supreme Confidante" cannot be mass-produced. Once three days pass, if it is not sold out, the loss But it's big!" Long Ling'er couldn't help pursing her lips and said with a smile: "If Xiao Gang hears you say that, he will definitely be unhappy, because you have greatly underestimated him."

Hearing something in Long Ling'er's words, Hong Tao's mind was shocked, and he looked at Long Ling'er in a daze, Long Ling'er said with a smile: "I didn't tell you just now, in fact, the Ota Group stole it from our Longquan Group at the beginning." The formula of Supreme Confidante is totally fake!"

"What's going on here?" Long Ling'er's words made everyone confused, and they looked at her in puzzlement.Long Ling'er giggled and said: "Speaking of which, this is also the Otama Group's bad luck. At the beginning we didn't want to target the Otama Group, but just wanted to find out the inner ghost of our Longquan Group, so Xiaogang came up with With such a plan, he concocted a fake formula and leaked it to the insider on purpose. Who knew that the insider was actually working for the Otama Group, so he gave the fake formula to Aios. Aios If you find a treasure, there is no doubt about it, he immediately put into mass production, and even arrogantly threatened our Longquan Group with the threat of "Supreme Confidante". In Xiaogang's anger, this That's why I decided to treat him in the same way as I did, and that's why Gao Yuanyuan and I have this trip to Country M!"

Hong Tao shook his voice and said: "Then if I understand sister-in-law well, it means that the real 'Supreme Confidante' will not change after three days, right?" Long Ling'er laughed: "That is Of course! This is the wine made by Xiaogang with all his painstaking efforts. How could there be such a problem? Not only will it not change its taste, but also like other fine wines, the longer it is kept, the more mellow the taste will be!" Hong Tao excitedly She clapped her hands and said: "This is how I can be called 'Supreme Beauty'! Sister-in-law, brother Gang has already ordered me to fully cooperate with your actions. What do you need me to do?" Long Linger said: "There are so many things you need to do!First of all, you have to use your contacts to convince those dealers who request to return the goods, suspend the return, put away all the orders in their hands, and turn them into our orders.

Also, I need you to help me find hundreds of small shareholders in the Otama Group, and persuade them to sell their shares to us.These two things are easy to say, but not easy to do.Without you, we can't do it in a short time! Hong Tao nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, I have written it all down. Don't worry, I will do it right away!" "Gao Feng said: "If you encounter someone who is disobedient, or who asks for a lot of money, and wants to take the opportunity to make a fortune, brother Hong Tao, just tell me, and I will come forward to solve it!" Hong Tao laughed and said, "That's right!"With you, an underworld predator, who would dare not give you face?That `s a deal! "

With Hong Tao's power in the officialdom and Gao Feng's power in the dark world, working together, Long Ling'er is full of confidence in this acquisition.There was a bright smile on his face. "By the way, you need to help not only with my affairs, but also with Gao Yuanyuan's affairs." Long Ling'er glanced at Gao Yuanyuan and said to Hong Tao and Gao Feng. "Oh? Sister-in-law, what can we do for you?" Hong Tao turned his attention to Gao Yuanyuan and asked curiously.Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said: "My matter is much simpler than Linger's matter. I will report to the Huaxia Embassy in Country M in a short time. So I want to get familiar with the environment in advance, and I hope you can take me there Go around the embassy, ​​and then introduce me to some political leaders of country M, and I will be able to start my work easily." Hearing this, Hong Tao waved his hands and said with a smile: "I thought it was something! It's simple, I am in country M so Over the years, I have a lot of acquaintances! Leave it to me!"

After finishing the business talk, Hong Tao stood up, blinked at Gao Feng, and the two pointed their wine glasses at Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan, and Hong Tao said: "Sister-in-law, we wish you all the best in what you are about to do. It's a success!"

Gao Yuanyuan and Long Ling'er were also unambiguous, and stood up hand in hand, raised their glasses with Hong Tao and Gao Feng's wine glasses, and Long Ling'er said crisply: "It will take a lot of help from the two brothers!" Hong Tao and Gao Feng drank the wine in the glass boldly.Hong Tao originally wanted Long Linger and Gao Yuanyuan to be free, but who knew that before his words could be spoken, the wine glasses of Long Linger and Gao Yuanyuan were already empty, and he couldn't help admiring in his heart: "As expected, you are a woman from Brother Gang!"

(End of this chapter)

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