The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1192 The horse soldiers arrive!

Chapter 1192 The horse soldiers arrive!

Seeing the horse soldiers becoming stronger and stronger day by day, Huang Ziwen became more and more afraid of him.So he refused to miss every opportunity to make things difficult for him. While suppressing him as the president, he also used his relationship in the head office to constantly slander and slander him in front of the GM core.Over time, a piece of white jade that was originally flawless also became dusty.Ma Bing's life in the company became more and more difficult.

In fact, Huang Ziwen's fear of horse soldiers is completely unfounded.Ma Bing can be regarded as a person who does not compete with the world and talks about fame and fortune. All he thinks about is cars, how to make cars that everyone likes, and how to make GM cars sell all over the world. The interests he deserves are rarely considered.General Motors was able to hire an employee like him because of his high reputation in his previous life.

Jen didn't know what she had.It will be too late to regret it when it is lost, but whether GM will regret it is another story. In short, Ma Bing is quite depressed now.With work squeezed out and life in disarray, drinking in bars has become his newest hobby.It took a lot of effort for Hu Rong to find Ma Bing, and I would like to thank Li Yong, because Ma Bing is Li Yong's friend.Speaking of which, the two had been playing together since they were young, and Ma Bing was sent to country M by his family later, but the communication between the two did not stop.Frequent phone calls and online chats allowed the two to continue their childhood relationship.

When Ma Bing joined GM and Jing Bu was transferred back to China to serve as vice president, Li Yong also owned Longxi Group.The same success in career has given them a lot of common topics, and their friendship has grown deeper.

Li Yong knew the plight of the horse soldiers very well, and this was what Li Yong had predicted in advance.Because Li Yong not only knows Ma Bing, but also Huang Ziwen. We are both very popular figures in the domestic financial circle, and it is not unusual to know each other.And Li Yong saw Huang Ziwen's jealous nature very early on. Before Ma Bing was about to return to China to take office, Li Yong reminded him of this.I thought that doing this would prevent the horse soldiers from being squeezed out by him, but I didn't expect that such a situation would still happen.

Whenever Ma Bing complained to Li Yong, Li Yong felt sorry for him, but he couldn't help him.

Longxi Group and General Motors are two irrelevant companies. As for cosmetics, Li Yong is now thinking clearly and logically, but when it comes to cars, Li Yong is limited to meetings.He intends to let Ma Bing change jobs, but when it comes to cars in the world, GM is still the absolute big brother, a paradise for car lovers. If there is no better place than this, Li Yong does not know whether Ma Bing should resign.Every time, at best, I just hang out with the horse soldiers, drink wine and so on.

But now the opportunity came, as soon as he heard that Longhao Group was going to switch production of cars, the image of Ma Bing immediately appeared in Li Yong's mind.So he exchanged his ideas with Hu Rong, and Hu Rong was very satisfied when he heard about Ma Bing's qualifications and abilities. As a result, the two hit it off. The horseman made a phone call.During the phone call, Li Yong only said that he had something very important to talk to him, but he refused to say what it was. So Ma Bing appeared at the provincial capital airport in S province with a full stomach of doubts.

As soon as Ma Bing got out of the plane, he saw Li Yong standing with a very beautiful woman, he was slightly taken aback, because he knew the relationship between Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui, and felt that it was Li Xiaoshui who was standing next to Li Yong at this time right.He never imagined that the woman standing next to Li Yong would change his life and bring his destiny into a new chapter, and this chapter is destined to be brilliant.

Ma Bing and Li Yong were born in the same year, and they are in their thirties this year, which is the golden age when a man is most active.The charm and wisdom of a mature man are undoubtedly displayed on his body, so that any woman will inevitably feel a thumping feeling after seeing him. "Hahaha...Da Bing, welcome to Province S!" Li Yong opened his arms and said to the horse soldiers with a smile.The depression for many days made Ma Bing hide a trace of sadness between his brows. After seeing Li Yong, although this sadness has faded a lot, it has not completely disappeared.With a smile on his face, Ma Bing pushed Li Yong, and scolded with a smile: "Don't be disgusting, it's not the first time I've come here!" When Ma Bing was depressed, he flew here by plane when he wanted to drink, and had a drink with Li Yong. Dayton, and this is also his hometown, Ma Bing, who is very familiar with it.

Li Yong said with a chuckle: "But the meaning this time is different from any previous one!" "Thinking?" Ma Bing looked at Li Yong with doubts and inquiries.However, Li Yong stopped at the point, chuckled a few times, then directed Ma Bing's gaze to Hu Rong, and said with a smile, "Come on, let me introduce you to a beautiful lady. This is Hu Rong Hu Rong." Miss, the chairman of Longhao Group!" Ma Bing is only interested in automobiles, and although he can't be said to be dismissive of other industries, he knows little about them.So he was very unfamiliar with the name Longhao Group, but he still maintained his demeanor and politeness on the face and said: "Hi, Miss Hu, I have admired your company's name for a long time, I didn't expect you to be so young!"

Hu Rong covered her mouth and chuckled a few times, and said playfully, "Okay, don't lie to me! It's definitely the first time you've heard the name Longhao Group today, so where did you come from?" "Ah? I..." Ma Bing was only polite verbally, but unexpectedly, Hu Rong would expose him mercilessly, making him very embarrassed.With a wry smile, he said: "Miss Hu, you are so insightful that you can see through my hypocrisy at a glance. Hey, I have been in the society for so many years, but I haven't done a few things. This hypocrisy, fake politeness is a practice. It’s really ashamed to say that he’s so proficient!”

After hearing Ma Bing's words, Hu Rong greatly appreciated his straightforwardness, giggled and said: "The reality is like this, you can't avoid it! However, although Longhao Group has a few mobile phones, please believe that it won't take long. The name of Longhao Group will resound throughout China, and even the whole world!" Ma Bing lives in the circle where there are too many strong women.However, there are very few strong women like Hu Rong who are glamorous and have a heart-pounding temperament. Ma Bing couldn't help but look at Hu Rong more, and said slowly: "Miss Hu The courage is astonishing, and he doesn't give in at all, it really opened the eyes of the horse soldiers!"

Li Yong laughed and said: "Of course! We Hu Rong are not ordinary people, you will know when we get along in the future. By the way, Miss Hu has already reserved a seat in the hotel to welcome you, we will talk while eating! Ma Bing looked a little surprised, and said to Hu Rong: "Miss Hu, it's the first time we meet, how can you be so embarrassed? Let me come?"

Hu Rong laughed a few times, and said faintly: "You are a guest from afar, how can I make you spend money? Besides, I have to curry favor with you now, and I should bleed a little bit! Hehe..."

Hu Rong's words made Ma Bing a little puzzled, and looked at Li Yong as if asking, Li Yong pushed him and said, "Don't be dazed, let's go!" Ma Bing is now on Li Yong's territory, He could only obediently let Li Yong smile, and said: "In this case, let Miss Hu spend the money!" Hu Rong continued: "This is nothing! From now on, you can call me Hu Rong, Miss Hu, Miss Hu's It sounds awkward!" Ma Bing didn't hold back, nodded his head and said, "Okay, Hu Rong! You can call me Ma Bing from now on!" After a few simple conversations, the relationship between Hu Rong and Ma Bing The strangeness between them has been eliminated a lot, which seems to indicate that the future cooperation between the two may be smoother than expected, and Li Yong is really relieved.

In order to retain this rare talent, Ma Bing, Hu Rong spent a lot of money on this clean-up feast.A large table was full of exquisite delicacies, and all of them were liked by the cavalry soldiers.Ma Bing knew that Hu Rong had put a lot of thought into preparing this meal with just one glance, and he became more and more puzzled in his heart, why Hu Rong, who had never met before, was so kind to him?After much deliberation, he didn't think of a really plausible reason, so his thoughts began to become erratic, and he even began to wonder if Hu Rong was interested in him. Don't say that Ma Bing is narcissistic, if it is any man, Seeing a woman like Hu Rong who showed her kindness to her everywhere, not only made a special trip to pick her up at the airport, but also specially prepared a table of sumptuous food and wine for her arrival, I'm afraid she would think so.What's more, from the beginning to the end, Li Yong's words seem to be intentionally bringing him and the past together.

He had reason to doubt it even more.After thirty days of drinking, when Hu Rong went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup, Ma Bing finally couldn't help it anymore, glared at Li Yong and asked, "Boy, what the hell are you doing, you'd better tell me the truth. Are you Are you trying to match me with this Hu Rong?...Don't stare at me like this, I know you too well, if you raise your ass, I know what shit you're going to do! To tell you the truth, Hu Rong is indeed a shameful She is a perfect girl, but I have already made up my mind that before my career is finished, I will never talk about marriage. All of this is your fault, and you have to be responsible to settle it!"

Li Yong was stunned for a long time, then he was full of surprise, and said dumbfoundedly: "What are you thinking about?! You think that I, Hu Rong, was introduced to you to let you two have a date?" Seeing Li Yong's expression With an expression full of astonishment, Ma Bing frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Isn't it like this?" Li Yong's face turned serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Ma Bing, Hu Rong is a famous person, and This master is not an ordinary master, if you want to survive, I advise you not to use your brain!" Li Yong's words made Ma Bing a little bit dumbfounded, and said angrily: "Who has a crooked brain? I'm afraid If you mess up the mandarin ducks, I will remind you first!"

Li Yong couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said repeatedly: "That's good, that's good! Hehe..." Ma Bing raised his eyebrows, stared at Li Yong fiercely, and asked with a serious face: "Ah Yong, since you are not introducing someone for me, then why did you go to great lengths to call me from the capital, and then introduce Hu Rong to me? What is your plan? I don't want to guess, what is your best idea? So tell me all about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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