The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1206 Robot Showdown

Chapter 1206 Robot Showdown
Guo Qihua was about to cry. He held the leader's hand, and said in a very excited voice, "Leader, Liu Xuehai is the only expert in our Academy of Sciences who is still able to make a move in the world. If he is also an expert by Li Xiaogang It was poached away, so why am I the dean of the Academy of Sciences? You can’t just watch and ignore it!” The leader said helplessly, “It’s not that I don’t care, but that I can’t! Li Xiaogang is a rich man. But if the enemy country fights against him for wealth, even the government may not be his opponent. Not to mention that the government's money is the people's money, so it can't be used for nonsense!"

"Then...then what should I do?" Guo Qihua tugged at his hair and murmured in pain.The leader frowned and said: "Don't worry, maybe Li Xiaogang is not Mr. Liu's opponent at all. If he loses, Mr. Liu will not only stay in the Academy of Sciences, but you will also get 1 million yuan in vain. How good it is! Think about the good in everything and be optimistic, ah!" Hearing what the leader said, Guo Qihua let out a long sigh helplessly. Now that things have happened, he can only pray that Liu Xuehai's chip is better than Li Xiaogang's. strong.

"What you said is true? As long as I win you, you will give me [-] million?" Liu Xuehai asked uncertainly.Li Xiaogang nodded, and said in a vibrating voice: "Of course it's true. If a gentleman says it, he's hard to catch!" "It's free?" Liu Xuehai was completely tempted.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "The leader will testify, are you still afraid that I will play a scoundrel?" "Okay! I promise you! I will take this bet!" A sum of money is almost like giving it to oneself for free, a fool would not agree!

Seeing Liu Xuehai readily agree, Xiao Rou couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart. She originally wanted to remind him and let him know that Li Xiaogang's smart chip is unusual, but now it's too late.Turning her head to see a meaningful smile on the corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth, Xiaorou couldn't help but feel her heart tighten, and began to worry more and more for Liu Xuehai.And Liu Xuehai didn't realize it, with full confidence, he manipulated his robot, and slowly approached Li Xiaogang's robot.

As the two robots gradually approached, Guo Qihua's heart seemed to be lifted up by an invisible thread, until it reached his throat. The tension in his heart made it difficult for him to even breathe. Subconsciously, he loosened his tie, let out a long breath, and fixed his eyes firmly on the two robots.The leader is no exception. Although it is not as obvious as Guo Qihua's expression, it is not difficult to see from his serious face that his heart is probably different at this time.I just don't know if he is worried about Li Xiaogang, or Liu Xuehai...

"The game begins!" Because it was not a formal game, Xiaorou acted as the referee. With her loud shout, Liu Xuehai's robot suddenly kicked sideways, and ruthlessly kicked the robot controlled by Yinhe No.[-].Looking at this leg, it has a tricky angle and is full of strength. It is indeed a smart chip that has been on the battlefield and has rich combat experience.

The smart chip developed by Liu Xuehai has reached the second level, which is enough for it to win easily in similar international competitions.Unfortunately, this time it picked the wrong opponent.If Yinhe III is also included in this judging system, it is definitely qualified to be ranked first.Not to mention the Galaxy II and I.

Facing the opponent's aggressive kick, the robot controlled by Yinhe No. [-] seemed much calmer. It wasn't until the opponent was only a few centimeters away from him that he jumped to the side briskly and missed it.Liu Xuehai was slightly surprised that Yinhe No. [-] could easily avoid this kick, but he didn't think too much about it. Under the high-speed calculation of the smart chip, the robot's body did not wait to stand still. It turned around and kicked out again. One kick, pointing to Yinhe No. [-]'s lower abdomen.From this rapid change, it is not difficult to see that the chip developed by Liu Xuehai has indeed reached a very high level in terms of computing and intelligence. It is not difficult to see that this is a bit of a strategic nature, and the attack is like a carbine. .

"Back!" Li Xiaogang was worried, and couldn't help but let out a soft drink.In fact, there is no need for Li Xiaogang's guidance at all. With the calculation speed of Yinhe No. [-], the best way to resolve the danger can be found in one ten-thousandth of a second.Almost as soon as Li Xiaogang yelled, the robot controlled by Yinhe [-] took a few steps back like a phantom.Liu Xuehai's robot kicked in the air, and was about to retract its feet, but at this moment, Yinhe No. [-] caught the fighter plane, and its body suddenly rose from the ground, kicking in the air, and kicked hard at the opponent's chest abdomen.

The opponent's outstretched foot had just retracted halfway, and he was in a golden rooster independent state, unable to cope with it at all, and was immediately gasped by Yinhe No. [-] and fell to the ground, "Yeah! Well done!" Seeing this, Li Xiaogang was overjoyed and couldn't help it shouted.Hearing Li Xiaogang's shout, Yinhe No. [-] gave up and continued the pursuit, just like a child who has been praised.He jumped up on the ground, and made a victory gesture with his hands.Although it is a robot made of steel, anyone can feel strong joy and pride from it, just like a human being.Not only Li Xiaogang watched this scene in a daze, but even Liu Xuehai seemed to have seen an alien, his mouth was wide open and he couldn't close it, his eyes gleamed with an unspeakable look, staring straight at the Galaxy No. [-] smart chip, I couldn't speak for a long time.

The robot is connected with the Galaxy-[-] smart chip and is controlled by it. In other words, the robot's response is exactly the response of the Galaxy-[-] smart chip.Endowing chips with intelligence is already the number one problem plaguing countless scientists.It is even more a dream to let the chip have emotions.In Liu Xuehai's view, this is a realm that is simply impossible for current science to reach.But now he saw it alive.Isn't that jubilant robot the embodiment of Galaxy Three's emotions.Once a chip has emotions, it will one day have thoughts. Can a smart chip with thoughts still be called a chip?Liu Xuehai faintly felt that a huge technological change was slowly approaching people by taking this robot confrontation as an opportunity.

"Xiaoshan" Just as Liu Xuehai was concentrating all his attention on Yinhe No.[-] and couldn't extricate himself, another robot suddenly attacked Yinhe No.[-] from behind.The attack command written by Liu Xuehai to its smart chip is endless, so although he was kicked to the ground by the robot of Yinhe No. [-], he did not suffer fatal injuries. In the eyes of the smart chip, there is still another battle Therefore, while Yinhe III was celebrating its victory, it launched a fatal attack on it.

It stands to reason that what Yinhe No. [-] controls is just a robot, and Liu Xuehai has participated in countless similar competitions, beating countless robots to pieces with his own hands. Heartache from being smashed to pieces by a robot.The reason is simple, because in his eyes, robots are just a pile of cold steel, they have no feelings, they will be broken if they are broken, and it is a big deal to make another one.But now this feeling is completely different.When his robot rushed towards Yinhe No. [-] at an extremely fast speed, Liu Xuehai seemed to be watching the fall of a living life. This feeling was so cruel that he couldn't help but exclaim loudly up.

It's just that his worries are unnecessary.The ultra-high-speed computing capability of the Galaxy III endows the robots it controls with unparalleled responsiveness and astonishingly powerful combat effectiveness.Liu Xuehai's robot punched Yinhe No. [-] robot's head fiercely. With such speed and force, if the robot controlled by Yinhe No. [-] was hit, it would probably say goodbye to its head. .But will the Galaxy III allow it to be hit? Of course the result is no!When the opponent was still a few inches away from his head, the robot controlled by Yinhe No. [-] tilted his head to one side at the critical moment. past.

Taking advantage of the fact that the force of inertia had not completely disappeared and the robot controlled by Liu Xuehai was still trying to find a balance, Yinhe No. [-] started a counterattack, and a series of commands were quickly transmitted to the robot's command receiving system, so the robot controlled by Yinhe Meng He began to make a series of jaw-dropping movements.I saw that it first calmly avoided the opponent's fist, and then hit the opponent's chest fiercely with an elbow. While the opponent was staggering back, it turned around suddenly and quickly stuck to it.The fists were like a shower of phoenixes, and the speed of the fists could hardly be seen clearly. In the blink of an eye, he punched more than ten times on the opponent's body, and the opponent's feet were lifted off the ground abruptly.

This is not enough. Taking advantage of the opponent's body still in the air, the robot controlled by Yinhe No. [-] sent out a volley kick, which hit the opponent's head. The powerful force coupled with the frightening speed, it is hard to beat. Kicking the opponent's head off the shoulder, in a flash of electricity, the robot controlled by Liu Xuehai was completely reduced to a pile of scrap iron.At the same time, Liu Xuehai's computer also made a beeping crash sound.Needless to say, Liu Xuehai's second-level smart chip, which Liu Xuehai was quite proud of, was reimbursed because of the heavy attack.

After winning the victory, the Yinhe No. [-] robot seemed to be a little upset, and stepped on the opponent's body a few more times, and then walked to Li Xiaogang's side, looked up at Li Xiaogang, as if he had done a good deed and was doing something. Looking forward to parent reward kids.Li Xiaogang couldn't help smiling, and stroked its head affectionately, the robot immediately narrowed its eyes, and an expression of machine enjoyment appeared on the face made of steel.

(End of this chapter)

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