The strongest peasant city

Chapter 121 An Uneasy Year

Chapter 121 An Uneasy Year
When the clock strikes midnight, say goodbye to the old year and usher in the new year!
Li Xiaogang turned to Li Ming and Baiyun solemnly and said: "Dad, Mom, I have never kowtowed to you during Chinese New Year before, this year I will kowtow!"

At this moment, the bitterness and joy of this year emerged in Li Xiaogang's mind.Mixed tastes is the real life.

But no matter when Li Xiaogang is proud or frustrated, there are always two elders by his side, so that Li Xiaogang never feels lonely, and his heart is full of gratitude.

In a moment of love, tears fell like rain.

Bai Yun hurriedly comforted him: "It's New Year's Eve, why are you shedding tears! Come on, give mother a smile!"

Li Ming also opened his mouth and said: "Xiao Gang, you did a good job this year, dad is proud of you!"

Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and seriously kowtowed three times to the two elders!Looking at the gray hairs of the two people, she said distressedly: "Father, mother, don't worry, I will only work harder and better, and you can enjoy your old age in peace!"

Li Ming and Bai Yun's excited eyes were a little wet, and Bai Yun couldn't help but gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes when he nodded, saying: "Okay, okay! As long as you live well, we can do whatever we want!"

Bai Yun's words reminded Li Xiaogang of the lyrics saying that raising children is not enough to prevent old age, but no matter how hard or tired they are, they still don't open their mouths!Pity the hearts of parents in the world, how can children repay them! ?

Bai Yun helped Li Xiaogang up and said: "Okay, everyone who celebrates the New Year should be happy, someone will come to pay New Year's greetings soon, it's not good for others to see!"

Li Xiaogang nodded and stood up from the ground, and went back to his room to wipe away his tears, when Gao Yuanyuan called.

"Xiaogang, Happy Chinese New Year! Heck!" Gao Yuanyuan's crisp voice and silver bell-like laughter came from the other end of the phone. At this special moment, Li Xiaogang's heart trembled. It's the most vulnerable time of human beings. At this moment, Li Xiaogang really wanted to go back to the time when he was with Gao Yuanyuan.

"Xiao Gang, why don't you talk? Are you unhappy?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's long silence, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Hearing the great uneasiness hidden in Gao Yuanyuan's tone, Li Xiaogang was even more moved. Looking back carefully, Gao Yuanyuan has always loved him deeply. In fact, Gao Yuanyuan was also a victim of that incident. When he saw his boyfriend and I'm sure any woman of any semblance of normalcy will lose her mind when other women are disheveled in their hotel rooms.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang said slowly: "My wife, I want to hear you call me husband! I haven't heard you call me like that for a long time!"

Li Xiaogang's wife petrified Gao Yuanyuan on the spot, because of excitement, Gao Yuanyuan's shoulders twitched non-stop, and the tears in his eyes gushed out like a river breaking a bank.

All along, she has been waiting bitterly, waiting for this day, waiting for this "wife", waiting for Li Xiaogang to let her call him husband.

She has waited too long!
Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's sobbing vaguely from the other end of the phone, Li Xiaogang felt Gao Yuanyuan's love for him even more.

I feel even more guilty about why I didn't say this earlier and made Gao Yuanyuan wait for so long: "Yuanyuan, the old year has already passed, let's not think about it, okay? Let it pass, let us meet again The happy times before, love each other deeply, nothing can separate us anymore!"

"Husband husband husband, I love you, I love you!!" Gao Yuanyuan finally broke out completely, as if she wanted to call out all the husbands she hadn't called in months, "Husband, you owe me [-] wife and two If you say I love you, I want you to give it back to me! Woohoo!"

Gao Yuanyuan burst into tears!
Li Xiaogang smiled with tears in his eyes: "Pay it back, even the principal with interest, my wife, I love you too!"

"Husband, wait for me, I will leave right away, I want to come to your side immediately, I want you to hug me and call my wife, husband, wait for me!"

Li Xiaogang said hurriedly: "No, no, let me find you! It's too cold, I don't want my good wife to be frozen!"

Gao Yuanyuan said emotionally, "My husband, this year is the happiest I've ever lived. You gave me the best New Year gift! I'm so happy!"

Gao Yuanyuan's excitement made Li Xiaogang happy like a flower blooming in his heart.

With such a wonderful start to the new year, Li Xiaogang is sure that this year will be his year to take off!
As soon as Gao Yuanyuan hung up the phone, Long Linger and Hu Rong both called, but they both complained that Li Xiaogang's phone couldn't get through.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said to them: "Why, can't my wife and I talk on the phone?"

As a result, this sentence had the same effect on the two women, that is, to petrify first, and then stimulate.

The excitement of the two was no less than that of Gao Yuanyuan, which made Li Xiaogang very puzzled. Those who didn't know thought Li Xiaogang said they were his wives!
Li Xiaogang would never have imagined that the reason why the two women were so happy was because they finally saw hope again!
Amidst the two women's reluctant chatter, Li Xiaogang finally ended the call with the two of them. He thought the phone call would stop for a while, but at this time Li Xiaogang received a call from Li Li. There will be no intersection with this woman, Li Xiaogang has even forgotten about her, but her phone call brought back every bit of the relationship between the two of them in an instant, and Li Xiaogang suddenly discovered that the relationship between the two of them had also experienced love. Live life and death, experience great joy and great sorrow in life!

Li Xiaogang suddenly felt that he should cherish this friend-like relationship with Li Li.

"Hey, long time no see, I thought you had forgotten me as a friend!" Li Xiaogang's tone was like that of an old friend reunited after a long absence, full of sincerity and surprise.

Li Xiaogang's voice was like sweet spring water flowing into Li Li's heart drop by drop, nourishing her dry heart.

Before making this call, Li Li had struggled for a long time. She was afraid, afraid of hearing Li Xiaogang's hateful tone, afraid of Li Xiaogang's indifference to her, but when the call was connected, Li Xiaogang's voice seemed to have magic power , instantly transformed all the uneasiness in Li Li's heart into the pain of longing, and tears silently rolled down Li Li's pretty cheeks.

Li Xiaogang waited silently for the other party's response, feeling the surge in Li Li's heart, and after a long time, Li Li said with some sobs: "Li Xiaogang, can we really still be friends?"

Li Xiaogang smiled brightly like a star: "Li Li, you will always be my friend, let us cherish this relationship together, shall we?"

Li Li nodded heavily, and said with a smile: "Okay, Li Xiaogang, New Year is coming soon! New year, new beginning, we will be friends again in the new year!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Okay, good friend, but I don't have a New Year's gift for you!"

Li Li giggled: "You have given me the best New Year's gift! That is our friendship, and I will cherish it forever!" Li Li put down the phone with Li Xiaogang, swept away the sorrow on her brow, and shed tears His smiling face is extraordinarily bright.

Song Shuang was alone on duty today. Looking at the empty office, she could hear the endless sound of firecrackers. A feeling of loneliness haunted her like a demon. Song Shuang really wanted to cry loudly, but her stubborn character made her clenched her teeth tightly, and swallowed the crying that came to her lips forcefully!
When she was most vulnerable, she thought that what she missed the most would be her parents and relatives, but she never thought that it was Li Xiaogang who came to her heart.

During festive seasons, she misses her dearly, but during this traditional festive season, what she thinks of is Li Xiaogang, her heart will not lie to herself, Song Shuang is finally sure that she likes and loves Li Xiaogang!

She really wanted to call Li Xiaogang, but when she picked up the phone, she realized that she didn't have Li Xiaogang's number at all. The disappointment in her heart was mixed with longing and loneliness, and finally she couldn't help crying loudly.

In the empty office, Song Shuang's crying was infinitely amplified, which in turn aggravated the loneliness and melancholy in her heart.But although the cry was loud, it did not cover up the clear and pleasant ringtone of the phone.

Song Shuang picked up the phone in some surprise, and an unfamiliar long-distance phone number was displayed on the brush.There was some surprise in my heart, and at the same time there was an inexplicable throbbing. Driven by this complicated emotion, Song Shuang pressed the answer button!
As soon as the phone was connected, Li Xiaogang's excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "Happy New Year, here are the red envelopes! Hehe..."
It was this voice, this laughter, but Song Shuang was instantly moved to tears!
Li Xiaogang is still smiling brightly: "How about it, you must eat a lot for the New Year's Eve dinner, right? But, I want to remind you, as a girl, especially a beautiful girl, you must pay attention to your body shape, Otherwise, no one will want it!"

In the loud and lively sound of firecrackers outside the window, Li Xiaogang's sincere blessings and hearty laughter echoed in his ears, and Song Shuang suddenly felt a deep happiness in his heart!

This kind of happiness is so sweet, so intoxicating, Song Shuang was a little crazy for a while!Li Xiaogang was a little depressed, why on this festive night, the women were all crying.

Song Shuang's silence made Li Xiaogang feel a little strange, and said cautiously: "What's wrong? Should I not call you at this time?"
Song Shuang couldn't help it when he heard it, and burst into tears, the frightened Li Xiaogang hurriedly comforted him, but smiled wryly in his heart, making random phone calls for nothing.

After hanging up the call with Li Li, Li Xiaogang couldn't help thinking of Song Shuang, thinking of Song Shuang who gave him warmth when he was most desperate and helpless, and let him support him until today, so he couldn't help but hit this call.

Amidst Li Xiaogang's chattering self-criticism, Song Shuang finally couldn't help but burst out laughing. At this moment, Li Xiaogang wiped off the sweat on his face in fear, thinking to himself: "Coaxing a woman is really a thing that requires both wisdom and strength." Things that require physical strength!"

Song Shuang wiped his tears and said with a sob, "Li Xiaogang, I thought you had already forgotten me?"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "How is that possible! You are my great benefactor, even if I forget, no one can forget you! How are you doing recently?"

Song Shuang said coquettishly: "Not good, not good at all! Li Xiaogang, I miss you!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Really? You are such a beautiful policewoman, I thought you would be exhausted just by entertaining those male policemen every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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