The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1216 Agreed!

Chapter 1216 Agreed!

The leader thought about Li Xiaogang's words carefully, and after a while, he said quietly: "It sounds feasible at first glance, but it involves a big problem of keeping secrets. Moreover, the Heavenly Army is different from other types of military forces. They need many Highly targeted special training. Once these trainings are carried out, even the most ignorant person can guess one or two. With so many people, how can we keep this secret?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I have thought about this! Once the formation of the Sky Army is completed, it will immediately go to the depths of the Taklamakan Desert for training. I have already built a huge training ground there, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of troops. Among them is training. It is isolated from the outside world, and it is impossible to communicate with the outside world at all, and keeping secrets is not a problem at all.

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the leader couldn't help but glanced at him, and said quietly: "It seems that you have thought of everything, and you have also made preparations. It seems that you must want this heavenly army?" Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it. Zhu Zhu said impatiently: "Boss, why don't you understand? It's not I who need it, but the whole human race and the whole earth. To tell you the truth, if the aliens really come over in the future, I will abandon the earth at worst." , take my family, friends, to another planet to continue my life. I do this entirely for the billions of human beings living on this planet!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was more serious and solemn than ever before, the leader understood Li Xiaogang's mood and nodded, and said slowly: "Okay, the Crocodile Sect understands your mood, and I will fully cooperate with you! However, you are going to How many people do you need?" Li Xiaogang thought for a while, and said, "It is impossible to build a huge star fleet in just a few years, it needs a long and full process. I plan to build a hundred warships first, These 10 warships must be equipped with at least 12 specialized technicians, and at least [-] soldiers are needed for combat. Therefore, I need [-] people to form a batch of heavenly troops. Of course, with the new I will need more warships. When the number of warships reaches tens of thousands, I will almost need all the active troops in the country to be added to the space army!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the leader's mouth couldn't help but Li Ming opened his mouth again, and asked blankly: " are not joking, are you? You want to eat all my millions of troops in one bite?" Li Xiaogang nodded heavily. He nodded and said: "Not only that, in the future, we will definitely need to absorb elite soldiers from other countries' armies to form a multi-national heavenly army. After all, our own military strength alone cannot satisfy the entire fleet!

"My God! You swallowed all my troops, so what would you tell me to do if another country invades?" the leader asked in a daze.Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing, and said: "Boss, you are worrying about others. Now, the whole world is becoming more and more integrated. I believe it won't be long before the boundaries between countries will be completely broken. At that time, there will be no difference between Chinese people and people from M country. We are all earthlings, facing the same enemy, that is the alien invaders! In such an environment, how can our country face the danger of being invaded? ? Besides, with Starfleet, our country's combat power will be unprecedented, and which country would be so short-sighted and go to Tai Sui to break ground?"

Li Xiaogang's words sounded a little distant to the leader.This is not to say that the leader is short-sighted and does not see as far as Li Xiaogang, but because the leader does not have the memory of Nuwa Yuanshen fragments in his mind, and his understanding of aliens is limited to science fiction and TV.And in Li Xiaogang's head, the destruction of the ancient developed civilization kept ringing the alarm for him all the time, which made him naturally have a deeper sense of urgency than the leader. At the same time, Nuwa's abundant memory did give him This kind of high-sighted gaze that mortals can't match.

After pondering for a long while, the leader said to Li Xiaogang earnestly: "Okay! I can't refuse your request because of my trust in you. I will try my best to persuade those military commanders. But let them All the elite soldiers and generals in the army will be dispatched by you, this is not easy, I need time, and I don't have any practical solution right now, so this time may be longer..." Seeing the leader's brows filled with It was a strong melancholy, Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "You don't have to be so worried, in fact, it's not as difficult as you imagined to convince them."

The leader gave a wry smile, and said helplessly, "You don't know about this. These military commanders have been soldiers all their lives, and they are all stupid! They are very rigid, stubborn and smelly, and don't know how to adapt. If I want to convince them, it is not enough to rely on power to suppress them, I have to think of a way..." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "No matter what kind of person, there is always his weakness. Just find out where their weakness is. , I’m not afraid that they won’t bow their heads obediently. Leader, you are holding their weakness right now, as long as you take advantage of it a little, you won’t have to worry about them not submitting.”

The leader glanced at Li Xiaogang in confusion, and asked, "What do you mean?" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Boss, why do you think I handed over Yinhe No. Develop advanced tanks, missiles and fighter jets?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the leader's heart was shocked, he stared at Li Xiaogang in amazement, as if he had thought of something, he calmly asked: "You mean... ..." Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, some generals, there are only two things they like most in life, one is good soldiers, and the other is good equipment. Strong, these generals are no exception!"

The leader had already fully understood what Li Xiaogang meant, and he also found a breakthrough. He couldn't help laughing happily, and said repeatedly: "Not bad! You are so right. Every time our military experts research a new Weapons, they are like fish in a basket that smells of blood, and they all surround you one by one. That guy, like a swarm of flies, surrounds you, and you can’t be chased away. They will never give up if they don’t let you go. Haha...why didn’t I think of this? Xiaogang, you young people’s brains are quicker, haha..." Seeing the leader's long and excited laugh, Li Xiaogang's heart also settled down. It seems that this step of the Long March is going smoothly, but he doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Afterwards, Li Xiaogang discussed some details of the formation of the space army with the leader, and hoped that the leader could allocate some experts for training astronauts to him. After all, the space army will fight in space in the future, and what needs to be paid attention to in space What, Li Xiaogang also knows very little.Since the leader handed over the army to Li Xiaogang, he naturally didn't hesitate to call a few experts, and agreed without saying a word.

After the two discussed it, the leader called Guo Qihua, hoping that he would make arrangements immediately so that those military scientists could install Yinhe-[-] on tanks, missiles and fighter jets as soon as possible.Because the technology is not complicated, the leader gave a clear deadline this time. One week later, the leader will personally host a military exercise. In this exercise, tanks, missiles and fighter jets equipped with the Yinhe [-] smart chip will One by one, the commanders of each military region will come to observe the exercise, and each military region will send troops to participate in the battle.

Of course, Li Xiaogang understood what the leader meant. He wanted to demonstrate the power of tanks and fighter jets equipped with Yinhe-[-] smart chips through this exercise, so as to leave a foreshadowing for future negotiations with those commanders.This made Li Xiaogang, who admired the leader's arrangement, very happy today, and Li Xiaogang was no exception.Not only the expected goal was achieved, but also a large number of rare experts and talents were brought in, especially Liu Xuehai, which made Li Xiaogang cover his mouth and snigger, feeling that his trip to the capital was not in vain.

Of course, the happy people are not only Li Xiaogang and the leader, but also Guo Qihua. But what Guo Qihua is happy about is extorting 2000 million from Li Xiaogang, which is much more wretched than what Li Xiaogang and the leader are happy about.But what kind of person has what kind of pursuit, it is understandable.Shao Xuehai, Xiaorou and others continued to stay in the Academy of Sciences, waiting for Li Xiaogang to send someone to pick them up. After that, Li Xiaogang and the leader left the Academy of Sciences accompanied by Guo Qihua.

Outside the gate of the Academy of Sciences, Li Xiaogang didn't plan to go back to the base camp with the leader. After all, the leader has a lot of work to do every day, so he doesn't have so much time to accompany him.The leader held Li Xiaogang's hand and said: "Xiao Gang, don't worry, within ten days, I will do what you tell me. After ten days, you can choose people from the eight major military regions of the country. I promise Unimpeded! Hearing what the leader said, Li Xiaogang laughed happily, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, leader, for your great efforts!I also assure you that the future Tianjun will never let you down! "The leader nodded, but Guo Qihua couldn't help but asked curiously: "Leader, I have heard of the army, navy, and air force. What is this heavenly army?" "

The leader turned his head and glared at him, and said with some dissatisfaction: "State secrets, what are you doing so clearly?" Bai Yan'er is used to it, seeing the leader glaring at him, other people's legs would have been weak, but when placed on Guo Qihua's body, he still smiled and didn't take it seriously.It's just that Guo Qihua didn't ask about Tianjun anymore.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I don't worry about the leader's work! Hehe..." The leader nodded and said, "Also, about Xue Fei. I need you to pay more attention, after all, it is related to the safety of the whole world. "Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "Understood, I will take it to heart. When Chang Xuefei left, I gave her a fire dragon ball. This fire dragon ball can not only help her resist the cold of the Antarctic, but also has more It works miraculously. There is a kind of induction between the fire dragon ball and me, when Chang Xuefei is in danger, the fire dragon ball will warn me, and I will rush over in time!" The leader smiled reassuringly after hearing this He smiled and said, "I'm relieved now, well, I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't accompany you, goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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