The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1223 Gift from son-in-law

Chapter 1223 Gift from son-in-law

After Li Xiaogang finished speaking, he looked at her seriously and said, "Congratulations!" Zhang Yu was stunned for a while, and then, her whole heart seemed to be boiled, beating violently, and there was something called moving. , kept stirring in her heart, staring blankly at Li Xiaogang, and murmured: " bought this for me?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Of course! Please accept it!" When Zhang Yu was still hesitating and didn't know what to do, Li Xiaogang had already stuffed the cosmetics into Zhang Yu's hands, and then put two of the other three boxes, They were sent to Yang Wen and Haoyan respectively.The two little girls held the cosmetics in their hands in astonishment, as if they were dreaming, their eyes were full of confusion and surprise, they looked at Li Xiaogang, their small mouths were trembling but they couldn't say a word.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Just now you called me brother, then you are my sister. This is a gift from my brother to my sister, you can't refuse me!" "But...but this is too expensive, we...we can't bear it Ah..." Yang Wen bravely raised his head to look at Li Xiaogang, with gratitude and embarrassment in his eyes.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "No matter how valuable something is, it is always a gift from my brother to my sister. Of course you can accept it!"

While the three beautiful girls were still in a daze, Li Xiaogang had already left with the last box of queen-level cosmetics.After Li Xiaogang had gone far away, the three of them came to their senses, looking at the cosmetics in their hands, it seemed like a dream, but it was definitely a sweet dream.Seeing that Li Xiaogang had disappeared, the three women felt a little lost.Realizing that Li Xiaogang would not come back again, Yang Wen and Hao Yan couldn't help but sigh at the same time, Yang Wen said to Zhang Yu: "Sister, thank you for helping us today." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Don't say that, you I'm a customer in our store, so I should do this, so I don't need to thank you. Besides, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the manager here. Speaking of which, sister, I still have to thank you, hehe..."

Xiaowen and Yanzi blushed a little bit shyly at Zhang Yu's words, Xiaowen murmured: "Sister, you really know how to joke!" Zhang Yu said with a smile: "I'm not joking, I really appreciate you guys In this way, I will get off work soon, please wait for me for a while. After work, I will treat you to dinner. I don’t have many friends in the capital. I can’t find anyone to celebrate such a good promotion, so you should just celebrate with me Go." After going through this incident, Yang Wen, Hao Yan and Zhang Yu got closer, they looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and agreed.Gong Haosu smiled and arranged the two of them to wait for her in the manager's office, while he got busy.Li Xiaogang trusted her so much, and let her be promoted from an ordinary waiter to the regional general manager. Zhang Yu was grateful in his heart, and even more motivated, determined to make something better than Wang Zigui. score.

After walking out of the Longxi store, Li Xiaogang received a call from Hu Rong.During the phone call, Hu Rong told Li Xiaogang that with the joining of two professionals, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, Longhao Group's production transfer process went very smoothly.Now Longhao Group has successfully introduced an advanced automobile production line from Germany, and officially established a research and development center. It is currently recruiting elite talents across the country. The establishment of the new company is very smooth. According to Hu Rong's judgment, at most In three months, the company will be on the right track.From Hu Rong's tone, Li Xiaogang could tell that Hu Rong was full of confidence and enthusiasm.With such drive, Li Xiaogang firmly believes that Longhao Group is about to start a brilliant future.

Seeing Hu Rong so happy, Li Xiaogang always likes to add icing on the cake. He told Hu Rong that the smart chip used in the car has been developed and is currently being actively put into production. I believe it will not be long before the finished product will come out.This news really made Hu Rong even more excited, and her laughter became clearer and brighter.It is said that men can be desperate for their careers, but careers are equally important to women.Li Xiaogang was really happy for Hu Rong from the bottom of his heart.After telling her, don't just focus on work and ignore rest, Li Xiaogang ended the call with Hu Rong.

Strolling around, Li Xiaogang found that in the most compact and prime location in the capital city, there are not only Longxi specialty stores, but Longmu and Longquan also have specialty stores.Seeing a row of luxury shops starting with the word "dragon", Li Xiaogang felt quite proud.After buying a few bottles of peerless Longquan fine wine at a nearby Longquan specialty store, Li Xiaogang walked towards Gao Liguo and his wife's home in the capital with ease. Last time Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan came together, so he still had some impressions.

When he came to Gaoli Country, Li Xiaogang rang the doorbell, and it was Mrs. Gao who opened the door for him.Seeing that it was Li Xiaogang, Mrs. Gao's face flashed a hint of surprise, and she said repeatedly: "Zhengping, come quickly, it's Xiaogang here, hehe..." Hearing Mrs. Gao's shout, there was a sudden sound in the living room. There was a rush of footsteps, and not long after that, the faces of Gao Liguo and Lin Chaoran appeared in front of Li Xiaogang at the same time.Lin Chaoran has no children and is always lonely, so he regards Gao Liguo and his wife as his own children, and they come to eat when they have nothing to do, and they are almost a family.

Lin Chaoran and Gao Liguo had the same expressions as Mrs. Gao at this time, and they were all surprised. Lin Chaoran couldn't help walking towards Li Xiaogang quickly, hugged him, and said with a haha ​​smile: "Good boy, I thought I would never see you again in this life, haha..." Although Lin Chaoran was old, the arm that hugged Li Xiaogang was still strong at this moment, and Li Xiaogang also hugged Lin Chaoran. To this old man, his heart Full of admiration, but also full of gratitude.Li Xiaogang's bumpy road to today, Lin Chaoran's painstaking efforts and sweat are indispensable.

"Old man, long time no see, your body is still so tough! Haha..." Li Xiaogang said to Lin Chaoran with a smile.Lin Chaoran patted his chest, and said: "You say it's strange, but other people live more and more twitching, but I live more and more stretched, and the more I live, the more energetic I am! Hahaha... Later, I thought about it. Why? Seeing you this time, I finally figured it out, I can live such a good life, it’s all because of you! I feel comfortable when I see you, and when I feel comfortable, I’m happy, and when I’m happy, The appetite is surprisingly good. Others at my age can only eat one bowl of rice, but I can eat three bowls, do you think I can not be energetic, haha..."

Li Xiaogang nodded repeatedly and said: "You are in good spirits! Only when you are old and energetic, we young people have the backbone and can live more energetically! So, you must persevere so that you can protect us!" Lin Chaoran was very happy when he heard Li Xiaogang's words, and said repeatedly: "That's it! Don't look at me as an old man, but my heart is not old, and the ambition in my chest is not old! I want to live well, open my eyes and see, Look at you young people, make our promising big country prosperous and strong, and stand in the forest of the nation!" This is the long-cherished wish of the older generation of revolutionaries like Lin Chaoran, and it is also the wish of Li Xiaogang. Man, stand upright, carry the world on both shoulders.Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and gave Lin Chaoran a firm promise in silence.

"Xiaogang, where is Yuanyuan? Didn't she come with you?" After Li Xiaogang and Gao Liguo hugged, Madam Gao asked.Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Yuanyuan and Linger went to country M together, but they couldn't come with me. If you miss her, when she comes back from country M this time, let her stay in the capital for a few days. "Where in the world is there a mother who doesn't want her daughter, especially Mrs. Gao, who stays at home every day and is very lonely. Naturally, she misses her daughter even more.Mrs. Gao frowned, and said to Li Xiaogang with some reproach: "Xiao Gang, you are really too. Country M is so chaotic, why do you feel at ease and let the two girls go alone? You are not afraid that they will meet in country M." Danger?"

Hearing Mrs. Gao's words, Li Xiaogang was not doing well, but Gao Liguo laughed first, and said to Mrs. Gao: "Old lady, do you know what it means to sacrifice others and worry about the sky? You are! Don't even think about it, Xiaogang How powerful is the power in country M, if anyone dares to touch a hair of our daughter, it will be no wonder that country M doesn't turn upside down!" Mrs. Gao didn't understand the situation, but Gao Liguo knew it very well. The strength of the country, as long as Hong Tao shows up, the entire country M will be shaken.Li Xiaogang saw that Madam Gao still had such a trace of worry on her face, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry! Yuanyuan will be fine, I have already made complete arrangements in country M."

Seeing Li Xiaogang's earnest promise to her, Mrs. Gao felt relieved and said with a giggle, "I'll go and cook some more dishes for you, Yeren, so you can have a good drink tonight!" Li Xiaogang stopped Mrs. Gao who was about to go to the kitchen, offered the cosmetics in her hands with both hands, and said with a smile: "Mom, this is my honor to you, take it!" Mrs. Gao took it over and found that it was Empress series cosmetics, I couldn't help being startled, and said repeatedly: "Xiao Gang, this is really too expensive, I...I can't accept it!"

The queen series is indeed outrageously expensive, at least with Gao Liguo's current salary, it is unaffordable.Seeing Mrs. Gao's refusal to accept the cosmetics, Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "Mom, why is it expensive or not? You just accept it from your son-in-law as a tribute to you! Besides, this is also Yuanyuan's meaning, she has long thought about it." I bought a set for you, but it’s just because I don’t have time. I just have time this time, so I can fulfill a wish for her. Just accept it!” Mrs. Gao was still hesitating, Lin Chaoran said with a smile : "Xiaomeng, just accept it! This cosmetic is produced by your son-in-law's company. It is very precious to others, but it is nothing to him. No need to refuse!"

After hearing what Lin Chaoran said, Mrs. Gao accepted it and praised Li Xiaogang for being sensible.As Gao Liguo's wife, Mrs. Gao spends all day with those officials' wives. She dresses up beautifully, which is to win glory for her husband. Mrs. Gao, who was not keen on dressing up before, is now gradually paying attention to herself After receiving this gift, it can be seen that Mrs. Gao is very happy from the bottom of her heart. After receiving Li Xiaogang's cosmetics, Mrs. Gao is in a better mood.In the kitchen, I got busy like stepping on a beacon.In such a good mood, even her cooking skills seem to have improved a lot, and the aroma from the kitchen has become more intense and attractive.When the sumptuous dishes were brought to the table one by one, even Li Xiaogang couldn't help but salivate, and as for Lin Chaoran, his saliva fell even more.Opening a bottle of peerless Longquan fine wine, the aroma of the wine mixed with the aroma of vegetables, a warm feeling immediately flooded my heart, making people intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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