The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1225 The Ke family father and son!

Chapter 1225 The Ke family father and son!
Hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaogang was a little puzzled, if Ke Zhengang was really so economical and self-disciplined, how could he have such a pampered and extravagant granddaughter like Ke Xue.Therefore, Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling suspicious of Lin Chaoran's words, and said faintly, "Old man, could this be just a superficial phenomenon..." Hearing Li Xiaogang's doubts, Lin Chaoran gave him an uncomfortable look. Shen Sheng said: "Bastard, are you doubting my eyesight? If he pretends, do you think he can escape my eyes?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a wry smile, looked at Lin Chaoran with some embarrassment and said, "I...I didn't mean that, it's just that this Ke Zhengang isn't flawed at all?" Don't wonder why Li Xiaogang would ask such a question, just because Now Li Xiaogang desperately wanted to find an excuse that would allow him to deal with Ke Xue without any scruples.If so, Ke Zhengang is a heinous villain.Then when Ke Xue mobilized the power of the Ke family to retaliate against Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang could attack head-on without any scruples, even if he uprooted the power of the Ke family, he would not frown.But if Ke Zhengang is really as good as Lin Chaoran said, it will be much more difficult.How can Li Xiaogang do harm to an old revolutionary who has made such contributions to the country and has such noble morals?
Lin Chaoran gave Li Xiaogang a strange look, then thought for a while, and said, "Of course no one is perfect, and a person without any faults is a god! Ke Zhengang is good at everything, but there is one thing, he loves his precious granddaughter , too spoiled. I remember, it was a few years ago, there was a son of a wealthy businessman in the capital, and he was also a poor boy, but he liked to take advantage of his family's money and do things like bullying. act.

As a result, this guy didn't have long eyes, and he fell in love with Ke Zhengang's precious granddaughter. You know, Ke Zhengang's granddaughter was still young at the time, and her parents didn't want Ke Xue to fall in love early. His granddaughter didn't like it, and she rejected the other party's harassment several times.As a result, the son of a wealthy businessman became furious and impulsively kidnapped Ke Xue, and was almost ruined by him.I heard that that time also left a great psychological shadow on Ke Zhengang's precious granddaughter.After Ke Zhengang got the news, he was furious, and he did not hesitate to mobilize the army, put the entire capital under martial law, and searched everywhere for this dude.Ke Zhengang's actions frightened the other's parents. They knelt at the door of Ke Zhengang's office to intercede for their son. They knelt for a whole day and night without a single drop of water, and finally they both passed out outside Ke Zhengang's door.

Lin Chaoran sighed, and said: "Children are children after all. Whose children can not make mistakes? Since they have done this step more, and Ke Zhengang's precious granddaughter has not been substantially harmed, if he let go With other people, this matter will be over. But Ke Zhengang has made up his mind, and he will not give up until he catches the other party. No matter who begs for mercy, he will scold him out of the house. Finally, Ke Zhengang's army caught that dude , Guess what Ke Zhengang did? He just broke the opponent's legs, made the opponent crawl for nearly ten miles, and confessed his mistake in front of his precious granddaughter. All the property of the boy's parents was confiscated, and the other family was kicked out of the capital. Later, for this matter, the leader held a special meeting and severely criticized him. However, Ke Zhengang did not show any remorse. Instead, he justified himself and claimed that The other party deserved it, and he still refused to admit his mistake, and claimed that by doing so, he had forgiven the other party lightly, which made the leader a little dumbfounded. However, Ke Zhengang is a great hero of the country after all, and the leader can't do anything to him, so this matter will not end like this It's over.

"It's not wrong for grandpas and grandmas to spoil their grandsons! But too much pampering is doting! Ke Zhengang has become what he is today, and Ke Zhengang will bear a large part of the responsibility!" After hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaogang made a decision. judgment.Lin Chaoran said quietly: "Who says it's not! There are also rumors outside that Ke Zhengang's precious granddaughter, relying on Ke Zhengang's favor, is lawless and does not take anyone seriously. She is extremely rampant. Since I have heard this kind of rumor , That must have reached Ke Zhengang's ears, but his precious granddaughter still does her own thing and doesn't know how to repent, obviously because Ke Zhengang turned a blind eye... By the way, Xiao Gang, you haven't Tell me, why are you suddenly so interested in Ke Zhengang?"

Li Xiaogang glanced at Lin Chaoran, smiled wryly, and said, "Old man, to be honest, I'm afraid I've offended Ke Zhengang!" call.Gao Liguo is an official in the capital, so he knows the distribution of power in the capital.Knowing that Ke Zhengang is one of the few important figures in the capital that cannot be provoked, he frowned, looked at Li Xiaogang nervously and asked, "What's going on? You just came to the capital for less than a day, why did you offend me?" Ke Zhengang?"

Seeing Gao Liguo's nervous appearance, Lin Chaoran said aloud: "Zhengping, you don't have to worry, Ke Zhengang and I have a pretty good friendship. As long as his precious granddaughter is not involved, everything will be fine!" After hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaogang's expression became even more bitter, and he said quietly: "Old man, it seems that I am really unlucky. I was worried that I might offend Ke Zhengang because I offended Ke Xue." The thing I didn't want to hear the most, my eyes widened suddenly, and I asked in a somewhat hasty voice: "Xiao Gang, are you joking with me?"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "It's not a joke, it's true! Before I came today, I gave Ke Xue a hard lesson. I think Ke Xue must be telling Ke Zhengang about me now!" Lin Chaoran tried hard to get out Some traces of joking were found on Li Xiaogang's face, but in the end it disappointed him to the extreme. Li Xiaogang's face was serious, there was no joke, his heart seemed to have fallen off a cliff and kept sinking go down.

Seeing Lin Chaoran's complexion turning ugly little by little, Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile, and said to Lin Chaoran: "Old man, if you are worried about me, I don't think it is necessary at all. Ke Zhengang's power is not small, but he doesn't see me I’m afraid of him. It’s his fault that he dotes on Ke Xue so unrestrainedly. If he refuses to give up and pesters me, then I can only give him a head-on blow. At that time, it’s not certain who will win!”

After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Chaoran's face became even more bitter, and he smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Gang, you don't know something, what I'm worried about is your head-on attack?" Li Xiaogang looked at Lin Chaoran in confusion, unable to understand his words mean.Lin Chaoran continued with a wry smile and said: "Then Ke Zhengang's ability is not small, but compared with your kid, it is still far behind! If you want to deal with him, there are ten thousand ways to make him die without knowing how! "

Hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "Old man, you must think highly of me, so how can you say that Ke Zhengang is also the commander-in-chief of the Beijing Military Region, and he is very powerful!" Lin Chaoran glared at him, and said: "Okay Don't pretend to me! Don't talk about anything else, based on your relationship with the leader, it will be extremely difficult for Ke Zhengang to move you. And you are the Lightning Gang and the Sky Spike. If you want to kill him, you can say It is effortless. But have you ever thought that this Ke Zhengang is the commander-in-chief of the Beijing Military Region after all, an authoritative person in the military circle, and has a high status. The soldiers he brings out are all over the entire army. If you kill him, I am afraid that it will cause a great chaos in the country. In this sensitive international environment, if our country wants to resist the threat of foreign anti-China forces, it must first ensure the stability of the country. I think this reasoning is unnecessary. Shall I talk to you?"

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said solemnly: "I know this, but now the initiative of the matter is in Ke Zhengang's hands, and I don't want to cause trouble. It didn't happen. But judging from your description, Ke Zhengang's love for Ke Xue has reached an unbelievable level. I'm afraid he won't let it go and take the initiative to provoke me. What should I do? I'll say it first. Up front, let me knock out my teeth and swallow it in vain, I can't do it!
"So I think this matter is very tricky! As long as one is not handled well, it may cause a series of chain reactions. Xiao Gang, you have to promise me that before Ke Zhengang does not take action, you must not preemptively strike !" Lin Chaoran looked at Li Xiaogang seriously and said.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said quietly: "Old man, you are letting me be beaten passively..." Lin Chaoran frowned and said, "You have to suffer if you are beaten. Anyway, your boy is very strong in resisting beatings. It doesn't hurt to beat you. What's more, Ke Zhengang is an old revolutionary who has made great contributions to the country and made outstanding achievements. If it is just because of his doting on his granddaughter, it would be cruel to beat him to death with a stick.

Li Xiaogang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Okay! You are the leader. If you say it, I can only obey! However, Ke Zhengang can't go too far. If it touches my bottom line, no matter who he is, no matter what he does I will not spare him any kind of attack!" Lin Chaoran asked in a deep voice: "Then what is your bottom line?" Li Xiaogang said in a word: "If Ke Zhengang wants to take revenge, he will attack me. Come alone, but he is not allowed to hurt my relatives and friends, this is my bottom line!" Lin Chaoran nodded, and said in a calm voice: "It's reasonable, I understand, you should stay in the capital for the next two days, I'll talk to Ke Zhengang first, if this matter goes like this, that's the best! If Ke Zhengang must find an explanation, we'll discuss the next step.

After hearing this, Li Xiaogang said to Lin Chaoran full of apology: "Master, I'm really sorry, I caused you so much trouble when I first came to the capital..." Lin Chaoran glared at him, and said, "Don't say these things Useful! As long as you can contribute more to the country, that is the best repayment for me. Also, strictly speaking, you can’t blame you for this incident. I can't say that you are wrong. I hope that Ke Xue can accept this lesson, stop being so rampant in the future, and restrain her arrogant temper. Maybe this is a good thing for her!"

If things are as Lin Chaoran said, it is naturally the best, but Li Xiaogang has no hope for this in his heart, and sighs a little bored. In the south of the capital, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a beautiful manor This is a well-known wealthy area in the capital.Those who can live here are either the tycoons in the shopping malls or the dignitaries in the political circles.The Ke family, famous in the capital city, lives here.At this time in Ke's villa, Ke Zhengang was chatting happily with Ke Feixiong.The father and son, one in the army and the other in business, have developed the entire Ke family to the pinnacle of prosperity.Ke Feixiong is proud of having a father like Ke Zhengang, and Ke Zhengang is also proud of having an excellent son like Ke Feixiong. The father and son always have endless topics to talk about, and their relationship is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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