Chapter 1231 Zero six!

"Hey...Mr. Li, if you don't want your job to be troublesome, please come with me. I assure you that your visit will take as long as three days or as little as one day. You will be able to return safely .I will protect your safety all the way, and I guarantee that you will not suffer the slightest damage. Can you get in the car now?" Yin De said, and opened the car door casually, with a somewhat arrogant look on his face Said to Li Yong with a smile. " are threatening me!" Li Yong gritted his teeth in hatred at this moment, stared at Yin De firmly, and roared angrily.

Yin De clicked his tongue and said: "Mr. Li, I really don't want you to use the word threat. I have been solemnly inviting you all the time. It is because you think too complicated about the problem that caused this situation. It's a pity." Li Yong couldn't help but burst out laughing at Yin De's words, pointing at the soldiers with live ammunition, he said coldly: "This is what you call a grand invitation?'s so grand, I just I'm afraid I, Li Mouxiao, can't stand it!" Li Yong's sarcasm made Yin De feel a little uncomfortable, he snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Mr. Li, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, are you going to get in the car or not? "

Ling Wu snorted coldly at this time, and said slowly: "Why, you treat me as if I don't exist? With me here, you don't even think you can coerce Mr. Li!" Yin De gave Ling Wu a cold look, and said in a deep voice : "I don't care who you are, you have injured so many of my soldiers, no matter what, I will not let you go. You'd better be obedient and let go, or don't blame me for being rude to you!" "Hahaha..." Zero Laughing loudly as if there was no one around, he said proudly: "You are welcome to me? Just rely on the broken copper and iron in their hands?" ! All of them! Aim!" followed Yin De's command.The muzzles of each black hole were aimed at Ling Wu at the same time, and a cold murderous aura shot up into the sky, which made Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui's hearts hang high, and secretly sweated for Ling Wu.

Just when Yin De was about to give the order to shoot, Ling Wu suddenly opened his mouth and shouted angrily, "Ling Liu, how long are you going to fucking wait!" Ling Wu's roar made Yin De and everyone else stunned. I was taken aback for a while, and at this moment, an incomparably thick voice rose from the ground, "Hahaha... I'm coming!" After that, another black shadow shot over from a distance like an arrow. .One end was loaded into the soldiers with guns.Zero Five is sharp, Zero Six is ​​fierce, like a tank, repeatedly "crushing" in the crowd, and in the blink of an eye, the dozen or so soldiers with guns were flattened to the ground by the sudden Zero Six Well, looking at that appearance, it was much worse than the group of people who were ravaged by Zero Five.

Yin De only felt that he just blinked his eyes, and then the advantage he had created with great difficulty disappeared, and his heart was naturally full of unwillingness.But seeing Ling Liu, who was as strong as an iron tower, and Ling Wu, who was as nimble as a fox, Yin De's heart seemed to have fallen into a cliff, and kept sinking.With Zero Five and Zero Six as escorts, Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui felt more at ease.Li Yong looked at Yin De coldly.Couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Eh? Why didn't you talk, weren't you quite arrogant just now?" Yin De gritted his teeth angrily, looked at Li Yong coldly and said, "Don't be arrogant, this account will always One day, I will settle the matter with you, let's wait and see!"

With that said, Yin De opened the car door and wanted to drive away.Ling Wu frowned, as if stepping on a pulley, he slid lightly and gracefully in front of him, kicked the car door that Yin De had just opened and closed it again with a sharp kick.Yin De raised his eyebrows, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, stared at Ling Wu, and shouted in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?" Ling Wu sneered, and said faintly: "You want to just leave like this? It's not that easy! " Yin De snorted coldly, and said with infinite annoyance: "What do you want to do? Imprison me? Tell you, I am a senior military officer. If you do this, you are committing a crime!"

As soon as Yin De's words fell to the ground, Li Yong interjected, "It's too easy to find out if you are an officer. I happen to know General Shi Qiushi, the commander of the Military Region of S Province. If I hand you over to him, he will definitely check. Know your identity!" Yin De wished for it and said: "Okay, you call him now!" Seeing Yin De's expression, Li Yong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, if Yin De was a fake officer, how dare he be so arrogant If so, then unless he is crazy.Seeing Yin De's performance, Li Yong began to believe that he was really an officer.But this made Li Yong even more confused.Longxi Group has never had anything to do with the military.How could the people from the army find him?And judging by Yin De's attitude towards him, he was not friendly.

Li Yong said coldly to Yin De: "Even if it turns out that you are a genuine military officer, and you arrest me for no reason, I will not give up with you!" While talking, Li Yong dialed Shi Qiu phone.Shi Qiu and Li Xiaogang have a good relationship, and his daughter Shi Yuyao is Lightning's woman. As the commander of the S Province Military Region, Shi Qiu tries to take care of Li Xiaogang's major groups no matter what.In addition, the "God Healing" produced by Longmu Group will be provided to Shi Qiu's army in large quantities at a favorable price every year, so that the soldiers under Shi Qiu will suffer from a lot of injuries and illnesses, and they can focus more on their efforts. During the training, Shi Qiu didn't dare to neglect, and the relationship with Li Yong and others has always been very good.

On the phone, Li Yong explained the situation to Shi Qiu succinctly. Shi Qiu didn't dare to neglect, and hurried over with his troops.Seeing that Li Yong called Shi Qiu, the commander of the S province military region, with a single phone call, he couldn't help being surprised, and realized even more that Li Yong's power should not be underestimated.Seeing Li Yong and Shi Qiu as good friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time, exchanging loud and warm greetings together, showing the unusual friendship between them, Yin De felt more and more heavy in his heart. It might not be easy for Zhen Gang to vent his anger on Ke Xue.

"No, Brother Shi, that's him!" Li Yong led Shi Qiu to Yin De, pointing at him.Under Li Yong's guidance, Shi Qiu set his sights on Yin De.Yin De straightened his body, saluted a standard military salute, and said in a vigorous voice: "Hello, Commander Shi! Staff Major General Yin De will report to you!" "Yin De?" Hearing this name, Shi Qiu frowned. Unable to wrinkle, a pair of eyes fell on Yin De's body with brilliance. After looking carefully for a few times, Shi Qiucai said quietly: "My good fellow, are you really Yin De who is by Commander Ke's side?" Yin De smiled and said to Shi Qiu: "Not bad! I didn't expect General Shi to remember it." I!"

Shi Qiu laughed and said: "Of course! You are a popular person around Commander Ke, and you are also a very capable person! The special forces you led have a strong fighting power, and I am still impressed by it. !"

Shi Qiu's hearty laughter and unaffected praise brought a smile to the corner of Yin De's mouth. Hearing Shi Qiu's laughter, Li Yong frowned and asked Shi Qiu: "Brother Shi, did he Really an officer?" Shi Qiu nodded with a smile and said Yin is good!He is not only an officer, but a very good officer. "Speaking, Shi Qiu glanced around and saw soldiers lying on the ground screaming in pain, as well as a handful of black guns shining with killing intent on the ground. He asked in surprise: "Yin De ,what 's wrong?If I'm not mistaken, you brought these people over from the Beijing military region, right? "

As he spoke, Shi Qiu leaned over to pick up a machine gun, pulled down the magazine and saw that the magazine was full of Huang Qianqian's bullets.The brows could not help but tightened, and he asked Yin De in a low voice: "Yin De, what's going on? People from the military region of your capital rushed into our provincial military region with guns and real weapons. What do you want to do? Declare war?"

Hearing Shi Qiu's stern tone, Yin De's heart couldn't help trembling, and the courtyard hurriedly said: "General Shi, you have misunderstood. I am here to carry out a secret mission in S Province under the order of our Commander Ke. In order not to disturb General Shi and make General Shi troublesome, our commander decided to hide it from General Shi. There is absolutely no intention of declaring war. If you don’t believe me, you can call Commander Ke!”…

"Hmph, there's no need to call! I know Ke Zhengang's character very well. If you don't have his order, even if you borrow ten guts, you wouldn't dare to come to my site with a team of car men armed with live ammunition. Ke Zhengang has always been conceited, but he never thought that he would not even pay attention to me, Shi Qiu. Does he think that he can do whatever he wants because of his meritorious deeds? Hmph!" Shi Qiuyue became more angry when he said that, and at the end She was gnashing her teeth, as if she had a heart-to-heart hatred with Ke Zhengang.Seeing the change in Shi Qiu's expression, Yin De's heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and became completely cold.Several times he wanted to interrupt to explain, but Shi Qiu just refused to give him the chance.And Yin De didn't have the guts to interrupt Shi Qiu's words in the middle, so he frowned anxiously on the sidelines.

"Also, let me ask you, what's going on?" Shi Qiuhu asked coldly, pointing to the soldier lying on the ground with a straight face.Yin De was pondering over words, not knowing what to say, but Shi Qiu roared angrily: "It's fine for you to cross the line without authorization, but you still want to hurt my best buddy! It's too embarrassing!" I’m Shiqiu! Yin De, since you’re here this time, don’t go back. Let that old man Ke Zhengang pick you up in person!” Yin De was anxious and said repeatedly: “Commander Shi, listen I said! Although our methods are brutal, I can swear to God that we absolutely have no intention of hurting Mr. Li. Commander Shi must believe this!

"Hmph! Say what you don't want to hurt me. If it wasn't for my people who have been secretly protecting me, I'm afraid I've been hurt by you!" Li Yong yelled at Yin De with a full stomach full of dissatisfaction.Yin De explained: "Mr. Li, it is because you have been unwilling to cooperate with us that we have to do this..." "Ha! That is to say, if no one from me appears, Commander Shi will not come , and if I keep not cooperating, then even if you shoot me, it will be a last resort? Li Yong couldn't help but said to Yin De sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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