Chapter 1252
Hu Rong was full of surprises and asked: "Why don't you know anything about this? Probably Li Yong was forcibly taken to the capital by people from the Beijing Military District yesterday. I thought you should be responsible for all this in the capital." I know." "I know shit!" Li Xiaogang yelled angrily, "No one informed me of such a big thing, did you take me seriously!?"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's fury, Hu Rong was frightened by Li Xiaogang's fury for a long time before sobbing with grievances: "You and I just found out about this...why are you so fierce?" Li Xiaogang gritted his teeth with a cold snort Said: "Hell? Huh! If my sister is in the slightest, everyone will not want to have a good life!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone heavily, and the phone rang again shortly after hanging up. Li Xiaogang glanced over and it was Hu Rong who was calling. Li Xiaogang removed the battery board of the phone a little impatiently, and then threw it into the trash can.

It was the first time Mrs. Gao saw Li Xiaogang so angry, and she was a little surprised. She hurried over to help Li Xiaogang's shoulder and asked with concern: "What happened to Xiaogang?" Li Xiaogang said quietly on the sofa: "Mom, leave me alone, let me be alone!" Seeing that Li Xiaogang really needs a separate space to think about problems now.Mrs. Gao nodded her head empathetically and said comfortingly: "Okay, but Xiao Gang's anger can only make things worse and worse, it can't solve the problem. The more difficult things are, the more calm you need to be. It's what your grandpa Lin often said, which I think makes sense."

I have to admit that Mrs. Gao is very good at comforting people, especially her soft voice is so caring and makes people feel warm, even if there is a big trouble, she will forget it.Li Xiaogang smiled at her and said, "I understand you can rest assured." After calming down, Li Xiaogang began to think seriously.In fact, this matter is obvious at a glance and does not require too much analysis.Li Xiaogang understood everything when Hu Rong mentioned the Beijing Military Region.

The reason why Li Xiaogang is angry is actually more because he is angry with himself.He was angry with himself for being so dull and naively thought that Ke Zhengang might change and would not make a big fuss about this matter again.But he never thought that when he looked at everything optimistically, people had already extended their claws to his relatives and friends.

Of course, part of the anger in Li Xiaogang's heart also belonged to Ke Zhengang.In Li Xiaogang's view, there is a wrong and a debt.Ke Zhengang's idea of ​​bypassing him and beating Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui is not a manly act at all.It's a bit of a villain.Thinking of Lin Chaoran's description of Ke Zhengang, he thought that although Ke Zhengang could not teach his son well, he was honest in nature and not a bad person, but he never thought that Ke Zhengang would do such a thing.Originally, he thought it would be Ke Zhengang who made a move.It was enough for him to teach Ke Zhengang a small lesson.But now Li Xiaogang has completely changed his mind, and decided that even if Ke Zhengang's life is not to be killed, he must be skinned.

And when Li Xiaogang was thinking about how to teach Ke Zhengang an unforgettable lesson, Lin Chaoran hurriedly walked into Gao Liguo's office.Seeing the eagerness on Gao Liguo's face, Lin Chaoran raised his heart and asked, "Liguo, what happened?" Gao Liguo frowned and asked, "Don't you watch TV, old man?"

Lin Chaoran smiled wryly and said faintly: "Where do I have time to watch TV now? Ke Zhengang's affairs are going to annoy me to death! Yesterday, I found Ke Zhengang together with the leader, and wanted to ask him about the large-scale turmoil in the military region of the capital. I guess it must have something to do with Ke Zhengang's retaliation, but Ke Zhengang refused to admit it, and only reasoned that it was a drill. I am sending people to investigate this matter and we will know the truth soon."

Gao Liguo smiled wryly and said, "I'm afraid there is no need to continue the investigation. The truth has surfaced." Watching TV, I don’t know that not long ago, Longxi Group led Longzihao and several major groups jointly issued a banning order!” “Banning order? What is this? I haven’t heard of them playing this before? Who is their target? Unlucky one?" Lin Chaoran asked in astonishment.A wry smile appeared on the corner of Gao Liguo's mouth, and he said word by word: "Ke Group!"

"Ke Group?" Lin Chaoran was shocked and asked in surprise, "Could it be the Ke Group owned by Ke Zhengang's son Ke Feixiong?" Gao Liguo said with a wry smile, "If it wasn't, I wouldn't need to be so anxious "How could this be? Ke Zhengang didn't make a move yet, but Li Xiaogang made a move first. Could it be that you made a mistake? This doesn't look like Xiaogang's style!" Lin Chaoran said puzzled.Gao Liguo said with a wry smile: "How do you know that Ke Zhengang didn't move? I'm afraid it's just that we don't know. I just called Hu Rong and the others. Guess what, as early as yesterday, Ke Zhengang's people came to S province and forcibly took Li away." Yong, even Li Xiaoshui was kidnapped today, and in my opinion, Ke Zhengang's people probably did it!"

"Damn it! I knew that old boy Ke Zhengang wouldn't be indifferent!" Lin Chaoran yelled at the case angrily.Turning to Gao Liguo, he asked, "Does Xiaogang know about this?" Gao Liguo said bitterly, "Hu Rong called Li Xiaogang first and then called me!" "Ah? Then did you ask?" Ask Hu Rong Xiaogang how he feels after hearing this incident?" Lin Chaoran's heart suddenly became tense and he grabbed Gao Liguo's hand and asked anxiously.Gao Liguo shook his head and said helplessly: "What do you think? Xiaoshui is Xiaogang's only sister. Needless to say, Xiaogang cares about Xiaoshui. With Xiaogang's character, he treats his friends and brothers without regard for himself. Inserting a knife, let alone her own sister. I heard Hu Rong say that Li Xiaogang was furious when he got the news, and even Hu Rong scolded him, and claimed that if Li Xiaoshui made the slightest mistake, even if it was a bloody storm, he would She didn't care either. Hu Rong was worried that Li Xiaogang would do something radical if he got angry, so she called me and hoped that I could stop him!"

"It's over, it's over, everything is over! Our side tried our best to cover up their side, but they were already fighting vigorously. Could it be God's will?" Lin Chaoran murmured with a face full of ashes.Gao Liguo said with a wry smile, "Old man, when you are not upset now, you should hurry up and think of a solution! If you let the situation go on, Ke Zhengang will die, and I'm afraid Xiaogang will not be much better. There are still many people in the high-level who oppose Xiaogang. , if they catch this excuse, Xiaogang will be in trouble in the future!"

Lin Chaoran nodded and said in a deep voice: "I understand that you allow me to think about it." Just as Lin Chaoran was thinking about it, Gao Liguo's phone rang suddenly, and Mrs. Gao's slightly anxious voice came from the phone : "Liguo, it seems that something happened to Xiaogang, he has such a big temper! I think the matter is serious, are you coming back?"

Gao Liguo, who was already worried, was even more worried after receiving the call from Mrs. Gao and said anxiously: "Yimeng, please comfort Xiaogang and I will be back soon. Remember not to let him do stupid things!" What happened to Liguo? Why is my heart so thumping that I don't feel at ease at all!"

Madam Gao asked worriedly.Gao Liguo said anxiously, "Now I don't have so much time to explain to you, you just have to do what I say!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and turned to look at Lin Chaoran.Lin Chaoran pondered for a while and said decisively: "Let's establish the country in this way and we will act separately. I will go to the leader to discuss countermeasures. You should rush home now. No matter what method you use, you must stabilize Li Xiaogang!" Gao Liguo said heavily He nodded and ran out without daring to delay.

Watching Gao Liguo's hurried back, Lin Chaoran sighed helplessly, and said quietly: "What's going on? Everything is messed up!" The office ran.

When the leader heard the news, he was also very astonished, and couldn't recover for a long time.Lin Chaoran said angrily: "I knew at the beginning that Ke Zhengang said he was conducting some kind of military exercise. It was pure nonsense! I really regret why I didn't expose him on the spot! It's good now, things have developed to this point today, almost There is no room for turning around!" The prime minister couldn't help but said angrily, "How can Ke Zhengang do such a thing? This matter has nothing to do with Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui from the beginning to the end. What he did was harming the innocent!"

Lin Chaoran said: "I guess he has no choice. If he wants to find Li Xiaogang, he has to do this! Leader, now is not the time to discuss these things. I think we should find Ke Zhengang immediately and stop all this. If we get ahead, the matter will be serious!" "You're right, we're leaving now!" The leader hurried out without even taking his coat.And when the leader and Lin Chaoran rushed to find Ke Zhengang, Gao Liguo had already returned home.

As soon as he got home, Gao Liguo saw Li Xiaogang sitting silently on the sofa. Mrs. Gao didn't understand what happened, and she didn't know what to start with, so he had to sit aside and be in a daze with Li Xiaogang.Seeing Gao Liguo rushing back, Mrs. Gao couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, stood up from the sofa, and said repeatedly: "You finally came back and I was almost panicked to death! Xiaogang has been like this for a long time, Quickly enlighten him!"

Gao Liguo nodded, and walked to Li Xiaogang's side with a somewhat complicated expression. Before he could speak, Li Xiaogang suddenly spoke, his voice was low and angry, and said, "Dad, tell me the truth? Have you already Do you know that Ke Zhengang has taken action?" Gao Liguo was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "Actually, your grandfather Lin has been paying attention to this matter from the beginning to the end. The old man is expected to follow Ke Zhengang's temperament, so it is impossible for him to be like this let go.

So for the past few days, he has been monitoring Ke Zhengang's every move, hoping to control the development of the situation in time.It's just that I didn't expect that Ke Zhengang would be so cunning, and quietly extended his tentacles to the province of S. This is also unexpected by the old man! "

Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "This Ke Zhengang is indeed an old Jianghu, he is not so shrewd, even the old man has been deceived by him! Hmph - I want to meet him more and more now! "Wait! Xiaogang, what do you want to do?" Gao Liguo looked at Li Xiaogang nervously and asked.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said faintly: "Treat him with his own way! Didn't he always love his precious granddaughter? Hehe, I will let him taste the pain of losing his dearest relatives." Taste!" After speaking, she slowly stood up from the sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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