The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1254 Encountered a Car Accident

Chapter 1254 Encountered a Car Accident
"Brother Shi, it's been such a long time. Didn't they say they sent me Xiaoshui, why hasn't it arrived yet?" Shi Qiu frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Ah Yong, Don't worry! Yin De still keeps his word! Since he said he would send someone here, he will definitely send him, so don't worry!" Li Yong cried and said, "How can I not be in a hurry? Little Shui is a girl, she has never encountered such a situation, I am afraid she will be frightened!"

Shi Qiu smiled and said: "You are a sacrifice to others and worrying about the sky! Let me see, Li Xiaoshui is not much weaker than you!" Li Yong shook his head, and said quietly: "No! I feel like there are ten thousand ants in my heart It was like crawling, and I couldn’t be at peace for a moment. I had an ominous premonition, I was afraid... I was afraid that something might happen to Xiaoshui on the road!” To be honest, Shi Qiu’s heart became more and more uneasy. The distance between Province S and the capital city is not far, and the expressway arrives within five or six hours.At least ten hours have passed since Yin De came to the room and told them that Li Xiaoshui was in his hands. Even if there was a traffic jam on the road, he should have arrived early by this time.But seeing Li Yong's anxious appearance, how could he add fuel to the fire?I had no choice but to force a smile on my face, and buried all my worries deep in my heart.

Just when the two of them were worried, a sudden sound of hurried footsteps sounded from outside the corridor. Hearing this sound, Li Yong's heart suddenly lifted. He looked at Shi Qiu and said, "Here we come!" Shi Qiu's heart skipped a beat. They couldn't help but relax a little, but when the door opened, the two of them were both disappointed and surprised at the same time.Disappointed that the person who came was not the Li Xiaoshui they had imagined, and surprised that they saw the leader and Lin Chaoran here.Seeing that Li Yong and Shi Qiu were safe and sound, the leader and Lin Chaoran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss, Lin Standing Committee, why are you here?" Shi Qiu looked at the two excitedly and asked.The leader snorted coldly, pointed to Ke Zhengang who was following behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Ask him!" Shi Qiu cast his gaze on Ke Zhengang, who seemed a little embarrassed and apologetic, looking at Shi Qiu, Said: "I'm sorry, Commander Shi, you have been wronged these two days!" Seeing that the stubborn Ke Zhengang lowered his noble head at this time, Shi Qiu asked in surprise: "Why, Commander Ke has figured it out. Are you not ready?" Did you take revenge on Li Xiaogang? Or did you take revenge, now Li Xiaogang has learned enough lessons."

Ke Zhengang smiled wryly and said: "Slinger Shi really likes to joke. Who is Li Xiaogang, and who am I, Ke Zhengang? How dare I get along with him? In the future, I will ask Commander Shi to speak kindly for the old man in front of him. I hope that the adults will ignore the villains and let our Ke family go!" Shi Qiu sneered and said darkly: "You old guy, you put me in confinement without even frowning. , how majestic you are, it seems like everyone in this world wants to live by you. Now that you know you are no match, you can turn around and ask me to intercede for you. I, Shi Qiu, owe you what I owe you in my previous life. ? In the past two days, how many times have I reminded you to stop, but have you listened?"

Full of resentment, Shi Qiu reprimanded Ke Zhengang with embarrassment, but he was speechless.After all, Ke Zhengang is the core of the country's leadership, and Lin Chaoran didn't want him to lose face too much, so he came out to smooth things over and said, "Okay, Shi Qiu, Commander Ke already knew he was wrong, so stop talking!" Chaoran cast his eyes on Zero Five and Zero Six behind Li Yong, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Huh? Who are these two?" Following Lin Chaoran's inquiry, everyone turned their attention to Zero Five together six.Ke Zhengang is no exception.It's just that the way he looked at [-] looked very complicated.It's no wonder that he wanted to take these two people under his command before, but now he doesn't even have the strength to protect himself.The contrast between before and after made him feel like he was in a dream, unable to extricate himself.

Li Yong snorted and said, "The two of them were assigned by Li Xiaogang to protect me!" After answering Lin Chaoran's question, Li Yong glared at Ke Zhengang impatiently, and shouted angrily, "He Zhengang, you put Li Xiaoshui Where did you get it? Give her back to me!" Facing Li Yong's angry scolding, Ke Zhengang looked a little confused, and asked in a murmur, "Li Xiaoshui? Isn't she in S Province?" Ke Zhengang's words made Li Yong Very annoyed, he shouted: "Ke Zhengang, why are you pretending to be confused? In order to force me to say Li Xiaogang's name, didn't you arrest Li Xiaoshui from S Province to the Beijing Military Region?"

"You... what are you talking about? This is impossible!" Ke Zhengang frowned and said in a deep voice.Lin Chaoran cast his eyes on Ke Zhengang, and said slowly: "Ke Zhengang, what else do you have to hide now! To tell you the truth, we didn't come here to find you because you kidnapped Li Xiaoshui to the capital." Stop talking nonsense, hand over Li Xiaoshui, and let’s settle this matter! Do you still want to continue playing?” Ke Zhengang was a little annoyed by Lin Chaoran’s words, and said in a low voice: “Who am I, Ke Zhengang? I have always been daring. If I, Ke Zhengang, really do this, I will be struck with a thunderbolt!"

Seeing Ke Zhengang's swearing expression, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.Think about it carefully, since Ke Zhengang released Li Yong, why did Jiang make things difficult for Li Xiaoshui?Isn't this unreasonable?Shi Qiu's expression was shocked, and he murmured: "It seems that most of this matter is really what Yin De said, and he planned it alone!" "Yin De?" Ke Zhengang was startled, and asked hastily : "What's going on here?" Shi Qiu shook his head, and explained the cause and effect of the matter to Ke Zhengang in detail.Hearing Shi Qiu's narration, Ke Zhengang was furious, and shouted loudly: "You brat, how dare you do this? How dare you use a woman to blackmail us? It's completely embarrassing to our soldiers!"

Hearing Ke Zhengang's angry roar, Shi Qiu felt a little bit wronged for Yin De in his heart, snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Don't be so busy accusing Yin De, don't even think about it, why did Yin De do this? Isn’t it all for you? He is so loyal to you! If you weren’t obsessed, he wouldn’t have embarked on this path! Although you don’t know about it, it’s definitely related to you What Shi Qiu said was very reasonable, Ke Zhengang had nothing to refute, he sighed a long time, his face was full of self-blame.He said to Li Yong: "Mr. Li, please rest assured. If Li Xiaoshui was really captured by Yin De, I assure you, Li Xiaoshui will be absolutely fine!"

Li Yong snorted coldly, and said in a low voice, "It's useless for you to stop telling me these things! If I don't see Li Xiaoshui for a day, I won't be relieved for a day!" Ke Zhengang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Come on!" Then! Go, call Yin De over here!" Accompanied by Ke Zhengang's roar, several!The soldiers left in a hurry.Not long after he went, Yin De was brought with him.

It's just that Yin De's face was pale at this time, as if he had just experienced a terrible thing, there was no trace of blood on his face, and there was a trace of obvious confusion in his eyes.Yin De is a top fighter in the Navy SEALs. He has never been in such a mess on a bloody battlefield on weekdays. At this time, there is such an expression on his face, and he knows what terrible things have happened without thinking about it.

It's just that Ke Zhengang, who was still angry in his heart at this time, didn't notice Yin De's ugly face. When he saw him coming, he immediately roared angrily: "Yin De, you bastard! What have you done? Who gave it to you?" Your courage makes you dare to make decisions and act at will? You actually kidnapped a woman, do you know how shameful it is to do so?" Ke Zhengang's repeated roars made Yin De's face paler and his head almost lowered In terms of chest, he was completely different from his usual self.

Maybe it was the anger that passed, or maybe it was because of Shi Qiu's words. Seeing Yin De's appearance, Ke Zhengang couldn't bear it. He sighed a long time and said, "You, you, I really don't know what to do. What can I say about you! Forget it, I am also responsible for this matter, and I can’t blame you entirely. Let me ask you, where did you get Li Xiaoshui and why didn’t you send her to meet Mr. Li?” Yin De raised his head, He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but no sound could come out of his throat, and his face was replaced by a deep sense of self-blame and guilt. Such a look fell into Li Yong's eyes, and Li Yong couldn't help but feel a tingle in his heart. Cool, a feeling of icy cold, raised his head like a poisonous snake.Li Yong rushed forward and grabbed Yin De by the collar, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart, he roared loudly: "Where is Li Xiaoshui, tell me the fuck!"

Yin De just stared at Li Yong blankly, his eyes were devoid of spirit, like a desert without people.Yin De's expression fell into the eyes of other people, and soon made them feel nervous. Almost at the same time, several hearts raised their throats at the same time, and they looked at Yin De blankly.Ke Zhengang even asked eagerly in his heart: "Where is Li Xiaoshui, tell me quickly!"

Yin De didn't speak, but suddenly hit his head hard with his fist. The bang bang sound seemed to hit everyone's hearts, making the atmosphere of the scene freeze, making people breathless.Now even a fool can see that something happened to Li Xiaoshui.Li Yong was so anxious that he grabbed Yin De's with both hands and stared straight into his eyes. Although his voice was not as loud as before, it was much colder than before. What happened? Tell me! I'm her man and I have a right to know!"

Yin De's face was full of pain, tears rolled in his eyes, and he said with tears: "Mr. Li, I deserve to die! I'm sorry..." "Stop talking nonsense! Tell me what's wrong with Li Xiaoshui!" Li Yong The unbearable anger interrupted Yin De's words, and he roared hoarsely.Only then did Yin De speak intermittently: "Li Xiaoshui and his car encountered...a car accident..." Yin De's words exploded in Li Yong's head like a bolt from the blue, killing him on the spot His mind went blank, and his whole body trembled as if he had been electrocuted.The power leaked out of his body bit by bit, and the colorful world in front of his eyes also gradually faded and turned gray.Finally, Li Yong couldn't hold on any longer, and fell heavily on the ground, feeling that the whole world was dead.

(End of this chapter)

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