The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1264 Shi Qiu quit

Chapter 1264 Shi Qiu quit

"Xiaogang! How can you say such a thing? It really chills me as a sister!" Li Xiaoshui couldn't help being very annoyed when he heard Li Xiaogang's words, and shouted loudly: "When we were young, how did our father and mother educate us? Have you forgotten? You must be magnanimous and magnanimous to be a human being. How can you achieve great things with such a small belly?" Li Xiaogang looked at Li Xiaoshui in a daze, her roar echoed in his ears, and he was speechless for a long time.Seeing Li Xiaogang being stunned by Li Xiaoshui's yelling, the leader and Lin Chaoran couldn't help covering their mouths and sniggering.He became more and more aware of the sharpness of Li Xiaoshui's weapon.Even Shi Qiu was wondering if he should please Li Xiaoshui, which might bring him unexpected benefits in the future.

Seeing that Li Xiaoshui seemed to be really angry, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but frowned, and said with some embarrassment: "Miss, calm down first. Listen to me..." Li Xiaoshui interrupted him with a cold snort, and said faintly: " If you have anything to say, if you still recognize my sister, you should treat him quickly! Don’t be so wordy!” Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, turned to look at Ke Zhengang, and said slowly: “Old fellow, your luck is really good , This time it was a blessing in disguise, after I cure you, you will come to trouble me again!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was willing to treat his illness, Ke Zhengang almost cried out of emotion, and hurriedly said with a little embarrassment: "How could it be? I have already learned enough lessons, old man, how can I still be obsessed with it? What's more, if you can Help me get rid of the root cause of my disease for many years, that is simply a thought of rebuilding, I am grateful to you before it is too late, how dare I trouble you again." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, raised his eyebrows, and narrowed his eyes sharply like a knife After fixing Ke Zhengang, with a light flick of his wrist, a purple Nuwa divine power immediately followed his gesture and submerged into Ke Zhengang's body extremely quickly.Ke Zhengang's body trembled violently as if he had been electrocuted.

Everyone watched their every move nervously, for fear that there would be unexpected changes in the blink of an eye.Compared to their nervousness, Li Xiaogang was about to act more calmly, his face was calm and calm, and his mind was controlled by Nuwa's divine power to shuttle around Ke Zhengang's body like a snake.No wonder the current doctors dare not touch the last three bullets in Ke Zhengang's body easily.After so many years, the three bullets were all attached to Ke Zhengang's aorta.One shot will move the whole body, if one is not right, not only will the bullet head not be taken out, but it will cause a large rupture of the artery, which will inevitably lead to hemorrhage in the body. Once such a situation occurs, even a god can't save it over him.

However, this task, which is impossible under the scalpel, is much simpler in front of Li Xiaogang's Nuwa divine power.In a short while, Li Xiaogang stripped the three bullets out of Ke Zhengang's body.When Ke Zhengang saw the three rusty bullets in Li Xiaogang's hands that had tortured him for decades, tears burst out of his eyes once again.And everyone also let out a long sigh of relief.Li Xiaoshui carefully supported him, and asked with concern: "Old man, don't get excited, try it first, do you feel better, is it still in pain like before?"

Ke Zhengang felt it carefully, and felt as if a heavy stone had been removed from his body, every joint in his body was relaxed and comfortable.In the past few decades, Ke Zhengang hasn't felt as comfortable as he is now for a long time, and his whole body has a brisk feeling that he is about to fly away.With the removal of the three bullets, Ke Zhengang's complexion also looked much better, with a healthy rosy glow.Ke Zhengang didn't know how to express the excitement in his heart. He grabbed Li Xiaogang's hand and held it tightly. His snow-white hair was trembling because of the excitement, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you!" ,Thanks!"

Li Xiaogang finally showed a smile on his stern face, shook his head and said: "Thank you, there is no need. As long as you can discipline your precious granddaughter well, and don't let her make trouble again, it's better than anything else! "

Ke Zhengang listened, nodded heavily, and said: "You don't need to say this, I know it myself. After I go back, I know what I should do." Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "That's good! As long as Ke Xue can change it The past style of life is not in vain for the crime my sister has suffered."

"Hahaha...Old Ke, you really got lucky this time, I have to congratulate you!" Lin Chaoran walked over with a big smile and said.Ke Zhengang hastily bowed to Lin Chaoran and the leader with gratitude and said: "Isn't this thanks to the protection of you and the leader? I, Ke Zhengang, may not be able to repay the kindness of the two of you in my lifetime. The leader shook his head and said, "We are all serving the people. Now that you are in good health, as long as you do a few more practical things for the people, Lao Lin and I will be happy!"

Ke Zhengang nodded, and suddenly looked at Li Xiaogang and Li Xiaoshui pleadingly, his face was a little embarrassed, and he hesitated, as if there was some unspeakable request.Li Xiaoshui chuckled and said, "Old man, we don't know each other anymore. Let the past go. From now on, we are a family. If you have any requirements, just say it, as long as I can do it." , I will never refuse!" Li Xiaoshui was quite bold, and Ke Zhengang, who was a soldier, saw it and was very happy.Coughed, and said: "Girl, it's like this. I was the one who initiated this matter from the beginning to the end, and it has nothing to do with my son. You don't know, Feixiong has been working hard for the Ke Group." I don't know how much energy and painstaking effort has been put into it. Seeing that the company is going to be so beautiful is really a big blow to him. So, Miss Zhang, I would like to ask you to let Ke Group go , don’t embarrass Feixiong anymore, it’s really not easy for him.”

After hearing Ke Zhengang's words, Li Xiaoshui patted his forehead fiercely, and said with a smile: "Look at me, my memory is really bad, I even forgot about the Ke Group. Don't worry, Now that this matter is over, I will not be in trouble with the Ke Group again. At the beginning, I was also angry for a while and lost my mind. This only affected the innocent. After I go back, I will definitely eliminate the influence and help the Ke Group regain Zhenxiong Feng!"

Hearing Li Xiaoshui's words, Ke Zhengang's face was full of relief and gratitude, and he couldn't help but bowed deeply to Li Xiaoshui. Li Xiaoshui hurriedly helped Ke Zhengang up, and said anxiously: "It can't be done, it can't be done. Ke Zhengang Grandpa, you are an elder, so you are ruining my life!" Ke Zhengang took Li Xiaogang's hand, shook his head firmly, and said, "No! This gift is from my heart, old man, and you are also honored. Yes. I, Ke Zhengang, have learned a lot through this turmoil. I should thank you, not only because you spared me and cured my illness, but also because you made me realize the flaws in my character. If not The profound lesson this time, my old man's evening festival will be ruined one day sooner or later. Thank you all!"

Hearing Ke Zhengang's sincere words, Li Xiaogang shook his head lightly. Although the matter did not develop as he imagined, it seemed that this ending seemed to be better, especially seeing Ke Zhengang's eyes looking at Li Xiaoshui. The four big characters "The benevolent is invincible" suddenly flashed in my heart.Can't help but sigh, in this respect, Li Xiaoshui will undoubtedly do better than him.Thinking of my past character of being vindicated and repaying, I faintly feel that I should also change.

Apart from Ke Zhengang, the happiest people were the leader and Lin Chaoran.Although the turmoil this time made the two of them very worried, but in the end, they got a lot of benefits.First of all, they kept Ke Zhengang, the only remaining old revolutionary.And in this way, the biggest flaw in his character has been reversed. It is conceivable that this old revolutionary will definitely emit more heat in his last remaining years. This is definitely the gospel of the whole country.The second and more important thing is that they have obtained Li Xiaoshui, the ultimate weapon that is invincible to Li Xiaogang. In the near future, this weapon will shine brilliantly, and the leader and Lin Chaoran can't help but chuckle every time they think about it. .

But where there is the happiest, there is also the most depressed, and this time the depressed person is undoubtedly Shi Qiu.Following Li Yong all the way to the capital, he was even locked up as a prisoner for several days, which had never happened in his history.Even Ke Zhengang, who played the villain, got a lot of benefits in the end, but he, the hero, got nothing. How could this not make him feel annoyed?

Shi Qiu looked at Ke Zhengang with some dissatisfaction, and said coldly: "Ke, don't be so busy being happy. Do you think the matter is over like this? You are beautiful! The commander hasn't settled with you yet! You His mother is so courageous, to shoot Lao Tzu's gun and shut Lao Tzu's people! If I don't avenge this arrow, will I still want to raise my head in front of other military commanders in the future?"

"Tsk, I said Shi Qiu. Seeing that the happy ending is coming to an end, don't stand up and make trouble at this moment, okay? Get the hell out of here!" Lin Chaoran yelled at Shi Qiu bluntly.Shi Qiu curled his lips and said full of grievances: "What kind of reunion? You are reunited, but what about me? Where is my reunion? No, this matter is not over!" Shi Qiu seemed to be iron Confused, he folded his arms and roared angrily.

Ke Zhengang walked forward with a full face of apology, and said to Shi Qiu: "Commander Shi, this matter is all my fault, I have nothing to say no matter how much you scold me Ke Zhengang. How about it, if you hit me Dun, hit me if you can calm down, I will never fight back!" Shi Xu spat hard and said: "Come on, you old fox! You know very well that I, Shi Qiu, a manly man, will never fight back. Beat you a bad old man, that's why you said such cheap words, right? Besides, if I beat you, would your subordinates spare me? Although I, Shi Qiu, may not be afraid of them, but Being surrounded by a group of flies buzzing around all day and night is also very annoying! Don't play with me like this, I, Shi Qiu, am not a fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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