The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1365 Sun Xiang Awakens

Chapter 1365 Sun Xiang Awakens
However, it was three people who rushed in, and the last ones were thrown out were three bloody, chubby heads.One of the heads rolled straight to Kaoru Inoue's feet, and Kaoru Inoue was so frightened that he couldn't help screaming, and his body involuntarily stepped back a few steps, almost not sitting on the ground.These three bloody heads became the last straw for the ninjas. This time, even if Kaoru Inoue yelled and broke his throat, no one would rush into the room again.

Seeing that there was no way out, Kaoru Inoue snorted angrily, and shouted at Lin Tian and the others in the room: "Listen, Chinese people inside! You'd better come out and surrender obediently, otherwise I will definitely make you regret coming to this world !" Lin Tian sneered after hearing Xun Inoue's harsh clamor, and shouted loudly: "Surrender? Hahaha... that's the patent of your islanders!" do not blame me.

I will burn you all to death! "After finishing speaking, the gasoline brought by the order was poured on the body of the house. Lin Tian couldn't help frowning because of the fierceness of Kaoru Inoue. The small hotel they were in at this time was made of pure wood. If it is on fire, it will definitely be a purgatory on earth. Even if you have wings, it will be difficult to fly out. " damned, I will turn you all into ashes, hahaha..." At this time, the outside Kaoru Inoue's unscrupulous laughter came again.

How piercing the laughter was in Lin Tian's ears, and his heart was filled with anger.Kaoru Inoue became more and more complacent, took out a lighter from his pocket, lit it, and said with a sneer, "Okay, if you don't come out, right, I'm going to light it up now. Hehe..." As he said, Kaoru Inoue threw out the lighter in his hand, and the lighter drew a beautiful arc in the air and slowly fell towards the ground.Once the lighter fell to the ground, it was entirely conceivable that this small hotel would be engulfed in flames in the blink of an eye.It seemed that he had seen the scene of Lin Tian and others writhing in pain in the fire. Kaoru Inoue's face was covered with a ferocious and terrifying smile.

However, the lighter did not hit the ground. The moment it was about to hit the ground, a powerful big gun suddenly jumped into Kaoru Inoue's sight, and grabbed the lighter with a big hand. Before Kaoru Inoue could react, the With another violent flick of the big hand, the lighter quickly changed from small to large in front of Kaoru Inoue's eyes.By the time Kaoru Inoue realized what was going on, the lighter had already hit his face heavily.As if being hit by a stone, Kaoru Inoue's head buzzed, and he fell into a blank, his ears roared, and his eyes sparkled. The feeling was like mixing a whole bottle of soy sauce with a whole bottle of vinegar, At the same time, it seemed like it was poured into the stomach, until Kaoru Inoue burst into tears.

It took a long time for Kaoru Inoue to wake up from the blow, with a monstrous anger burning in his chest, Kaoru Inoue looked at Lin Tian, ​​the owner of the big hand, with resentment like a knife.Holding the bloody samurai sword in his hand, Lin Tian stood proudly in front of him like a god.A trace of murderous aura seeped out from every pore on his body, until Kaoru Inoue could not help but shudder several times.Seeing the 'Killing God' rushing out, the ninjas of the island nation retreated to Kaoru Inoue one after another. Like Kaoru Inoue, facing Lin Tian, ​​they couldn't help but have traces of fear in their hearts.

" really dare to come out?" Kaoru Inoue looked at the murderous Lin Tian, ​​and said with worry in his heart.Lin Tian snorted coldly, pointing at him with the samurai sword in his hand, and said coldly: "If I don't come out, how can I kill all of you scum?" Xun Inoue was furious when he heard that, raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice He shouted: "Come on! Kill him!" Lin Tian was exposed in front of the eyes of all the ninjas, and he was no longer mysterious. All the ninjas suddenly became a little more courageous. They greeted each other, and several ninjas attacked Lin Tian at the same time.Sen Han's blade exuded a piercing murderous aura, and starlight strobes towards Lin Tian.Lin Tian focused on the opponent's attack, narrowed his eyes suddenly, and jumped out like a civet.Then I heard a few crisp sounds from the gears, and before the ninjas figured out what was going on, the samurai swords in their hands had been dropped to the ground by Lin Tianchou.

Just when they were astonished, Lin Tian's blade swept towards them, and several ninjas felt a chill on their necks almost at the same time, and several dazzling blood splashed from their necks at the same time, taking them away. Little fate.The muffled sound of thumping made Inoue Kaoru's heart tremble a few times, and his complexion became even paler.Looking at the lying corpses all over the place, Lin Tian sneered and said, "Is this the so-called island ninja? To be honest, it's really not that good?" refute.As soon as these ninjas met each other, seven or eight of them were settled like chopping melons and vegetables, isn't it just not very good.

Kaoru Inoue frowned, suddenly let out a sneer, and said quietly: "I admit, you are indeed a powerful guard, but I don't believe that all Chinese people are as powerful as you!" Kaoru Inoue's words made Lin Tian's The brows could not help but condense, "Come here! Trapped him, and the rest of the people rushed into the room and killed all the people inside!" Inoue Kaoru's loud shout made Lin Tian's heart suddenly twitch.In the room, there were only Chang Xuefei, the unconscious Sun Xiang, and the hotel owner, who was so drunk that he was probably scared out of his wits.In front of the ninja, these three people simply had no power to fight back. If they rushed in, what would happen?

Lin Tian secretly scolded Kaoru Inoue for being despicable and shameless, but at the same time cheered up and was on full alert to prevent a ninja from rushing into the room.

Kaoru Inoue adjusted his strategy, and the ninja immediately understood.Five ninjas rushed out at the same time, surrounding Lin Tian, ​​while the remaining ninjas groped into the room furtively.Seeing this, Lin Tian panicked, and shook the samurai sword in his hand, and the dazzling cold light shot out from the blade.Almost simultaneously attacked the five ninjas surrounding him.These five ninjas are all in good shape, and secondly, they didn't fight Lin Tian head-on, their purpose was just to trap him, so they didn't fight head-on with them. In this way, although Lin Tian's attack was fierce, but It's hard to hurt them.Whenever Lin Tian wanted to break through the siege, he would be blocked by the joint attack of five people. After repeated attempts, Lin Tian still couldn't get rid of the five ninjas.

At the same time, two of the remaining ninjas rushed into the room.Lin Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he broke into a cold sweat for Chang Xuefei, Sun Xiang and others.In the room, Chang Xuefei and Sun Xiang were indeed in a precarious situation.The two ninjas who rushed in looked at Chang Xuefei ferociously as soon as they entered.Chang Xuefei was terrified in her heart, couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and instinctively protected Sun Xiang who was in a coma.Looking at the two ninjas, he yelled softly, "What are you going to do?" Seeing that the weak Chang Xuefei was powerless, the two ninjas looked at each other and let out a roar at the same time. Chang Xuefei's neck was cut.

Death was so close, Chang Xuefei's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she kept shouting "Help!" from her mouth.Lin Tian outside the room heard Chang Xuefei's urgent shout, his heart seemed to be on fire, his eyes widened anxiously, and the samurai sword in his hand danced more and more urgently, like a violent storm , one of the ninjas was finally irresistible, and one of the ninjas was forced to remove an arm by Lin Tian without checking.Seeing that Lin Tian was almost crazy, Kaoru Inoue was surprised and proud.He sneered again and again and said: "It's useless, your friends are gone. No matter how hard you work, it's useless!"

As if to verify Kaoru Inoue's words, after he finished speaking, Chang Xuefei's screams stopped abruptly, and the room fell into a deathly silence.Lin Tian's heart suddenly sank as if falling into an abyss.

Kaoru Inoue laughed wildly with more complacency: "Look, I'm not wrong! They're finished, hahaha..." "You're the one I've finished watching!" The voice came from the room.Shocked, Kaoru Inoue looked for his reputation, only to see Sun Xiang walking out slowly with one hand on a ninja's throat.

Seeing that Sun Xiang had woken up, Lin Tian was the happiest in his heart, and couldn't help shouting, "Brother, you're awake!" Sun Xiang showed an incomparably bright smile at Lin Tian, ​​embodying all brotherhood in it.Sun Xiang then turned to Kaoru Inoue, and exerted force on his hand, only to hear a crackling sound, the neck of the ninja in his hand was immediately twisted into two by Sun Xiang, and a stream of black blood flowed from the corner of the ninja's mouth. The children flowed down slowly, looking so hideous and terrifying.

Sun Xiang seemed to have just crushed an ant to death, without even looking at it, he threw the ninja's corpse away, clapped his hands, and looked coldly at Kaoru Inoue, a Lin Tianji who had already caused heavy casualties to the ninja , now that there is another Sun Xiang, Kaoru Inoue felt his scalp go numb, and subconsciously shrank back.When Sun Xiang came back to life, Lin Tian's spirit was lifted, he laughed wildly, the samurai sword in his hand fluttered wildly, and a dawson's cold and biting wind of the knife swept around.The four ninjas around him seemed to be thrown into the eye of the storm, and their minds were shocked.At this time, Sun Xiang also launched an offensive, shooting into the remaining ninjas like a tiger.He was hit by a ninja dart and almost lost his life. This made Sun Xiang suffocate in his heart, and finally had a chance to vent it. Naturally, the firepower was fully unleashed, and his fists and feet were extremely ruthless. It is dead.

Sun Xiang and Lin Tian were like two fierce tigers descending the mountain, sprinting left and right among the ninjas, as if they were in no man's land.But compared to the bravery of Lin Tian and Sun Xiang, these ninjas were all terrified, their fighting spirit was gone, and all they could think about was getting out and escaping.The less fighting spirit the ninja had, the more fun Sun Xiang and Lin Tian killed. After a while, the ninjas brought by Kaoru Inoue were completely killed under the attack of the two people like a tide. Leftover Wei shattered the last ninja's brain with one palm, Sun Xiang finally let out the anger in his heart, couldn't help but let out a hearty dragon chant, his heart and face were full of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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