The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1369 Sniper's Sneak Attack

Chapter 1369 Sniper's Sneak Attack
Mizuhara Deren shook his head, and said with a smile: "Jun Lin's effort is very unusual in our opinion. These ninjas are good at killers, as cunning as foxes. We have already dealt with one of them. It's very strenuous, and like Lin Jun, killing them cleanly with every gesture is simply unthinkable. Lin Jun, I have always heard that Huaxia Kungfu is so magical that it can kill people thousands of miles away. You must have practiced it Well, otherwise it wouldn’t be so powerful.” Lin Tian laughed and said: “The one who kills people thousands of miles away is a god, I can’t do it. But Huaxia Kungfu has indeed been practiced a little superficially. Actually speaking, Or those ninjas are too weak and useless. Hehe..."

"Just a little bit of fur killed our ninjas to pieces, this Chinese kung fu is really amazing!" Mizuhara Deren looked at Lin Tian enviously, and murmured.Seeing Mizuhara Deren's envious look, Lin Tian asked in surprise: "Mr. Suyuan, don't you want to learn?" Mizuhara Deren hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, no, it's not me. I always think that The karate in the island country is just superficial kung fu, which is very cheap. Only Chinese Kung Fu is the real martial art. If all the police in our island country learn Chinese Kung Fu, how many casualties will be reduced..." Lin Tian Before Mizuhara Deren finished speaking, he said repeatedly: "Stop you! Chinese Kungfu is not so easy to learn. Especially after World War II, the Chinese martial arts circle is very dissatisfied with your island country and wants them to teach Kungfu to you. You guys, one word is difficult!"

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Deren Mizuhara couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Yes, I know this too, so I will always be depressed about it. Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about it now. Lin Jun, do you know who the ninjas you killed belonged to?" Lin Tian shook his head, and said in a nasty way: "It should be Mito Xionghao..." "Mito Xionghao?" Hearing Lin Tian pulled out again Mito Yuhiro, Mizuhara Deren yelled in surprise, and felt that things were getting more and more complicated.

Seeing Mizuhara Deren's surprised look, Lin Tian murmured: "Why, is this so strange? When we first came to the island country, we were hunted down by Mito Yuhao, and we managed to escape to Here. Apart from Mito Yuhiro, there should be no one else who wants our lives, right?" "Why would Mito Yuhiro want to kill you?" Mizuhara Deren asked a little confused.Lin Tian snorted and said, "Actually, it's not Mito Yuhiro who wants to kill us. Strictly speaking, it's Yukio Yamamoto who wants to kill us." After hearing Lin Tian's words, Mizuhara Deren was even more puzzled by Monk Joji , shook his head with a bitter smile and said: "This is even more ridiculous! Yukio Yamamoto has always been well-known in the political circles of our island country, and he is an upright person. How could he send someone to kill you?"

Lin Tian smiled wryly, and said faintly: "In China, Yukio Yamamoto has always had a good reputation... But if his precious daughter is involved, everything will be different..." "Mikiko? Hiss... I heard that Mikiko seems to be missing, could this have something to do with you?" Mizuhara Deren looked at Lin Tian in surprise and asked.Lin Tian said with a wry smile: "We are unlucky here. Mikiko's disappearance has nothing to do with us, but Yukio Yamamoto insisted that we killed Mikiko. When he arrived in the island country, he would kill us painfully, and we can say that we came here after many life and death."

Lin Tian's words made Mizuhara Deren's brows tightly frowned, and he murmured: "No! Yukio Yamamoto and I have known each other for many years, and I know him very well. Yamamoto has always been calm. Even if he has conclusive evidence,! Even if you are the murderer who killed Mikiko, you will definitely not execute you in this way. This is not like his behavior. By the way, when you came to the island country, have you ever met Yukio Yamamoto?" Lin Tian shook his head and said, "Not really! But we met his secretary Yukio Mito. Unless Yukio Mito Betrayed Yukio Yamamoto, otherwise his words should represent what Yukio Yamamoto meant."

Mizuhara Naruhito's brows became more and more tight, and he said quietly: "Mito Yukio is loyal to Yamamoto Yukio, and Yamamoto Yukio has a lot of trust in him. The two seem to be one person, and they are both in the international arena. Famously, Mito Yukio was able to betray Yamamoto Yukio, which sounds a little unbelievable. If he said it himself, it should represent Yamamoto Yukio’s attitude. But why did Yamamoto make such an interesting move? Something irrational? Could it be that he was so worried about Mikiko that he lost his sense of proportion? It shouldn't be..."

"Commander, even if this is the case, it doesn't make sense. Don't forget, all the ninjas who died outside were from Tojo Shino. Tojo Shino and Yamamoto Yukio are deadly enemies, and everyone knows that. Could it be? Tojo Shino has a sudden kindness, and wants to avenge Yamamoto Yukio?" Matsukihara Bing reminded from the side. "That's right. Tojo Shino didn't have anything to do with it. Why did he mess around? And looking at the number of ninjas outside, Tojo Shino obviously invested a lot of money this time to please Yamamoto Yukio? Unless Tojo Shino got up in the morning and took medicine!" Mizuhara Deren said, scratching his head, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

"You said that all the ninjas we killed were from Tojo Siye? How is this possible?" Lin Tian was taken aback by Matsukihara Bing's words.Being in the dragon group, Lin Tian has some understanding of the powerful factions of some important countries in the world and the interest relationship between them.Lin Tian also knew the relationship between Tojo Shino and Yamamoto Yukio, so he was surprised.Mizuhara Deren looked at Lin Tian, ​​and said quietly: "How is it? Isn't the matter extremely weird? It seems that I have to find Yukio Yamamoto in person. Only by asking him face to face can the whole relationship be straightened out."

Lin Tian also wants to know how the matter got entangled now, nodded hurriedly, and said, "That's very good! Mr. Mizuhara, whether we can solve this misunderstanding, we all depend on you." Deren Mizuhara Shaking his head, he said: "This matter is not only related to you. If it is not handled properly, it may involve the relationship between the two countries. This matter is too serious. I must take a long-term plan. Mr. Lin, I suggest You and I will go back to the headquarters of the Garrison Commander, where I can protect your safety."

Lin Tian nodded and said: "That's good! But, can we have a phone call with our leader first. Report the situation here to him? Mizuhara Deren pondered for a while, shook his head and said: "Now the most It's better not to!All the problems have not been clarified, and the mysteries revolve around one by one.Even if you want to report the situation to the leader of your country, how should you report it?It's not clear at that time, if the leader of your country misunderstands, the situation will become even more difficult to accept at that time! "Lin Tianning said: "Mr. is right, but the problem is, before the leader left, he gave us all kinds of instructions to protect the safety of Miss Chang Xuefei.If something happens to Miss Chang in the island country, I'm afraid we won't be able to explain it to our leader. "

Mizuhara Deren gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lin, please believe me! In the island country, I still have a certain amount of power. No matter who wants to kill you, in front of me, Mizuhara Deren, they will have something to do." Restrain. You don’t have to worry about Ms. Chang’s safety!” Lin Tian nodded with Mizuhara Deren’s assurance, and said, “Since Mr. said so, let’s listen to Mr.’s arrangement. However, I hope This matter should end as soon as possible, as long as Miss Chang stays in the island country, she will face danger every day." Naruhito Mizuhara nodded, and said in a deep voice: "I understand this and I will deal with it as soon as possible, three, let's go. "Mizuhara Deren took a look at Matsukihara Bing, and walked out of the small hotel first.

Lin Tian and Sun Xiang looked at each other, protected Chang Xuefei in the middle, followed Suwon Deren out of the small hotel.The moment Lin Tian stepped out of the small hotel, a cold warning suddenly appeared in his heart, and this warning rushed all the way to his brain, making Lin Tian's whole body startled.And at this moment, an incomparably crisp sound of 'bang' completely tore through the sky.Lin Tian let out a roar without even thinking about it, and pushed Chang Xuefei aside violently, a warhead whizzed past Lin Tian's cheek, and the sharp air flow brought up was like a knife. A blood slash was left on Lin Tian's face: "Damn it! It's a sniper! Sun Xiang, quickly take Xue Fei back to the house!" Lin Tian let out bursts of roars in his throat as if he was mad.

Accompanied by his roar, several gunshots came from all directions, and the howling bullets flew back and forth in the air, shooting straight at Lin Tian, ​​Sun Xiang, and Chang Xuefei.Lin Tian and Sun Xiang's physiques were brought to the extreme, and their flexibility even exceeded the limit of human beings.In the rain of bullets, he protected Chang Xuefei and pushed her back into the hotel.Although Lin Tian and Sun Xiang were not shot, they also had a few scars on their bodies left by the sharp airflow caused by the bullets passing by.

All this happened so fast and suddenly that Deren Mizuhara had no time to react. After the gunfire stopped and Lin Tian and the others hid in the hotel again, Deren Mizuhara woke up from the great shock.Looking at Matsukihara Bing who was also dumbfounded, he roared, "Mr. Matsuki, what's going on!?" Matsuki Bing slowly came back to his senses, and said nah, "It's a killer!" Suwon Deren cursed and roared, "Send someone to search immediately! Even if I demolish this place, I still have to find those damned killers! I want to know who the hell is! Baotian, dare to do such a thing in front of me, Mizuhara Deren!"

The Matsukihara soldiers hurriedly arranged, and countless police troops immediately searched from house to house.Looking at the scene of the movement of the brigade, Deren Mizuhara gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "If I catch these bastards, I will be sorry for them if I don't peel them off!" Matsukihara sighed and said: "These killers will always be caught. But I'm afraid that if they make a fuss about it, Mr. Lin and the others won't trust us anymore, then things will be difficult!" Mizuhara Deren frowned and asked nervously: "By the way, just now, did you see whether Jun Lin and the others were injured?" Song Muyuan shook his head and said, "Lin Tian and the others moved very quickly, and I didn't see clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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