The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1420 The Panicked He Sheng

Chapter 1420 The Panicked He Sheng

"The leader of Shangfeng? So what! Since the other party is the leader of Shangfeng level, it should be more clear that if they offend us, GM may not even be able to hold their auto show!" Ye Linna said angrily.Huang Ziwen shook his head, and said slowly: "Linna, this is because you don't know the situation. Today's Huaxia is not what it used to be, and it has become a mature brand. If we don't participate in GM, at best we can only It's a small pity, the Auto Show in G Province will still be held with great excitement. In the end, we can only lose the most.

Lina, we absolutely can't be impulsive now, but cheer up!Although there are only five booths, we still want to show our general style of king, it depends on you! "

Huang Ziwen's words made Yelena finally calm down, and she took a long breath, Yelena said in a deep voice: "I don't have to do anything, I just can't swallow this breath! But, as you said, now No matter how angry you are, it’s just a waste of time. I will lead someone to revise the publicity plan immediately. However, I want to know that the auto show organizing committee just canceled one of our booths, and who did they allocate the extra booth to?” Huang Ziwen smiled wryly With a cry, he said slowly: "Didn't I just say that the most powerful is the Longhao Group!"

Ye Linna showed a surprised expression, and asked blankly: "Don't tell me, the person who snatched this booth from us was the second ship of Longhao Group, Huang Ziwen nodded helplessly, and said: "I also I don't want to believe it, but it is indeed the Longhao Group!Not only do they want to acquire Tianma Metallurgy, but they also want to participate in the Auto Show in Province G. Longhao Group has been so aggressive since the beginning. It seems that we have really underestimated them! ""Longhao Group really has such a great ability?"To be able to even invite people at the peak level to move? "Elena murmured in disbelief.

Huang Ziwen nodded solemnly, and said quietly: "Now China's auto market is basically in the hands of our GM, as well as several international automakers from Europe, island countries, and H countries. , Huaxia executives have been dissatisfied for a long time. Now I am more and more suspicious that Longhao Group is actually a car company specially supported by the leaders of Huaxia. In this case, we can't just ignore the Longhao Group! Once the Longhao Group becomes popular with the support of the Huaxia leader, our situation will be quite difficult!" Yelena said.

Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth, and said with a ruthless expression: "That's why we have to strangle them to death before the Longhao Group rises. When they gain a firm foothold and grow stronger, it will be difficult to deal with them." Linna, I asked you to help persuade the members of the board of directors to give up Tianma Metallurgy, how is your progress?" Yelena said in a concentrated voice: "If the board of directors decides to sell Tianma Metallurgy to Longhao Group, you must get More than two-thirds of the board members agree to take effect. Today, I have persuaded six directors, and I only need to convince three more!"

After hearing Ye Linna's words, Huang Ziwen said happily: "Miss Ye Linna is really not easy. It took only one day to achieve such a great result. I believe it will be done in less than five days! At that time, we will be equal to It's a rope around Longhao Group's neck, as long as we want, we can strangle them to death at any time." Yelena said lightly, "Don't rush to be happy, the rest are hard bones, I'm afraid it won't be so It goes well, but I will try my best! There is only one problem I don't understand. You said that Longhao Group doesn't have its own finished cars at all. Even if they got our booth, what will they use it for display? "

Huang Ziwen shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "This is also what I am puzzled about. But one thing is certain, since Longhao Group has spent so much effort to grab a booth from us, it will never be empty. It’s a waste of time. Now that Longhao Group doesn’t have its own products, it doesn’t mean that Longhao Group won’t be able to produce its own products before the start of the auto show. I’ve tried everything possible to find out about Longhao Group, and they already have A model of their own, and everything is ready, just to be put into production, one month is enough for them to build one. I think the reason why they are so eager to participate in the G Auto Show is because they want to be in such a global At the well-known exhibition, grandly launch their products, and strive to be an instant hit!"

Yelena said: "Since you have predicted their plan, you shouldn't let them succeed so smoothly, right?" Huang Ziwen sneered and said, "Of course! How could I just admit defeat like this?" Yelena asked "Then what are you going to do?" Rui Qiwen said in a low voice: "The most important thing about a car is the engine. No matter how advanced Longhao Group's cars are, it is impossible to use an engine, right? Everything that Longhao Group does can be done. It can be seen that they are ambitious and want to create a perfect car. In this case, they will definitely choose the best engine. But there are only a few best engine companies in the world , and they all have a close cooperative relationship with GM. As long as we put pressure on them, they must know what to do!"

Ye Linna frowned and said: "You mean to ask these engine manufacturers not to provide engines to Longhao Group?" Huang Ziwen curled his lips, and said with a bit of coldness: "That's right! Without the engine, Longhao Group will not Maybe they can manufacture their own car within a month, and if they don’t have their own car, even if they get a booth, it’s useless.” Yelena nodded lightly and said, “This is a way to draw salary from the bottom of the pot, although it’s a loss. A bit, but it is indeed a clever plan." Hearing Yelena's praise, Huang Ziwen laughed a few times complacently, and said quietly: "I have been in this industry for so many years, how can I be so easily defeated? Howard Group chose us as their opponent from the very beginning, it is downright stupid. Even if Longhao Group has the leader of Huaxia as their backer, I will still beat them to pieces!" Yelena said: "That's good! Let's split up Let's do it, I'll continue planning the auto show, and Satoshi will fix the engine!"

Huang Ziwen nodded, and said with a sneer: "Wait, Longhao Group won't be so arrogant in a short time!" On the same day, dozens of faxes were sent from GM, and these faxes were sent directly to various On the desk of the chairman of the big engine manufacturing company, the words were harsh. The Longhao Group has not yet calmed down, and this is another severe challenge.

But when the battle between Longhao Group and Huang Ziwen was in full swing, He Sheng's expression was very solemn in the CEO's office of Longyu Tourism Group, and he seemed a little restless.In front of him was a piece of the latest statistical statistics. It has only been about a month since the news of Xingfu Village's discovery of the tiger in the cloud spread, and the income of Longyu Tourism Group has exceeded the income of last year. , I don’t know how many times it has been turned over.However, looking at this gratifying performance, He Sheng couldn't be happy at all, as if a heavy stone had been pressed on his heart, he couldn't relax at all.A strong worry enveloped him like a dark cloud, and what made him feel even more disturbed was that this worry continued to grow stronger...

Turning around and turning on the computer, almost all the major forums were debating whether the discovery of Tiger in the Cloud in Xingfu Village was true or not.As the debate continued, people who believed that the Tiger in the Cloud found in Xingfu Village was purely a rumor kept putting forward more and more evidence. The emergence of these evidences made more and more people who believed that the Tiger in the Cloud really appeared in Xingfu Village began. shaken.Although there are still a few firm believers who still firmly believe that Yunzhonghu has indeed appeared in Xingfu Village, their rebuttals are becoming more and more feeble.This situation made He Sheng even more worried.

Flipping and turning, He Sheng seemed to be struck by lightning, his body trembled violently, and he froze completely.In a post on a forum, some people started to question the authenticity of those photos.The photos of the tiger in the cloud running in the mountains and forests of Xingfu Village are now the only evidence that can prove that the tiger in the cloud was indeed found in Xingfu Village.Now someone has finally launched an attack on this last piece of evidence. Once this last piece of evidence is breached, Longyu Tourism Group will undoubtedly be branded as a liar and face a catastrophic disaster.How could this not shock He Sheng?

He Sheng felt extremely remorseful at this time. He only regretted that he should not have been so excited that he would have been carried away for a while, and he would have posted those pictures of the tigers in the cloud on the Internet without much thought. If he had thought carefully at the beginning , if more proofs are sought, maybe it will not cause such a small amount of fraud today!up.But things have already happened, what's the use of regretting?He Sheng couldn't help letting out a long sigh, and lay down on the leather chair weakly.At this moment, the phone on He Sheng's desk rang suddenly, He Sheng couldn't help shivering, and picked up the phone.

A deep voice came from the phone, "Mr. He, it's me!" Upon hearing this voice, He Sheng's heart jumped rapidly, and he said anxiously, "Professor Chen, is the result out?" A photography expert who has published many outstanding photographic works and enjoys a high reputation both domestically and internationally.As the debate on the Internet became more and more intense, at the beginning, He Sheng could hold his breath, but slowly, as more and more unfavorable evidence appeared, he also began to waver, and only then did he discover that Yun The original photos of Zhonghu were given to Professor Chen and asked him to conduct a technical screening of the photos to see if there were any fake elements. Calculating the time, the results will be ready by today.

(End of this chapter)

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