The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1430 Unaffordable Tickets

Chapter 1430 Unaffordable Tickets

Wang Kui said with a smile: "I don't need Mr. He to worry about me. As long as the reporters and friends can announce the truth to the public, it doesn't matter if I pay a little money." He Sheng nodded with a smile, He said to Wang Kui: "Wang Kui, you are really proud, He admires you very much! But, don't you want to hear the price of a ticket first?"

Wang Kui frowned lightly, and said, "Tell me, I will pay no matter how much the money is!" He Sheng said good and then said slowly: "Seeing how proud you are, a ticket costs [-] U.S. dollars. The price should be nothing to you, right?"

"Hahaha... how much did I think, it was only 100..." Wang Kui said, his laughter stopped abruptly, his face changed drastically, and he stared at He Sheng with protruding eyes, in a tone of incomparable surprise He shouted, "How much is one more!? One...ten thousand, or US dollars!?" Looking at Wang Kui's expression at this time, He Sheng found it funny, and couldn't help laughing out loud.Looking at Wang Kui quietly, he said: "Of course, [-] US dollars is indeed a little expensive for ordinary people, but for you, Mr. Wang, it should be a piece of cake!" He Sheng put his hand on his forehead I built a tent, looked around the venue, and said quietly: "I roughly counted, and there are only about a hundred people in this venue. Each person costs [-] US dollars, and a hundred or so is only [-] people. It's just a few thousand dollars, Mr. Wang shouldn't think it's too much, right?"

Although Wang Kui likes stock trading on weekdays, and has a certain standard in stock trading, and has accumulated a little money, he is only a wage earner after all. Although the benefits of Longyu Group are generally higher than other companies, it is not enough for him. Earning millions of dollars at such a young age.Therefore, so much money was simply unaffordable for him.Wang Kui never dreamed that He Sheng dared to set the ticket price at such a high level as [-] US dollars. In his opinion, it was no different from stealing money.

Now Wang Kui is in a very embarrassing situation.On the one hand, he had promised the reporters present that he would provide them with tickets, but on the other hand, he really couldn't afford so much money. Wang Kui was so embarrassed that he wanted to strangle He Sheng to death.Seeing Wang Kui's blushing about to collapse, He Sheng let out a bad breath, and said coldly: "Mr. Wang, your complexion seems ugly, is there something uncomfortable?" Wang Kui bit it bitterly. He gritted his teeth and shouted at He Sheng in a deep voice: "He Sheng, you clearly did it on purpose! You might as well grab a ticket for $[-]!"

Seeing that Wang Kui was out of anger, He Sheng said lightly: "It turns out that you are so uncomfortable because the ticket price is too high. Hehe—you think the price is high, but I think it's just right. Yun Zhonghu is extremely rare, with strange living habits, and has extremely high requirements for the living environment. In order to create an environment suitable for the survival of Yunzhonghu, our Longyu Group has invested hundreds of millions of funds in it. Compared with our The investment, the ticket price is really low and insignificant." "Nonsense! I have been in Longyu Group for so long, how come I never know that Longyu Group has ever invested in raising Yunzhonghu?"

He Sheng looked at him coldly, and said quietly: "Wang Kui! Do you think we will disclose such a confidential investment project to a traitor who slanders the company's reputation?" Wang Kui was angry and annoyed by He Sheng's words, but There was no way to refute, but he could only stare at He Sheng fiercely, gritted his teeth, and cursed in his heart.He Sheng chuckled, leaned into his ear and whispered, "Wang Kui, if I were you, I would explain to these reporters that you don't have that much money, so what you just said will be invalidated. Although It's a bit embarrassing, but it's better than asking for trouble by slapping your face and making yourself fat. What do you think?" He Sheng's words made Wang Kui's lungs explode, but he knew helplessly, He Sheng said What he said was the truth, no matter how embarrassing it was, he could only do what He Sheng said.

After glaring at He Sheng fiercely, Wang Kui turned his head to look at the reporters, and said embarrassingly, "Dear reporters, I'm really sorry! After all, Wang is just a small wage earner. I didn't expect that Mr. He would I am so ruthless to set the price of the tickets so high, even if it is a single ticket, I am already struggling, let alone paying for the tickets of all the reporters and friends present. Therefore, I am ashamed to tell you, I'm afraid I'll take back what I said just now, I'm so sorry!" Wang Kui bowed deeply facing the reporters as he spoke.

After all, Wang Kui is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and while he was ashamed, he also splashed dirty water on He Sheng.He has always kept his attitude low, using his own grievances and weaknesses to highlight He Sheng's dominance and strength.For vulnerable groups, people always instinctively show compassion.When Wang Kui did this, he immediately received a miraculous effect.In addition, the price of [-] US dollars is indeed a bit high. Even among these reporters, more than half of them may not be able to afford the tickets, so the whole venue exploded once again, setting off a new round of criticism for He Sheng. crusade'.Straight away, He Sheng was described as a female businessman who robbed and misappropriated money, and a villain.He almost didn't roll up his sleeves and hit someone.

Facing the fury of the reporters, He Sheng appeared very calm and composed.It could even be said that he didn't take their anger seriously at all.The reporters yelled and scolded for a long time, and their mouths were dry when they said it, but He Sheng still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, unmoved by it at all.The reporters could only helplessly stop.Seeing that the reporters were tired of cursing, He Sheng sneered, and said into the microphone, "I think that's the end of today's press conference. Whether Tiger in the Cloud is real or not, we'll see tomorrow. Oh, yes. , if you want to watch the real and living tiger in the cloud, please bring [-] US dollars to the financial office of our company to get the tickets. Here, I once again thank you for your support to Longyu Group. I hope you will be free in the future You can come to our Happy Village to play when you are here. Hehe..." After finishing speaking, He Sheng turned his head to look at Wang Kui, and continued: "At the same time, I am also very grateful to Mr. Wang for his vigorous promotion of our Longyu Group. "

Looking at the smile on He Sheng's face and listening to the sarcasm in He Sheng's words, Wang Kui's angry face was full of ferocity, his eyes were filled with boundless anger, and his throat was like a cow's breath. In He Sheng's eyes, Wang Kui seemed to be on fire...

The more angry Wang Kui showed, the happier He Sheng felt in his heart, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.He waved his hand at Wang Kui, and walked out with a series of hearty laughter. "That's unreasonable! What the hell is this damn guy planning!?" Looking at He Sheng's back, Wang Kui's lungs were about to explode, and he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"Ah Kui, do you think what He Sheng said is true? Is it true that Longyu Group has been engaged in the research of artificially breeding cloud tigers?" Chen Yun looked at Wang Kui with some concern, and asked quietly. "Damn it! How could I not know that Longyu Group has made such a big move?" Before Chen Yun's words fell to the ground, Wang Kui yelled loudly with an incomparable anger. "But... but in my opinion, He Sheng's words are convincing, it doesn't seem like he's telling lies..."

"Huh! But according to me, he is putting on airs, just posturing!" Wang Kui snorted coldly, and said quietly: "He set the price of a ticket so high, don't you think it makes people suspicious?" ?He said that the cost of research is too high, but in my opinion, he deliberately wants to raise the threshold, so that most reporters cannot prove whether there is really a tiger in the cloud because they don't have enough money. For the remaining few reporters, if He Sheng wants to buy them off, it will be much easier. Hehe, He Sheng treats me, Wang Kui, as a fool!" After speaking, he turned around and left bitterly alone.

Chen Yun's heart was enveloped by layers of ominous premonition, he sighed lowly, and was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly heard He Sheng's voice from the side, "It's so good, why are you sighing?" Looking at He Sheng in astonishment, he couldn't help feeling guilty.Seeing that Chen Yun's face was not very good-looking, He Sheng chuckled a few times and said, "Why, you are disappointed that things didn't develop as you imagined?" Chen Yun suddenly stared at He Sheng angrily and said in a deep voice : "Don't talk to me in this tone, these photos are fake, I'm not lying!"

He Sheng said with a faint smile: "Of course these photos are fake, they are all your perfect works!" He Sheng's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Chen Yun's heart.He actually forgot that the fake photos he criticized loudly in front of the media were written by him. This made Chen Yun feel like a thief shouting "stop thief". Jealousy, blushing faintly.This made Chen Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment as he turned around and wanted to escape.Seeing Chen Yun's embarrassment, He Sheng showed a sad expression, and murmured: "Chen Yun, do you know why I trusted you so much and asked you to identify these photos?"

Chen Yun looked at He Sheng blankly, and shook his head slightly.He Sheng said quietly: "That's because I always thought that people who are as knowledgeable as you are wise, open-minded and open-minded. But now I find that I was wrong. I never dreamed that your My conduct is so low!" What He Sheng said made Chen Yun angry all of a sudden, he looked at He Sheng with wide eyes, and shouted loudly: "Why do you say that I am low!? Wang Sizhi is my friend. You caused him to die in prison, what is wrong with me avenging him?"

(End of this chapter)

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