The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1437 Nuwa's Apprentice

Chapter 1437 Nuwa's Apprentice

Hearing Qingsong's words, Li Xiaogang was also a little excited.He usually only knows that in the process of constantly fusing the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen, his cultivation base is constantly getting stronger, but he is also at a loss as to how strong it is, and now the test stone is given to him The clear answer is stronger than the majestic king of immortals, he is not excited, that's no wonder.And just when Li Xiaogang was restless, Qingsong suddenly knelt down in front of Li Xiaogang with a plop. Li Xiaogang was taken aback and asked anxiously: "Brother Qingsong, what are you doing? Between us brothers There's nothing you can't say, what's the use of it, aren't you embarrassing me?"

Qingsong stubbornly refused to get up, insisted on kneeling on the ground, and said in a painful voice: "Second brother, I ask you to help me save your sister-in-law even if I say anything this time! If you don't promise me, then I will Kneel here until you agree!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help but blamed and said: "Brother! Since I, Li Xiaogang, have made obeisance to you, I regard you as my own big brother from the bottom of my heart. Between us There is no need for this kind of trick. If there is anything I can do to help you, brother, just say it, I, Li Xiaogang, will never refuse!"

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Qingsong stood up full of gratitude, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Brother, I told you earlier that if you want to refine Xuanyuan Dan, you must gather all the rare geniuses in the world. In addition to earth treasures, the alchemist also needs to have a super-strong cultivation. This is mainly because if you want to refine these thirteen herbs at the same time, you can use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that they have absorbed and accumulated during tens of millions of years. To release it, you must have a very high cultivation level. With my cultivation base, it is whimsical to refine one kind, let alone refine thirteen kinds at the same time, so I am at a loss. What to do. But although I can't do it, it is not difficult to do it with your cultivation level, second brother."

Qingsong's words cheered Li Xiaogang's expression, looked at Qingsong, and asked anxiously: "So, I can help you refine Xuanyuan Dan and save my sister-in-law?" Qingsong nodded excitedly and said: " It should be possible! You appear here at this time, it can be said that it is God’s will, it is God who wants Zhu’er to wake up! Second brother, it all depends on you!” Li Xiaogang’s heart also desperately hopes that Zhu’er It's a pity that my son can wake up as soon as possible. It's a pity that such a beautiful woman with peerless youth is lying here so silently and alone.

However, not long after he was happy, Li Xiaogang's face suddenly became serious again. Looking at Qingsong, he said with some worry: "But brother, I don't know the composition of Xuanyuan Dan at all. But according to my opinion, it is like Xuanyuan Dan. Such a miraculous thing, shouldn’t it be able to be refined automatically by refining the thirteen flavors of geniuses and earth treasures? I’m afraid that when the time comes, Xuanyuan Pill will not be refined, but some other strange things will be refined, which will end up killing my sister-in-law My life, then my crime will be serious!" Li Xiaogang's worry was not unreasonable, and Qingsong's brows could not help but wrinkle.

After being silent for a long while, Qingsong seemed to suddenly remembered something, and without thinking of saying hello to Li Xiaogang, he got up and rushed out. It didn't take long for Qingsong to come back with an old and yellowed ancient book .After flipping through the ancient books several times, Qingsong suddenly patted his forehead heavily in frustration, and the previous excitement dissipated, replaced by a cloud of misery that couldn't be resolved.Li Xiaogang's heart sank following Qingsong's complexion, and he hurriedly asked: "Brother Qingsong, don't panic, what's going on? Please speak slowly!"

Qingsong said bitterly: "It's all my fault that I wanted to save Zhu'er, but in the end I lost my head in a hurry. I thought that as long as I found the thirteen herbs that are essential for refining Xuanyuan Dan, I would succeed. I completely forgot , this alchemy also needs to look at the proportion of each medicinal material. If one medicine is too much, while the other medicine is less, it is very likely that the refined product will be very different from what we want! If it is not for the second brother, you remind me, I will definitely I will make a fatal mistake, and in time, Zhuer's life may really be gone!"

Li Xiaogang heard this, and said with a smile: "This mistake has been avoided, then you should be happy, why are you still so sad?" "Second brother doesn't know something. My ancient book only records the thirteen herbs needed for Xuanyuan Pill, but there is no mention of the amount and ratio of each ingredient! This... this is amazing." What shall we do?"

Qingsong's words made Li Xiaogang feel a little difficult.Things like this kind of alchemy should not be sloppy, you must know that this is a matter of human life and heaven!Li Xiaogang turned his head around several times, and asked anxiously: "Then have you checked other ancient books, maybe there will be detailed records of the formula of Xuanyuan Pill in other books?"

Qingsong shook his head bitterly and said: "It's useless! Back then, in order to look up the ingredients needed for this Xuanyuan Pill, I looked up almost all the ancient books about the Yellow Emperor. Only in this book did I read about Xuanyuan Pill. What's more, I heard from the elders in my teacher's school. Although the Xuanyuan Pill was refined by the Yellow Emperor, it was not created by him. Back then, when the Yellow Emperor fought against the Yan Emperor, the concubine of the Yellow Emperor died in order to save the Yellow Emperor. Injured by Emperor Yan's assassin, it is said that the situation is similar to Zhu'er at this time.

In order to save his concubine, the Yellow Emperor almost ignored the government affairs, and the battle with Emperor Yan also changed from a steady victory at the beginning to a step-by-step retreat.Seeing that the country that should have belonged to the Yellow Emperor will fall into the hands of Emperor Yan again, and the common people will continue to suffer from the tea poison of Emperor Yan, Nuwa couldn't bear it, so she told the formula of Xuanyuan Pill to Huangdi alone .Let him use Xuanyuan Dan to save his concubine.

According to the prescription given by Nuwa, the Yellow Emperor really refined Xuanyuan Pill and successfully saved his concubine. Only then did he regain his strength, turn the tide of the battle, and finally completely defeated Emperor Yan.After defeating Emperor Yan, the Yellow Emperor deliberately built temples for Nuwa all over the world in order to thank Nuwa.The fact that Nuwa gave her the secret recipe to save her concubine was passed down from generation to generation.It's just about the exact formula of Xuanyuan Pill. Huang Di thought it was Nuwa's favor to him, so he never told anyone about it. How could it appear in ancient books?Why!Thanks to my obsession with Xuanyuan Dan for so many years, I didn't expect that from the very beginning, this was doomed to be nothing! "The more Qingsong talked, the more sad he felt, and at the end, he couldn't help but shed tears.

But when Qingsong was crying sadly, Li Xiaogang was excited, staring at Qinggan with rounded eyes and asked urgently: "Brother, you just said that the secret recipe of Xuanyuan Pill was passed on to Huangdi by Nuwa?" Qingsong looked at Li Xiaogang with some confusion and nodded.Li Xiaogang asked again, "Brother, are you sure!?" Qingsong said in a vibrating voice, "That's natural! This is what my master told me, verbatim!" Li Xiaogang slapped his thigh suddenly, and said with a smile: "Brother, sister-in-law can be saved! The secret recipe of Xuanyuan Pill may only be known by Huangdi!"

"Ah? Then...then who else knows?" Qingsong was agitated by Li Xiaogang's words, and looked at Li Xiaogang eagerly and asked anxiously.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Of course it's Nuwa!" Li Xiaogang's words first made Qingsong stunned for a moment, and then his face was shrouded in a kind of incomparable frustration, and he murmured: "I said, second brother, this No matter what time it is, you still have the mind to make fun of your elder brother. If you don’t believe me, I even want to die now, elder brother!” Li Xiaogang smiled slightly: “Eldest brother, am I not right? Since the formula of Xuanyuan Pill was given by Nuwa to the Yellow Emperor, Nuwa should know the exact formula of Xuanyuan Pill, I don't think there is anything wrong with it."

Qingsong cried and said: "This is natural, but the question is where do you go to find Nuwa? The Nuwa Empress is a great god in ancient times, and it has been tens of thousands of years ago. I am afraid that she has long been resident in the God Realm. Where are we going to find him?! Do you know where the God Realm is?" Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "I don't know!" The formula, I prefer to give us the formula of Xuanyuan Pill, but how can we get it? Hey!"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "To get the formula of Xuanyuan Pill, you don't have to find Empress Nuwa herself or find her apprentice, isn't it the same?" Qing Song looked at Li Xiaogang strangely, and asked blankly "Who is Empress Nuwa's apprentice? Why have I never heard of Empress Nuwa taking apprentices?" Li Xiaogang said with a happy smile, "Just because you don't know doesn't mean Empress Nuwa has confiscated apprentices." See Li Xiaogang spoke convincingly, with an affirmative expression on his face, it didn't look like he was joking with himself, Qingsong immediately became serious, grabbed Li Xiaogang's arm, and hurriedly asked: "Second brother, tell me quickly, Nuwa Who is the empress' apprentice? Where can we find him?"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle, pointed his thumb at himself, and some said: "The apprentice of Empress Nuwa is far away in the sky, but close in front of my eyes, where do you go to find it?" In front of you?" Qingsong muttered a few words, her eyes lit up, she looked at Li Xiaogang excitedly, and said loudly with a dull expression: " mean, you are the apprentice of Empress Nuwa?! "To Qingsong, this fact was really astonishing, it made him a little unbelievable, his eyes were about to pop out of his eyes.Li Xiaogang looked at his surprised expression, smiled, and said quietly: "Why, brother, do you think I don't want to, or do you think I'm unworthy?"

(End of this chapter)

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