The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1451 Salamander Crisis

Chapter 1451 Salamander Crisis
Seeing that Er Niu was so annoyed that he wanted to slap himself to death, Li Xiaogang couldn't bear to comfort him and said, "Uncle Er Niu, I can't blame you for this incident. Those trash in the city only see political achievements in their eyes. They are all idiots who can only see immediate benefits! I will find a way to let them dismantle this broken electroplating factory!" Listening to Li Xiaogang's words, there is a bit of ruthlessness hidden, and Er Niu looks worried. Looking at him, he murmured: "Xiao Gang, don't be impulsive! Our mayor, Wu Qingyuan, is notoriously hard to mess with. If you irritate him, I'm really afraid he will... "

"What can he do to me, to eat me? Hmph! Even if he doesn't come to eat me, I still want to eat him! Just seeing that he approved the electroplating factory to be built here in our Xingfu Village is enough to prove that he is an idiot Let such a person continue to be our leader, what hope do we have?" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said quietly.

"I don't know when the electroplating factory will be dismantled, but right now our salamander is in danger of dying. I'm afraid it won't last long. What should we do?" Li Shuang was more concerned about his salamander and couldn't help being anxious at this moment Asked.Erniu and Lin Fang had already lost their size. When Li Shuang asked, the two immediately turned their attention to Li Xiaogang, waiting for him to make up his mind. Li Xiaogang pondered for a moment, then scanned the fishing garden for a week.It was found that all the anglers were still fishing for salamanders with unabated interest, and they seemed to want to catch all the salamanders.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Erniu, the most urgent thing is to buy back the salamanders caught by the tourists. These salamanders contain a lot of tricks in their bodies. If they are taken by others, That would be life-threatening." "I'm just afraid that these customers don't want to sell salamanders to us. Xiaogang, you don't know these fishermen. Most of them are rich people, and what they care about is not money, but that. A sense of satisfaction from catching salamanders. These salamanders are like the trophies they galloped hard on the battlefield, and they are the capital they use to show off, and they will not be sold to us easily!"

"Then pay a high price! I don't believe they still don't sell it!" Li Xiaogang said loudly, frowning. "Xiao Gang, don't like fishing, do you?" Er Niu looked at Li Xiaogang with a bitter expression and asked.Li Xiaogang shook his head, even if he likes fishing, he must have time.Now that Li Xiaogang is busy, Shu Fei jumps around and asks him to sit down and fish, it is better to kill him directly.Seeing Li Xiaogang shaking his head, Er Niu said quietly: "That's no wonder! You don't like fishing, so naturally you don't know the psychology of fishermen. This can't be solved with money, and I'm afraid that no matter how much money you pay, it will be useless."

"The village chief is right! Some of these people have been fighting here for more than a month, and finally caught a salamander today. If you let them sell the salamander, it is no different from killing them." Li Shuang He opened his mouth to echo Er Niu's words.Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "Then what should we do? Once these salamanders are eaten, how many people will be poisoned by it. This will undoubtedly be a huge loss to the reputation of our Xingfu Village, and the tourism of Xingfu Village will not be affected. The Xianghui will be in a slump, the consequences are too serious, don't you think about it?"

Er Niu said: "Xiao Gang, although your Uncle Er Niu is just a farmer, he is not stupid. How could I not have thought of what you said? But what I said is also the truth, money may not be able to deal with those fishermen! Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at the fishermen in the fishing garden, and saw that they all seemed to have gone crazy, their eyes were red, they were staring at the water without blinking, and they were holding the fishing rods tightly with both hands. Even the fishing rod seemed to be broken by them, Li Xiaogang realized that what Li Shuang and Er Niu said was not exaggerated.These fishermen who have fallen into madness, I am afraid that money is really beyond their reach, and they can't help but feel troubled.

"How can this be good? I really hope that these salamanders can win and escape from their grasp!" Li Shuang murmured worriedly while looking at the scene in front of him.However, he did not expect that his inadvertent words gave Li Xiaogang inspiration, Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "There is a way!" "What way? Xiaogang, tell me!" There is a solution, Er Niu looked at Li Xiaogang happily, and asked repeatedly.

Li Xiaogang chuckled a little mysteriously, and said: "Zhu go tell these fishermen that there will be a strong wind of level [-] here in a while. For the sake of safety, we will close the fishing park. Please also think about their own safety. Leave quickly!"

Er Niu thought that Li Xiaogang would have some good ideas, but he didn't expect to hear this, and couldn't help but said bitterly: "Xiaogang, when is this, stop playing! Where do you think we are? , Is it the coast? If there is a strong wind, there will be a strong wind? I have lived here for decades, and I have never seen what it is like to have a force eight wind. I know you want these tourists to leave, but you have to find Come up with a decent reason, this reason is too absurd, those fishermen are not fools, they will not believe it!"

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said faintly: "They won't believe it's the best! If they believe it and leave with the giant salamander they caught, then why are we fussing about? Uncle Er Niu, I have my own school, you Just do what I say!" Seeing the confident look on Li Xiaogang's face, Er Niu couldn't help being stunned, not sure whether he should listen to Li Xiaogang's words, standing there hesitating.Li Xiaogang saw that Er Niu was still refusing to move, so he yelled at him anxiously, and said, "Uncle Er Niu, why are you dawdling? Don't you really want to watch the beautiful life in our Xingfu Village disappear?"

Compared with Erniu, Lin Fang is much more decisive.Out of trust in Li Xiaogang, Lin Fang pushed Er Niu violently, and shouted in a deep voice: "Xiao Gang has already said so, why are you delaying? Go!" A guest who was enjoying fishing not far away walked over.Seeing this, Er Niu didn't care about that much anymore, he gritted his teeth and walked towards the fishermen on the other side.Li Xiaogang then looked at Li Shuang and the others and said, "You guys go too! Just follow what I told you just now!"

Xingfu Village is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and it is a valley. Under such terrain conditions, it is very difficult for a strong wind above level [-] to form. The three of them knew their fate, so they all hesitated.But under Li Xiaogang's repeated urging, the three of them didn't even think about it, and they separately persuaded the fisherman to go...

Salamanders, which are extremely difficult to catch on weekdays, are being pulled ashore one after another at this time, which greatly stimulates the nerves of the fishermen, and has already driven them into madness.Faced with the persuasion of Er Niu, Lin Fang and others, the attitude of these fishermen can be imagined, and they almost ignored them.There are also very few unqualified fishermen who yell at Er Niu and others for their persuasion.He also said that Erniu and the others were worried that the salamanders would be caught and lost money, so they made up such a stupid excuse to trick them into leaving.There were also some fishermen clamoring that they would not leave even if the gale of [-]-level blew them all into the sky.In short, even though Er Niu and the others were going to wear their lips, they couldn't persuade anyone to leave.

Seeing Er Niu, Lin Fang, Li Shuang, and Zhang Lei walking back dejectedly, Li Ming asked anxiously, "Why, they don't listen?" At this time, Li Shuang was fooled by those stubborn and greedy fishermen. He was full of anger, pouted his mouth, and said in a very angry and tender voice: "I said it a long time ago, it's useless! These fishermen are already red-eyed, even with big guns and cannons behind them It's unlikely they'll leave if you force them, let alone rely on our mouth and this rotten excuse."

"Huh? Where's Xiaogang?" Er Niu turned his head and glanced, but couldn't find Li Xiaogang's figure, so he couldn't help asking curiously.Li Minggang wanted to say, "Isn't Xiaogang right here?" But when he turned his head, he realized that Xiaogang had long since disappeared from the place where he was standing just now, so he couldn't help changing his words and said curiously: "It's strange, just now he was with me. Standing together, where can he go in this short time?" Just as everyone was anxiously looking for Li Xiaogang's figure, a strong wind suddenly swept over from the east of the fishing garden.Li Shuang was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground by the strong wind. Fortunately, Lin Fang helped her up with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Strange, where is the wind coming from?" Li Shuang asked Lin Fang in astonishment after standing still.How could Lin Fang know that when he was hesitating in his heart, a stronger wind came from the east.Wherever the strong wind went, the thick and thin trees at the mouth of the bowl all bent down the treetops, and the bushes were blown to the ground by the strong wind.Such a strong wind made it difficult for Er Niu and the others to even stand.Er Niu tried his best to hold on to the wall to stand firm, facing the strong wind, shouted to the crowd with great difficulty: "Everyone, don't panic, go and evacuate the guests!"

In fact, Li Shuang and the three of them had already started to move without any hope.But the wind was so strong that many small benches and fish baskets carried by fishermen were literally swept into the air by the wind.Just now there were thousands of miles of dark clouds and the sunny sky seemed to have changed its face in an instant. It can be described as the sky is dark and the sky is dark, flying sand and stones.The tourists who were enjoying fishing, no one expected that the strong wind would come as soon as they said it. Most of the salamanders they finally caught were blown back into the water by the strong wind before they could react.Individuals who reacted quickly subconsciously stretched out their hands to fish, only to see that the gust of wind forced waves two or three meters high on the water surface of the pond, slapping them all back to the shore abruptly.

Those guests who were lucky enough not to let the wind take away the salamanders they had caught did their best tricks one by one. Some of them held the containers full of salamanders tightly with their hands and used all their strength to fight against the storm: some He simply pressed the duck spear full of salamanders under his chest, and then crawled on the ground with his head in his hands, quietly waiting for the storm to pass.In short, in order to protect the salamanders they caught, these tourists gave full play to their imaginations and used all their energy to feed.However, it is a pity that no matter what they do, the result will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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