The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1481 Xinran's thoughts

Chapter 1481 Xinran's thoughts

Seeing Xiaoli pursed her lips in displeasure, unwilling to talk to her, she chuckled a few times happily, took Xiaoli's hand, tapped her forehead lightly with her fingers, curled her lips and said : "You girl, I usually see that you are smart and smart, but now you are suddenly dull? You don't even think about it, why do I do this?" "You are crazy, how do I know what you are doing?" ?” Xiaoli turned her head and said.Xin Ran shook her head and said: "You and I have known each other for a long time, when did you see me go crazy. Let me ask you, do you want to see Li Xiaogang?"

Without even thinking about it, Xiaoli replied, "Of course I want to see you, so do you need to ask? Brother Gang made me and Xiaoxiong live such a happy and rich life today. He is our greatest benefactor! The last time we Getting married, Brother Gang originally said he was going to come, but he didn’t come because of some reason. This has become the biggest regret in my life for me and Xiaoxiong. Counting with our fingers, since the last time we parted until now, it’s almost gone It's been half a year, how could I not want to see him?" Xin Ran pouted and said, "Since you want to see him, you can't be polite to his subordinates. He obviously wants to assign tasks to us, but he didn't come directly, but sent an irrelevant person, It's really unreasonable! I asked the security guard to throw him out, which is considered polite."

"Ah, I understand what you're thinking!" Xiaoli suddenly exaggeratedly shouted, which shocked Xinran.Xiaoli looked at Xinran full of excitement, and said with a smile: "You used this method to force Brother Gang to come and talk to you in person. In this way, we can meet him, right?" Xinran giggled, Gently pinched Xiaoli's cheek, said with a smile: "Now you don't think I'm going crazy, do you?" Xiaoli hugged Xinran's arm, her smiling eyes narrowed into a line and said: "No, no, sister Xinran, you are smart! Let's go, let's do our hair and go shopping for clothes. We must dress up beautifully tomorrow!"

Xinran smiled slightly, and said, "You already have a bear, why do you still dress up so beautifully?" Xiaoli was taken aback by Xinran's words, and then looked at Xinran with a sinister smile, pointing her fingers and said, "I understand your That's funny, you're thinking about it..." Xin Ran didn't feel embarrassed at all, she turned her head, snorted coquettishly, and said, "Why, do you think I'm not good enough for Li Xiaogang?" Yes! Of course you deserve it! Brother Gang is an outstanding and great man, and sister Xinran is an unyielding strong woman. When you are together, it is truly a perfect match, a match made in heaven!" Xin Ran couldn't help giving Xiao Li a white look, and said with a forced smile: "You girl, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, and even I am about to be dizzy by you! Giggle, but, it seems that what you said For the sake of my comfort, I invite you to have a luxurious meal tonight!"

"Hee hee sister Xinran, it seems that you are really happy today. You, who have always been an iron cock, are willing to pluck your hair today. It's really rare! Hehe..." Xiaoli joked with a smile.After hearing this, Xin Ran glared at her, and said: "You little girl, I can't stop your mouth even if I invite you to dinner! Stop talking nonsense, so are you going or not?"

Go, of course go!But sister Xinran, I have a small request..." Seeing Xiaoli's coy look, Xinran didn't wait for her to say, and said, "Okay, I know, you want to take Fangyi's bear with you.I really can't do anything about you, you've been married for so long, and you're still stuck together like glue all day long, wouldn't it be annoying? "

Xiaoli said with a smile: "Sister Xinran, when you and Brother Gang really get together, you will understand that no matter how long two people who love each other stay together, they will not be bored!" She nodded longingly, and then asked Xiaoli nervously: "Xiaoli, tell me the truth, do you think it is really possible for me and Li Xiaogang to be together?"

"Why is it impossible? You are so beautiful and talented, and brother Gang is also a dragon among men and you are a perfect match." Xiaoli replied without thinking.Xin Ran smiled wryly, and said quietly: "But why do I always feel that Li Xiaogang doesn't seem to be interested in me? Otherwise, why would he not come to see me for so long? Even if he has something to tell me I want to do it, but I still have to go through others, but I refuse to come forward in person. Tell me, does it mean that he hates me?"

Seeing Xinran's distressed and aggrieved appearance, Xiaoli couldn't help but said with a smile: "Sister Xinran, why do you think so? Brother Gang has so many things to deal with every day, how can he have time?" Always around you. But having said that, Brother Gang will never hate you, but whether he will accept you as his woman is a big question..."

"How do you say it?" Xin Ran looked at Xiao Li nervously, and asked in a nasty voice.Xiaoli frowned lightly, and said quietly: "Sister Xinran, didn't you hear what Sister Shanshan said? In fact, Brother Gang has more than one woman. And he loves every one of his women wholeheartedly. I'm afraid Brother Gang's energy is limited, so he won't accept other women anymore..."

While talking, Xiaoli secretly observed Xinran's expression, for fear that she might make a mistake in saying something and add trouble to Xinran.However, Xinran seemed to have considered all of what she said, so she didn't show any abnormal emotions. She just smiled bitterly and murmured: "Why don't I know this? In fact, I don't know too much. Once I thought about giving up, there are many excellent suitors around me. But you don't know the feeling, after I saw Li Xiaogang's extraordinary, all other men, even if they shine again, are in my heart In my eyes, compared with Li Xiaogang, they are just grains of rice and pearls, they are completely different, and it is even more difficult for me to try to accept them."

Xiaoli nodded in understanding, and said quietly: "Miss Xinran, don't talk about it, I completely understand your feelings. If you really like Brother Gang, then stick to it. The so-called sincerity is the result of gold and stone What's more, Brother Gang's heart is not made of iron, and one day he will be moved by you." Xin Ran nodded at Xiao Li and said with a smile: "Xiao Li, thank you, I will stick to it! By the way, time It's getting late, hurry up and call Little Bear, we're leaving now!"

Xiaoli giggled and said, "Of order, I'll go right away!" After being teased by Xin Ran, Ma Bing returned to Longhao Group with a sad face.In the Longhao Group, Hu Rong and Li Xiaogang were thinking about where to go for the tooth festival at night, but they caught a glimpse of the disheveled horse soldiers. Hu Rong couldn't help asking a little strangely: "Brother Ma, you came back so soon? I thought you In the evening, I will have dinner with Xinran and discuss the details of the plan."

Ma Bing waved his hands dumbfounding whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Don't mention it, I'm about to die of depression!" Seeing Ma Bing's expression, Li Xiaogang laughed, and said leisurely: "I understand, don't you Seeing how beautiful he looks like a celestial being with pleasure, thoughts that should not have arisen in his head, and he was kicked out in the end?"

Ma Bing looked up at Li Xiaogang and said with a smile: "You really guessed half of it. I was kicked out by others, but it was not because I was greedy for Xinran's beauty." "What? You were really kicked out Came out? But... but how is this possible?" Hu Rong looked at the horse soldiers in amazement and asked, her mouth was so long that she almost swallowed her tongue.Li Xiaogang also frowned at the side, and asked in a deep voice: "Ma Bing, tell me slowly, what's going on?" So Ma Bing explained everything he encountered in the Qiangnong sales I said it again.Especially at the end, when he mentioned Li Xiaogang's name, but was kicked out happily, he looked at Li Xiaogang with a gloomy and suspicious look in his eyes, obviously he thought Li Xiaogang was a little self-righteous and self-important, His influence over Strong Farmer Sales simply wasn't as great as he'd thought.

Facing Ma Bing's gaze, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and fell silent, but Hu Rong couldn't help being a little excited, turned her head to look at Li Xiaogang, and said in a crisp voice: "Brother Gang, what is this Xinran doing?" What's the matter? She doesn't even pay your bills, she just doesn't pay attention to you! Did she forget that you are the big boss of Qiangnong Sales, and she is just a wage earner!"

"Yeah, Brother Gang, I also think that what Xinran did is a bit too much. Even if Qiangnong Sales has her indelible credit today, it's too much for her to be so defiant, right?" Aggrieved, Ma Bing also said in a pretty and unfair way.Li Xiaogang chuckled softly, and said quietly: "Since it's not easy for you to come forward, then maybe I have to go there myself. Hehe..."

"Brother Gang, you want to go in person? You don't need it! Will this make Xin Ran more proud?" Hu Rong said to Li Xiaogang with some displeasure.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Ma Bing is right in saying one thing. Qiangnong Sales has achieved today's achievements, and Xinran's credit is indeed indispensable. But my boss in name is actually a real shopkeeper It's not too much to say that Qiangnong Sales belongs to her. Besides, I just have nothing to do tomorrow, so it's not bad to go to Qiangnong Sales to meet old friends. Hehe..."

Hu Rong shook her head, pouted and said, "Husband, sometimes you are too tolerant and gentle to your subordinates." Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Isn't it better to be tolerant and gentle? You are working, and you still speak bad words to others, you will lose people’s hearts.” Hu Rong said quietly: “That’s what I said, but if you are too gentle, those subordinates think you are easy to bully, when the time comes, some Where you are sad." Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said without anger: "I also have my principles, and I also have my bottom line. If my bottom line is not touched, I can bear everything. But if it touches me The bottom line, then I'm sorry, don't blame my relatives for denying me, turning my face like turning over a book!"

Hu Rong and Ma Bing listened to Li Xiaogang's words, and they were shocked in their hearts. They couldn't help but admire Li Xiaogang's way of controlling people. "Rong'er, you go to buy a Ferrari sports car, and I will take it to Qiangnong sales tomorrow. Ma Bing, you go to see Xinran with me tomorrow. By the way, forget what happened today, and treat it like you are the first one tomorrow." I’m going to see Xinran next time.” Ma Bing understood Li Xiaogang’s meaning, chuckled a few times, and said, “Brother Gang, are you still worried about me? I’m not as narrow-minded as you imagined. It will definitely not make it difficult for you." Li Xiaogang nodded, gave a grace, and said with a smile: "Let's go! It's dinner time, Rong'er treats you, let's have a good meal."

(End of this chapter)

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