The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1487 An Alternative Beauty

Chapter 1487 An Alternative Beauty
"Actually, it is not Mr. Li who is facing GM, but our Longhao Group." Ma Bing said from the side. "Longhao Group? I know this group. Its chairman is Hu Rong. She is a very remarkable woman, and she has a very close relationship with Sister Xiaoshui. Longhao Group used to be a company that mainly operated agricultural materials products. Later, with the emergence of grain seeds with perfect genes, agricultural products were no longer popular, and Longhao Group began to switch to producing cars. But so far, no cars produced by Longhao Group have been heard of being launched. "

After hearing this, Ma Bing nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "It's rare that Mr. Xiong has such a detailed understanding of the situation of our Longhao Group. In this way, it will cost me more time to talk. Mr. Xiong is right. Our Longhao Group It’s true that there are no finished cars on the market yet, but it won’t be long before we produce cars that will shake the world!”

Ma Bing's words sounded somewhat suspicious to Xiaoxiong that a queen mother-in-law was selling melons, selling melons and boasting.But after thinking about it, Li Xiaogang is behind the Longhao Group, it seems that what Ma Bing said is not so suspenseful.Xiaoxiong nodded and asked: "But Longhao Group is just a backward enterprise that has just completed transformation, while GM Group is the world's top super group, and it is a well-deserved hegemon in the global automobile industry. How can it be with Longhao Group? Is the Howe Group on the right track?"

Ma Bing smiled and said: "Good question! Tianhao Fantuan has just completed the production change and is an undisputed newcomer in the auto industry. But our group has already posed a threat to the GM Group. It is not an exaggeration to say, If the GM Group allows our Longhao Group to continue to develop smoothly, it may take three to five years or a year or two, and the honor of being the hegemon in the world's auto industry may change hands. Now the GM Group will be aware of our Longhao Group's Threats also show that they are indeed not fuel-efficient lamps, and they have a little bit of high-sighted meaning. And our Longhao Group is also planning to use the wonderful stepping stone of GM to ascend to the sky! Therefore, this is the confrontation with GM Group!"

After hearing this, Little Bear couldn't help but let out a wry smile, looked at the horse soldiers, and said quietly: "Mr. Ma, first of all, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that I think Longhao Group has just started and hasn't learned to walk yet. Is the risk too great for the GM Group race?" Ma Bing nodded and said, "Yes, the risk is great! That's why we approached you and hope to cooperate with you. We will work together to create a perfect The plan will overwhelm the General Motors Group at the G Province Auto Show that will be held in the near future!"

"Xiao Li, you have been silent all this time, do you have your own ideas? Let's hear it." Xin Ran turned her gaze to Xiao Li and asked.Xiao Lien let out a cry, and said slowly: "What Mr. Ma said sounds like he is overreaching, hitting a stone with an egg. But this is the fastest way to make Longhao Group famous in a short period of time. Such a crazy and brilliant idea, probably came from Brother Gang, right?" Ma Bing nodded at Xiao Li appreciatively, and said, "Miss Li is really smart! It is indeed a great idea to use General Motors Group as a stepping stone. Mr. Lee's thoughts."

"Since Brother Gang thinks it's feasible, then it must be possible! Sister Xinran, shall we take over this ASE?" Xiaoli said to Xinran full of fighting spirit.Xin Ran giggled a few times, and said: "Of course! The task Li Xiaogang entrusted to us, even if it requires us to poke a hole in the sky, then we have to take it! But from now on, I'm afraid everyone will cancel all vacations , I have devoted all my attention to this promotional plan!" Then, Xinran said to Xiaoxiong again: "Little Xiong, you have someone clean out an office as a temporary office for Mr. Ma. I see that before the start of the auto show , Mr. Ma also wants to eat and live in the office like us! Mr. Ma won't mind, will he?"

Ma Bing smiled and said: "It is a great honor for me to cooperate with the world's most first-class marketing team, why would I mind? I can't ask for it, I can't ask for it, hehe..." The world's first-class team is The world's first-class team, it didn't take long for the entire Qiangnong Sales to move into action, in order to make Longhao Group shine at the Auto Show in G province, and it started running at high speed.

But when Qiangnong's sales were busy, Li Xiaogang leisurely appeared on the street full of flowers.The sky is full of dark clouds, and the sky is clear, and the sun is even brighter and more joyful. When it shines on people, it can even dispel the deepest haze in people's hearts.It was rare to have free time, Li Xiaogang wandered the streets alone, feeling very uncomfortable.For such and such careers, Li Xiaogang is like ants on the ground, running around endlessly.In the process of running around, I don't know how many beautiful scenery flowed by me I missed. Thinking about it at this time, Li Xiaogang doesn't feel regretful.

Looking at the figures passing by him one by one, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, thinking in his heart, they must be the same as himself, in the pursuit of endless desires, I don't know how many beautiful scenery they missed.How many people's lives should not be so pale and boring.

It is rare to have the opportunity to wander the streets like this, and Li Xiaogang feels more and more comfortable as he walks around, and he doesn't really want to go back.As he walked, Li Xiaogang was suddenly attracted by a huge poster.On this poster, four young people are prominently printed on the most important positions.These four young people are either touching the electric guitar, or playing the bass, or holding the microphone, and their youthful beauty and youthful vitality are fully revealed on their bodies.Although it's just a poster, the vitality emanating from the four of them can make people feel very clearly.

Li Xiaogang is already a demigod, his mood is as calm as water, the vitality of the four young people can't stir up the slightest wave in his heart.The reason why Li Xiaogang stopped in front of this poster was because these four young people made Li Xiaogang feel very familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.Especially the one in the middle holding the electric guitar made Li Xiaogang feel a sense of déjà vu.But Li Xiaogang thought for a long time, but couldn't think of the names of these four young people, so he casually grabbed the hand of a person passing by him.Li Xiaogang just wanted to ask who the four people on the poster were, but he didn't pay attention to who he was holding.With this pull, I immediately felt that the other party's hand was soft and smooth, as delicate as boneless, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

But it's too late to realize it's wrong now.He was startled when he heard a high pitched and crisp voice soaring into the sky. "Indecent!" Li Xiaogang's heart skipped a beat, he quickly let go of his hand, and then looked at the man apologetically, only to realize that what he was holding was a strange beauty who was about 20 years old.

This beauty is called Tian Huihui. Since she is a beauty, she must be very beautiful, with snowy skin, delicate face, and tall figure. She is completely worthy of the word "beautiful".As for why the word alternative was added in front, it was because Tian Huihui's dress was a bit too fashionable, at least in Li Xiaogang's eyes.

Her face was alright, just a little makeup was applied to bring out her mellow and natural beauty to the fullest.It's just that Tian Huihui's dress made Li Xiaogang a little dazed.The upper body is a large T-shirt, which is too big for three sizes. Wearing it on Tian Huihui's body is like wearing a big sack, completely covering the uneven curves of his upper body.As for her lower body, she was wearing a pair of ridiculously thin boot pants, which clearly outlined her slender and round legs.

Although Li Xiaogang didn't pay much attention to his clothes, he still had a general sense of aesthetics. Anyway, Tian Huihui's outfit today made him a little unacceptable.However, no matter what, it was Li Xiaogang who was abrupt first, and an apology is a must.However, before Li Xiaogang could speak, a few ghost-like young men and women dressed in 'colorful' ran over and surrounded Li Xiaogang and Tian Huihui.

"Yes, which bastard molested you? Tell me, I'll knock his nose crooked!" A boy with dyed fiery red hair who was about the same age as Tianhui, stared at Li Xiaogang fiercely, while looking at Tian will ask.Tian Huihui passed by Li Xiaogang just now, thinking about something, suddenly, Li Xiaogang's hand held her hand, Tian Huihui had no reason not to be frightened, so he shouted without thinking.After shouting, Tian Huihui saw Li Xiaogang's appearance clearly.I saw that Li Xiaogang was personable and full of the charm of a mature man, how could a little girl like Tian Huihui be able to resist this?Especially when she met Li Xiaogang's clear and bright eyes, as pure as sea water, the anger and fright in her heart disappeared immediately.

Li Xiaogang wanted to explain, but the young people seemed not to give him a chance to explain.The two girls who seemed to have a good relationship with Tian Huihui opened their mouths and loudly accused Li Xiaogang.It is said that three women are in one drama. From this point of view, it is really underestimating the ability of women. These two little girls are in one drama, and it is still a big drama.There are three other boys who are eager to teach Li Xiaogang a lesson.In Li Xiaogang's eyes, these young people are almost children. Apart from a wry smile, he really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Hey! Is there any mistake, is he molesting my wife or you? Is it your turn to yell here? Get out of the way!" It seems that Tian Huihui has a high prestige among the six people. With a loud voice, the other five people didn't dare to do it again, they frowned and closed their mouths.It's just that the five pairs of eyes still glared at Li Xiaogang like fire.Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly, and said to Tian Huihui: "This lady..." Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Tian Huihui interrupted her, and she scolded softly: "You say I am a lady? Do I look like that?"

Li Xiaogang was taken aback when he heard this, and it took him a long time to realize that the name of this young lady had another meaning, so he hurriedly changed his words and said, "I'm sorry girl..." "Young lady? Someone called a girl?" Tian Huihui interrupted him again as if he wanted to find fault with Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang asked helplessly: "Then what should I call you?" "Call me Huihui!" Tian Huihui replied in a crisp voice. "Will you?" Li Xiaogang asked in a murmur before he could react.Tian Huihui curled his lips and said, "That's my name! You idiot!"

It was the first time that Li Xiaogang was scolded as a fool, it felt a little fresh, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.Seeing Li Xiaogang in a daze, Tian Huihui really regarded Li Xiaogang as a silly and funny uncle, his eyes rolled playfully, and a little fox-like smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.With a curl of his lips, he said quietly: "Uncle! You have molested me in public, how can I live? Tell me, what should I do?" Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "Girl, oh no, yes, I really I didn't mean to insult you, really, I swear!"

(End of this chapter)

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