Chapter 1497
"Now tell me, who is the weak and who is the strong?" Li Xiaogang walked up to the security captain and asked coldly.The security captain gulped down his saliva, his teeth chattering and said: "One is that I don't know Taishan..." "Hahaha... So, are you admitting defeat?" Li Xiaogang asked with a smile.The security captain lowered his head deeply, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! You are the real strong! Now I finally understand that I am the sheep, and I have nothing to say when I lose! How do you deal with me? As you wish!"

"Brother Zhao, I can't! You say that, what should I do?" Hearing what the security captain said, Yu Fei's face turned blue from fright.Now, the security captain is his only reliance, if even the security captain admits defeat, Yu Fei really doesn't know what to do, his face will turn khaki.The captain of the security guard gave Yu Fei a guilty look and said, "Master Yu, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that I, Mr. Zhao, are incompetent and really can't help you. can ask for blessings!" After that, the captain of the security team sighed a long time, turned to look at Li Xiaogang, and quietly waited for Li Xiaogang to punish him.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said: "Our business is not in a hurry, you give way first, let me solve this problem with Young Master Yu first!" "This big brother..." The security captain is really loyal Seeing that Li Xiaogang was about to embarrass Yu Fei, he subconsciously opened his mouth.However, Li Xiaogang didn't allow him to continue, he snorted heavily, interrupted his words, and said in a vibrating voice: "You are my defeated opponent now, so you have no right to interrupt here!" Li Xiaogang's words startled the security captain , shivered subconsciously, and silently stepped aside.

The last support was gone, Yu Fei’s frightened lips kept trembling, looking at Li Xiaogang as if he was looking at death, suddenly, Yu Fei’s legs softened, and he fell to his knees with a plop, crying and howling He said: "Brother, brother, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, your lord has a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as me, just treat me as a fart, let me go!" He kowtowed several times to Li Xiaogang with dignity.Li Xiaogang lost his appetite for a scum like Yu Fei who bullies the weak and fears the hard. He lifted him up from the ground regardless of Yu Fei's begging, and shoved him to Chen Sheng, Wang Chong, and Zhao Yu with a cold voice. He said, "It's no use begging me! Whether you can be released is up to the three of them!"

When Yu Fei heard this, he hugged Chen Sheng's thigh, and begged bitterly: "Chen Sheng, I know, I was wrong from the beginning to the end today, I know I was wrong, please let me go this time "!" Chen Sheng let out a cold snort in his throat, stared at Yu Fei with fiery eyes, and said gloomyly: "You bastard, will you still have today?" gasped.Yu Fei let out a cry of pain, and fell to the ground in response to the situation, rolling on the ground like a slaughtered pig, screaming continuously.Chen Sheng was still angry, and was about to call Wang Chong and Zhao Yu together to beat Yu Fei up, when he heard an angry shout from behind the three of them, "Stop!"

Li Xiaogang slightly raised his head towards the direction of the sound, only to see a serious, majestic, burly man about 50 years old, walking over in a hurry.There is an incomparable anger hidden between the eyebrows, it is not an exaggeration to say that it seems to be eating people.Just when Li Xiaogang was curious about the identity of the visitor, he saw Chen Sheng, Tian Huihui and others, all of them changed their faces, and they seemed to be a little apprehensive and nervous...

The apprehension and nervousness shown by Chen Sheng and others made Li Xiaogang even more curious about the identity of the visitor.The security captain seemed to see Li Xiaogang's curiosity, so he couldn't help leaning into his ear and whispering: "This person is Master Yu's uncle, Wu Haifei!" "He is Wu Haifei!?" , chuckled lightly, and murmured: "Okay, I want to see what a powerful character he is." "Uncle, uncle, save me!" Seeing Wu Haifei appear, Yu Fei seemed to see him. Like a savior, he rushed to Wu Haifei's side and cried out full of grievances.

It can be seen that Wu Haifei loves Yu Fei very much. Seeing that there are still big footprints left on Yu Fei's chest when Chen Sheng kicked him, Wu Haifei looked angry and distressed, and asked repeatedly: "Fei'er, who is so bold?" Dare to fight even you?" Yu Fei immediately cast his eyes on Chen Sheng and Li Xiaogang, crying and said: "It's them! Uncle, you must avenge me!" Wu Haifei first set his eyes on Chen Sheng and others , His brows frowned suddenly, and he scolded Chen Sheng with anger in his words: "Okay, it's you guys! You are really promising, because you are replaced by others, you hold a grudge and wait for an opportunity to retaliate! I ask you , Do you have the king's law in your eyes!

At the very beginning, when Chen Sheng and the others were still working as consultants in Pioneer, Wu Haifei was their immediate boss. They were more or less afraid of Wu Haifei, Chen Sheng and others. Although they have been fired now, This kind of fear that has been formed for a long time is not so easy to eliminate, which is why, when Chen Sheng and others see Wu Haifei appearing, they will instinctively feel uneasy and nervous.Looking at Wu Haifei, who was full of anger, the hearts of several people felt a twitch, you looked at me, I looked at you, I didn't know how to respond.

"You are Mr. Wu Haifei, Yu Fei's uncle?" Li Xiaogang said quietly, his eyes full of narrow eyes, Wu Haifei's majesty was not worth mentioning in front of him. "Who are you?" Wu Haifei has a prominent position in the company, he is used to awe and prestige, and treats everyone with a superior attitude, and Li Xiaogang is no exception.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that your good nephew still owes my friends an apology and didn't say it. Look, are you going to give in?" "Bastard Feier has been beaten up like this by you, do you still have to say sorry to you? What a joke!" Wu Haifei snorted coldly, and said very domineeringly.

"Why, is your nephew seriously injured?" Li Xiaogang asked disapprovingly.Wu Haifei said angrily: "Of course! I will take Feier for a regular inspection right away, if you find out that Feier has any discomfort, just wait, I will let you all go to jail! "Li Xiaogang sneered, and said with a gloomy face: "You said your nephew was seriously injured, so open your eyes and look at my friends, so what about their injuries?" Li Xiaogang's scolding made Wu Haifei turn his head involuntarily. Looking at Chen Sheng, Wang Chong, and Zhao Yu, they saw that each of the three had bruised noses and swollen faces, and their injuries were much heavier than Yu Fei's.Wu Haifei has been in the society for so many years, so he is naturally shrewd. He guessed at a glance that Yu Fei must have beaten someone first, and then he was cleaned up by others.

Guessing what happened, Wu Haifei frowned, and said quietly: "Then I don't care, I only care about my nephew. They naturally have their family members to take care of them, and it has nothing to do with me!" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said: " It has nothing to do with you? But their injuries were all done by your nephew, don’t you, as an uncle, really have no responsibility at all?” Wu Haifei raised his eyebrows and said coldly: “Be careful what you say! Planting, be careful I will sue you for slander! You say that my nephew injured them, what proof do you have?"

Li Xiaogang turned his head and pointed to the guests in the bar, and said in a vibrating voice: "They are all witnesses, and they can all testify!" Said: "Mu Ping from the Lightning Gang is my good brother. Is there any one of you who wants to be unhappy? Stand up and let me see!" As soon as Wu Haifei said this, the scene suddenly gasped, not only did no one come forward to testify Instead, people took a step back one after another.As if he was afraid of causing Wu Haifei's misunderstanding, he accidentally offended the Lightning Gang.

Today's Lightning Gang has become a super organization with detached status and huge influence in China.No one regards the Lightning Gang as a gang anymore, but no one dares to provoke the Lightning Gang.Not to mention that all the fighters of the Lightning Gang have received rigorous training, and their combat effectiveness is amazing. Even the special forces are not too good at it. The number of members of the Lightning Gang alone is enough to make anyone intimidated.Although the headquarters of the Lightning Gang has always been in Province S, for the convenience of handling affairs, the Lightning Gang has set up offices in most provinces and cities across the country and sent special personnel to station them.According to what Wu Haifei said, most of the people sent by Scar to station here are Mu Ping.

Speaking of Mu Ping, Li Xiaogang has an impression. When dealing with the mine accident, Li Xiaogang once fought side by side with Mu Ping. At that time, he admired Mu Ping very much. As the successor of the Lightning Gang, Ping will focus on training.Unexpectedly, Mu Ping would get entangled with someone like Wu Haifei, which inevitably made Li Xiaogang feel a little surprised, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

A philosopher once said that absolute power leads to absolute decay, leading to today's Lightning Gang, whose power is unmatched in the world, and they are well-deserved kings, and no one dares not to buy the Lightning Gang's face.Under such a beautiful halo, human nature will inevitably decay because of irresistible temptation.This is actually what Li Xiaogang is most worried about for Scar and the Lightning Gang.He was always worried that one day, the Lightning Gang would become dilapidated and eventually disintegrate because they were used to living a life of comfort and luxury.Li Xiaogang doesn't want to see such a day come, but this seems to be a fixed number, a fixed number that cannot be changed.

"Do you really know Mu Ping?" Li Xiaogang frowned, his face was gloomy and terrible, and he asked faintly.Seeing that Li Xiaogang's face became extremely solemn, Wu Haifei thought it was because Li Xiaogang was afraid of Mu Ping's identity, so he sneered triumphantly, and said faintly: "Of course! We drank together before. I advise you to be more sensible and avoid trouble!" "Sir, no matter how good your martial arts are, you won't get any good results if you anger the Lightning Gang. In my opinion, let's be cowardly today. Let this matter go like this! If you really want to make a fuss, it will never be a good thing for you!" The security captain may admire Li Xiaogang's character and martial arts, and at this time he actually tried to persuade Li Xiaogang.

(End of this chapter)

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