The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1504 Mu Ping's Girlfriend

Chapter 1504 Mu Ping's Girlfriend
Naturally, these superstars will not steal their limelight, so most requests are turned down.The few superstars who agreed to participate in the performance also have completely different styles from Lin Zhi and the others, and they do not conflict with each other.Firstly, it won't steal Lin Zhi's limelight, and secondly, it can add a lot of color to the concert.

Longhua's current reputation can be described as flourishing. An authoritative magazine in country M even selected Longhua's principal, Huawei, as one of the most powerful and turbulent figures of the year.Therefore, to Chen Sheng and the others, Huawei is like the sun in the sky, and it is hard to imagine anything that can surpass him.But now, the "uncle" sitting next to them is the boss of Huawei, how can they not shock them? Seeing Chen Sheng and the others looking at him as if they were looking at an alien, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but wryly smiled and shook his head. He shook his head and said: "Although I am the boss of Huawei in name, Long Hua's achievements today have nothing to do with me.Speaking of which, I am really ashamed. "

"Ashamed? You said that you are the boss of Huawei, you own the most brilliant and powerful entertainment company in the world, and you hold the fate of countless superstars in your hands. How dare you say that you are ashamed? Uncle, let me ask you, what are you ashamed of?" Tian Huihui It was a little uncomfortable to call out.Mi Hui couldn't help but pouted and said: "Yes, I will be right! If you are really ashamed, you can only be ashamed that you have taken up all the good things and made others jealous of you. !" Chen Sheng, Wang Chong and the others also joined in one after another.Seeing that a sentence he said casually caused such a big reaction, Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "Okay, okay, it's my fault, I'm feeling blind, okay?"

Tian Huihui snorted and said: "It's not that easy! If you want to make up for our wounded hearts, you have to promise us one condition!" Li Xiaogang looked at the people innocently and wronged and asked dumbfoundedly: "I said, Why did I hurt you? Are you too fragile?" Seeing Li Xiaogang's bitter expression, Tian Huihui and the others couldn't help laughing.Tian Huihui said shamelessly: "It doesn't matter, you are hurting us anyway!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't resist Tian Huihui's trick of cheating, so he had to smile wryly, and said resignedly: "Okay! Even if I hurt you, tell me, how do you want me to make up for it?" Tian Huihui giggled in satisfaction. After a few times, he said: "It's very simple! Aren't you the big boss of Longhua? Those celebrities dare not give you face. I want you to ask each of us for a set of their signatures. Isn't it difficult?" "Yes Why didn't I think of that! I like Dong Feifei the most, and I want her autograph!" Wang Chong jumped up from his seat full of excitement as if he had been pinched by someone, and said excitedly. "I want HUXS's autograph!" "I want Xuan Qing's autograph!" As soon as Wang Chong finished speaking, several other people started making noise.

Except for Dong Feifei, Li Xiaogang knew none of the names they yelled, and he had never even heard of some of them.Seeing that Li Xiaogang's face was about to wring out bile, Mu Ping laughed out loud as if he was watching the excitement.Li Xiaogang was feeling embarrassed when he suddenly heard Mu Ping smiling so happily, a fox-like smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Tian Huihui and the others: "I think I will leave this matter to you, Brother Ping. , Didn’t he just owe you a favor, brother Ping and Huawei are quite familiar, this matter is really too easy for him.”

"Brother Gang, can you do this?" Seeing Li Xiaogang pushing the matter onto him, he couldn't laugh, and said with a sad face full of grievances.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said faintly: "Who asked you to reveal my identity to cause trouble for me? Hehe..." Mu Ping, whom Li Xiaogang had hoped for, did not dare to quit, so he could only sigh resignedly, and put Take things to heart. "By the way, Brother Gang! Speaking of Hua Wei, I suddenly remembered that Hua Wei seems to be looking for you everywhere. It seems that there is something wrong." Mu Ping said.

"What can Huawei do with me? I don't know anything about the entertainment industry, so I have nothing to help him?" Li Xiaogang was a little puzzled when he heard this, and murmured to himself: "Could it be that I need money? "Mu Ping shook his head and said: "Today's Longhua Group is making money every day, and Longhua Group should not be short of money. Besides, if you are short of money, you can just find me and Brother Dao Scar, there is no need to find you?" Li Xiaogang frowned slightly He asked: "If there is no shortage of money, what else can Warwick do with me?" Mu Ping smiled and said: "I don't know about that. But Brother Gang, what you, a hands-off shopkeeper, can't help doing. It’s been a while, how can we not care about anything? This time, you have to help Huawei no matter what you say.”

Li Xiaogang glanced at Mu Ping, curled his lips and said: "Did you take some advantage from Hua Wei, why do you speak for him everywhere?" Mu Ping said with a guilty smile: "Speak up for justice, just speak for justice, hehe... "It's okay if Mu Ping didn't say anything. Li Xiaogang felt that there was something wrong with him when he said this, so he turned his eyes to Xiaodao and asked faintly: "Xiaodao, tell me, do you really accept it? Warwick's bribe?"

Xiaodao said with a smile: "There is no bribery, but Brother Ping did take advantage of Huawei and owes him a big favor, so he has to speak for him..." "Xiaodao, shut up, you want You can't betray me!" Mu Pingkai shouted anxiously at the knife.

"Huh? Well, Mu Ping, you are so courageous that you dare to show your prestige in front of me. Do you want me to loosen your muscles and bones for you?" Li Xiaogang stared at Mu Ping, rubbing his fists and sneering again and again. Said.Even if Mu Ping had the courage to sing against Li Xiaogang, his complexion immediately collapsed, and he said with a wry smile: "Brother can I have the courage..." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said: "Hmph! I forgive you for not having the guts!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiaodao and said, "Xiaodao, you know what to say, if Mu Ping dares to do something to you, I will do something to him!"

Xiaodao glanced at Mu Ping with a smile, and said faintly: "Brother Ping, you saw it, and I have no choice but to do so!" What Xiaodao said made Mu Ping gnash his teeth angrily, snorted heavily, and stared fiercely. A glance at the knife.Xiao Dao smiled and said to Li Xiaogang: "Brother Gang, in fact, there is a reason why Brother Ping is facing Hua Wei. You don't know, sister-in-law was actually introduced to Brother Ping by Hua Wei. And sister-in-law is also very remarkable, she is a famous big star , called Xiao Tiantian!" Xiaodao's words made Li Xiaogang drink the wine in his mouth and couldn't help but spit it out. He looked at Xiaodao in surprise and asked, "You... who are you talking about?" "Xiao Tiantian, What's wrong?" Xiaodao looked at Li Xiaogang full of surprise.

Li Xiaogang never dreamed that Xiao Tiantian would hook up with Mu Ping. After a long time of stunned, he gave Mu Ping a thumbs up and said with a wild laugh: "Mu Ping, you really have a set. You can get Tiantian. Hahaha..." Mu Ping coughed, straightened his tie, and Hu Jinpang said with a little reddish: "Thank you for the prize, hehe..." "My God! So the legend of Britney Spears The mysterious boyfriend in the movie turned out to be Brother Ping! This... This is really big news, if it is sent to the newspaper, it will be published?" Chen Sheng was a little overjoyed, and murmured whimsically.Mu Ping snorted coldly, glared at him, and said quietly: "If you dare to send this news to the newspaper, I will send you to the slaughterhouse!"

Chen Sheng felt chills when he heard this, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Brother Ping, I'm joking, you must not take it seriously!" Mu Ping said: "Then you have to keep this secret for me, I don't want to Therefore, it affects Britney's career." Seeing that Mu Ping was always thinking of Britney, Li Xiaogang asked with a smile: "Pingzi, did you put a lot of thought into chasing Britney? How did you chase after him?"

"Hehe Brother Yigang, you don't know about this. It wasn't Brother Ping who chased Xiao Tiantian back then, but Brother Ping who was chased by Xiao Tiantian." Xiao Dao explained from the side. "Oh? Is this the case?" Li Xiaogang frowned, looking a little surprised.Although Mu Ping was tall and handsome, he was not top-notch.There are countless men who are more handsome than Mu Ping, how could Xiao Tiantian fall in love with Mu Ping and actively pursue him?

Li Xiaogang was a little worried that Xiao Tiantian wanted to take advantage of Mu Ping's power instead of really loving Mu Ping. If that was the case, Mu Ping would definitely suffer from it.As Mu Ping's brother, Li Xiaogang naturally did not want such a situation to happen.But it's not good to doubt others for no reason. If he really has sincere feelings, wouldn't he be self-defeating?

Xiaodao laughed and said: "Of course! But there is nothing to be surprised about. Brother Ping was born in Yushu Linfeng, and this career can be said to be booming. That Xiao Tiantian can take a fancy to our brother Ping, which means She has vision!" Li Xiaogang nodded lightly, sighed secretly in his heart, and said, "I hope it's true." "Okay, shut up! If you keep talking in plain English, I'm afraid all of my privacy will be lost." If you can't keep it, don't force me to kill you, okay?" Mu Ping was powerful in the Tao, but he didn't expect to be shy when talking about all these things, and Chen Sheng and the others were amazed.Being reprimanded by Mu Ping, Xiaodao was embarrassed to continue to gossip about Mu Ping, laughed a few times, and started to eat.

"Pingzi, you are beautiful, I want to congratulate you first, but secondly, I have to remind you." Li Xiaogang pondered for a moment, looked at Mu Ping, and said seriously.Mu Ping frowned when he heard this, and said: "Brother Gang, tell me." Li Xiaogang nodded, and said quietly: "This entertainment circle is no different from other contemporary circles. Although we are not in the entertainment circle, but the darkness and complexity of the entertainment circle , most people know it in their hearts. Xiao Tiantian has been in this kind of circle for so many years, whether her heart is still as pure as other girls is unknown..."

Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Mu Ping couldn't help but interjected, "Brother Gang, you mean Tiantian is a bad girl? Does she approach me with ulterior motives?" Li Xiaogang hurriedly said, "No, that's not my intention. ~Thinking! Although the entertainment industry is complicated, it doesn’t mean that there are no good people. If you have a heart, you will never suffer." Mu Ping said in a deep voice: "Brother Gang, I know you are worried about me. But I think the reason why you say this is because you don't know Britney Sweets. , I don't know what kind of person he is. I believe that Xiao Tiantian is definitely not that kind of girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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