The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1515 You are in charge

Chapter 1515 You are in charge
"Who is it that is trying to trouble Mr. Li? Stand up and let me see!" The security guard didn't look at Zhu Fafat at all, and uttered angrily, knowingly asking, and this rage reached Zhu Fafat's ears Here, it is not much different from the Blue Sky Thunderbolt.A thug is a thug, how dare the thug dare to confront the security guard who has received strict training?Seeing more than a dozen security guards rushing over fiercely, Zhu Fatty's heart trembled violently, and he swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, feeling extremely curious about Li Xiaogang's mysterious identity in his heart.He laughed a few times, and said to the leading security guard: "No, no, no one wants to trouble Mr. Li. It was just a misunderstanding just now, hehe."

The leading security guard gave Zhu Fafat a hard look, and said in a deep voice: "Pig Fatty, you have been hanging out on this street all the time, I know you. I also know that you have so many thugs under your command, but I told you You, this Mr. Li, is something you, Fatty Pig, can't afford to offend. If you don't do it well, you won't even know how you died." Fatty Pig nodded in a hurry, and said: " Brother knows, brother knows! It was just a joke just now, hehe, but, this security guard, who is Mr. Li? Why do you listen to him like that?" The leading security guard looked serious, He gave Zhu Fafat a hard look, and said in a deep voice, "Is this what you should ask? Take your men and leave immediately, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Zhu Fatty hit a nail and coughed in embarrassment.Turning to look at Chen Sheng, I saw Chen Sheng hiding behind Li Xiaogang, winking at him and sticking out his tongue to make a face.Zhu Fatty felt angry in his heart, but when he moved his eyes, he saw Li Xiaogang's solemn face without anger, his heart sank suddenly, and he could only return the full of anger to his stomach, waved his hand, and took it with him. The crowd pushed aside and left.After driving away the pig fat, the leading security guard turned to look at Li Xiaogang, who nodded approvingly at him, led Chen Sheng, Tian Huihui and others into the interior of Longhua Group.

Longhua Group, as the top entertainment company in the world, has an extraordinary style.Just looking at the decoration and layout of this company can tell.The overall decoration looks magnificent and extremely luxurious, but at the same time it does not make people feel vulgar and superficial, and it can reflect the nobility of a king everywhere.Chen Sheng, Tian Huihui and others walked in, they couldn't help but stare blankly.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said to several people: "Let this elder brother take you guys around, and take a look around, and I will go to see Mr. Hua." Li Xiaogang pointed to the leading security guard and said.Chen Sheng and the others couldn't wait for their wish, so they hurriedly and happily agreed, and then urged the leading security guard to take them to the Longhua Group.

Seeing Chen Sheng and the others jumping away excitedly, Li Xiaogang shook his head with a smile, turned and walked into the elevator.As soon as Li Xiao stepped out of the elevator, he saw Hua Wei, who had already got the news first, was waiting there anxiously.As soon as he saw Li Xiaogang, Hua Wei immediately walked over quickly, and said excitedly: "Mr. Li, I finally expect you to come!" After speaking, he tightly held Li Xiaogang's hand.Since the last farewell, counting it, the two haven't seen each other for two or three years. At this time, Huawei seems to be much older than two or three years ago.After all, Huawei is just an ordinary person who cannot escape the fate of aging.In addition, to manage such a large group, it is natural to be exhausted, and the speed of aging may be faster than that of ordinary people.

"Mr. Hua, long time no see, you seem old!" Li Xiaogang said to Hua Wei Qiqi.Huawei shook his head and sighed, and said: "Yes, the years are ruthlessly urging people old, and the loess has already been buried up to my neck. Unlike Mr. Li, you are in the middle of your life, and when we meet again after a long absence, your demeanor is even better than before. , huh, huh." The two walked into Warwick's office while exchanging pleasantries.It can be seen that Huawei is a very nostalgic person. In the past two or three years, Longhua has undergone earth-shaking changes, but his general manager's office has always remained the same as Li Xiaogang's last visit. .

After taking his seat, Li Xiaogang said gratefully to Hua Wei: "Mr. Hua, I already know that you are planning a large-scale special concert for Lin Zhi and the others. I am really grateful that you have put so much effort into cultivating them. "Huawei waved his hands and said, "Mr. Li, you are offended if you say that. You are the boss and I am the subordinate. It is only natural for the subordinates to carry out the boss's orders. Besides, Lin Zhi, Wang Cheng, Qin Yao and Ma Juan, these four young people, are indeed talented! Thanks to them, we, Longhua Group, can have today's status. Speaking of which, I would like to thank Mr. Li for sending you the baby, hehe."

Li Xiaogang nodded lightly, and said slowly: "Before coming here, Mu Ping has already told me that you are looking for the stage that the same song used to hold a concert in Xingfu Village."

Hua Wei nodded hurriedly and said, "Not bad! I think that only that fantastic stage can match Lin Zhi's superhuman singing voice and make this special concert more perfect! Mr. Li, I know that stage is from you Handwriting, please lend me that stage, not only helping me, but also helping Lin Zhi and the others."

Li Xiaogang said: "I'm here today for this purpose. It's no problem if you want the stage, but I have one condition." Hua Wei's expression immediately became serious, and he said in a vibrating voice: "What is the request, Mr. Li, please feel free to Say. I, Hua Wei, will do it even if I am smashed to pieces!" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "It's not as exaggerated as you said.

It’s just that I have a few friends who want a set of autographs of all your stars.” Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Hua Wei couldn’t help laughing loudly, and said: “I thought it was a big deal The matter turned out to be just this, don't worry, I'll let someone else do it, and make sure your friends are satisfied! "

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile.Hua Wei suddenly said with some concern: "Mr. Li, the concert is scheduled for tomorrow, do you have a way to finish the stage in one day?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "One day? Hehe, one day is enough, don’t worry, Mr. Hua!” Li Xiaogang built the stage for the same song, but it was actually carved out of a large piece of amethyst, which is basically a whole.Where to build it, the stage is in his Qiankun ring at this time, just take it out and place it in place.Not to mention a day, not even an hour.After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Hua Wei was relieved, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, Mr. Li, you arrived in time. If you are late, I will go crazy."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Why are there so many people gathered around the gate of Longhua Group, what are they waiting for?" Hua Wei sighed, and said, "What else are you waiting for? Naturally, I am waiting for the rehearsal of the company today. The celebrity guests invited to the concert. These star fans are really crazy! If they can use half of their star-chasing energy on their own careers, 90.00% of them can create a great career. Hey!" Li Xiaogang said with some surprise: "Mr. Hua, you are the last person who should complain to the star fans, right? Don't forget, they are your parents! Without them, Longhua Group may not have the glory it is today Right?" Huawei shook his head and said in a solemn tone: "You are right! If they weren't so fanatical about chasing stars, my stars would not be so popular, and neither would my Longhua Group. I have today's achievements. However, as a Chinese, I really don't want to see so many young people wasting their precious youth chasing stars. My original intention of making stars is to set an example for them young people. Let the stars inspire them to work hard and face life positively. And this is the result I want to see most.”

Hearing Hua Wei's words, Li Xiaogang was greatly moved, and even spontaneously felt a sense of reverence for Hua Wei.Today's entertainment industry is clearly a money-worshipping society.People only have money in their eyes, and it can be said that there are very few people like Huawei who have such a lofty sense of social responsibility.Li Xiaogang also sighed, and said quietly: "Young people nowadays are empty-hearted and impetuous. The extreme lack of social responsibility is indeed a headache." Huawei waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't say these things are wrong. It's a happy thing. You just came today. I want to report to you the achievements of Longhua Group in the past few years, as well as the future development plan. I want to hear your opinion."

"Listen to my opinion?" Li Xiaogang asked somewhat dumbfounded. "Yeah, what's the matter, is there a problem?" Huawei asked puzzled.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "If I had listened to my opinion, Longhua Group would have closed down long ago. Hehe, Mr. Hua, I don't know anything about the entertainment industry, so it's useless for you to ask me. You should decide everything. "Hua Wei shook his head and said: "How can I do that? No matter what, this Longhua Group is your property after all. If you, the boss, don't nod, how can I, Hua Wei, monopolize power without authorization?"

Li Xiaogang said quietly: "Mr. Hua, I don't like to hear what you say. What's yours? Although I invested in the Longhua Group at the beginning, you created the Longhua Group and developed it to this day. Every step of the Longhua Group is condensed with your hard work and sweat. If you must assign an ownership to the Longhua Group, it should be you! Saying that the Longhua Group is mine, I, Li Xiaogang, cannot afford it.” “But one"

Huawei opened his mouth and wanted to argue a few words, but Li Xiaogang waved his hand to interrupt him and said: "Not so much, but the Longhua Group is used to you being the master of the house, and I am just a nominal master. Everything is still As usual, it's up to you to make the decision!"

(End of this chapter)

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