The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1517 Britney's request

Chapter 1517 Britney's request
"Miss, can I sit here?" Just when the two women were relatively speechless, a thick and magnetic voice suddenly rang in their ears.The two looked up in a daze, and the eyes of the two women almost opened wide at the same time, and their delicate bodies trembled in unison.Dong Feifei could hardly believe her eyes, she stared at Li Xiaogang blankly, and asked in a murmur, "You?" remember me."

"You, you really didn't die." Dong Feifei's eyes suddenly filled with tears, and her voice was trembling with excitement or excitement.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Why, does this disappoint you?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I don't want you to die, not at all! It's great that you're still alive!" Dong Feifei waved her hands excitedly and said loudly. "Li Xiaogang? I haven't seen you since the last time we parted in Xingfu Village. After all these years, where did you die!?" He hugged Li Xiaogang, and kissed and kissed his face again, which made Li Xiaogang a little embarrassed.

Li Xiaogang pressed Xiao Tiantian on the seat with great difficulty, and said to her solemnly: "Xiao Tiantian, don't forget, you are a woman who has a man, and you can't do such a thing in the future." Xiao Tiantian Tiantian was surprised when she heard this, and asked in surprise: "How do you know that I have a boyfriend? I have always kept it a secret from the outside world." Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said, "Not only do I know that you have a boyfriend Boyfriend, and I also know that your boyfriend is called Mu Ping, the future leader of the Lightning Gang!" "My God! Why do you seem to know everything?" Xiao Tiantian was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "It's nothing, Mu Ping is my brother, he told me." "Oh! I remembered, Mu Ping told me that you are his elder brother. Got it." After the mystery was revealed, Xiao Tiantian said with a full face of disapproval.Li Xiaogang snorted, looked at Xiao Tiantian, and said seriously: "Xiao Tiantian, tell me the truth, do you really like Mu Ping, or do you just want to use him?" Staring at Li Xiaogang dissatisfied, he asked softly, "What do you mean? Are you doubting my intentions?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "I'm not doubting you, I just don't want my good brother to be hurt! Xiao Tiantian, you are a very lively person, and you are radiant, you are the lover in the hearts of thousands of men. I have to worry about this." Xiao Tiantian suddenly laughed and asked, "Why didn't I know that I was the lover in the hearts of thousands of men? By the way, you are not included among these thousands of men." Huh?" Li Xiaogang frowned when he heard this, his eyes were as sharp as knives, and he shouted in a deep voice: "I'm serious now, I'm not joking with you anymore!"

Xiao Tiantian was startled by Li Xiaogang's eyes and very harsh words, she hurriedly put away the smile on her face, looked at Li Xiaogang and said solemnly: "Maybe it's my profession and my identity that made you treat me like this." But I want to tell you that no matter how bright I am on the stage, no matter how many men I am in the heart of the lover, I am just an ordinary woman. Like all women, I long for a sincere I want to find a man who truly loves me and can accompany me to grow old together. Mu Ping is such a man. I feel very happy and at ease when I am with him. I can solemnly tell you that I really love Muping!"

It was rare for Xiao Tiantian to show seriousness. From her crystal clear eyes, Li Xiaogang could conclude that everything she said came from the heart.The worries in Li Xiaogang's heart finally dissipated at this moment. Following Xiao Tiantian's words, Li Xiaogang's expression gradually eased, relaxed, and said with a smile: "That's the best! In fact, Mu Ping is a very outstanding man. You It is also your blessing to meet him in this life. As long as you can grasp it well, believe me, my brother Mu Ping will definitely give you a happy marriage!"

Xiao Tiantian couldn't help but snorted slightly annoyed, and said, "Yeah, your brother is good at everything, but I'm not reliable in anything. Hmph!" Li Xiaogang saw Xiao Tiantian play a small temper, hehe He smiled and said: "Okay, as Mu Ping's big brother, it's only natural for me to care about his feelings. You don't need to be so angry, right? At most, I promise you one condition." "Really? Any condition is fine? "Xiao Tiantian looked at Li Xiaogang and asked, with a sly smile like a little fox on her face.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Yes, any conditions are fine!"

Xiao Tiantian smiled triumphantly for a few times, and then said: "Okay, don't break your promise! Just now, I have thought of a condition, do I want to say it?" Li Xiaogang said kindly, "As long as you If you treat my brother wholeheartedly, even if you go to heaven and earth, I will admit it! Tell me." Xiao Tiantian giggled and said, "Then, listen carefully, my condition is that from now on, you must forgive me. Sister Feifei, don't be angry with her again, let's continue to be good friends!"

"Xiao Tiantian?" Dong Feifei didn't expect that Xiao Tiantian's request to Li Xiaogang was for her own sake. She was grateful and at the same time a little apprehensive, and looked at Li Xiaogang with anxiety in her eyes.

"Xiao Tiantian?" Dong Feifei didn't expect that Xiao Tiantian's request to Li Xiaogang was for her own sake. She was grateful and at the same time a little apprehensive, and looked at Li Xiaogang with anxiety in her eyes.Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. Dong Feifei, who was laughing straight, became more and more nervous, and Xiao Tiantian also became nervous, curled her lips with some dissatisfaction, and said softly: "Li Xiaogang, if you agree, you agree." , If you don’t agree, you don’t agree. Why are you so mysterious and unpredictable? After all, you are a big man, and you have to be so fussy with a girl. You don’t have a gentleman’s demeanor at all!”

Li Xiaogang stopped laughing slowly, looked at Xiao Tiantian, and said with a smile: "Xiao Tiantian, do you know what I'm laughing at? I laugh at you for wasting such a great opportunity to blackmail me, haha One" "You mean one" Xiao Tiantian's expression lifted when she heard this, and she asked Li Xiaogang with her eyes wide open and bright.Li Xiaogang smiled at her, turned his head to look at Dong Feifei, and said, "To tell you the truth, I am not angry with Dong Feifei for a long time. On the contrary, I am still a little grateful to her afterward." Feifei was happy and confused at the same time, her two pairs of big and charming eyes stared at Li Xiaogang unblinkingly.

Li Xiaogang smiled lightly and said: "At the beginning, I decided to go from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, but I found that the life in front of the stage was really not suitable for me, let alone continue my career. This made me regret it. If it wasn't for Dong Feifei, I would not have thought of a clever plan to escape the golden cicada by feigning death. The shot fired in front of thousands of audiences made me successfully return to the backstage. How relaxed and at ease. Hehe." Seeing the bright smile on Li Xiaogang's face, Dong Feifei asked excitedly, "You-you really don't hate me anymore?"

Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, took a long breath, and said, "I don't hate anymore! I hope we will still be friends in the future!" "Of course! Of course we will be friends, and we will always be!" Li Xiaogang's words made Dong Feifei She finally got rid of the heavy stone that had been pressing on her chest for several years.Freed from deep remorse, Dong Feifei only felt that her soul was relaxed, and there was a bright and beautiful smile on her face that was as bright and beautiful as the sunshine in March in spring.Seeing Dong Feifei's beautiful smile, Xiao Tiantian expressed joy in her eyes, held Dong Feifei's hand tightly, and said repeatedly: "That's great, that's great, Feifei! You won't be here again! No need to wake up crying in the middle of the night, no longer need to carry the shackles of the soul to go through the day."

After listening to Xiao Tiantian's words, Li Xiaogang could completely imagine what kind of suffering these past few years have been for Dong Feifei, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of pity and guilt in his heart.If he could find Dong Feifei earlier and talk about all this, maybe Dong Feifei wouldn't have to suffer such a crime. "Li Xiaogang, although you forgive me, I still want to say sorry to you. I was too immature and stupid back then." Li Xiaogang waved his hands before Dong Feifei finished speaking and said, "Stop talking about this anymore , let the past go, don’t mention it again.”

"That's right, it's better for everyone to continue to be friends!" Xiao Tiantian held Dong Feifei in one hand and Li Xiaogang in the other, and said with a crisp smile.Li Xiaogang nodded, looked at Xiao Tiantian with a smile in his eyes, and there was a lot of appreciation in it.This gaze made Xiao Tiantian feel embarrassed for a while, a blush flashed across her face, and she couldn't help but scolded: "Why are you looking at me like that, like a pervert!" Li Xiaogang laughed and said : "Xiao Tiantian, I haven't seen you for a few years and I found that you are really different from before. When I first saw you, you were pretty and capricious, just like a little princess with a bad temper. But now you have become gentle and considerate, and know how to think about your friends. It seems that Mu Ping is lucky to have a girlfriend like you!"

Xiao Tiantian pursed her mouth proudly, and said in a lovely voice: "Of course! Mu Ping met me in this life, and I don't know how much incense he burned in his previous life, hum!" Li Xiaogang After hearing this, Dong Feifei and Dong Feifei looked at each other and let out a burst of joyful laughter at the same time. "By the way, Li Xiaogang, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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