The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1525 Demon Flame's Conspiracy

Chapter 1525 Demon Flame's Conspiracy

Since Yu Fei became a professional consultant of Pioneer Network, Yu Fei, Wei Youdao and Song Li have their own offices.Of course, this office originally belonged to Chen Sheng and the others.Although Yu Fei and the others have officially taken over here, they did not clean up some of the things left by Chen Sheng and the others, but preserved them.The reason why they did this was of course not out of respect for Chen Sheng and the others, but they regarded these things as their own trophies.Whenever he sees something, Yu Fei can think of the scene when Chen Sheng and the others sadly left Pioneer with infinite anger and grievance, and every time he thinks of these, Yu Fei feels indescribable pride and satisfaction in his heart.

Only today, all this seems to have changed a little bit.Although Yu Fei played with a baseball that Chen Sheng used to like to play with from time to time, he no longer felt the slightest complacency in his heart, his face was covered with gloom, and he was still immersed in what happened to them in the bar yesterday That nightmare.Although Wei Youdao and Song Li were not present yesterday, they have already learned about what happened last night through their respective channels. Knowing that Yu Fei suffered a big loss, their faces were also very ugly.After all, Yu Fei is the leader of Mo Yan, representing Mo Yan, and he suffers, just waiting for Mo Yan to suffer.Wei Youdao and Song Li are both members of Mo Yan, so they naturally feel ashamed.

"Feizi, what happened last night? Isn't Emperor International your uncle's territory? Why did you suffer?" Although Wei Youdao's age is the opposite of Yu Fei's, he looks more mature than Yu Fei many.A pair of eyes are like a fox, radiating cunning from time to time, it is the military advisor of the magic flame. "Yeah, Brother Fei, I really can't figure it out!" Song Li couldn't help but interjected.Song Li's age is about the same as Tian Huihui's, and she dresses up very coquettishly, far beyond her actual age.

Yu Fei smashed the baseball in his hand against the opposite wall, and shouted angrily: "It's really unlucky to end up at grandma's house. If there were only Chen Sheng and the others, I would eat them to death myself, but I happened to be by their side Followed a man. This man seems to have practiced. He beat my people and a dozen of the Emperor's security guards. What can I do?" Son, are you exaggerating!" Mengchang Wei Youdao asked in a murmur of disbelief.After hearing this, Yu Fei couldn't help shouting: "Fuck you, you think it's an exaggeration to write an essay! So many eyes saw what happened last night, if you don't believe me, go ask!

Yu Fei's temper has always been like this. When he was irritated, his relatives would deny him and scold whoever he caught.Wei Youdao had known him for a long time, so he naturally knew his bad temper, and he didn't have the same knowledge as him, so he murmured as if he hadn't heard it: "No matter how powerful that man is, I'm afraid he can't beat your uncle Deputy Wu." Anyway? Could it be that even Uncle couldn’t get rid of him in the end and save face for you?”

Yu Fei curled his lips and said: "Pull it down! If my uncle helped me settle it, would I still be so depressed? You think my uncle is great, but you don't know, that man is actually a good brother with Mu Ping. Damn, yes Mu Ping! Even if my uncle is full of courage, he doesn’t dare to confront him! Last night, I obediently apologized to him, and paid a large amount of money for the wine. Even the money my uncle was going to give me Chen Sheng and the others took all the tickets for tomorrow's concert. You can't even imagine how badly I lost yesterday!" Yu Feiyue said that the more he felt the atmosphere, the more veins popped out on his forehead, and he looked very ferocious.

Hearing Yu Fei's words, Wei Youdao was stunned for a long time, then he and Song Li looked at each other, looked at Yu Fei with a wry smile on his face and said: "If the other party is really Mu Ping's good brother, Fei Zi, I think If you can’t swallow this breath, you have to swallow it. The power of the Lightning Gang is in full swing, and we can’t provoke it. Hey, I really don’t know why Chen Sheng’s life is so good. There are a large number of players following them in the game , In the real society, there are such big figures covering them, so could it be that they are lucky stars and generals who fell from the sky?"

"What lucky star and lucky general? Hasn't it been replaced by our magic flame? Huh!" Song Li, who was on the side, curled her lips in dissatisfaction and snorted softly.Yu Fei shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face, and said quietly: "Don't think that people care about the false name of this vanguard consultant. Yesterday, uncle, in order to calm things down and please Mu Ping, he once promised to let Chen Sheng and the others Come back and continue to be a pioneer consultant." Before Yu Fei finished speaking, Song Li couldn't help shouting anxiously, "Then what should we do? If Chen Sheng and the others come back to be consultants, where should we go?"

"What a fart! We only have to pack up and get out!" Wei Youdao snorted coldly. "That can't be done! It's hard for me to become a Pioneer's consultant. I don't want to leave before I'm hot, so I won't be laughed to death by players all over the country?" Seeing Song Li's excited and nervous expression, Yu Fei couldn't help but shouted at her: "What are you talking about? Aren't you still the consultant of Pioneer? No one is forcing you to get out!"

After being scolded by Yu Fei, Song Li calmed down and smiled awkwardly.Wei Youdao said with a frown: "It was your uncle who forced Chen Sheng and the others to leave Pioneer. Now that your uncle wants them to come back, it will be a matter of time before they replace us, Feizi, we I have to make a plan earlier!" Yu Fei shook his head and said, "What a plan! He rejected my uncle immediately, and he doesn't want to come back to Pioneer at all." "What? There is such a thing? How is this possible? What! Could it be that Chen Sheng and the others are crazy or demented? Otherwise, how could they reject your uncle?" Wei Youdao couldn't help but asked Yu Fei in shock.

Yu Fei frowned and shouted: "How do I know? However, looking at what Chen Sheng and the others said at the time, they seemed to have a better place to go, so they refused to return to Pioneer." "A better place? Impossible Right? Unless they leave the online game world from now on, Pioneer is already the best choice, what better place do they have?" Wei Youdao asked in a murmur.Yu Fei said: "I don't know about this.

"Oh, if you don't know, you don't know! As long as they don't return to Pioneer, let us continue to be the consultants, and we don't care where they go!" Song Li said with a reassuring smile. "A woman's opinion!" Wei Youdao scolded with a cold snort full of disdain.Song Li didn't want to listen. With a face full of anger, she pinched her waist with her hands and said very coquettishly: "I'm just a woman's opinion, what's wrong? You're a man, you're amazing, I'm sorry!"

"Hey!" Wei Youdao was too lazy to care about shrews like Song Li, sighed angrily, looked at Yu Fei and said, "Chen Sheng and the others don't know anything except playing online games. If they leave online games, can they even play?" Survival is a problem. I think most of them will not leave the online game world. As for whether there is a better place in the online game world than Pioneer Network, we may just have not discovered it. However, Chen Sheng and the others are willing to give up Pioneer consultants. , must be a really good place to go. I'm afraid that the future will be long, Chen Sheng and the others will make a comeback, and then don't suppress our magic flames again.

Yu Fei nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, people have no long-term considerations, and they must have near-term worries! This is to take a long-term view. But the problem is, what can we do? Now Chen Sheng and the others have found a big backer , even my uncle has to stand aside, let alone us together." "Feizi, you can't use an open gun, we can use a hidden arrow! Don't forget, the Pioneer Forum is now in our hands, and the national 80.00 More than [-]% of online game players have registered accounts in the Pioneer Forum. As long as we make good use of it, this will be an irreplaceable vanguard weapon for us to fight against Chen Sheng and the others!

"You mean one." Yu Fei's expression was startled, and he looked at Wei Youdao with a little excitement. The online game industry will ruin Chen Sheng’s reputation, and no matter where they go, they will not be able to hang out in the online game industry anymore. Isn’t this once and for all?” Yu Fei pondered for a while, and said slowly: “It’s a good idea. It's a good idea, but don't forget that Chen Sheng and the others have a high prestige in the online game industry, and they have quite a few brothers and friends. I'm afraid it's not that easy to discredit them in the online game industry, right? Be careful own feet.

Wei Youdao said with a chuckle: "Prestige? Haha, what is prestige? You can't see it, you can't touch it, it's all fake, especially in the virtual network world, it's not worth it, and there's no real money for it. As long as we I don’t believe that our money can’t defeat their prestige if they are willing to put down the capital.” “It seems to be interesting, let’s talk about the specifics.” Yu Fei said with a refreshed mind.

Wei Youdao laughed, and said: "It's actually very simple! That is, we paid people to keep posting on the Pioneer Forum, posting all the scandals about Chen Sheng and the others on the Internet, so that everyone Everyone sees Chen Sheng's true colors. In addition, we'd better use money to buy off a few of Chen Sheng's close friends. The same words from these people's mouths will have more weight and credibility! You know, netizens are the most resistant to incitement, and a little spark can start a prairie fire. It is actually very easy to make them change their views on a person!

"But the problem is, Chen Sheng and the others don't seem to have any scandals worth taking advantage of?" Song Li said to Wei Youdao and Yu Fei with some hesitation.The two cast contemptuous glances at her at the same time, and Wei Youdao couldn't help but said, "You really have big breasts and no brains. Even if Chen Sheng and the others are saints, what does it matter if they have never done anything scandalous? We have rich imagination, so we can fabricate it, you are still worrying about it, you are really convinced!" Song Li also touched her head in embarrassment, and said: "I'm sorry, I didn't think of it for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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