The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1536 Heavenly master!

Chapter 1536 Heavenly master!

After listening to Chen Sheng's words, Li Xiaogang looked at the six people carefully. Sure enough, including Tian Huihui, the six people had done some exquisite grooming.Chen Sheng, Wang Chong, and Zhao Yu all kept their heads straight, and they looked extraordinarily sharp. They were full of vigor and vitality, which made people feel quite bright.The three girls from Tian Huihui, Mi Hui and Xue Qi put away the arrogance and rebellion that Li Xiaogang had when they first met, and dressed up as very ladylike, as if they had matured a lot at once.Three men and three women stood together, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, like a splendid landscape.Li Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, it really has improved a lot."

"Husband, are they the Death Rose group you mentioned to me?" Hu Rong looked at the six of them and asked Li Xiaogang with a smile. "Haha, it's us!" Chen Sheng said playfully to Hu Rong.Hu Rong couldn't help raising her crescent eyebrows when she heard this, and said with some dissatisfaction: "According to your age, you should call me sister, why do you call me aunt, as if I am so old." Chen Sheng didn't know The wrong one touched his nose and said: "But you are uncle's girlfriend, if we call you sister, then the relationship between you and uncle will be messed up?"

"Having fainted! Am I really that old, so old that you can call me Uncle? I don't mind if you call me Brother Gang." Li Xiaogang said, dumbfounded. "It doesn't matter if you call it Brother Gang, it feels like you're acting on the beach, ha ha," Wang Chong said.The other people also had no objection. In front of the six people, Li Xiaogang finally took off the hat of the wretched uncle.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was getting closer and closer to the landing time of Hu Rong's flight. Li Xiaogang was just a little excited in his heart, but Wang Chong, Zhao Yu, Chen Sheng, Mi Hui, and Xue Qi seemed very nervous. , even a little restless.After meeting Li Xiaogang, he realized that this was the first time for several of them to meet the master.

"I don't know if our master is a man or a woman?" Wang Chong said suddenly.As soon as Chen Sheng heard it, he couldn't help scolding: "Nonsense! Our master is called the rose of death, so it is naturally a woman. Have you ever seen a man call himself a rose?" "That's right, our master is not a pervert. However, I am special now I want to know whether our master is old or young. It would be great if it could be a beautiful woman!" Zhao Yu murmured with an expression immersed in fantasy.His words aroused the reverie of several other people at the same time, each of them looked up to ask the sky, each sketching the image of the rose of death in their hearts.

"Aren't they Song Shuang's apprentices? Why don't they even know what Song Shuang looks like?" Hu Rong asked Li Xiaogang curiously.Li Xiaogang chuckled and said slowly: "Although Song Shuang is their master, he has never met them. Most of their communication is through the Internet. Normal." "But our Song Shuang has such a high prestige among hackers, even if they haven't really met face to face, they should recognize Song Shuang's face, right?" Hu Rong asked puzzled.

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Do you think Song Shuang is a big star? Posters are posted everywhere, and everyone can see her? Song Shuang is a hacker, and at the same time the trump card of the national security department, she has the most mysterious feeling." Important! In the hacker world, everyone knows the name of Rose of Death, but there are absolutely few people who have actually met her and know what she looks like. This is also for the safety of Song Shuang. Otherwise, Song Shuang would have become It’s the target of public criticism.”

After hearing this, Hu Rong chuckled a few times, and said: "So that's the case, no wonder Song Shuang's disciples from the girl sect dare not show their true colors to others.

"You idiots, if you want to know whether your master is male or female, old or young, beautiful or ugly, that's not easy. Just ask Uncle, oh no, can you just ask Brother Gang?" Tian Hui It can be said that it is clear to the bystanders. Seeing several people arguing about this matter, they couldn't help but pouted and said.One word awakened the dreamer, and as soon as Tian Huihui's words fell to the ground, several people came back to their senses at the same time, and fixed their eyes on Li Xiaogang together.Li Xiaogang gave a ghostly laugh, and said: "Of course I know what your master looks like, but I won't tell you now, when she comes out later, you can recognize it yourself.

"Brother Gang, don't fool us. We have never met Master, and we don't even know whether he is a man or a woman. How do you tell us?" Chen Sheng asked with a wry smile.Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, curled his lips and said: "Based on feeling. Let me tell you, the feeling between people is the most wonderful. He can make two people who have never met before become old friends who cherish each other in an instant. You Although I haven't seen the real face of the rose of death, after all, you have communicated on the Internet for so long, this feeling actually already exists, you might as well check it out later.

"Really?" Chen Sheng and the others looked skeptical, Li Xiaogang smiled, and looked down at the watch on his wrist.Said faintly: "Song Shuang should be here soon." Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, a group of passengers who had just stepped off the plane poured out of the exit passage.Li Xiaogang began to search the crowd eagerly.

Chen Sheng and the others were no exception, they each held their breath, their eyes fixed on every passenger who came out without blinking, trying to find out Song Shuang by feeling as Li Xiaogang said.

"I see, the twin sisters have come out!" Hu Rong was the first to spot Song Shuang in the crowd, and couldn't help but wave to Song Shuang excitedly.Li Xiaogang pressed her down.Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang in some surprise, and saw a narrow smile on Li Xiaogang's face. When she was suspicious, she heard Chen Sheng and the others complained in frustration: "Brother Gang, you are so insidious." !" Hearing the complaints of several people, Hu Rong realized that when she shouted, Chen Sheng and the others fixed their eyes on her at the same time.Hu Rong chuckled a few times, turned her head aside, not to mention pointing, she didn't even look at Song Shuang anymore, Chen Sheng and the others could only helplessly search the crowd again.

"It can't be him, right?" Wang Chong fixed his eyes on a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard, a thin figure, and a pale complexion, and said a little nah.Following Wang Chong's gaze, they saw the man.

Chen Sheng couldn't help but slapped Wang Chong on the back of the head fiercely, and shouted: "Idiot, I told you a long time ago that our master is a woman!" "Could it be her?" Zhao Yu's eyes fell. Looking at a slightly fat aunt, her eyes looked a little lonely. Obviously, this aunt was far from the image of the death rose in his mind.But the auntie was holding a computer bag in her hand, like a hacker, and the computer never left her body for a moment.

"My God, could it be that the fairy has descended to the mortal world?" Just as Zhao Yu was frustrated by his discovery, Chen Sheng howled like a wolf whose tail had been stepped on.His cry immediately alarmed the others, and several of them looked at Chen Sheng at the same time. Not to mention Zhao Yu, Wang Chong was stunned, and even the three girls Tian Huihui, Mi Hui, and Xueqi I couldn't help being stunned.As more and more people discovered Song Shuang, the whole airport became more and more quiet, as if time was slowly freezing.Li Xiaogang smiled lightly at Hu Rong, and said quietly: "Look, Song Shuang is always the focus wherever he goes." Hu Rong giggled and said, "It's a good deal for you, giggle."

"You say, it would be great if she were our master!" Wang Chong murmured lewdly while moaning.What Wang Chong said was not what other people thought. Chen Sheng and Zhao Yu nodded subconsciously. "Look, the fairy girl seems to be walking towards us!" Chen Sheng shouted again excitedly, his voice trembling because of nervousness and excitement. "Could it be that she is really a day? I'm not dreaming!" Wang Chong also tied his tongue in excitement, and clenched his hands tightly together, twisting his fingers crossed, showing the extreme in his heart. nervous.Zhao Yu was no exception, he was so nervous that he even forgot to breathe, his face was flushed, but he didn't notice it.Mi Hui and Xue Qi couldn't help holding hands together.

At this time, every time Song Shuang took a step toward them, the five people became more nervous.Time seemed to be stretched infinitely, becoming very slow, so slow that the five of them almost went crazy.Seeing the appearance of the five people, Li Xiaogang and Hu Rong looked at each other with smiles in each other's eyes.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Your master is right in front of you, why don't you go up to meet him?" Li Xiaogang's words were not contained in a thunderbolt under the clear sky, which split the minds of several people into blanks.Chen Sheng turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang in disbelief, his expression was like winning the first prize in a lottery, the muscles on his excited face began to twitch: "Brother Gang, what you said is true!" She—is she really our master?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing, and said: "Why, she is your master, let you down?" "No, no, no! I just can't believe that this is true. Shiyi is so beautiful!" The dream came true in an instant, Chen Sheng and the others were a little afraid to accept it, and they stayed on the spot, but they didn't dare to go forward.Li Xiaogang understood the mood of several people at this time, and smiled without saying a word.

"Brother Gang!" Song Shuang saw Li Xiaogang from a long distance, and exclaimed coquettishly, ignoring the eyes of everyone, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, she ran over gracefully and jumped into Li Xiaogang's body at once. arms.The beauty is in his arms, his hands are full of tenderness, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel agitated in such a state of mind, he almost couldn't hold it back, and made a fool of himself.Seeing Song Shuang rushing straight over, Chen Sheng's heart stopped beating. When they saw Song Shuang hugging Li Xiaogang intimately, they almost fainted.There are 1 thoughts in my mind, each of which is guessing the relationship between Li Xiaogang and Song Shuang.

(End of this chapter)

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