The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1552 Rescue Chen Sheng

Chapter 1552 Rescue Chen Sheng

"Hehe, if I could tell you who I am, I wouldn't be so troublesome." "Then what's your purpose, what do you want to do?" Fang Tianxing asked again. "Fang Tianxing, if you are by the window, you might as well look out the window." The voice said.Fang Tianxing looked out of the window subconsciously, but outside the window was peaceful.Just when Fang Tianxing was wondering, suddenly there was a loud "boom", and a car parked in the parking lot outside the building suddenly exploded and fell into a sea of ​​flames in an instant. "Ah!" Fang Tianxing was taken aback, and couldn't help letting out a cry of surprise.Li Xiaogang was also moved, and his brows were tightly wrinkled. "Quick, go and see if anyone is hurt, hurry up!" Fang Tianxing hurriedly shouted at Wang Chong and outside the office.

"Hehe, there is no need to worry. This is just a small fireworks show, and no one was injured." Hearing Fang Tianxing's exclamation, the other party said with a smile.Fang Tianxing was already in a state of mind when he received the call about Chen Sheng being kidnapped before, but now he received such a call again, Fang Tianxing couldn't help shouting at the microphone full of anger: "Damn it, who are you, what do you think?" What are you going to do?"

"Fang Tianxing, listen clearly. I have installed a bomb in your company that is ten times more powerful than this. I limit you to transfer 50 billion cash to this account within half an hour. Otherwise, we will Immediately detonate the bomb, and let your whole life's hard work be wasted and turned into ashes." "What? 50 billion?" Fang Tianxing's head was about to explode, and he couldn't help shouting in a deep voice.The voice in the microphone said with a smile: "President Fang, why are you so excited? 50 billion is nothing to you, don't dawdle, I don't want to bargain with you, your time is running out." Hang up the phone conveniently.

When Fang Tianxing put down the phone, his face was covered with beads of sweat. He really wanted to know what happened this day and why bad things happened one after another. "Oh my god, before Chen Sheng was rescued, someone planted a bomb on the company again. Could this be done by the same group?" Wang Chong asked mutteringly.Fang Tianxing loosened the tie around his neck, turned to Li Xiaogang and asked, "Mr. Li, what should we do?" However, Li Xiaogang didn't answer Fang Tianxing's words, as if he was fixed by someone, he stood there motionless . "Mr. Li?" Fang Tianxing asked again, and Li Xiaogang came back to his senses. "Follow me!" Li Xiaogang didn't answer Fang Tianxing's question, left this sentence, and walked out quickly.

Fang Tianxing, Song Shuang and the others glanced at each other, and hurriedly defended and chased after them.Fang Tianxing followed Li Xiaogang closely, and asked Song Shuang: "Miss Song, do you think the other party has really planted a bomb in the company?" Song Shuang shook his head solemnly, and said slowly: "I'd rather believe it It’s unbelievable.” “Well, then, should we hurry up to evacuate here and transfer money to the other party at the same time? If he really detonates, then the Pioneer Network will be over.” Song Shuang shook his head and said: "Don't worry, there is still time, let's see what Xiaogang is going to do first." Fang Tianxing glanced at Li Xiaogang who was hurriedly walking ahead, and nodded.

Under the leadership of Li Xiaogang, the group came all the way to a room where sundries were piled up on the middle floor of the building. Among the piles of junk, Li Xiaogang dug out a luggage bag.Li Xiaogang opened the zipper of the bag, immediately revealing pieces of explosives with fuze detonators inserted, weighing five or six kilograms.If so many explosives were detonated at the same time, the energy released would be enough to collapse the entire building of the Pioneer Network.In that case, even if thousands of people on this floor were not killed by the explosives, they would be buried alive by then.

Seeing so many explosives, Fang Tianxing, Mi Hui and the others were all stunned. They felt as if there was a snake crawling on their backs, and their cheeks were cold. "These bastards are too vicious!" Fang Tianxing couldn't help but roared loudly with hatred in his heart.Li Xiaogang didn't make a sound, leaned over and dismantled the detonating device connected to the explosive.The danger is eliminated.Fang Tianxing's heart fell back into his stomach. "Mr. Li, should we call the police?" Fang Tianxing said angrily, "Let the law punish these bastards severely!
Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "If they are handed over to the police, it would be too cheap for them. Now Pioneer Network is mine. If they want to blow up here, they are against me. Against me, we Absolutely, they will not end well! Don’t let the police know about this matter, I will handle it safely. Mr. Fang, I took these explosives.”

"Ah? Mr. Li, what do you want these explosives for? It's too dangerous!" Fang Tianxing asked puzzled.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "Don't worry about it, I naturally have my own use." Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Fang Tianxing didn't ask any more questions.Song Shuang asked: "Husband, do you think these two incidents were done by a group of people?" Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously, and replied: "It can be said that it is, but it can't be said that it is completely. Hehe You guys will understand! Well, I’m going to save Chen Sheng, and you guys can deal with the aftermath here!” After finishing speaking, he walked out holding the bag of explosives with his head held high.

After Li Xiaogang left, Fang Tianxing couldn't help asking curiously and inexplicably: "Miss Song, tell me, how did Mr. Li know that the bomb was hidden here? Also, Mr. Li said he was going to rescue Chen Sheng, but he Do you know where Chen Sheng was kidnapped by those villains?" Not only Fang Tianxing had such questions, Wang Chong, Zhao Yu, Mi Hui and Xue Qi also focused their attention on Song Shuang, waiting for his answer.However, Song Shuang just laughed mysteriously a few times, and did not answer Fang Tianxing's question.It's not that Song Shuang likes to show off, but that she doesn't know how to answer.You can't tell them that Li Xiaogang is a god and knows everything.

'Dinglinglingyi' At this moment, Fang Tianxing's phone rang again, and he pressed the answer button, and the mysterious voice from just now said, "Boss Fang, haven't you started transferring money yet? I'm getting impatient waiting. "

Fang Tianxing glanced at Song Shuang, snorted coldly, and said, "Didn't you say to give me half an hour, it's only less than 10 minutes, what are you in a hurry for?" "Hmph! Fang Tianxing, don't play tricks in front of me .I know, you must be looking for those explosives in the whole company now. Hehe, I advise you not to waste your efforts. The place where I hide the explosives is very secret, let alone half an hour, even if you are given half a day, you may not I can find it."

Hearing the other party's triumphant and confident words, Fang Tianxing found it funny.I really want to see what kind of expression the other party will have if they know that he has found the explosives.With a few chuckles, Fang Tianxing said quietly: "Although I don't know who you are, listen to me, the laws of heaven are clear, and justice lasts forever. Those who do bad things will definitely be punished as they should be! You must never Watch out!"

"Fang Tianxing! Don't forget, the lives of you people are all in my hands now. As long as I move my fingers lightly, you will all be finished! So, when you talk to me, you'd better Be careful, so as not to make me anxious, I will send you to the west now!" The other party was obviously irritated by Fang Tianxing's attitude, and shouted loudly into the microphone.Fang Tianxing said lightly: "Why, don't you want money? That's a total of 50 billion, enough to fill up several rooms." You will naturally beg to give me the money." "Okay, then you just wait! Goodbye!" After finishing speaking, Fang Tianxing hung up the phone heavily.

In a luxurious villa, Wu Haifei ruthlessly threw the phone in his hand on the sofa. "Bastard! This Fang Tianxing, he predicted that I would not dare to detonate the bomb. Humph, I want to show you the courage of my Wu Haifei. There are still 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, whether I get the money or not, I'm going to blow you up to the sky!" After speaking, he opened a bottle of xo and poured it into his stomach frantically.

Ever since Li Xiaogang kicked him out of Pioneer Network, Wu Haifei has been holding back his breath and has nowhere to vent it.Although he actually caused all this by himself, and Fang Tianxing gave him enough money, but when he thought of Fang Tianxing's proud appearance at this time, his heart couldn't bear it.Jealousy like a poisonous snake has counted on him to the point where it is inevitable all night.Finally, Wu Haifei went crazy.Infiltrated the Pioneer network by posing as a building cleaner, stuffing the duffel bag full of explosives into the utility room.He thought that Fang Tianxing would be scared out of his wits when he heard that there were explosives in the company, and let him slaughter him.At that time, he can get a large sum of money, and at the same time, he can vent his anger.But Wu Haifei didn't expect that Fang Tianxing would be so calm, as if nothing happened, and he would not answer him, and it would drive him crazy.

Just when Wu Haifei was so angry, Brother Bao and the others also got a little impatient.Especially when the ransom reached a terrifying one billion, Brother Bao became even more crazy.Just like a hungry leopard, it keeps pacing back and forth.

"Brother Leopard, why do I feel more and more that this matter is not so reliable, is there anything wrong?" Santiao was a little worried, and said to Brother Leopard full of doubts.In fact, Brother Leopard felt particularly uneasy at this time, as if a pot had been boiled, and he could not be at peace.After hearing the three words, Brother Bao cast his knife-like eyes on Wei Youdao, and asked coldly: "Will Pioneer Network really be willing to pay a billion to buy this kid's life?"

Wei Youdao nodded hastily, and said: "Brother Bao, don't worry! You don't know that the current Pioneer Network has actually been bought by a person surnamed Li. And this person surnamed Li has a very good relationship with Chen Sheng. I can I'm sure that the one surnamed Li will definitely come up with the money." "Okay! I'll believe you! If it ends up, let me have a good time for nothing—you know your grandpa Bao's methods and power!" Brother Bao snorted coldly. One sound, shouted.Although Wei Youdao said so, he was not at ease in his heart and was extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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