Chapter 1572
In order to withdraw funds, GM Group will definitely put these raw materials back into the market.If such a large amount is released, it will definitely have an extremely huge impact on the market. At that time, the global metallurgical materials will definitely have a big drop.Out of panic, those who originally hoarded a large amount of goods during the period of rising prices will raid their homes and see the sudden drop in prices, and they will definitely sell their stock in a frenzy. As a result, the price will plunge again.

By that time, the prices of these raw materials will inevitably be lower than their normal prices.It is an idiot to take advantage of advantages or not.Since you know that the prices of these raw materials will plummet in a short period of time, why do you want to hoard so much?In the dark, Li Xiaogang cast a huge net, and now this net has tightly caught the big fish of GM.It was almost time for Li Xiaogang to close the net.At this time, Huang Ziwen was still immersed in the beautiful dream he had woven for himself and couldn't extricate himself.Francis is a man who keeps his word. Just when GM was trying its best to acquire the raw materials needed to smelt "blood steel", Francis was already running around to support Huang Ziwen as GM's global president, but things didn't go well. It didn't go as smoothly as he imagined. Eisen was not the only friend in GM who had been the global president of GM for more than ten years. Eisen's popularity in GM far exceeded that of Francis. imagine.Among other things, eight of the thirteen major shareholders on the board of directors objected to the revocation of Eisen's position as president.Francis also approached Eisen in private, hoping that he would put the overall situation first and give up the position of president, but Eisen strongly opposed it.Not only that, Eisen also scolded him severely, calling him a villain who betrayed his friends and betrayed his friends.

Francis, as the chairman and largest shareholder of GM, shouldn't be so useless, but GM is different from other companies. All of GM's shareholders are world-class rich people, and many of them also own a world five hundred A large-scale enterprise is not inferior to Francis in the slightest in terms of wealth and wealth. These people are not something he can easily offend.However, Huang Ziwen firmly grasped the patent of "Blood Steel" and refused to let go at all. He also couldn't afford to be offended. After all, without "Blood Steel", there would be no future for GM.Francis is now like a ham in a sandwich, both ends are uncomfortable...

However, just when Francis was overwhelmed, Yelena appeared in front of him with a solemn face full of worry.Francis frowned slightly, and asked, "Miss Ye, why do you look so ugly? Could it be something related to death?" Yelena pondered for a moment, then said quietly: "Mr. Francis, I I don't know how to tell you, but for the past two days, I have been restless, and I always feel like something is going to happen." Francis smiled and said: "Miss Ye, I know your women's intuition Sometimes it’s very good, but you can’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself because of it. The situation is very good now, so what’s there to worry about?”

Yelena shook her head, looked at Francis, and murmured: "Mr. Francis, do you really think the situation is going well? Now the prices of various raw materials have risen like a rocket. Before we Things that cost one dollar now cost two, maybe three. Do you know how much money is flowing out of our company every day? Francis put his hand on Yelena's shoulder and said with a smile: "Linna, you are the smartest Chinese woman I have ever met, and I know you love us very much. You don't have to worry too much, as long as We have 'Blood Steel', and our rewards will be amazing! At that time, you will find that everything we have paid today is actually worth it."

After hearing what Francis said, Yelena shook her head with a wry smile, and said slowly: "I hope everything is as you said, I was just a false alarm." Francis smiled and said in a relaxed tone : "Okay, let's not talk about these annoying things. I finally came to Huaxia, can you be my guide and take me out? I like this land so much, no matter the people here, I really like everything here.” Yelena lifted her spirits and said with a smile: “Okay, I’ll explain what I’m doing right now, and then I’ll take you around.”

"I'm afraid not, I still have something to talk to Mr. Francis!" As soon as Yelena finished speaking, Huang Ziwen walked in.Seeing Huang Ziwen, Francis and Yelena frowned at the same time.Francis said: "Can't Huang just let it go if there is something wrong?" Huang Ziwen shook his head and said, "No! It's been two days since Mr. Francis, why haven't I accepted my letter of appointment yet?" ?”

Hearing that Huang Ziwen was going to talk about this, Francis's face was full of dissatisfaction, and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Huang, you must know that GM is the world's number one company. It's not me who wants to change the president. Just a few words. It will take a lot of trouble, I hope Mr. Huang can wait for a few days." Huang Ziwen smiled faintly, and said faintly: "Mr. Francis, I'm afraid this is not the case, right? It's just a company as the chairman of the company, and you want to appoint a new president, isn't it just a matter of one sentence?"

Francis said: "I have to take care of the emotions of other shareholders. You have to know that GM is not mine alone."

Huang Ziwen said: "I have already said before that as long as they can make money, those shareholders will not say anything. Mr. Francis, I cooperate with you with sincerity. If you don't want to, Then I have to sell the technology of 'Blood Steel' to others." "How can it work? Our company has already spent a lot of money and purchased a large amount of raw materials. If you sell the technology of 'Blood Steel' to Others, the GM is finished!"

Huang Ziwen sneered, and said quietly: "Since you also understand this truth, please hurry up and act. I will give you another day. If I have not received the appointment by this time tomorrow, I'm sorry, I will I'm going to disappoint you." Huang Ziwen's greed and aggression filled Francis's heart with disgust for him, but for the sake of 'blood steel', Francis did not take this disgust away. Instead, he said softly to Yelena: "Miss Ye, it seems that our visit plan is going to be ruined."

Seeing that Francis, whom she has always respected, was forced to such an extent by Huang Ziwen, Yelena's face was full of anger, she glared at Huang Ziwen fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: "Huang Ziwen, you forgot, before Franc How much does Mr. Sith think highly of you? If it weren’t for Mr. Francis’ extraordinary promotion, would you be where you are today? You have no nostalgia for the past, and being aggressive towards Francis is simply an ungrateful little boy. People!" Hearing this, Huang Ziwen glared at her sharply, and said darkly, "Ye Linna, you'd better be careful when you speak. When I become the president, you will be the first person I want to fire! Yelena shouted angrily: "You want to quit me, but there is no way! Before you become the president, I will resign and leave!"

Seeing that Ye Linna and Huang Ziwen were arguing more and more fiercely, Ye Linna seemed to want to resign on the spot, Francis hurriedly said: "Linna, don't be so excited. Mr. Huang's actions may make you unacceptable, but I believe he also wanted to Hello, GM. Calm down, everyone, let’s think about how to make Eisen willing to give up his seat?” Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, and said: “Don’t think about it, just tell Eisen that if he doesn’t give up, GM will face serious problems. I don't believe that he can still hold on to the position of president." After speaking, he turned around and walked out.

Looking at Huang Ziwen's back, Francis' heart was filled with anger, but he was helpless.Yelena said indignantly: "Mr. Francis, he is too irritating, can you tolerate it?" Francis smiled wryly, and said faintly: "What can we do if we can't bear it? I really need the 'Blood Steel' in his hand."

"So, are you really planning to appoint him as the new president of GM?" Yelena asked with wide-eyed eyes.Francis shrugged his shoulders, and murmured: "Aside from this, is there any other way?" It didn't take long for Yihuang Ziwen to get his wish. Francis tried to offend Eisen and lost He, his old friend for decades, desperately withstood the pressure and accusations of more than half of the shareholders, and gave Huang Ziwen the position of GM's global president.When Huang Ziwen received the letter of appointment from Mr. Francis with a triumphant smile in front of many media, Li Xiaogang and Hu Rong were sitting in front of the TV, watching with smiles.Li Xiaogang pointed to Huang Ziwen's smiling face on the screen, and said to Hu Rong: "Honey, do you think Huang Ziwen is smiling happily now?"

Hu Rong nodded and said: "I think he is happy enough." Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "Believe it or not, within two days at most, I will make him never laugh again in his life." Hu Rong Smiling, he stuffed a piece of watermelon into Li Xiaogang's mouth, and said, "I believe it, of course I believe it! You are my omnipotent husband!" Li Xiaogang smiled and was about to hug Hu Rong for a few kisses, Li Xiaogang's cell phone rang suddenly.Li Xiaogang took it over and took a look, and stood up.Fu suppressed his smile, and said to Hu Rong, "It's Mr. Lin." Then he pressed the answer button.As soon as the phone was connected, Lin Chaoran's voice came from the microphone, "Boy, open the door!"

"Ah?" Li Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, but did not react.Lin Chaoran said again: "I asked you to open the door. I'm right outside your house!" Lin Chaoran was tightly wrapped in a black overcoat, smiling at him.Li Xiaogang hastily welcomed Lin Chaoran in, and said: "Old man, you said that I am elusive, but let me see, you are even more elusive than me! How do you know I am here?" Lin Chaoran smiled and said: "Don't you have a mobile phone? It's so easy to know your location."

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said quietly: "So, I have to get rid of my mobile phone quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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