The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1576 Annexation of GM

Chapter 1576 Annexation of GM (Part [-])
"This!" Lin Chaoran was a little speechless by Li Xiaogang's words, and said: "Well, even if our country will not use 'blood steel' in the military field, what about other countries? Although they can't make 'blood steel' "Blood steel', but you can buy your cars in large quantities, and then dismantle your cars to make tanks, planes, and turn them around to deal with us, so what should we do then?" Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly and said : "It doesn't matter, 'Blood Steel' has a fatal weakness. That is, it will become brittle like glass at minus three hundred degrees Celsius. I will let my experts develop a kind of quick freezing for the military. Weapons, if they do, I guarantee they'll die ugly."

"It turns out that you have been on guard for a long time," Lin Chaoran murmured as he looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment after hearing what he said.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Sometimes I do go crazy, but I'm not crazy after all. Without thorough consideration, I will not act indiscriminately. Father, you and I have known each other for so long, you should know me well After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Chaoran was stunned for a moment, then he looked up to the sky and laughed, and he stopped after a while, and said with a smile: "You boy, everything is tight. I worry about you, it's just I’m full. Well, since you’ve already thought of everything, then I have nothing to worry about. Xiaogang, when do you think GM’s downfall will start? I can go back and prepare.”

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said faintly: "If I don't expect it, it will probably be within a day or two." Lin Chaoran nodded, and said slowly: "Si, since this is the case, I should go back and start preparing .If you want to annex GM, you need a lot of funds, it seems that in the next few days, I will not want to sleep." Seeing Lin Chaoran standing up, he wanted to leave.Li Xiaogang said: "Old man, we've finished talking about your matter, but we haven't talked about my matter yet."

Lin Chaoran looked at Li Xiaogang with doubts on his face, and asked, "What's the matter with you?" Li Xiaogang frowned, and said in a deep voice, "It's Wu Yifei's business." "Wu Yifei?" Lin Chaoran's face suddenly changed when he heard this. He became serious, and asked in a deep voice, "Did that kid cause trouble for you?"

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said quietly: "Wu Yifei molested Professor Zhou Zongnan's disciple Qin Qin yesterday. If Qin Qin hadn't tried his best to resist, he would have almost succeeded." "What? There is such a thing!" Lin Chaoran was taken aback. Surprised, his brows and eyes were full of anger and he shouted: "Professor Zhou Zongnan has made special contributions to our country and is our national treasure-level expert. He has the guts to moles Mr. Zhou's disciples, and he has the guts of a bear." Li Xiaogang He nodded, and said coldly: "He has only been in the space center for a few days, and he has the audacity to do such a thing, and he is looking for death! Old man, let me say hello to you, I can't let that kid, a The mouse shit ruined my pot of soup, and I'm going to deal with him. If something happens to him in the future, you have to take care of his grandpa."

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Chaoran became a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Xiaogang, you must not act rashly. Then Wu Yifei's grandfather, Wu Jingtong, has a lot of dissatisfaction with you. If you touch his precious grandson again , maybe he will do something drastic. Don’t you want to annex GM now? First of all, we must ensure our domestic stability. What’s more, Wu Jingtong also holds the key to whether the country can pay the money. In any case, at this stage, he cannot be offended."

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Paying money to annex GM is to let the government get some benefits from it. If you intend to pay this money, you are smart, but if you don't want to transfer this money, you are a big fool. But Regardless of whether the government can pay the money, I, Li Xiaogang, have no benefit, so I don't care at all. However, Qin Qin was entrusted to me by Mr. Zhou before he left. If I let her be wronged, That is to live up to Mr. Zhou's entrustment. Mr. Zhou is one of the few people I admire in my life, and I must not disappoint his trust."

Hearing what Li Xiaogang had said, Lin Chaoran had a wry smile on his face, and said, "Okay, I understand what you mean. This time, since Qin Qin didn't suffer any substantial harm, even Right. After I go back, I must have a good talk with Wu Jingtong, and let him restrain his perverted and useless grandson. Is this okay?" Li Xiaogang nodded, and said slowly: "I'm not a person who likes to A troublemaker. If Wu Jingtong can really manage his grandson, then I can turn a blind eye. But if he can't discipline him, then I have to discipline him for him." Lin Chaoran Hastily nodded and said: "Okay, okay, that's it, I'm going back to Beijing." After speaking, regardless of Li Xiaogang's persuasion, he left Hu Rong's house in a hurry.

After seeing off Old Ye Zi Lin, Hu Rong lay in Li Xiaogang's arms and asked, "Husband, I just heard the conversation between you and Mr. Lin. Are you really determined to annex GM?" Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Of course! When did you see that your husband's words don't count?" "God, can we really do it?" Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang in disbelief and asked in a murmur.Li Xiaogang pressed a kiss on her forehead, and said with a smile, "Of course! I will make you the queen of the world's automobile industry, and it will be recorded in history from now on, so that people from generation to generation will remember you."

"Yes, but I'm worried that I won't be able to do well," Hu Rong said excitedly and worriedly, a little unsure.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "There is nothing to worry about, there is still me! I will always be by your side, be your strongest backing, and let you rely on forever." After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Hu Rong's heart was about to shatter. Melted, rubbed back and forth in Li Xiaogang's arms and said softly: "Honey, it's good to have you!"

Li Xiaogang patted her on the cheek and said with a smile: "But don't be too happy too early. If you want to eat GM, you need a huge amount of money. We have to find a way to get money." Hu Rong couldn't help being a little puzzled Asked: "Let's find a way? Didn't the old man promise us, did he go back and get money for us?" Li Xiaogang said: "Is it sure to be able to get it if the old man said it? He and the leader managed to get me an annual 2000 In the end, we even sent a bastard Wu Yifei to act as a supervisor. The funds needed this time are as much as trillions, how can it be so easy? Relying on others is worse than relying on ourselves, we have to find a way ourselves. "

Hu Rong raised her head and said to Li Xiaogang: "The last time we bought Tianma Metallurgy, you got the money from Longyu. Are you going to reach out to the big groups under you again this time? If so If you don’t, I won’t agree again. At the beginning, I wanted to hand over Longhao Group to you, but you refused to take it, so now I can’t ask for your money anymore. This is the matter of Longhao Group, and I will give it to us Let Longhao Group solve it by itself."

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, gave Hu Rong a thumbs up, and said: "Not bad, you have backbone. But the question is, have you solved it?" Hu Rong was asked by Li Xiaogang, her face was filled with helplessness and frustration, and she shook her head. Shaking his head, he murmured: "I can't solve it." Seeing Hu Rong's expression, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing.Hu Rong said angrily: "Anyway, I don't care, even if I can't solve it, I won't allow you to ask for money from those Longzihao groups. You keep asking them for money to help me, and now I'm a little embarrassed to see you. Linger."

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "Even if I reach out to them this time, they probably won't be able to help me much. I'm afraid I can only get together the trillions of dollars by selling all my groups. "

"Ah? Are you going to sell them? No, absolutely not. This is what you worked so hard to get back. I will never let you sell them." Hu Rong couldn't help but said anxiously when she heard this.

Li Xiaogang was startled when he heard this, and then said with a wry smile: "Silly girl, when did I say I was going to sell the company? The chicken that lays golden eggs, if you ask me to sell it, I may not do it!" Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Hu Rong's heart finally fell to the ground, and she gave Li Xiaogang a hard look, and said: "You It almost scared me to death!" Li Xiaogang laughed and said slowly, "But where did you get so much money?" Seeing Li Xiaogang's frowning face, Hu Rong waved her hand and said with a smile : "There must be a way for a car to go to the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. Who cares, let's take down GM first."

Li Xiaogang smiled at Hu Rong: "Yes, you are right! This solution is thought out, not worrying about it. Let's take a step and see, maybe, maybe we will have a solution in a second? Hehe." Hu Rong nodded vigorously, and asked: "Husband, do you think GM will really end like this?" Li Xiaogang's gaze wandered out of the window, and he murmured, "Whether GM is dead or alive? Just look at these two days, "

In the General Motors Group, Francis looked at the triumphant Huang Ziwen and said, "President Huang, are you finally satisfied now?" Huang Ziwen glanced at Francis and said, "Mr. Francis, your face There is no need to be so ugly. Although I am the president of GM, I still work for you after all. You are still my boss, and I will still wholeheartedly make money for you. Giving it to me is the biggest wise decision in your life." After speaking, Huang Ziwen slowly cast his eyes on Yelena standing beside Francis, and said faintly: "Miss Ye, I seem to remember that you once said However, if I become the global president of GM, you immediately resign and leave, why are you still here now?"

(End of this chapter)

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