The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1587: Huairen Family

Chapter 1587: The Huairen Family

Mrs. Zhang was the most soft-hearted, she was about to shed tears when she heard this, and said repeatedly: "This child's life is really too hard, it's not easy, Jinlong, you are a boy, you have to take good care of her on weekdays. You are now In the period of passionate love, it’s okay not to see each other every day.” Zhang Huairen said: “Son, you have worked hard enough studying in a foreign country, and it’s really not a solution to do so many messy jobs. The spirit of self-support is very valuable, but this will definitely affect your studies to a great extent. Since you love her so much, then dad is in charge. Dad will cover all the living expenses for you and her in the future. Just focus on reading."

"Dad, are you kidding me? Just me alone is enough for you and your mother to work. Adding Sang Yan, it's not as simple as adding one equals two! Even though you called me before It’s less money, but it’s not enough for us to finish our studies without doing anything.”

"Second son, you don't know, your father is a rich man now, and he just received a bonus of 500 million yuan not long ago. Otherwise, how could we sit here!" Seeing his son's worried expression, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but said with a smile. "Five million in bonuses alone? Oh my god, GM is indeed GM, so it's generous!"

Zhang Jinlong said loudly after hearing this.Zhang Huairen snorted coldly, and said, "Fart! It's not GM that sent me the 500 million, but Longhao Group!" "Longhao Group? I don't think I've heard of it." Zhang Jinlong frowned slightly, a little puzzled Said.

Zhang Huairen said with a chuckle, "You haven't heard of it now, but I am confident that it won't be long before Longhao Group's reputation will be even louder than General Motors Group." I feel that GM, as the number one company in the world, is not so easy to be overshadowed anyway.However, Zhang Jinlong has been filial since he was a child, and he rarely argued with Zhang Huairen. He said, "Dad, why did Longhao Group give you such a large bonus?" Zhang Huairen said, "I haven't had time to tell you that GM has sold Tianma I joined Longhao Group, so I am now working for Longhao Group. As for why I was given a bonus, hehe, it is all because of Mr. Li’s favor and trust in me!"

"Which Mr. Li?" Zhang Jinlong looked at Zhang Huairen in bewilderment and asked.Mrs. Zhang hurriedly said: "Jinlong, this Mr. Li, I have met him before. Oh, his demeanor and demeanor are simply too extraordinary. Jinlong, after you graduate, I don't think I will go anywhere, just go with you Like Dad, working for Mr. Li is the best way out!" "Mom, see what you said. I don't even know what Mr. Li looks like, so you sold me to him?" Zhang Jinlong asked with a smile .

Mrs. Zhang clicked her tongue, and said, "Stinky boy, what are you talking about? You are mother's sweetheart, why did mother sell you? Mom is doing it for your own good, so ask your father if you don't believe me!" Zhang Huairen interjected, "Son! , your mother is right. If you can have the opportunity to work under Mr. Li, you will be lucky in your life." Zhang Jinlong looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "You all admire a person so much, it can be seen that this Mr. Li must have something special about him. But I’m already so old, I have my own business—whether I want to work for the Mr. Li you mentioned, I’ll wait until I have a chance to see him in person.”

Zhang Huairen nodded, and said: "What you said is also reasonable. Your own future should be left to you to decide. Well, let's not talk about this, boy, call your girlfriend Sang Yan immediately, and ask her to give up immediately. Come to Paris by plane. Since she is your girlfriend, she should share the blessings and hardships with you! You travel around the world alone, carefree, but leave others there to work hard. This is not what a man should do. thing."

Zhang Huairen's words made Zhang Jinlong's eyes widen in surprise, looking at Zhang Huairen and asking: "Father, you mean to invite Sang Yan to travel around the world with us?" Zhang Huairen said aloud: "Why? Didn’t you say that it’s not easy for you to meet each other? With such a good opportunity, it’s like you’re traveling on your honeymoon in advance. What’s wrong with that?” , one more person, the cost will increase a lot," Zhang Jinlong said in a nasty voice.

"That's right, Zhang, don't be impulsive. Although you just paid out a bonus of 500 million yuan, you can't stand it." Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but said.Zhang Huairen glanced at the mother and son, and couldn't help laughing.Mrs. Zhang pinched him vigorously, and said, "It's fine, why are you laughing?" Zhang Huairen turned to look at her, and said solemnly, "My wife, I want to apologize to you, because I hid my private money." "Ah? You old man, you dare to hide your private money, don't you make it clear that you want to rebel? Tell me, where and how much money did you hide?" Mrs. Zhang heard ,' He stared at Zhang Huairen viciously, and asked repeatedly.

Seeing that his wife was about to lose his temper, Zhang Huairen hurriedly said: "My wife, my wife, listen to me. It's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm afraid that if I tell you, you can't bear it. If you get a heart attack, Then I can't afford it." After hearing what Zhang Huairen said, Mrs. Zhang became even more annoyed, and couldn't help scolding softly, "Are you looking down on me? Am I as worthless as you said?" Zhang Huairen coughed One sound, one word at a time, said: "Then you listen carefully. I have hidden 1000 million and [-] million!"

"It's only 1000 million or 30 million. What's the big deal... wait, you... How much do you say?" Mrs. Zhang's eyes suddenly widened, as if they were about to jump out of their sockets.Zhang Jinlong was also taken aback, he froze there as if he had been electrocuted, looking at Zhang Huairen with disbelief and deep shock.Seeing the expressions of the mother and son, Zhang Huairen was very unhappy, and with a bright smile on his face, he said to the two: "How about it, are you scared? I, Zhang Huairen, am now a real billionaire, hahaha!" "You—what you said is true?" Mrs. Zhang's voice was soaring that she couldn't even speak clearly.Zhang Huairen nodded heavily, and said: "We have been married for almost [-] years, when have I ever cheated on you?"

"You-are you going to rob a bank? How do you have such money?" Because the amount was too large, Mrs. Zhang seemed a little scared.Zhang Huairen looked at her and said, "I knew you would have such an expression after hearing this, so I didn't tell you at the beginning."

"Dad, that's a total of 1000 million. You can't earn so much money even if you don't eat or drink. Dad, what's going on here, please tell me quickly, so that my mother and I won't worry?" Zhang Jin Long also looked at Zhang Huairen nervously and said.Zhang Huairen smiled, and said hehehe: "Actually, I still have to thank Mr. Li. He helped me earn the 1000 million yuan. As for what happened, don't ask me. The source of the money is absolutely There is no problem, you can spend it at ease, don't worry!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhang Jinlong, Zuo Chengzhe, "Why don't you call Sang Yan quickly, boy, and tell him to come over quickly?"

"Dad, I'm one..." Zhang Jinlong was still a little worried, Mrs. Zhang said, "Okay, you can go! I have been with your father for half my life, and I know it best. Your father is an honest man and a criminal." He won’t do things about Ke.” “Well! Then I’ll go! If Sang Yan hears the news, she will go crazy with joy! Paris has always been the place she yearns for the most. Hehe.” After listening to Mrs. Zhang Zhang Jinlong was relieved and said with a smile full of excitement. "Then what are you doing here, hurry up! Your mother and I can't wait to see our future daughter-in-law!" Zhang Huairen urged anxiously.Zhang Jinlong didn't delay any longer, and ran to the telephone booth by the side of the road as if flying.

After Zhang Jinlong left, Mrs. Zhang immediately stretched out a hand to Zhang Huairen, and said in a low voice, "Bring it!" Zhang Huairen looked bitter, and asked, pretending to be confused, "What are you taking?" Mrs. Zhang held her hand restlessly. Put it on his chest, and said faintly: "Are you pretending to be confused with me?" Feeling the huge threat from Mrs. Zhang's hand, Zhang Huairen smiled wryly, and said: "That's a whole hundred million, are you really Dare to take it?" Mrs. Zhang snorted and said, "If I remember correctly just now, it should be 1000 million. You can't lose a penny, and turn it all in!"

"You are too poisonous!" Zhang Huairen said with a bitter face.Mrs. Zhang giggled and said, "Of course, otherwise how could I marry you Zhang Huairen? Giggle."

Sure enough, just as Zhang Jinlong said, when Sang Yan heard the news that Zhang Huairen invited her to travel around the world with their family, she was so excited that she almost fainted on the spot. She immediately packed her things and took the earliest flight to Paris.When Zhang Huairen and his wife saw Sang Yan, they all praised Zhang Jinlong for his unique vision.Sang Yan is indeed a very good girl. Her excellence is not only reflected in her beautiful appearance, but also in her connotation and wisdom.

In the whole world, there are very few women who can combine wisdom and beauty, but Sang Yan is definitely one of them.

After meeting with Zhang Huairen's family, the group of four officially started their journey around the world.

At the same time, Francis also returned to Country M.Upon returning to country M, Francis did not convene a board meeting immediately, but brought a sample of 'blood steel' to a secret military base in country M.Francis seemed to be very familiar with this military base, and he went straight to the core of the base, General Jonathan's office, without hindrance.

(End of this chapter)

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