The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1597 The Sword Points at Gao Yuanyuan!

Chapter 1597 The Sword Points at Gao Yuanyuan!
Jonathan smiled, and said faintly: "You all don't know, but Gao Yuanyuan is actually one of Li Xiaogang's women and the woman Li Xiaogang loves deeply.

If we catch her, it will undoubtedly be a trump card, enough to make Li Xiaogang docile to us! When Jonakin heard this, he immediately frowned, and said in a deep voice, "General, you should think about it."Gao Yuanyuan's current status is very unusual.

If we move him, maybe the world will be in chaos.Even if the Huaxia people don't pursue it, those politicians from country M alone will cause a lot of trouble for you, general. "

Jonathan sneered, and said, "We have the president behind us in Area 51, what can those politicians do to us? In addition, we operate secretly to keep people from knowing who kidnapped Gao Yuanyuan. Others may not suspect it." to us."

"But there is one more thing. As far as I know, Gao Yuanyuan is in country M and is heavily protected by the Chinese Federation. There are not many experts around her all day long. If you want to touch her, I'm afraid you have to take a big risk. And it’s not necessarily successful.”

Xizhen expressed her worries.

"Yes, General.

Since Gao Yuanyuan is Li Xiaogang's woman, Li Xiaogang will definitely not ignore her safety.

Since he was able to lurk a master of the sky thorn in Tianma Metallurgy, there is no guarantee that he would not also place a master of the sky thorn beside Gao Yuanyuan.

If we encounter the sky thorn again, then we may still end in failure. "

Jonakin also said.

"You guessed it right. Li Xiaogang has indeed planted experts around Gao Yuanyuan. Not only Gao Yuanyuan, but all Li Xiaogang's friends and relatives are surrounded by special experts for protection. This is a lesson learned by the spies of countless countries. Recognized. However, it doesn’t matter. Just tonight, there will be a grand banquet in the White House, and Gao Yuanyuan is also invited. The president will be present at this party in person, so the level of vigilance is very high. Except for those attending the meeting Except for the personnel, the bodyguards of all the personnel will be kept out of the White House. We will start at the banquet, and no matter how many experts Li Xiaogang has placed beside her, she can only stare blankly!" Jonathan said with a sneer.

"It is indeed feasible to do something at the banquet, but the question is how do we bring people out? Gao Yuanyuan is attending a banquet in the White House, and her bodyguards will definitely be waiting outside the White House. If they see us bringing Gao Yuanyuan out, they will definitely will find out.

Especially the masters of the sky thorn, it is very difficult to hide it from their eyes. "

Jonakin murmured.

"Hehe, I have already thought of a countermeasure for this. There is a secret passage underground in the White House. The purpose of building this secret passage was to transfer the president and his family to the White House one day. I will report to the President Ming, if we borrow this passage to transfer Gao Yuanyuan tonight, then no one will notice." Jonathan said confidently.

After listening to Jonathan's words, Jonakin pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "If this is the case, then the chance of success is indeed great.

Just, are you sure the president will let us do this? "Jonathan laughed and said: "To tell you the truth, I have reported the time of 'Blood Steel' to the President.The president instructed that as long as we can get 'blood steel', we can do whatever it takes! " Dispelling the last doubt, the four of Jonakin stopped talking.

Jonathan glanced at them and said, "Since you are all fine, you should hurry back and take a rest. I am afraid that this task will still fall on you. I know that you are all injured and very tired, but The fewer people who know about this secret passage under the White House, the better. So it can only be you.

Jonakin said in a trembling voice: "General, you don't have to worry about us. No matter how badly we are injured or how tired we are, we will complete this task. Even if we make up for it!"

Jonathan nodded with a smile, and said, "In that case, go back and prepare. Xizhen, this is the invitation letter for the banquet. Then you will be responsible for attacking the target at the banquet and leading her into the tunnel. Joe Nakin, Philly, McCain, you should support in the tunnel in advance. After receiving the person, transport them here secretly through the tunnel immediately, so that no one can find out, understand?" "Understood!" Jonakin four Everyone responded in unison, turned around and walked out of Jonathan's office, going back to get ready.

After sending Jonakin and the others away, Jonathan let out a long breath, sat down on the chair slowly, and looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

All that appeared in his mind was Li Xiaogang's figure, sometimes right in front of his eyes, sometimes far away in the sky, but no matter what, Jonathan could see it, but couldn't touch it, which made his heart feel like a big stone was crushed Yes, out of breath.

Just as Jonathan was deep in thought, the phone on the desk rang quickly, waking him up.

Jonathan frowned, and casually picked up the phone. Francis' anxious voice immediately came from the other end of the phone, "General, have you got 'Blood Steel'?" Jonakin said lightly: "No."

Francis became anxious as soon as he heard it, and said repeatedly: "General, why don't you act? You must know that time is running out! To tell you the truth, I am under more and more pressure now. At the beginning, I asked those The shareholders promised that I would be able to obtain the real information of "Blood Steel" and let GM achieve greater glory. Those shareholders then continued to trust me. Not only did they not withdraw their capital, but they increased their investment.

If I let them know that I won't get 'Blood Steel' for a long time, if they lose their patience, GM will be finished soon!Waiting for Francis Rory to finish his wordy words, Jonathan said impatiently, "How do you know that I haven't acted yet? Let me tell you the truth, I have already dispatched my men The strongest combat team, but unfortunately, they failed."

"Shiyi failed? How is this possible? General, are you kidding me? Aren't all the people under your command the best in the entire country of M? They can't even deal with a small Longhao Group." ?” Francis asked repeatedly in disbelief.

Jonathan snorted coldly, and shouted: "You are just a businessman, how do you know how amazing the background of the Longhao Group is?" Francis was silent for a while, and said loudly: "General, I don't care about the Longhao Group. The background is amazing, I only hope that you can get the 'Blood Steel' in the shortest possible time, otherwise, my side is over! Jonathan said coldly: "Okay, I see.Since I promised you that I would make your hands tremble with 'Blood Steel', I will never break my promise.This time it failed, but I have launched the second operation, so you can continue to wait for the news! After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone heavily.

Listening to the beeping voice coming from the receiver, Francis was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Old bastard, when I ask for money, I act like a dog. I'm asking for your head." It’s on, so Master Lingqi is here?” After speaking, Francis threw the phone aside.

After much deliberation, Francis felt that it was better to ask for others than to ask for himself. Instead of placing all hope on others, it would be more practical to be self-reliant.

So, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed a series of numbers, and said to the microphone: "Let Huang Ziwen listen to the phone!" After a while, Huang Ziwen's respectful words came from the other end of the phone: "Is it Mr. Francis?" , I'm Huang Ziwen, hello! "What a fart!" "Francis didn't wait for Huang Ziwen's voice to fall, and opened his mouth to curse: "I'm about to be bankrupted by you bastard, can I get better?" "

Huang Ziwen said in embarrassment when he heard it: "Mr. Francis, don't be angry, I know, it was my fault before, and I will try my best to make up for it." "Huang Ziwen, listen to me! If I get 'Blood Steel', then everyone will be happy, hello and me! But if I don't get it, hey, I'll die, and you don't want to live!" Yes, yes, I understand, I understand! "Huang Ziwen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said repeatedly.

Francis said coldly: "I ask you, what is the result of your tracking Zhang Huairen?" Huang Ziwen hurriedly replied: "We just got the news that Zhang Huairen's family has arrived in Greece now, and we are preparing to fly there by plane.

Zhang Huairen should be found soon, don't worry! ""good!If you find Zhang Huairen, I will consider you a great meritorious service.If you can't find it, you just wait to die! "After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jonathan didn't get any good news, and Francis finally got some comfort from Huang Ziwen, and his heart was full of hope again.

In Country M, Hong Tao and Gao Yuanyuan are having lunch together in a well-decorated Chinese restaurant.

Now that the Chinese Federation is very mature, Hong Tao, as the host, has started to do nothing and has nothing to do all day long.

Almost joined Shu Wenyu and continued to be their flying robber.Now protecting Gao Yuanyuan's safety has become his only task.

During the days when she came to country M, Gao Yuanyuan met too many people and dealt with too many things, and she became more mature, which added a different charm and charm to her already beautiful, Even more touching.

It's no wonder that Gao Yuanyuan is so popular in the political circles of country M. With such a beauty of the fairy level, who can bear to not give her some face when she sees her?Pulling the last bite of rice into his mouth, Hong Tao wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "Even if I stayed in Country M for 100 years, I still think Chinese food is delicious and delicious! Hahaha!" Gao Yuanyuan looked at him Smiling and said: "Of course! Who told you to be a Chinese?" Hong Tao nodded and asked, "Sister-in-law, where are you going this afternoon?" Gao Yuanyuan said: "I'm going to meet some South M countries ambassador."

(End of this chapter)

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