The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1599 Operation White House!

Chapter 1599 Operation White House!

If he doesn't agree again, wouldn't he become a heinous person who ruined China's reputation?Hong Tao couldn't afford such a serious crime.

Turning his head to look at Gao Yuanyuan, he thought about it for a while, after all, this place is in the White House, so the security is at its peak, if he just leaves for a while, Gao Yuanyuan won't be in danger.

So he nodded and said with a smile: "Okay! In order not to spoil the reputation of our Huaxia people, I will go with you!" "Great, then come with me!" Holding Hong Tao's hand, he walked through the crowd.

It seems that the little girl is very familiar with the layout of the White House and should be a frequent visitor here.

But this did not arouse Hong Tao's suspicion. He only regarded the little girl as the daughter of a high-ranking official in country M.

The daughter of the president of country M is about the same age as her. As the playmate of the president's daughter, it is normal for her to frequently visit the White House. .

But Hong Tao didn't realize that not long after the little girl pulled him away, Xizhen appeared not far from Gao Yuanyuan in a full suit.

Looking at Gao Yuanyuan, Xizhen whispered to a beautiful diamond-encrusted brooch pinned to her chest collar: "Manli has lured Hong Tao away, can I start to act?" "Yes! Qiao Najin , Philip and McCain are also in place, hurry up!" After receiving the order from Jonathan, Xizhen no longer hesitated, and walked to Gao Yuanyuan's side with a warm and gentle smile on her face, and said to Gao Yuanyuan He whispered: "Miss Gao Yuanyuan, Mr. President wants to see you, please come with me!" After speaking, he sent away a group of dignitaries surrounding Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't doubt it and nodded.

Xizhen immediately said: "Please follow me!" After speaking, she led Gao Yuanyuan quickly through the crowd and walked to the depths of the White House.

Seeing that Xizhen led her away from the banquet hall, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help asking with some doubts: "Why isn't Mr. President in the living room?" Xizhen shook her head and said, "Mr. President has something to talk to you alone , so it’s not in the hall.”

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help raising her crescent eyebrows, and said suspiciously: "But as far as I know, Mr. President never meets guests alone at his home, especially us ambassadors from various countries!" Xizhen replied freely: "Yes , This is only the habit of Mr. President. But this matter is very important, and Mr. President can only make an exception once!" "It is very important? What is it?" Gao Yuanyuan was taken aback by Xizhen's words, Can't help but ask quietly.

Xizhen smiled and said, "Well, you will understand when you see Mr. President."

For a moment, Gao Yuanyuan's mind was only thinking about what the so-called big event in Xizhen's mouth was, but she forgot to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Under the leadership of Xizhen, the two left the banquet hall and unknowingly came to the underground of the White House.

It was like being far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and suddenly came to the wilderness where there were few people. The surrounding silence made Gao Yuanyuan suddenly wake up.

When Gao Yuanyuan realized that something was wrong around her, she stopped abruptly.

Even if the president of country M has something big to do, he will not arrange to meet her in such a place.

She couldn't help asking angrily, "No, who are you?" Seeing that Gao Yuanyuan had already seen through, Xizhen stopped acting, and said to Gao Yuanyuan with a slight smile, "Excuse me, I have no comment!" "You one" When Gao Yuanyuan heard that something was wrong, she subconsciously took a few steps back.

Xizhen hurriedly swiped behind Gao Yuanyuan and cut off her retreat.

He said coldly: "Miss Gao Yuanyuan, you've already arrived here, I advise you to cooperate with us obediently, otherwise, it's hard for me to guarantee that I won't hurt you."

"One of you, you are kidnappers?" Sa Han never imagined that in the heavily guarded White House, there would be kidnappers infiltrating. This is simply like a fantasy and unbelievable.

Xizhen chuckled and said, "As for our identities, you'd better stop guessing in vain, because it's impossible for you to guess. Please!"

Gao Yuanyuan's crescent eyebrows were tightly clustered, and she couldn't provide a way to escape in her mind, but here, it should be in the underground of the White House, even if she shouted her throat, the people in the hall would not be able to hear .And the only passage leading to the outside here was firmly controlled by Xizhen, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

"Do you know my identity? I am the Chinese ambassador to the United States. If you kidnap me, our Chinese government will definitely not let it go. At that time, Shi Xihao will affect the relationship between the two countries." Gao Yuanyuan tried hard Let Xizhen understand the terrible consequences of kidnapping her, and hope that she can move Xizhen and let her let herself go.

But before she finished speaking, Xizhen interrupted impatiently, and only heard Xizhen say coldly: "Don't tell me these things, I'm not interested in listening! I only know how to follow orders That's all.

Miss, if you still refuse to listen to me and follow me obediently, then I will have to resort to rude measures against you! "" You hateful kidnappers, lawless, will be punished one day! "Gao Yuanyuan shouted coquettishly, and suddenly exerted force, trying to knock Xizhen away, and fled away.

But Xizhen is one of the strongest fighters in Area 51. In her opinion, Gao Yuanyuan's last fight was nothing worth mentioning. She stepped aside slightly, and Gao Yuanyuan's strength was lost immediately. Under the domination of the body, the body staggered uncontrollably.

With a wave of Xizhen's hand, Gao Yuanyuan hit the back of the neck accurately with a knife, and Gao Yuanyuan fell down slowly with a groan.

After knocking Gao Yuanyuan unconscious, Xizhen put Gao Yuanyuan on her shoulder without any delay, and headed straight for the tunnel hidden under the White House.After successfully arriving there, under the escort of Jonakin, McKess, and Fili, they went straight to the base headquarters in Area 51. At this time, Hong Tao was still accompanying Manli looking for paper and pens.Seeing that there were ready-made paper and pens in front of Man Li's eyes, but she seemed to have not seen them, and kept looking around.Hong Tao couldn't help asking curiously: "There are so many papers and pens right in front of you, what are you looking for?" Manli snorted, picked up a piece of paper and said, "This kind of paper is so ordinary, why are you looking for it?" Wouldn’t it be insulting to let you sign your name on this?” Hong Tao’s brows could not help but wrinkled, and he said, “You still think it’s not good for this paper that is exclusively for the White House?”

Manli coughed lightly, and said, "It's not good anyway, I don't like it!" Hong Tao was a little used to Manli's waywardness, and said with a wry smile, "Well, what kind of picture do you want to find? Paper, may I find it for you?" Manli shook her head and said, "I don't know either." "What?" Hong Tao's face turned bitter when he heard this, and he said with a curled lip, "Little girl, you are not trying to amuse me, are you? Manli hurriedly said: "You misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I mean, I can't name the kind of paper I want, and when I find it, you will naturally know!"

Hong Tao casually glanced at the watch on his wrist, and said, "Then how long will you have to look for it?" Manli said, "Then how do I know?" Hong Tao was a little worried and left Gao Yuanyuan alone in the hall , said: "Okay then, you can search here slowly, and when you find it, go to the lobby and find me!" "No way! You want to run away, right?" He hugged Hong Tao's arm.Because she used too much force, her entire chest was tightly attached to Hong Tao's arm.Although Manli was only in her teens, her breasts had already developed surprisingly.That large lump of excellent meat made Hong Tao feel as if he was being touched by an electron, and he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Hong Tao's expression was completely fixed in Man Li's eyes, and a sly smile flashed across Man Li's face. Hong Tao rubbed vigorously on his arm.Hong Tao almost lost control of the more intense stabbing plan, and hastily pulled his hand out of Manli's arms, saying repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I've convinced you girl, I won't go, I'll accompany you to find it until Until you find it, okay?" Manli was overjoyed when she heard that, and gave Hong Tao a hard imprint on the cheek.

Hong Tao couldn't help but looked around with a guilty conscience, as if Shu Wenyu would suddenly jump out of nowhere.

After searching for a long time, Manli couldn't find any paper that satisfied Manli. Just when Hong Tao was getting impatient, the phone in Manli's pocket rang suddenly. Manli gave Hong Tao a charming smile, and then hurried away. Went out and answered the phone.After a while, he turned it over, picked up a piece of paper and a pen from the table and handed it to Hong Tao, and said with a smile: "Forget it, in order not to waste your time, I can only wrong you, right here Sign it!" Hong Tao shook his head, took the paper and pen, and said dumbfoundedly: "Since we knew this would happen, why did we go to such trouble and search for so long? By the way, what is your name? name?"

Manli raised her head and gave him a slight smile, and said, "I'll tell you when we meet next time, giggling." Hong Tao was startled for a moment, and then gave a wry smile, feeling that girls nowadays are more elusive than girls in the past .After swishing a few times, he signed his name on the piece of paper and handed it to Manli.Manli took a look, nodded in satisfaction, kissed Hong Tao's face quickly, and ran out like a butterfly with a series of clear and melodious laughter like wind chimes .

Caressing the place where Manli kissed again on his face, Hong Tao couldn't help but move again. After a long time, Hong Tao came back to his senses and couldn't help sighing, "The hero is really sad that beauty Guan , Ha ha," she shook her head after speaking, then turned and walked back to the banquet hall.But this time, Hong Tao searched every corner of the banquet hall, but he couldn't find Gao Yuanyuan anymore.Hong Tao's heart trembled violently, and sweat dripped from his forehead, ignoring the greetings from the people around him, Hong Tao rushed out of the White House quickly, and when he came outside the White House, Hong Tao shouted angrily, "Come out!" Before the shouts fell, a few shadows flew towards him at the same time from the hidden corners around the White House.The soldiers in charge of guarding the White House all opened their mouths in surprise when they saw this scene, as if they had seen a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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