The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1604 Calling!

Chapter 1604 Calling!

"A Tao, are you alright?" Shu Wenyu came up to meet him and asked Hong Tao with concern.Hong Tao smiled and said: "On the territory of Country M, no one who can make me troublesome has not yet been born!" Li Xiaogang frowned when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "Ah Tao, everyone is more and more The more mature you grow, the more impulsive you get! Since you know that this is the territory of country M. Then why do you dare to act recklessly? No matter how powerful your federation is, can it surpass the government of country M? Even the land under your feet belongs to others, what are you fighting with them?" After being reprimanded by Li Xiaogang, Hong Tao said with a bit of embarrassment: "Brother Gang, I am also in a hurry. Sister-in-law Gao Yuanyuan has been missing for more than a day , I am afraid that she will be in danger!" Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "If you do this, then your sister-in-law Gao Yuanyuan is the real danger!"

When Hong Tao heard this, he raised his head to look at Li Xiaogang in confusion, and asked, "Brother Gang, why don't I understand what you mean? By the way, how did you know that sister-in-law Gao Yuanyuan was kidnapped? I'm afraid You are worried, I have kept this matter a secret, and I didn’t even tell the leader.” Hearing this, Li Xiaogang couldn’t help snorting coldly, glared at Hong Tao, and said faintly: “Your brat is getting more and more courageous. The older you get, the more you dare to hide such a big thing as Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law's disappearance from me?" Hong Tao said with a wry smile, "I-I'm afraid you'll worry."

"All right, all right, don't think I'm a fool! I think you're afraid that I'll blame you, and that's the truth!" Li Xiaogang said with a curled lip.When Hong Tao heard this, he immediately turned his gaze to Shu Wenyu, and said, "I understand, Wen Yu, you were the one who notified Brother Gang, right?"Li Xiaogang said: "Don't wrong Wen Yu, she didn't tell me about Gao Yuanyuan's kidnapping." "Who is that?" Hong Tao asked puzzled.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said coldly, "It's the person who kidnapped Gao Yuanyuan."

"What!? Those bastards contacted you?" Hong Tao was taken aback when he heard that, and then asked in a warm and angry voice: "Who are they? Brother Gang, tell me quickly, I Send someone to level them up and bring my sister-in-law back!" Seeing Hong Tao's furious look, Li Xiaogang waved his hand at him and said, "Calm down, listen to me. Those who kidnapped Gao Yuanyuan this time are It's coming towards me. The other party's background is not small, otherwise he wouldn't be so courageous!" "I don't care what his background is, even if he is the king of heaven, are we still afraid of him? Brother Gang, you can give the order , I will act immediately!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "The person who kidnapped Gao Yuanyuan came from a secret organization in country M called Area 51. You have been in country M for so long, have you ever heard of such an organization?" Hong Tao couldn't help but frowned, thinking After a while, he shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it." Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "You can imagine the secrecy of an organization that you haven't even heard of. Let me tell you , this Area 51 is a secret organization directly controlled by the president of country M. It is very large, and it is unique in country M in terms of power and status."

"It seems that the people of M country are really not simple. Since the establishment of the Chinese Federation, I have paid special attention to the collection of intelligence. I thought my intelligence network had covered every corner of M country. But in my eyes There is such a huge organization under there, but I don't know it at all, it seems that I despise the people of country M." Hong Tao murmured solemnly.Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "There is nothing strange about this. A country as huge as Country M is also the hegemon of the world. It is impossible for them not to prepare a secret weapon for themselves."

"Brother Gang, since Area 51 kidnapped Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law, and Area 51 is directly controlled by the President of Country M, doesn't this mean that the President of Country M kidnapped Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law?" Hong Tao's expression suddenly perked up, and his eyes widened Looking at Li Xiaogang, he said.Li Xiaogang nodded lightly, and said quietly: "Basically, this can be concluded. Even if this matter was not planned by the President of Country M himself, it must have been approved by him!" Hearing that, Hong Tao couldn't help but slap his fists hard. He shook his hand very quickly, and shouted angrily: "Damn it! When I went to question him just now, he still acted innocent, making it clear that he was playing tricks on me! Brother Gang, just wait, I'm going to break into the White House right now , Sneak him here for you! If he doesn't send Gao Yuanyuan's sister-in-law back safe and sound, I'll tear his bones apart!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "That's why I said you are getting more and more impulsive. Although Area 51 is under his control, we have no direct evidence to prove that he ordered Gao Yuanyuan to be kidnapped. He can deny it completely." , we have no way to deal with him, not only can't control him, but will make him bite back and give you an opportunity to forcibly disband your Chinese Federation. Moreover, Gao Yuanyuan is still in their hands, we do this Gao Yuanyuan will be in danger by then!" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Hong Tao's face flashed with embarrassment, and he said in a bitter voice full of guilt: "Brother Gang, I was too impulsive, I didn't well considered!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "It's okay, I know, you are worried about Gao Yuanyuan, that's why you are like this. Now that I'm here, this matter can't be good. If you dare to touch Gao Yuanyuan in Area 51, I will let you go." It was wiped out! Let the president of country M eat Coptis chinensis dumb, and he can’t tell the pain!" "Yes! Brother Gang, you are so right! The people of country M dare to bully us so blatantly, it is against them. It is a lesson not to be cruel. Teach them a lesson, let them feel the pain to the bone, they will never remember this lesson! Brother Gang, what do you plan to do, I will fully cooperate with you!" Hong Tao shouted loudly, patting his chest.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said quietly: "Forget it, you are the president of the Chinese Federation, you have a special status, it's better to keep a low profile, if you are caught, you will be in big trouble. I will settle this matter by myself!" "Brother Gang, what can we do if you are alone?" Hong Tao disagreed and said with a frown.Li Xiaogang glanced at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Why, do you have doubts about my strength?" Hong Tao hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, I didn't mean that, I mean, the people of country M are cunning and treacherous, one more The more people there are, the more guarantees..."

Li Xiaogang interrupted him with a smile, and said: "Don't say any more, I know your mind very well. Since you became the president of the Chinese Federation, you are high above you, and you don't have to do everything yourself. You are a little free." Going crazy, so I want to have some fun. Hehe—I'm right, right?" Hong Tao seemed embarrassed when Li Xiaogang said exactly what was on his mind.With a wry smile, he said faintly: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, Brother Gang, hehe, but, Brother Gang, you just promise me! Didn't you say that my cultivation base has regressed? Think about it, I If you are pampered and pampered every day, how can there be any reason not to regress?"

Li Xiaogang said seriously: "A Tao, you are now the president of the Chinese Federation. There are millions of overseas Chinese in country M. They can't count on the government of country M, they can only count on you! These people have lived in country M. Whether you are good or not, whether you are bullied or not depends entirely on you alone. You have such a heavy responsibility on your shoulders, but you cannot do whatever you want. The president of country M can kidnap Gao Yuanyuan, but you cannot follow his example and do whatever you want. If the Chinese Federation collapses, the Chinese in the United States will never be able to hold their heads up, do you understand?"

"Brother Gang, you are so right to teach him a lesson. This guy can't rest for a moment just thinking about causing trouble. If this continues, the Chinese Federation will definitely be destroyed in his hands!" Shu Wenyu was full of anger. Agreeing, she said softly on the side.Hong Tao coughed in embarrassment, and said: "I'm not as exaggerated as you said, I'm not an idiot." Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "Whether what Wen Yu said is true or exaggerated, you have to wake up. If in the future, you really screwed up the China Federation, I will really make you look good!"

Hong Tao smiled wryly and said, "Okay, okay, Brother Gang, Wenyu, are you two holding a criticism meeting for me? Don't worry, I, Hong Tao, will take care of myself! Brother Gang, since you won't let me go , then you can deal with Area 51 by yourself. However, if you need me, you must speak up!" Li Xiaogang smiled at him and said, "You think I'm a fool? When I need you, Naturally I will speak." Hong Tao nodded and asked, "Brother Gang, when do you plan to act?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "I am waiting for their call. As soon as the call arrives, I will act immediately!"

Hong Tao said: "What are you waiting for? I don't believe that you don't know where Area 51 is hiding. Wouldn't it be fun to just go to the door and kill them?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: " No matter what, Area 51 is also a very important secret organization in country M. If it is just wiped out like this, it may cause an uproar. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future, we must first firmly grasp the truth in our hands. "

As soon as Li Xiaogang's words fell to the ground, the cell phone in his pocket rang.Li Xiaogang took it out to have a look, smiled slightly, and said to Hong Tao, "Here we are." Then he made a phone call.As soon as the phone was connected, Jonathan's dissatisfied voice came from the other end: "Mr. Li, didn't you say that you would leave for country M immediately? Why haven't you arrived yet! Could it be you Don't you care about Miss Gao Yuanyuan's life?" Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Who said I haven't left yet? I'm already in country M." You?" Jonathan said repeatedly, full of surprise and doubt.

Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said faintly: "It can only show that the intelligence network of your ministry is not leak-proof." "Are you really in country M now?" The sensual entry into Country M obviously surprised Jonathan, and he couldn't believe it.Li Xiaogang snorted impatiently, and said, "I'm very busy, I don't have time to joke with you! Come on, how do we meet?"

(End of this chapter)

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