The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1616 Youth forever

Chapter 1616 Youth forever
As soon as the two left, the Minister of National Defense came in and said to the President of Country M: "Mr. President, according to the latest news, Miss Gao Yuanyuan has returned." The President of Country M waved his hand and said, "I already know." "Yes." Already?" The Minister of Defense asked with some surprise and doubt. Naturally, the president of country M would not mention the matter of Area 51 with him, and said impatiently: "Do you have anything else to do? If not, go out first, I want to be alone!"

Seeing that the president was in a bad mood, the Minister of Defense frowned and asked cautiously: "Mr. President, there is also a mysterious Chinese man who appeared with Gao Yuanyuan. I am sending someone to check his identity. I think he is very Suspicious one" "What did you say?" the president of country M jumped up his upper body as if he had been electrocuted, stared at the Minister of Defense in shock, and asked angrily.The Minister of Defense didn't expect such a big reaction from the president of country M, so he couldn't help but froze. The president of country M roared angrily: "Who told you to act on your own initiative? You bastard! Call all your people back immediately. Don't provoke the Chinese men around Gao Yuanyuan. If it causes big trouble, I'll kill you!" about you!"

The Minister of Defense looked at the President in astonishment, and asked, "Mr. President, do you know the identity of that Chinese man?" Nonsense, of course the President of Country M knew that the person next to Gao Yuanyuan was Li Xiaogang, but he would not Explained to him, just snorted coldly, and said: "Do as I say! You shouldn't know, don't ask!" Although he was full of deep doubts, but facing the thunder of the president of country M, Angry, the Minister of Defense didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he had to say honestly: "Yes, I will withdraw my people immediately. But there is one more thing, I want to remind Mr. President!" Detour with me!" The President of Country M shouted impatiently. "It's about the Chinese Federation. I think it's better to take action against them sooner rather than later. With the current situation of the Chinese Federation, it's growing every minute. We can't wait any longer!" The President of Country M shook his head and said: "Let's put the matter of the Chinese Federation aside, it's not time to deal with them." The president knew in his heart that Li Xiaogang was standing behind the Chinese Federation and wanted to move the Chinese Federation, which would undoubtedly be tantamount to declaring war on Li Xiaogang.After hearing Xizhen's words, he also felt that it was not wise to confront Li Xiaogang head-on.He couldn't take a hit like Area 1 anymore.

In order to deal with the Chinese Federation, the Minister of Defense has already launched various preparations. Just when he was about to launch an ambitious operation, he did not expect the President to stop it suddenly. This made him very disappointed and strange at the same time.

He just felt that the president in front of him was getting more and more confused.However, if he learned that his Mr. President had just suffered a big loss at the hands of Li Xiaogang, he would not feel so confused.

"Mr. President, if the Chinese Federation continues to grow, it will be too detrimental to our country M. You should think twice!" The Minister of Defense said unwillingly. The president of country M couldn't help but glared at him fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Did Hong Tao seduce your wife? Are you so eager to make an enemy of him?" "Mr. President, what do you mean? Are you Do you think I am determined to deal with the Chinese Federation because of my personal enmity with Hong Tao? Then you are wrong. Although I dislike Hong Tao, there is no enmity between us. I am all for the benefit of our country! "The Minister of Defense opened his mouth a little excitedly.

The President of Country M snorted coldly and said, "If it's really for the benefit of our Country M, let's put aside the matter of dealing with the Chinese Federation first. I have my reasons, but I don't want to explain them to you now. You go out Come on, I want to be alone!" The president of country M issued an order to evict the minister of defense.Full of bewilderment and doubts, the Minister of Defense turned and walked out helplessly.

At the same time, Gao Yuanyuan took Li Xiaogang to her home in Country M, a delicate and beautiful villa.The yard is full of peonies and roses, which are both beautiful and show Chinese characteristics.As a Chinese ambassador, Gao Yuanyuan has really done a good job. "What's the matter? What are you looking at?" Gao Yuanyuan opened the door, turned her head and saw Li Xiaogang looking behind them non-stop, and couldn't help asking curiously.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said, "Nothing! There was a tail following us just now, but now it suddenly disappeared, which is a little strange."

Gao Yuanyuan giggled and said, "I think you are allergic. This is the safest place in country M. No one will do us any harm." Li Xiaogang pouted and said, "That's not necessarily true. No matter how safe it is here, Can it be safe in the White House? People have been kidnapped in the White House, let alone here!" Gao Yuanyuan said bitterly: "Then the person who wants to kidnap me is not the president of country M! Of course I stay where It's not safe anymore. But this time, the president of country M has suffered a lot from you, I think he won't dare to kidnap me again, right?"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "That's the way it is. Maybe the president of country M is an idiot who cares about eating but not fighting?" Gao Yuanyuan shook her head and said, "I and the president of country M are also considered I am familiar with it, in my opinion, he should be regarded as a wise head of state. The same mistake will never be made a second time!" Li Xiaogang shrugged his shoulders and said: "I hope that as you said, Otherwise, I will make him unable to eat and walk around!" "Okay! Knowing that you are amazing, come in!" After speaking, he dragged Li Xiaogang into the villa.

As soon as he walked into this villa, Li Xiaogang's heart suddenly warmed up.I saw that the walls of the villa, as long as there were gaps, were covered with photos and posters of Li Xiaogang.Gao Yuanyuan looked at the photos on the wall, and murmured: "Everyone thinks that I am so beautiful in country M, but they don't know that I am also lonely and need comfort. Fortunately, there are these photos and my Be your companion and help me through my most difficult time!"

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, Li Xiaogang couldn't help hugging Gao Yuanyuan in his arms full of pity, and comforted him: "Yuanyuan, if you feel that staying in country M is too hard, please come back with me! From now on, no matter Wherever I go, I will take you with me, and I will never make you feel lonely and difficult again."

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Gao Yuanyuan looked at him with a smile and said, "Husband, I'm not complaining to you when I tell you this. I just want you to know how much I miss you. Actually, I only found out after I arrived in country M. The place where I can use my talents is to find a place where I can really display my value. I like to be an ambassador and fight for dignity and interests on behalf of us Chinese people, and you have also seen how good I am, right?" Gao Yuanyuan Man said to Li Xiaogang seriously.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said: "Yuanyuan, is this your real idea? I don't want you to be wronged because you want to perfunctory me." mouth, giggling and said: "Of course, I didn't think so stupid!" Gao Yuanyuan's face suddenly turned red, and her eyes were blurred looking at Li Xiaogang, full of shyness, and her voice was like a mosquito. Na said: "Husband, didn't you say that you want to make me 'happy'? What are you waiting for?" As he spoke, a pair of small hands began to walk restlessly on Li Xiaogang's chest.

Li Xiaogang grabbed Gao Yuanyuan's weird little hand, and said in surprise, "Honey, when did you become so perverted? Even if you want to, it can't be now, it's broad daylight now!" After listening to Li Xiaogang Then Gao Yuanyuan's face became even redder, and she looked up at Li Xiaogang, and said, "You are a big villain, didn't you say you want to come back?" Li Xiaogang laughed haha ​​and said: "My dear! Yes, you are so cute! You misunderstood me, I didn’t want to do that, but I wanted you to eat this.” Then, Li Xiaogang took out a Zhuyan Pill from the Qiankun Ring .

Gao Yuanyuan asked curiously: "What is this?" Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "This is the Zhuyan Pill that can make you stay young forever and never grow old after eating it." Gao Yuanyuan is obviously no exception to the greatest wish of beauties. He looked at Li Xiaogang with an excited expression, and asked, "Really? Is there really such a magical thing in the world?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Of course! Do you think I will lie to you, your husband? Ronger, Linger and Song Shuang, they have already eaten, and you are the only one left!"

"No wonder! No wonder when I made a video with them, I found that they were much prettier than before, so I ate this! Dude, I was the first to meet you, why was it the last to get this?" Gao Yuanyuan was so jealous He stared at Li Xiaogang and asked coquettishly.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "You are so far away from me, even if I wanted to give it to you, I wouldn't be able to give it to you? If you weren't kidnapped, maybe you wouldn't have this chance! Well, eat it quickly, I'll help you You protect the Dharma!" In order to take Zhuyan Pill earlier and realize the dream of eternal youth earlier, Gao Yuanyuan didn't care about making trouble with Li Xiaogang, so she hurriedly swallowed Zhuyan Pill, and then followed Li Xiaogang's assistance to start absorbing the power of the medicine Come.

About two hours later, Gao Yuanyuan came out of the bathroom. Sai Xue's skin, which was already blown to pieces, was now smooth and tender like a baby, rosy in pink, and full of incomparable temptations in her health, which made her feel like a baby. One couldn't help but want to pounce on it and take a bite.The radical change made Gao Yuanyuan radiant, which can sting people's eyes. People with a little unsteady will, even if they just take a look at it, they will be confused and fascinated. It can be seen what kind of drastic changes Zhuyan Pill has brought to Gao Yuanyuan .I'm afraid that from now on, Gao Yuanyuan's whirlwind will become more and more courageous in the political arena of country M.It's hard to imagine, in front of such a beautiful goddess-like Gao Yuanyuan, who else can say 'no'.

(End of this chapter)

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